CC RESOLUTION 619U. 619. Rr�ULU'iIUiv Or I.iz!, CITY CUU „C -L, CITY �ls EL SEGU!vDO, CALIFORi.IA, AUTi0RISI,,G i'rp, EXERCISE UP' Or'i'IOi� AGRLCir..`P '10 2URC,1Asn ciR'TAIi, TAX DhLDS F Oi.: �Iin CObi'TY `PAX CULLLCTOA, COL_,2)Y Of LOS 4,.,D AU`P UrtILILG ter_ ISt,UA1,Cr, A 411?,ttA.�T rU_, '_OLL '1' P till I,' 01 The City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does hereby resolve, declare and determine, as follows: SLCTIOr4 1: That the City of L1 Setur_do, California does hereby exercise option to purchase tax deeds from the County Tax,Collector, County of Los Angeles, California, on tre hereinafter described parcels of property, and for t-e purcrase price indicated after the description of said parcels (The option agreement number is set out immediately precedin the property description): Option Agree- Property Description Purchase ment ,(umber Lot 3lock bract Price L3 11 9 1685 OP6.78 h -3 7 10 1685 66.30 43 15 (with ex of the street)12 1685 135.02 113 10 (with ex of the street)13 1685 91.88 43 12 (with ex of the street)13 1695 133.63 43 43 - 2540 15.00 43 51 - 2540 15.00 43 59 - 2540 15.00 43 6o - 2540 23.77 43 61 - 2540 15.00 43 62 - 2540 15.00 43 1 - 6968 15.00 43 2 - 6968 15.00 43 3 - 6968 15.65 43 4 - 6968 33.43 43 6 - 6968 50.67 43 5 - 9549 15.00 43 1 - 10076 36.90 43 2 - 10076 15.00 43 3 - 10076 15 -00 43 4 - 10076 15.00 43 5 - 10076 19.00 Option Agree- Property Description Purehase ment 1,umber Lot block Tract 'Price 43 2 10 hl Set,undo Tract 4p15.00 43 1 10 It it If 15.00 43 3 10 If it If 15.00 43 4 10 if It if 15.00 43 5 10 it it It 15.00 43 8 11 it it if 15.00 43 9 11 41.67 43 10 11 it „ 32.39 43 13 11 It 31.63 43 27 11 it 15.00 43 29 11 15.00 43 35 11 15.00 43 3 13 If 72.23 43 17 13 „ „ it Wf -85 43 18 13 if If 67.28 43 13 14 If If it 15.00 43 14 14 if if it 20.99 43 1 16 it It if 52.80 43 2 17 if It if 57.80 43 5 18 if If it 5.62 43 14 19 It it „ 53.13 43 3 20 ° It If 55.61 43 21 22 If if if 26.07 43 10 23 If if It 15.00 43 11 23 It 11 If 15.00 43 12 23 If If It 15.00 43 13 23 it If N 15.00 43 25 12 It 1' it 34.77 43 3 25 If If It 19.25 43 4 �7 it If „ 49.14 43 5 27 it If If 32.54 43 2 39 „ it if 15.00 43 3 39 It It It 15.00 2. Option Agree- ment ivumber Lot Property vescri k Aion dock Tract Yurc:ase price i 43 43 43 li3 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 4 zo 1 2 3 8 12 16 33 4 1 18 19 26 14 18 27 12 13 19 20 35 36 1 7 2 6 7 39 1,1 Segundo 42 it it 43 ° it 43 43 i+ « 43 It If 43 it ,t 43 If it 43 43 IT It 44 It it If it 44 „ „ 58 If if 58 „ It 58 „ +, 59 '� If 59 " it 59 „ 59 it It 59 It it 59 „ ti 66 11 't 68 „ it 73 n it 74 „ tt Tract '015.0 11 x-5.18 It 21.21 it 15.00 If 15-00 If 15.00 It 15.00 Is 15.00 it 49.58 it 67. �9 if 15.00 ++ 15.00 ++ 15.00 it 15.00 +t 15.00 If 33.,2 If 3440 it 34.40 IT 21.66 it 15.00 it 15.22 it 27.65 If 15-00 it 15.00 it 18.91 If 15.00 43 43 43 11 22 6 74 „ 75 76 if it it If It 15.00 to 17.03 „ 72.83 43 43 27 4 76 ,t 92 t, to If it 15.00 of 242.19 43 S. of 92ft of � 187ft (Ex „ St, o _f Lot 42 96 It it 78.03 43 s. Lot 46ft (Ex of st) of 96 „ 5, „ it 47.96 3. Option Agree- Property Description r'urclase ment icumber Lot Kock Lract Price 43 i" 46 ft of s. 138 ft of ;? 15.00 Lot 6 96 El Segundo 'Tract 43 iv 46 ft of S 92 ft of Lot 6,9b " " " 15.00 43 s. 46 ft of Lot 6 96 it " It 15.00 43 S. 54.25 ft of ,. 162.5 ft of Lot 1, 98 It it it 22.01 43 iv. 54 ft. of Lot 1 98 19,78 43 S. 54.25 ft of N. 108025 ft of Lot 11 98 " " " 15,05 43 S. 235 ft of 1,. 275 ft. of Lot 10, 99 n u n 229.13 43 s. 40 ft of Lot 7, 105 " " " 54-53 43 iV. 50 ft of Lot 1, 106 " " " 15.00 43 N. 40 ft of S. 80 ft of Lot 60 106 " " ° 22.53 43 N. 48 ft. of S. 93 ft of Lot 12, 106 " " " 49.16 43 S. 40 ft. of �. 95 ft. of Lot 5, 1011. " " " 17.22 43 s. 40 ft. of Lot 5 104 n it It 28.96 43 id. 145 ft. and W. 20 ft. of S. 180 ft. of Lot 2, 106 " " " 75.50 SECTION 2, That a warrant is hereby aut:,orized and directed to be drawn on the general fund of said city for the purpose of purc.asin, the tax deed to the above described parcels of property, in the amount of f ,3,517.93, payable to H. L. 3yram, County Tax Collector of Les An6eles County, California, said warrant to be delivered to Joan F. Sender, Special City Attorney. SECT =OD 3: That John F. Sender, Special City Attorney, is ;ereby authorized and directed to deliver said warrant to El. L. 3yra?n, said County i'ax Collector, County of Los Ant,eles, and to ootain from said County ax Collector, duly executed deed to said above described parcels of property. aiCT ON 4: _'hat a duly certified copy of th g resolut -on is to be delivered to tlLe Gity i'reasurer of the City of Ll Seoundo. ADOPTED: This 5th day of August A 0-L�Of l Seoundo V ty Clerk, C_t of t se&u o S_'A�L U�, CAL --- - Os� 11i ) COJ, `�-Y OT UI S A,%GLLL=S 01i'Y 07 LL SLCU 1:0 ) I, Victor D. LicCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole numoer of mernbers of the 02.ty Council of the said City is five; that the fore - Loing resolution, being Resolution .o. 619 , was passed and ac,opted by the said City Counca.l, approved and signed b,- the 1.ayor of said City and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a resular neetin_ of said Council held on the 5th day of August, 1942, and thpt the sane was so passed and adorned by the following, vote: AYLS: Councilmen - Gerow, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love. 0 sb: Councilmen - None. ABS.,, T: Councilmen - Hesser.