CC RESOLUTION 608e x RESCLUTION 1-C. 608. A RESOLUTI :' OF THE, CITY COU17CIL OF "HE CITY CF EL SEGUTTDO, CAL IFOP. "7IA, A ir;?DIi'C RE�CLUTIOI, 1'0. 530 (THE SALARY R:'50LUTI -.'; OF SAID CITY, BY A;.ZT'DIigl PARACRAPH "F" OF °UBDIVISICN 6 OF THE "SCHEDUTT_,E OF CO_,p ".7-_A_ TIC" FOR r''Tim VARICUS OFFICER°,, DEPARTMENT HEADE A'`D &.,PLOYEES OF TH_' CITY CF EL 3EUU.;DO CALIFORNIA " .,'T FCRT? Iii S.:CTIOiT i OF SAID i3ESCL'TTIC °'. The Cit-r Council of the Cit;,, of E1 Se„undo, California, does '^ere',;,' ruzolve, declare and determine i LOL'O SECTICi' 1. That p< ^ra_rpoY "F " of ,he " "chedule of Co-?en <,ati -n for De.)artmert Beads cnd Er,,plo,,ee- of the California" set fort! in Section 1 of of the Cit,,- Co,.incil of the Cit:, of �l entitled: the V -riou� 'Vfficer Cit,, of .E1 �ndo, Reeoluticn .:o. c ^9 Se.undD, California, "A ?,�30LUTICN OF lH,:] CI^': COUNCIL CF -'''E CITY OF ,s'L 'UNDO, C.ALTFORNIA, FI rji: AND F9TA?LISHING THr' C0: P NSATI_''I OR PAY OF VARICU° .'TJNICTPAL Cnr1CZRS AI'D ZIPUYEES OF SAID CITY, AND :3EPEAT=G ALT, HESOLUTIO'IS A'I7 ORDERS A ?ID PARTS CF Rm':OLUTIC:'S A'ID CRDZR9 IN CCNU'LICT THEHU "ITH." .�E °Fed and _ZJ')ted on t`P ,., `}_ u£„ O� hQ VP`IlU?Y', 1941, --ha7_; be and the same 1P here:.;/ c^ snded so £S t0 j,,,, ­J , -_ f711o,,,s: "F. Police Cfficer,2 of the f'.ret shall each receive the sum of '150.nO : er ,acnth for the first fe ^r of service: '160.nO per month for the second yeor of service; an"3 '170.00 per month for the third and ali subse ^u�r.t ears of ,service." 1- w _ECTION That paid Resolution bereb;, sr:ended ae .iereinabo•re in CEcVon l of hl. .,e-olution set forth. SEnTON J. T'oat ,be wlty Cler_: Certify to tic : a . ct� rn? -dcj. tlon of `11: re,ilu` ion; X1.113 cause the or1 inal of the ;.e to the boo'_: cf re-o'_utior,- of the c ^ic Ci` of l SecI.inr "_o, arid shall ^aLe a -Inute of the na$eaLe ^.,d ado -t-on in :_E rCCOIdF of t�.b ?roc- ncOIn,,. of ,he 'It,, CouncC l of iG Ci%, in she Minute- of ti_e meet,in. a t:_e E iE ;a-5ed rn1-. a tEd. -fCTTII! 4. ^.hat t'�,' n � ., , - __� _ r:,� �xt_on = 1 e ffectie on and after f.. firm daj o this f:2,". goy of f,nril, .. T., 1'J� 1 110 � O-a_ i.ayor of th it;, of Sl Se- znde, Caliiorn'_a. ATT: c,� Cit;; CC e (° .AL'1 460 2- w, rc Y' C'CATF Cr CALIFC:?PIA } CCTi:.TY Ch LCS- A:; CTTi cL SEu'LC I, Victor D. :',cCarth. , Cat Clerk of `."F Cit,, Of :.l SeLurco, California, do hereby certif,r that • -ole nunber 0_ .. ^?_' of 'it: Council of the 3aiv C1'"�, is fl °e; t',, t the forP,Oin_ rr� -'_1lU titan, rci':_� iP Gi_L tj 7n A). _608, w o ;a'c,ed cuofit;d tIIc ziu C- t. Cowl,] l , ANnroveC_ al.I SA i,n-20 by th- of wei`i aL , e tte -tAd 1?f tile' Ciij Clem' o- rf 3 Cl u� r'1i a re ular `iee'ir of the Sai.. I'ounc11 he'-C. on __lE -^ A.r i y, .�. l ✓�x," ":, _. �-, t th_ _o )�,`'eJ a4nl t..P foilo,in VotS. Council -r,r. Gerow,_Hesaer, Peterson.._ Selby and MgLyor_Binder- ;rr IS. ;ounciImon None C ^.�•r.ci 1 en None v• Ci t,, Cl er- of th Ci t;, of 1 Se undo, Callf rnia 3-