CC RESOLUTION 629� -). 629. �UL Oi, J!" �_ �Y L "_ L, Y L L'i SAO, GrL_ IA, vU! ' 0- r DL C_RL11"iCA_'- _- LO'i 7, -LOG- 10, 'C :: G L' 10',55, 1C'1 3, uLOGt_ 39, 1_ -L �WUII � A0 11,ACI,� tYe Cit, of El Segundo did buy tax deed from the County Tax Collector of Los Ain eles County to Lot 7, block 10, in Tract _ o. 1 r5, :.s per gook 21 P� e y of aps, � eeords of Lcs Aai,- eles Count;,, and Lot 3, Llocl: 3t', in Ll oe: undo, as per gook 22, 'a..es 5L, -55 of aps, ttecords of Los vi:, elos County, and LkLAS, said deed from said Coune�. 'iaa Gollector was },erctotore oaf the 1)t- cay of Lu�-ust, 1 -)42, accede(. oy and on oe' alf o2 u, e City of hl Sa -undo, and said two t ircel,s of real _ -nrrty are re i,,tered u�,ucr tine Le �d re , is trat _on ,cc (lorrens Title), and ,'�hLAS, it is renrireb by saic Lane He,istration 'cc Lr,at before certificate of title can be issued by tr,e Lsnd rte ,istrar a,-d aelivered to t_e City of i.l Segundo, there mist be on file in t,e Jifice of t e Lane Re,,istrar tra-isferee +s affidavit a,al rece pt for duolicate certificate, a. d it is t e opinion of t is Council , at s-,c, certificate of title should oe accuireJ by tre City of L1 ae�undo, _ U t, i `v,t , Pi iS - -a„nY :tiaCLTLD, iOLL0 iS: SLCTiO 1: T' at t: e 1 a or a r' the Cit-,� Clerk are Y ere oy Put} orized ana instructed to execute tre, aferee � s sii idevlu ar_Q receij,t i'or du,,licuce certificate in the foss E� 6 as rem lred by t3 e '�e_istrar of i,ar.a itlos, Lcs An,eles County, ar � t',ct t- e City Clerk is ti erect' aut!�ori2ed and instructed to place thereon cne official seal of the G_ty of L1 de uriao, California. ot;C''IIU 2: Tnat tre City Clerk ,s riereoy aut''orizec e d i�istructeo to c.el_ver said uransfereets affidavit arc receipt for dl,rl'cate certi- ficate, as so executed, to Join F. Leuder, Spec' al City ittor_,ey, and sG it John '�'. oender is '.,ereby aut,' prized a a instructed to cause t -e saae to oe delivered to the He; istrar of Land ',']ties, Los tir,, eles County, ano to obtain from said rte,,istrar of Lary '�'itles .uriicate certificate of title as to Lot 7, Lloca 10, it tract c. 10`5, anu Lot 3, olocr. 9�, in -1- V1 _'tact. 19L2. Passed, arcroved a, a�,on�e, , t:--is l0tY, day of �epteniuer, ,,ay or of t- 70- Y (C'7 1 tee, undo, California CUI'l i Y L03 :i GAL-"b 33. I, VIC'T',R D. :!eG��1�;Y, City Clerk of the Citj of sl See-undo, California, Go nereby certify t'-,et c' e wl olo numoer of _ er °bers of rl�e City Council of t,,e said City is five; t �t t.-e fore,_oin, rescluLicn, oeir,, ttesolvtion ,,o. 629 , was passed and adopted oy the said City Council, approved and signed by t")e ::a� or of said C' ty , a -il attested by tr_e City Clerk of said City, all at arte_ular meetinlJ of said Council reld on the loth day of Septeflber, 1942, and ti,at t'�e same waG so passed and - aopted by t',e iolleviinE vote, to -wit: A t' Councilmen - Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love. C), O: Councilmen - None. A.O'L' T: Councilmen - None. -2-