CC RESOLUTION 517RESOLUTION NO. 517. A RESCLUTIC!r OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0.P THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING REcOLUTI= NC. 475 OF SAID CI'_'Y, ENTITLED: "A R SOLUTI`. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF `SHE CITY OF EL SE4UNDC, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATICN OR PAY OF VARICUS :- UNICIPAL OFFICERS A'M EI:PLOYEES OF SAID CITY, AND REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS AND PARTS O: RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS IN CONFLICT THERE'ITH. ", PASSED AND ADOPTED 0:' THE 28TH DAY OF JUICE, 1939, AS AIMMED TO DATE, BY Ai4ENDING SUBDIVISIC "H" OF THE "RULES AND R_'GULATIONS RELATING TO H.CURS OF SERVICE" COI'TAIIVED I:T SEC;IC ;� 3 OF SAID RESOLUTION .`0. 475. The City Council of the City of it SeLundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That effective im- :ediately, Subdivision "H" of the "_'ules and Regulations - Relatin;, to Hours of Service" set forth in Sec';ion 3 of Resolution No. 475, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OR PAY OF VARIOUS _UNICIPAL OFFICERS AND ZZPLOYEES OF SAIL CITY, AND REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS AND PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS IN CONFLICT THERE "ITH. " , passed and adopted on the 28th day of June, 1939, as amended to date, _hall be and the sage is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "H. Any em;Dloyee subject to the rule of nine days' employment in any two Meeks period hereinebove referred to, who is required to Dut in more time 0 under the rrovision­ of SuJ('_iVieiOn 'C.' of these roles cn.i - 11 r�eeive f�i ny st:c_. ."(luired C,76.0- ciPc zerl,ice, CO'J�enFFtl�: _ One ti -,es hie ox ._er re_ular z, to o,, It Is - ,rOVI'Le" , houeveei , ncti'it'`stendin� Cn;y/_ +, iii L CGntc ^ineQ lII i,1"iUre _,:1� - nC ru ulotio" ` L J UG th contr''r,, 1. Thrt cn, e..,)1o;, ee, - ith the Epprov, 1 of ti_a r.e<'d Of 'iii.,' or iier t'Op,FrtnienU, ,a ?y render VOlun$al'r g11�Ftitute e�rvice for n­ e;RJlo,,ee, _.. Which c ^-, onl, the re ulnr rat, _ ci cs-le `o the �Ositicn or e:.Dlo; -,ent for which sac,.. voluntary = urstttute service is rendered, .O id Such F'.:Il�]- O;,'e6 eG i 2nClc?_' n� S..cz V.)1Vntr r wu'- „ _itute Eervice; )i'Ovlde(� t'_1ct ii _-uch cer`rice is nor c loo er ,_eriod th_n taro d,,.-7s in any fifteen cy 7eriod, th) consent of Council sY_c�ll bE fir-- Cbt`i ned i%er eto. Xce'yt in the inst, ncee _ ,)v',:.el for n raferx Ec to 1:. . ;cti Inr _ cn . of 1,1 c; !c =ol,ition ado )tin_ the -e rules � nL (Lis s= no- e.--ist o na for t .e _�e -io._ snch so renderer' L-e p ^id -C eYly e.::,lo,,ee for ';Y.Gri c.n;,r Sufi: VOlunt `U`u��'Litute service i's rendered. Any ,.:e,7ber of t'.e Police Depart -lent on : ^e u1,'r duty .r.y be celled �_�Y: to rr,nCcr .or= ^yarn Service on a ny rt�ul ^rly sc:leciul�C_ Fhift. In th- event EuC h Service On any such shift done net e.:cG'Pd t,o hourE, no d• itlon 1 co--- Densatlon sh,­11 'le s uc. Eowrver, if sucl: .�e::'oer is recu_red to vanCer :.ore th, .- V o l=our-' OTr-- r - ±1i;. Ecrvi.ce On anY Such shift ir. rll each such _ .,Ler or .qe Der s'c -11 be er_t_tle< to .�ceiv- co °_ encctie.. for 11 -_-�ent Dr. cuci c:.ift ___ e:.ca of :uie or er i'e_ul,^r ElJlf t of ei" t hours, at the r,- -.e of one "nom! on. -hc if ti-,,e° _ie or l-.er re,ulrr rote of SECTIO^: 2. T:.et „siu 3esolUtior ::o. _75, es . r1en��Le'- to .I�te, it 1 -reb, ai;ende(. -s herein,­-ova in section 1 of this raeelution .et Forth. CLCTIC;I T::zt ,?,_ Ci- Cl r`. `nl1 certify , to the :�es2 e -nC. r�� tiCn o!' �:i= r�_= ol w��3n: C-- -- c,use the on �nrt ci the s�_ie to -e Wintered in t�_ "ro0.1 o:' > esol ,tior.s of the Ci` of L1 S _undo, rnd _:h�-l? _',; -e �q inute of the ,xzen e n' o6c�tion :,h _reof in the rcco;-� = of rvo _rocepdin. of -he Cit. Council of s�i.1 i.n the :inutes of ti:e "iaC'tia' 2t ,'} ach the °P ;8 i4 ^CG'L] npl, M10 it�v T..- t tY_is shall tL� _ffcct ize5i�'�ely. P, -sed, c -� roved -n' - d0 ,tod lhie 9th of Getober, A. _., 194O. �. P.O. ..2vor of th .lV, of El Se, unac, fornie. (°__-AL) S2ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SE'-'-UNDO ) ,.4 tl ig I, Victor D. ..cCarthy, City Clerk of the Cit, of El Se„undo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the Paid City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution NO. 517 , was ,)assed end adopted by the said City Council, a -D)roved and si"ned by the ;Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a re-ular meetin, of the said Council held on the 9th _ day of October, A. D., 1940, and that the sane was so uassed and ado-)ted by the folloving vote: AYE`.: Councilmen Gerow. Hessar. Love, SPlbv and Mayor Binder NOES: Councilmen ARSE: -T: Councilmen hone 60=4 a4 19pf Fi� ty Clerk of Ah o f El Sep -undo, C lifornia. (SEAL) 4-