CC RESOLUTION 560R2SOLUTIO17 NO. 560. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND IN- STRUCTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY TO EXECUTE THE OPTION AGREEMENT OF TKE SAID CITY AdD THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF LAS ANGELES COUNTY FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE STATE'S INTEREST IN TAX DEEDED PROPERTY; AND AUTAORIZIIvTG THE CITY ATTORNEY AND SPECIAL CITY ATTOROZY, BERNARD LAWLER, OF SAID CITY, TO PREPARE AND PREVENT ANY ARD ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, EVIDENCE AYD ARIUNZNT IN CONNECTION AITH SAID PATTER. THAT WHEREAS, there are situated in the City of 21 Seg- undo numerous parcels of real property which have been non- revenue producing for many years, and in all instances for at least six (5) gears; and, ,VHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo did heretofore file its application vitn the Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles County, for an option agreement to purchase tax deeds to said parcels of real property; and, dIIEREAS, t'ie Board of Supervisors, Loa Angeles County, did set its askinC price for the State's interest therein; and, d3EREAS, the City of E1 Segundo desires to accept the offer of the Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles County, tj o.ter into an option agreement with the said Board of Supervisors, at the price a.0 on t -o terms heretofore offered by the said Board of Supervisors, for the purchase of the State's interest in said tan deeded parcels of real property; NOW, TnZREFOZZ, TnE CITY COUNCIL OF T .S CITY OF SL SE.GUODO -1- DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE A•,D DETE2MIME AS FOLLWS: Section 1. That the Wayor is hereby authorized and directed to subscribe the name of he City of 21 3eZando to an Option .t reer.ent (identical to the Option ACreament hereto_ attached and nads a part horeof) with the Board of Supervisors, Los An,,eles County, subject to the approval of tae State Con- troller of w_e State of California, to purchase from the State of California all of tan- c:;, ,aln i_arcels of real property heretofore deeded to the State of California and as described in said Option lCreemant attached hereto, and at the price as set out and on the terms and conditions as set o:;, ,n saWl attached Option A;,reement; and the City Clerk is hereby author- ized and directed to attest the save and to affix thereon the seal of the City of El Segundo. Section 2. That the City Attorney, C1„de .Joodworth, and the Special City Attorney, Bernard Lawler, be and they arc nereby authorized to take such steps and proccedints, to make such arguments, to prepare questionnaires anO any and all other docaments necessary, and to take such action as in their opinion may be indicated, required or advisable in order to accomplish the purposes as set out in said Option A"recront, and to obtain the execution of the Option A,reement by the Board of Supervisors, Los An -eles County, and to preserve and protect the interests of the City. Section 3. That said Option .j reument shall be approved by eitner t.e City Attorney or the Special City Attorney as to f orv. Section 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of tiis resolution; shall enter the same among the ori,inal resolutions of said City, shall make a mi.nate of the passage n"d adoption thereof in the records of the pro- -2- ceedinZs at which the same is passed and adopted, shall attach a certified copy of this resolution to the four (4) executed Option Aureements and shall forward said four Q Option A,reemonts, with said certified copies of this resolution attacned to each of said Option oreements, to Bernard Lawler, Special City Attorney. Passed, aye proved and adopted this 16th day of April, 1941. Myor of Lhe My of E1 Segundo, California. ATTEST; -S- v STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS A2jGELES ) 5S CITY OF EL S2 'a P,.DO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Sep undo, California, do hereby certify th_.t the whole number of merobers of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foreL�oin, resolution, beinb " esolution No 560 , was passed and ado;ted by the said City Council, approved and si;ned by the P(ayor of said City and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meetin;; of said Council neld on the 16th day of April, 1941, H.D., and teat the same was so passed and ado;ted by the fcllowinC vote: AYES: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and 140 E3: Councilmen None ALS Eli T: Councilmen Gerow. A G R E E M E N T Giving the City of E1 Segundo the right as provided in Sections 3773, 3791 to 3810 inclusive and 3841 of the Revenue and 'taxation Code, to purchase the State's title to certain lands within said City. THIS AGREEMENT, made this _ day of I 1941, by and between the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and the City of E1 Segundo, a municipality of the State of California, subject td the approval of the State Controller of the State of California; W I T N E S S E T H: THAT, WHEREAS, certain real properties within said CaUinty and within the City of E1 Segundo particularly described, have been deeded ornia for delinquent taxes levied by the ities of said County of Los Angeles, and revenue producing for many years, and in least six (6) years; and, and hereinafter more to the State of Calif - duly constituted author - which have been non - all instances for at WHEREAS, all of baid deeds to the property above referred to, to the State of California for taxes, include taxes levied by the City of E1 Segundo, the taxes of which are collected by the County officers of the County of Los Angeles; and, WHEREAS, the owners of the parcels of property herein- after described have failed to pay the special assessments levied for the payment of certain Bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911, and on account of which failure the City of E1 Segundo has heretofore filed foreclosure actions in the Superior Court of tie State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, against all of the parcels; and, -1- WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council of the City of El Segundo that said properties should be rehabilitated and placed on the tax rolls of the City and County in order that additional tax income may be forthcoming to all tax agencies; and further, by reason of increased levies reasonably contemplated to be made if said'properties could be rehabilitated and have the heavy tax burden against them lifted; and, WHEREAS, in order to rehabilitate said properties it is necessary that the tax burden be greatly reduced so that the same may be successfully disposed of and placed on the tax rolls; and, WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of the State of California did on February 25th, 1925, approve the constitutionality of Sec- tion 3897d of the Political Code (being the Section constituting the basis upon which Sections 3791 to 3810 inclusive of the Revenue and Taxation Code were enacted) and, WHEREAS, it is considered that said named Code Sections offer the most feasible and practical means of accomplishing the rehabilitation of said delinquent properties; and, WHEREAS, said City of El Segundo did heretofore file its application with the Board of Supervisors,, Los Angeles County, for an Option Agreement to purchase tax deeds to said parcels of real property; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles County, did set its asking price for the Status interest therein; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to accept the offer of the Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles County, to enter into an Option Agreement with the said Board of Supervisors, at the price and on the terms hereinbefore offered by the said Board of Supervisors for the purchase of the State's interest in said tax deeded real property; and, -2- MEMO, in the judZment of the said Board of Supervisors it would be impractical for the State to sell its interest in said properties without the cooperation of said City of E1 Seg- undo, and it would be for the best interest of the State and of the said County to transfer the title now held by the State to the said City of E1 SeCoado in order that said properties may be restored to t.e tax rolls of both the County and City; N a, TiLaRLFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the property herainbefore mentioned and watch is the subject of this Agreement, is all located in the City of E1 SeZundo, County of Los Anseles, State of California, and is more particularly described in the follovin, Schedule: DEED YEAR DEAD COUNTY SE .- M. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 30LD YEAR ING P3ICE Tract No. 1632 482566 Lot B 1927 1932 15.00 Tract Ito. 1685 587169 N. 40 ft. of S. 125 ft. of Lot 13, Block 8 1934 1939 15.00 587167 S. 45 ft. of Lot 13, Block 8 1934 1939 15.00 558645 Lot 11, Block 9 1929 1934 66.78 587190 S. 45 ft. of A. 85 ft of Lot 16, Block 9 1934 1939 159.80 600359 Lot 7, Block 10 1930 1935 66.30 560234 S.50ft. of the W. 95 ft, of Lot 5,Block 1 1932 1937 49.80 624330 Lot 15, Block 12, w th ex of the street 1933 1938 133.02 560419 Lot 10, Block 13, vita ex of the street 1932 1937 91.88 624341 Lot 12, Mock 13, with ex of the street 1933 1938 133.63 Tract No. 2111 542755 Lot 6 1928 1933 15.00 625505 Lot 7 1931 1936 15.00 -3- DEED YEAR DEED COUNTY SECT NO. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOLD YEAR INi PRICE Tract No. 2540 561263 Lot 43 1932 1937 15.00 561271 Lot 51 1932 1937 15.00 588106 Lot 59 1934 1939 15.00 588106 Lot 60 1934 1939 23.77 588106 Lot 61 1934 1939 15.00 561275 Lot 62 1932 1937 15.00 Tract No. 6958 624425 Lot 1 1933 1938 15.00 624425 Lot 2 1933 1938 15.00 543975 Lot 3 1928 1933 15.65 560506 Lot 4 1932 1937 53.83 560508 Lot 6 1932 1937 50.67 Tract No. 9549 543719 Lot 5 1928 1933 15.00 Tract No. 10076 560476 Lot 1 1932 1937 36.90 560476 Lot 2 1932 1937 15.00 560476 Lot 3 1932 1937 15.00 560476 Lot 4 1932 1937 15.00 560476 Lot 5 1932 1937 15.00 Tract No. 3012 544291 Lot 38 1928 1933 15.00 Tract E1 de,_undo 560580 Lot 3, Block 4 1932 1937 15.00 600553 Lot 7, " 4 1930 1935 15.00 560611 Lot 4, "' 5 1932 1937 15.00 560620 Lot 13, " 5 1932 1937 15.00 542130 Lot 3, " 6 1928 1933 15.00 62081 Lot 7, " 6 1931 1936 15.00 -4- DEED YEAR DEED COMITY SLIT. NO DEaCRIFTICI1 Of F.[OFERTY SOLD YEAR I: PRICE Tract 31 SeLundo (Contd) 560655 Lot 9, Block 6 1932 1937 y 15.00 560655 Lot 10, It 6 1932 1937 15.00 624919 Lot 9, " 7 1931 1936 15.00 600068 Lot 20, " 7 1930 1935 1--.00 624949 Lot 3, " 8 1931 1936 15.00 624949 Lot 42 " 8 1931 1936 15.00 624949 Lot 5, " 8 1931 1936 15.00 557045 Lot 11, " 8 1929 1934 15.00 557055 Lot 12, " 8 1929 1934 15.00 624655 Lot 22, " 8 1933 1938 15.00 524655 Lot 23, " 8 1933 19:j8 15.00 624672 Lot 17, " 9 1933 1938 15.00 624701 Lot 1, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 624701 Lot 2, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 624701 Lot 3, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 600750 Lot 4, " 10 1930 1935 15.00 600750 Lot 3, " 10 1930 1935 15.00 557109 Lot 14, " 10 19901 1934 15.00 557109 Lot 15, " 10 1929 1934 15.00 624715 Lot 30, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 542279 Lot 31, " 10 1928 1933 15.00 624718 Lot 35, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 624718 Lot 36, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 624718 Lot 37, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 624718 Lot 38, " 10 1933 1938 15.00 559320 Lot 27, It 11 1932 1937 15.00 5.';3588 Lot 29, " 11 1931 1936 15.00 625594 Lot 35, " 11 1931 1936 15.00 623224 Lot 81 " 11 1933 1938 15.00 -5- D2ZD 7:1rL: DEED CG'Ti,T" ,j ;I,T, NO DcSCRIPTIGIv CF PcOP.:zTS` SOLD YF.yR I5s P_,IC� Tract El 623575 Lot 15, clock 11 1931 1936 w 31.63 559306 Lou 10, " 11 1932 1937 32.39 58613 Lot , if 11 193^ 1939 41.67 559367 Lot 25, "' 12 1932 1937 34.77 559390 Lot ;;, " 13 1962 1937 72.23 599429 Lot 18, " 13 1930 1935 57.28 59942 Lot l7, " 13 1930 1935 44.85 559431 Lot 14, " 14 1932 1937 20.9 - -� 11 Lot 13, " 14 1932 1937 15.00 623345 Lot 5, " 14 1933 1938 15.11 323692 Lot 6, " 14 1931 1936 15.00 :2991 Lot 1, " 16 1928 1933 52.80 303030 Lot 16, " 15 1926 1931 15.00 559484 Lot 2 2 103 ^r 37.31 56325 Lot 5, " 18 1934 1939 58.62 599481 Lot 14, " 19 1930 1935 53.13 623675 Lot 3, " 20 1931 1930 55.61 623296 Und. 1/3 int in Lot 3, Block 21 1933 1938 57.01 623602 Lot 8, Block 22 1931 1936 20.98 623265 Lot 21, " 22 1933 1938 26.07 624726 Lot 10, " 23 1933 1938 1:,.00 ,j24726 Lot 11, " 23 1933 1938 1.00 Q'24727 Lot 12, " 23 1933 1938 15.00 624727 Lot 13, " 2 1033 1938 15.00 625006 Lot 25, " 24 1931 1933 15.00 624965 Lot 3, " 25 1931 1936 l,.i.5 �,_ -195 Lot 152 " 26 1928 1933 15400 542195 Lot 16, " 26 1928 1933 15.00 624899 Lot 4, " 27 1Ij 31 1J56 4 °.14 —6— REED a). DESCRIPTION Or P30FERTY Tract 31 Se�,undo (Conta) 624899 Lot 5, Block 27 543113 Lot 7, " 28 556954 Lot 10, it 28 624867 Lot 13, it 28 482902 Lot 18, it 36 55795 Lot 1, " 39 557395 Lot 2, " 39 625312 Lot 3, " 39 601053 Lot 4, " .39 560816 Lot 1, k 41 560816 Lot 2, " 41 560816 Lot 31 it 41 624737 Lot 7, " 41 600787 Lot 8, It 41 542310 I.,ct 18, " 41 304734 Lot 19, " 41 ,)60845 Lot 20, " 42 559678 Lot 1, " 43 559678 Lot 2, " 43 559678 Lot 31 " 43 543168 Lot 8, " 43 543172 Lot 12, it 43 545175 Lot 16, it 43 623954 Lot 33, It 43 62617 Lot 4L, it 43 623528 Lot 6, of 44 623639 Lot 18, it 44 559727 Lot 19, It 44 543221 Lot 26, it 44 -7- YEAR DEED COUIl Y 3EL?- SOLD YEAR INKS P3IC—� 1931 1936 yp �)2. -J4 1928 1933 15.00 1929 1934 15.00 1951 1936 15.00 1927 1932 15.00 1929 1930- 15.00 1929 1934 15.00 1931 1936 15.00 1930 1935 15.00 1932 1937 15.00 1932 1937 15.00 1932 1937 15.00 1933 1938 15.00 1930 1935 15.00 1928 1933 15.00 1926 1931 15.00 1932 1937 45.13 1932 1937 21.21 1932 1937 15.00 1932 7937 1:.00 1928 1933 15.00 1928 193J 15.00 1928 1933 15.00 1931 1936 49.63 1933 1938 67.29 1933 1938 75.72 1933 1938 15.00 1932 1937 15.00 1928 193 1.00 D:,ED YEAR DEED COUNTY S:^.I T. NO. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOLD YEAR ING ERICE Tract El SeLundo (Contd) 343237 Lot 12, Block 57 1928 1933 15.00 543237 Lot 13, " 57 1928 1933 15.00 545237 Lot 14, " 57 1928 1933 15.00 558070 Lot 1S, " 57 1929 1934 15.00 559763 Lot 14, " 58 1932 1937 15.00 559764 Lot 18, " 58 1932 1937 15.00 559771 Lot 27, " 58 193' 1937 33.32 624790 Lot 12, " 59 1933 1938 34.40 624790 Lot 13, " 59 1933 1938 14.40 482703 Lot 19, " 59 1927 1932 21.66 482704 Lot 20, " 59 1927 1932 15.00 560879 Lot 35, " 59 1932 1937 15.22 560879 Lot 36, " 59 1932 1937 27.65 557211 Lot 15, " 61 1929 1934 lb.00 587730 Lot 18, " 61 1934 1939 15.00 600867 Lot 26, " 51 1930 1935 15.00 560900 Lot 27, ° 61 1932 1937 15.00 500867 Lot 29, " 61 (all of Lot) 1930 1935 15.00 600867 Lot 30, ° 61 1930 1915 15.00 625039 Lot 17, " 66 1933 1939 15.00 542627 Lot 22 " 68 1928 1933 15.00 557241 Lot 6, " 73 1929 1934 18.91 560952 Lot 7, " 74 1932 1937 15.00 560956 Lot 11, " 74 1932 1937 15.00 524050 Lot 22, " 75 1931 1936 17.03 431330 Lot 6, " 76 1927 1932 72.83 623734 Lot 27, " 76 1933 1938 15.00 542666 E. 67 ft, of S. 98.3 ft of Lot 2, B1k.92 1928 1933 23.99 561196 Lot 4, Block 92 1932 1937 242.19 543460 N. 4 ft. of S. 5C ft. of Lot 1, Block 96 1932 1937 15.00 —8— DEED YEAR DEED COUNTY SELVP NO. DESCRIPTION OF PIS PERTY SOLD YEAR ING PRICE %tact E1 Segundo (Contd) 559947 S. 92 ft. of N. 187 ft. (Ex of St) of 1932 1937 $ 78.03 Lot 4, Block 96 559956 S. 46 ft (Ex of St) of Lot 5, Block 96 1932 1937 47.96 624227 N. 46 f t. of S. 138 f t. of Lot 6, Block 96 1931 1936 15.00 624227 N.46 ft.of S.92 ft.of Lot 6, Block 96 1931 1936 15.00 624227 S. 4.6 ft of Lot 6, Block 96 1931 1936 15.00 560022 S. 54.25 ft. of N. 162.5 ft. of Lot 1, 1932 1937 22.01 Block 98 558339 N. 54 ft. of Lot 1, Block 98 1929 1934 19.78 558340 S. 54.25 ft. of N. 108.25 ft of Lot 1, 1929 1934 15.05 Block 98 623990 S. 235 ft. of N.275 ft, of Lot 1 0,Block 99 1933 1938 229.13 560169 S. 40 ft. of Lot 7, Block 105 1932 1939 54.83 560181 N. 50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 106 1932 1937 15.00 560199 N. 40 ft. of S. 80 ft. of Lot 6,Block 106 1932 1937 22.53 558510 N. 45 ft. of Lat 12, Block 106, Except 1929 1934 15.00 that part cancelled under Sec. 3804A as follows: N. 40 ft. of Lot 12, Block 106 560217 N.48 ft.of S. 93 ft of Lot 12, Block 106 1932 1937 49.16 481633 5.40 ft.of N.85 ft.of Lot 59 Block 104 1927 1932 17.22 624051 N.40 f t. of S.160 ft of Lot 5, Block 104 1933 1938 35.96 560140 S. 40 ft. of Lot 5, Block 104 1932 1937 28.96 600176 N. 145 ft. and Wo 20 ft. of S. 180 ft. 1930 1935 75.50 of Lot 2, Block 106 IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT the said City shall have, and it is hereby given, for the term of two years from the effective data hereof, an option to purchase from the State of California all right , title and interest of the State in and to all or any portion of the real property hereinbefore described, upon the following terms and conditions: That said City may elect to purchase any portion or -9- portions of said land in such parcels as it may deem proper, except t "at it may not purchase any portion of any lot in a re- corded subdivision unless said portion shall be all of such lot to which the estate holds title under tax deed or deeds. That said City shall pay to the County Tax Collector of said County for each Marcel of land it may elect to uurcnase, at the time ;when it shall notify the County of its election to purchase the same, a sum equal to the amount set forth as the "County Selling Price" for the particular parcel in the schedule hereinbefore set forth, said payment to be made in cash at the time of the election to purchase. Upon receipt by the County 'Pax Collector of said County of the ,rice uerein fixed for the parcel or parcels of land which said City may elect to purchase, the Tax Collector of said County shall make, execute and deliver to said City a deed or deeds to said parcel of parcels of land in a form in compliance with )ec. VOR'-, the Aevenue and Taxation Code. The City shall pay all costs of 61vin, the notice or notices required in said action. That durino the term of this option, the title of the State in or to any of the land hereinbefore described shall not be conveyed or offered for sale except as provided nerein, but this shall not effect the runt of any person entitled to redeem any of said land to redeem the same at any time before t_ie said City shall nave elected to purchase it as provided herein and shall nave paid the purchase price thereof as herein fixed and a deed to the City has been executed by the said Tax Collector. This paragraph, however, shall not be construed as an admission by the City that any former owner, or any former holder of any interest in any of said land has any right to redeem the same. IN dITWEdS .a lEAEOF , the parties nereto have caused their respective seals to be affixed hareto by the respective proper -10- officer thereunto duly authorized. 0 day of LGARD OF SUPERVISORS OF LOS AIVG:,LSS COIT TY By , Chairman. Attest BY CITY U EL RY Attest , CALIFCaiIA. , County Clem: Deputy. I,ayor. City Clerk. The fore .-oing a .-regiment is hereby approved this 1941. ;IAR.,Y h. RILLY, STATE, CONTf0LL R, DepaLy I3y Controller. Approved as to form this day of -11- City Attorney , 1941.