CC RESOLUTION 543I )P 1 RESOLUTION NO. 543. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING TO CALIFORNIA PIPE AND SUPPLY CO. AND TO CRANE CO. CONTRACTS OR ORDERS FOR FURNISH- ING SAID CITY WITH CERTAIN MATERIALS FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, did heretofore in the manner provided by law, duly and regularly advertise for bids for furnish- ing said City with certain materials for use in connection with the construction of the public library building; AND, WHEREAS, at the time for opening and oon- sidering all of said bids, to -wit: the hour of 7 :15 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, the 6th day of November, A. D., 1940s said Council did publicly open, examine and declare all bids received; AND, WHEREAS, at said hour said Council did take all of said bids under advisement untilthe hour of 4:20 o'clock p. m. on Friday, the Sth day of November, A. D., 1940, at an adjourned regular meeting of said Council; AND, WHEREAS, at said last mentioned time, said Council did take certain items of said bids (including Item #9 of List No. 2) under further advisement until the hour of 7 :15 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, A. D., 1940; and on said 13th day of November, 1940, took Item #9 of said bids under further advisement until the 20th day, of November, A. D., 1940; AND, WHEREAS, said 20th day of November, 1940 has now arrived and said Council has reached its decision with reference to said bids; 1- P kN NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That those certain portions of the bid of CALIFORNIA PIPE AND SUPPLY CO., for said Item #9 of List No. 2, which said Council determines to be as follows, to -wit: "ITEM #9 PLUMBING AND HEATING, SECTION 'P' AND 'Q' Standard Soil Pipe S. H. Per Ft. D. H. Per Ft. 2 - inch 3 - inch 4 - inch STANDARD SOIL FITTINGS 18.M C' 20.00 C' 23.75 C' 25.65 C' 28.75 C' 31.25 C' CAST IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS 2* inch E lbows, each .43 Tees, " .54 L.T.T. Y -s, Each .86 S.T.T. Y -s, " .65 400 Y -s " .76 PRICE PER 1 /2-in. 3 /4-in. 1 -in. 1} -in. 1 * -in. 2 -in. 3 -in. 3} -in. 4-in. 100 FEET Standard Steel Galvanized Pipe T & C 4.34 Standard Steel Galvanized Pipe T & C 5.25 Wrought Iron Galvanized Pipe T and C 11.36 5.49 7.44 10.47 12.52 16.85 34.85 44.51 6.59 12.54 15.00 20.18 41.73 53.29 63.14 14.39 20.00 27.07 31.26 42.25 90.04 108.29 123.3_ 2- 2 -inch 3 -inch 4 -inch 1/4 Bend, Each 22.80 C 31.35 C 45.60 C 1 8 Bend, Each 19.95 C 25.65 C 37.05 C 1 15 Bend, Each 19.95 C 31.00 C 34.20 C Y -s, Each .34 .53 .75 Y and 1/8 Bend, Each .66 1.06 1.06 Sanitary Tee, Each .34 .53 .75 Cleanout, Each .20 .60 2 x 2 x 1/2 Soil sinks tee, each .26 ea. 2 x 1'j x 1i Soil basin tee, each .20 ea. 4 x 6 x 15 Closet bends and rings, each .75 Set CAST IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS 2* inch E lbows, each .43 Tees, " .54 L.T.T. Y -s, Each .86 S.T.T. Y -s, " .65 400 Y -s " .76 PRICE PER 1 /2-in. 3 /4-in. 1 -in. 1} -in. 1 * -in. 2 -in. 3 -in. 3} -in. 4-in. 100 FEET Standard Steel Galvanized Pipe T & C 4.34 Standard Steel Galvanized Pipe T & C 5.25 Wrought Iron Galvanized Pipe T and C 11.36 5.49 7.44 10.47 12.52 16.85 34.85 44.51 6.59 12.54 15.00 20.18 41.73 53.29 63.14 14.39 20.00 27.07 31.26 42.25 90.04 108.29 123.3_ 2- 1 /2 -in. 3 /4-in. 1 -in. li -in. 1 * -in. 2 -in. 3-in. 3}in.4 -1 Wrought Iron Black Pipe T and C 9.40 'PRICE EACH Standard Malleable Iron F ittings Black Tees Plugs Galvanized PRICE PER FT. Pipe Covering 9,600 Check Valves Price Each 1.14 ea 125 Lb.Pressure Gate Valve, Bronze Price Each 11.86 16.69 22.58 25.35 34.29 76.27 91.72 105. o, 3 Ply Air Cell 10.50 Gate Valve, Iron (125 Lb Pressor e) Body Screwed Price Each Caulking Lead Oakum Area Drains Series #300 2" RADIATION: 12.53 3/4 -inch Radiator Valves Arco #999 1 /2 -ineh " Check Valve Crane #39 Radiator Vent Valve #500 Arco breeching Hot Water a ter & MainLUMP SUM Boiler, See Addendum #4. Hose Cabinet 3/4 -inch Hose Bibb Sump Ejector #2045 Budget Arco Plumbing Fixtures LUMP SUM 17.42 14.52 16.35 32 -In .07 PerLa .07 " " 4.55 Ead 2.06 Each 3.60 " .90 " 85.00 17.38 Each .33 " 68.00 " 176.04 State Sales Tax is not included in the prices indicated." and those certain portions of the bid of CRANE CO., for said Item #9, which said Council determines to be as follows, to -wit: "ITEM #9 PLUMBING AND HEATING, SECTION SPI AND 1Q1 STANDARD SOIL FITTINGS Cleanout, Each 2 -inch 3-inch 4-inch L. A. Pat. .60 4 "x 2 ", Each Y's, T's,& Sani.Tees .53 2 x 2 x 1/2 Soil sinks tee, each .44 2 x 11 x 1* Soil basin tee, each .20 t 4 x 6 x 15 closet bends and rings, each .75 3- Ah CAST IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS 1� -inch 2 -inch Elbows, each .11 .17 Tees, " .16 .23 L.T.T. Y -s, each .20 .32 S.T.T. Y -s " .17 .25 400 Y -s to .19 .28 PRICE PER 1 -in. 4-in. 100 FEET Standard Steel Black Pipe T and C 52.72 Standard Steel Galvanized Pipe T & C 8.24 PRICE EACH 1 /2- in.3 /4-in. 1- in.l}- in.liin.2 -in. 3-in. Z4 -1n. 4-in. 2j -in. Standard Malleable Iron Fittings Galvanized 900 Ella .036 .052 .0901 .1378 .1749 .2756 .689 1.0335 1.2455 .503, Red.Ells .053 .0742 .0954 .1537 .1908 .3021 .7685 1.1395 1.378 .556b Street Ells .053 .0848 .106 .159 .2014 .318 .795 1.551 1.4575 .5W Tees .052 .068 .1166 .1802 .2279 .3604 .901 1.376 1.643 .636 Red.Tees .0742 .106 .1325 .2014 .2544 .3975/1.007 1.5105 1.8285 .689 Reducers .0424 .0636 .0848 .106 .1219 .1908 .53 .7685 .9805 .344;. PRICE EACH Standard Malleable Iron Fittings Black 900 Ells .028 .04 .0689 .106 .1325 .212 .53 .795 .954 .381E Red.Ells .0424 .0583 .0742 .1166 .1484 .2332 .583 .8745 1.06 .424 Street Elle.0424 .0636 .0795 .1219 .1537 .2438 .6095 1.188 1.113 .439x, Tees .04 .052 .0901 .1749 .2756 .689 1.06 1.272 .477 Red.Tees .0583 .0795 .1007 .1537 .1961 .3021 .7685 1.166 1.4045 .53 Reducers .0318 .0477 .0636 .0795 .0954 .1484 .3975 .583 .742 .265 STANDARD C. I. Fittings Price Each 900 Ells 4033 .044 .0577 .088 .11 .154 .4125 .5775 .66 .275 R ed.Ells 90,.0385 .0495 .066 .099 .1265 .176 .4675 .66 .77 .33 450 Ella .0375 .055 .066 .1045 .132 .187 .495 .6875 .7975 .33 Tees .0495 .066 .0625 .1265 .1595 .2255 .605 .825 .9625 .4015 Eed.Tees .055 .077 .0935 .1485 .1815 .2585 .6875 .9625 1.10 .4565 PRICE EACH Extra Heavy Steel Nipples CLOSE .024 .0272 .034 .0442 .0544 .0714 .1836 .2448 .3128 .1326 SHORT .0238 .0306 .0374 .051 .0612 .0815 .2006 .3332 .3806 .153 4- PRICE EACh 1 /2- in.3 /4- in.1- in.l} -in. 1i -in. 2 -in. 3 -in. 34- in.4 -in. 2j -1n. Standard .11 .12 Steel 1.51 1.97 Nipples 3.64 12.28 .19 2 -inch long .016 .0207 2 -1/2 " .018 .02 3 -inch " .018 .022 4 " " .02 .026 Plugs 4 " Black - 42* Plugs 11- 5 .0253 .026 .0345 .0414 .0552 .028 .032 .04 .056 .1357 .1035 .032 .04 .05 .068 .146 .2254 .2576 .126 Galvanized .0144 .0216 .0288 .036 .0504 .072 .18 150 Lb. Ground Joint Union Black Gem .095 .114 .152 .228 .2945 .437 1.045 150 Lb. ground joint Union Gem Galvanized .1045 .133 .1805 .266 .342 .494 1.254 PRICE PER FT. Pipe Covering (4 ply) Floor and Ceiling Plates Price Each. N.P. 08 .09 Check Valves #34 Price Each 1.45 Pipe Hangers Type R.18 and Supports (Inserts) #2709 Price .12 Each 200 Lb. Steam Pressure Globe #7 Valve, Bronze Price Each 1.40 1.83 125 Lb. Pressure Gate Valve, Bronze Price Each #438 .988 1.25 125 Lb.Pressure Gate Valve, Iron Body Screwed #460 Price each 125 Lb.Pressure Gate Valve Iron Body, Flanged #461 .10 .11 .12 .15 .26 1.51 1.97 .256 3.64 12.28 .19 .20 .28 .36 .54 2.57 3.35 4.68 7.41 1.67 2.28 3.04 4.18 Radiation: CRANE TUBULAR, LEGLESS 1 - 3 Tube 38" - 28 Sq. Ft. 1 - 3 " 38" - 247, n n 3 - 4 " 26" - 30 2 - 4 " 38" - 42* 11- 5 " 26" - 59j " " 2 - 5 If 38" - 45 It " 2 - 4 " 26" - 33 " " LUMP SUM Main Vent Valve Hoffman #75 Radiator Hangers Western Giant .0730 .129C .722 .855 .196 .31 .38 .21 ..68 9.87 11.98 8.10 .82 .44 8.10 8.46 11.63 13.74 16.21 9.51 275.68 3.00 Each .70 " See Addendum #4 501 26.45 Hose Rack 25t 36.05 Each Hot Water Heater, except breeohing 24.35 " Pipe Sleeves and Thimbles .15 " Heating Boiler, except breeching LUMP SUM 440.00 Basmor 40-5 -8 Any tax imposed by any present or future law on the sale of the articles covered hereby shall be added to amount to be paid hereunder." 0 •y be, and the same are hereby accepted at the prices set forth in said bids, which are now on file in the office of the City C lerk of said City, and which said bids so on file are hereby expressly referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all further particulars, and the contracts or orders for furnishing said materials under said item are hereby awarded to said CALIFORNIA PIPE AND SUPPLY CO. and said CRANE CO.. SECTION 2. That all other items referred to in the respective bids of said California Pipe and Supply Co. and Crane Co., with the exception of the items heretofore awarded to them, respectively, or which are hereby awarded to or ordered from them respectively, are hereby rejected. That all other bids received for said Item #9 of said List No. 2, with the exception of the said bids of said California Pipe and Supply Co. and said Crane Co., be and the same are hereby rejected, and the City C lerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the checks of all unsuccessful bidders. SECTION 3. All of said materials are to be furnished and labor performed in conformity with the re- quirements of those certain plans designated as "EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC LIBRARY", and with "Specifications ", as modified by the published notice inviting said bids, heretofore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, in the City Hall thereof, and in the office of John C. Austin, Architect, 608 Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles, California. Said Plane and Specifications, and said published notice, are hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. sa SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the original of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of the said City of E1 Segundo, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 20th day of November, A. D., 1940. a�.a�Deti Mayor of thi§ City of El Segundo, California. ATTEST: CS ty Cl erk (SEAL) S'T'ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Los Angeles ) SS City of E1 Segundo ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 543, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested. by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 20th day of November, A. D., 1940, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen t3erow, Hesser and Mayor Binder NOES: Councilmen None ' ABSENT: Councilmen Love and SelDy ' (SEAL) E1 Segundo, California. 7-