CC RESOLUTION 503stn�a�,
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RESOM11ON 1;0. 503
The City Council of the City of El Segundo,
California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows:
SECTION 1. That the following specifications,
being and to be knoran as "S1-.:CIr1I0A2I01B TAO. 1940 -A FOR
CALL-'O- tiiLi", be and the same are hereby adopted:
"Sealed proposals are desirable from reputable
makers of motor fire apparatus in accordance with these
specifications and with the advertisement, a copy of which
is attached.
Eachbidder must furnish satisfactory evidence
of his ability to construct the apparatus specified, and state
the location of the factory where apparatus is to be built,
and the make and type of each principal unit of the machine
not manufactured in his factory. A definite statement shall
be made as to the location and availability of spare and
repair parts and the period over which such parts may be
expected to be available. As a condition of the acceptance
of the apparatus, the contractor shall guarantee the appara-
tus and equipment furnished against any and all defects
which may be caused by defective materials or workmanship
within one year from the date of acceptance of the appara-
tus. This guarantee shall not cover breakage caused by
neglect, misuse, wrecking caused by actual fire service,
collisions or carelessness on the part of others than the
maker after the apparatus is accepted.
Each bid shall be accompanied by complete and
detailed specifications of the apparatus anal equipment which
it is proposed to furnish and to which the apparatus fur-
nished under the contract must conform, as well as with
the following specifications and requirements.
It is the intent of these specifications to
cover the furnishing and delivering to the City of El Segundo
complete apparatus ready for use and fully equipped as here-
inafter specified. Nith a view to obtaining the best results
and most acceptable apparatus, these specifications cover
only the general requirements as t o a onstrueti on and t sets
to which the apparatus must conform, and details as to
finish and equipment and appliances to be furnished. Minor
details of construction and materials where not otherwise
specified, are left to the discretion of the contractor,
who shall be solely responsible for the design and con-
struction of all features.
The apparatus shall be of the latest type,
symnetrieally proportioned and carefully designed to suit
the nature of the service which the apparatus must perform
if accepted.
All materials, workmanship and finish entering
into the construction of the apparatus must be of the best
of their respective kinds, and conform to the character
of the apparatus and purpose for which it is intended.
Each 'bidder shall make accurate statement s in
his specifications as to weight, wheel -base and principal
dimensions. He shall specify the safe maximunspeed for
which the motor is designed, and the gear reduction between
the motor and the driving wheels for each position of the
gear shift.
The contractor shall defend any and all suits
and assume liability for any and all claims made against
the City of :1 aegundo, or any of its officials or agents
for the use of any patented process, device cr article
forming a part of the apparatus or any appliance furnished
under the contract.
In the event the apparatus fails to meet the
test requirements on first trials, second trials may be
made at the option of the contractor within thirty (30)
days of the date of the first trials. -Ouch t rials shall
be final and conclusive and failure to comply with these
requirements shall be cause for rejection. Failure to
make than es as the Chief of the Fire i%epartment may con-
sider necessary to conform to any clause of the specifi-
cations within thirty (30 ) days after notice is given to
the contractor to make such changes, shall also be cause
for the rejection of the apparatus. Permission to keep
or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied
by the City of E1 Segundo, or its use by the fire department
during the above specified period with the permission of
the contractor, shall not constitute acceptance of the
The apparatus shall c onfoxm fully to the follow-
ing general requirements:
The apparatus shall be constructed aith due con-
aideration to the nature and distribution of the load to
be sustained and to the general character of the service
to which the apparatus is to be subjected when placed in
service. Frame, springs, radial arms, transmission,
differential, axles, shafts and gears and all other parts
of the machine shall be strong enough to withstand the road
speed, practical tests a2-4 Senerz:l s..rvice under full
load, In general, the integral parts of the chassis
shall be desized _1th adequate safety factors for the
load imposed thereon. The machine shall be so desiLned
that ';.he various parts are reap _:ily accessible :or in-
spection, d,, ustment and re_)a ir. All machine parts t o
be made to limit gau es and templates to insure inter-
changeability of repair parts.
yngine shall have sufficient horse- power, as
indicated on a certified brake horse -power test curve with
fan and other accessories attached, to permit the apparatus
to comply with the requirements and tests herein specified
at the elevation of (1000) one thousand feet and shall not
have less than one brake horse -power for each one hundred
pounds gross weight of the vehicle, load to consist of
load and equipment specified herewith under Carrying
Capacity, but shall not be less than two hundred forty
(240) brake horse- power.
In addition the motor shall be capable of running
the pwwip at its rated capacity at 150 pounds not pump pres-
sure as hereinafter prescribed without exceeding a motor
speed Mlo of the motor speed at the peak of the certified
brake horse -power curve of the type of motor used, and not
to exceed 8011/o for other prescribed pressures.
Lubrication of all main bearings shall be by
force feed. The crank -case shall be provided with a filter
with pressure gauge in plain view of operator for both
driving and pumping. The fill pipe shall be conveniently
located and sufficiently large to permit easy filling of
oil reservoir when apparatus is at a standstill with motor running;
at full load.
Ignition shall consist of two separate and
complete ignition systems, each t o separate sets of spark
plugs. iiistributors and magnetos shall have provisions
for manual operation. Ignition switch shall permit the
use of either system cf ignition or both. the ignition
switch shall be provided with a pilot light to indicate
when the battery is connected. Systems shall be so
arranged that the motor can be started and run from either
or both; either system shall be capable of the prescribed
performance of the apparatus.
Magneto, generator, timers and coils shall be
Of waterproof type and located r✓here not subject to ex-
cessive heat. '9iring system to be waterproof, fully pro-
tected against heat, oil and mechanical injury and subject
to no mechanical strain. Fuses shall be readily accessible
and protected against injury and water spray.
Generator shall be of high charging rate type,
and shall be equipped with a voltage regulator.
All conductors to be stranded and with suitable
insulation and braid for the potential used. 'Then not in
conduit, flexible cable or flexible conduit it must be
thoroughly secured in place. All connections must be
provided with lugs or terminals securely fastened to the
wire and soldered. All electrical apparatus and wires shall
be as Lar removed from exhaust and cylinders as good design
will permit and otherwise insulated against heat. Voltage
drop from battery to any connected fixture shall not be
more than
An electric starting device shall be provided.
A crank for starting the motor by hand shall also be
Two sets of two, 17 plate, 6 -8 V Batteries
shall be furnished. Storage batteries shall be ol heavy duty
type and of adequate rating and capacity to handle the loads
connected thereon. Each battery used shall have sufficient
capacity to operate the starter, siren, radio and lights.
The individual cell voltage shall not drop beloA, 1.85 volts
per cell with the starter in operation at an atmospheric
temperature of not less than 50 degrees Pahr. The individ-
ual cell voltage shall not drop below 1.85 volts with siren,
radio and lights in operation.
A cooling system shall be provided, adequate
to maintain a temperature of the cooling water in the
motor under all working conditions of not greater than
85 degrees Fehr. above the atmospheric temperature. Heat
regulation shall not be by restriction of water flow.
j'ittings or parts in contact with tester shall be of brass,
bronze or other non - corrosive metal; aluminum shall not
be permitted. Adequate drain cocks shall be installed at
the lowest point of the cooling system and at such other
points as are necessary to completely remove water from
the system. These cocks to be of such design as not to
open with vibration. Kadiator to be mounted as to not
develop leaks due to ordinary driving and running strains
of service and of a construction which will not corrode
or readily clog.
A separate supplementary heat exchange cool-
ing system shall be provided which will permit delivery
of water from the fire pump to the heat exchange system
for the cooling of the circulation water. An emergency
connection shall also be provided from the fire pump
direct to the radiator or the circulating pump, such
connection shall be designed large enough to take care
of excessive heat and so as not to permit undue pressure
in the cooling system.
Lche carburetor shall be of the fixed jet type
and a sufficient size to give maximum power of the motor
under all conditions. Suitable facilities shall be pro-
vided for quickly and effectively starting the motor
under all conditions. The air inlet shall be suitably
hooded or otherwise protected to prevent water getting
into carburetor. carburetor and fuel line shall be so
located as not to be subjected to heating or the pocketing
of vapor.
A suitable auxiliary hand throttle of a type
which will positively hold in its set position and con-
trolling the gas supply to the motor, shall be provided, so
located that it can be operated from the operating position
on the ground with speed indicators, discharge and suctions
gauges in full view.
tuA301jI1L TAIL.:
the gasoline tank shall be of tern plate orcad-
mium coaued steel and of at lea
All joints shall be lock seamed
welded or riveted and soldered.
tions shall be provided, pill
than three inches in diameter.
with suitable vent opening, ri
�t thirty five gallons capacity.
and soldered or brazed or
Two or spore splash parti-
opening shall be not less
This tank shall be provided
sediment trap with removable
screen, a shut -off and drain valve sh411 be connected
directly to the gasoline feed line. Tani: and feed
piping shall be so placed as to be protected from mech-
anical injury.
One suitable and adequate mechanical fuel pump
supplemented by one suitable and adequate electric fuel
pump shall be provided, so designed and installed that in
the event of failure of either, the remaining pump shall
be adequate for the proper operation of the equipment.
The fuel system shall be designed and constructed
so as to function efficiently when ascending the steepest
grades to be encountered, estimated maximum 20%. Suitable
valves, filters and drains shall be installed. Fuel line
and fuel line attachments shall be adequately insulated
from motor exhaust line heat, and line locations shall be
such as not to be exposed to mechanical or road hazard
damage. Fuel lines shall be adequate in size for operating
demands, but not smaller than 3/8 inch.
Over -all width of apparatus shall comply with
state highway regulations but shall not exceed eighty
eight inches.
Driving clutch to be of such type as to operate
smoothly under all conditions of road service with pressure
on pedal not exceading fifty pounds. Clutches requiring
constant lubrication of clutch faces are not acceptable.
AXTe :UT 10 :
The axle ratio between the motor and the driving
wheels shall be such that in direct driving the road speed
hereinafter provided for shall be obtained without exceed-
ing the peak of the horse -power curve. A low speed shall
be provided to give a speed of between 5 and 8 miles per hour
at one half the safe maximum motor speed, two intermediate gears
and a reverse gear with ratio such as to facilitate easy
Final drive to be of full floating type.
Wheels to be of the best grade fire department
artillery type or of steel disc type, or their equal.
Front tires shall be single and rear tires double,
and such rear tires shall have tractor type tread. All
tires shall be of pneumatic truck type and of equal and
suitable size, proportionate to the weight carried and con-
forming with the Tire and Rim Association standards. The
load on any one wheel shall not exceed the manufacturer's
rated capacity. Tire fabric shall either be rayon or cotton,
as the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department may require.
Center to center of tread of tires to be not less
than fifty eight inches and not more than seventy two inches.
To be extra strong and durable; steering knuckles
and other parts and connections to be of extra heavy design.
To be capable of turning the front wheels to an angle of
at least thirty five degrees to either right or left.
Service and emergency brakes shall be furnished
with separate controls. Service or foot brake shall oper-
ate on all four wheels. Brake control system shall comply
with State Highway regulations. Either service or emer-
gency brakes shall be capable of holding machine going
>- 14 1
forward or backward when apparatus is carrying full load.
All brakes shall be readily accessible for adjustment.
Fenders and guards to be well braced, firmly
secured to the side steps and with good clearance to wheels.
Side steps or running boards shall be placed between
front and rear wheels, extending in length as close to the
front and rear wheels as practicable; all steps to be
suitably braced and covered with suitable and adequate black
rubber matting appropriately and firmly attached.
.Axles, housings and running boards shall adequately
clear the road surface in accordance with good fire equipment
engineering practice.
Drivers seat shall be protected by a windshield
of safety glass. Windshield wipers mounted at the lower
line of the windshield shall be provided. Seat shall be
well cushioned, of ample size for at least two men and
arranged with ample clearance and good accessibility, and
providing ample space for operation.
There shall be provided, towing hooks or rings front
and rear to permit ready towing of the apparatus and for
towing other apparatus.
The water tank shall be mounted at the front of
the hose body and across the chassis and of approximately
150 gallon capacity. The tank shall have a man -hole of
sufficient size to permit ready access for painting etc.
The tank shall be of copper and provided with at least three
a A•i
baffles securely fastened to the walls of the tank and a
fill opening of not less than five inches in diameter.
Fill opening may be tight if suitable provisions are made
for other openings of ample size to allow the free over-
flow of water or otherwise prevent the building up of
pressure within the tank. Tank shall be piped to pump
suction and all necessary valves and fittings shall be
provided. All operating valves shall be accessible from
the operating side of the apparatus. Suitable means for
draining tank shall be provided. '.later tank connections
shall not be smaller than 1 1/2 inches. Suitable flexible
connections shall be installed to prevent undue strains on
Booster pump shall have a capacity of not less
than 75 gallons per minute, normal operating pressure to
be not less than 175 pounds, but pump to be capable of with-
standing a shut -off pressure of not less than 250 lbs. Pump
shall be driven by a power take -off, such take -off shall be
capable of driving the pump whether the truck is moving or
stationary; it shall be provided with an approved clutch
or gear shift in which the pump can be safely and quickly
started and stopped; the assembly shall be capable of
withstanding the maximum engine speed; all units of the
power take -off shall be in accordance with good engineering
practice as to the mounting and for the stresses and speeds
encountered and shall be of a type designed for continuous
The pump shall be suitably connected to tank and
to hose lines and shall be provided with a relief valve or
pressure regulation of sufficient capacity to prevent dan-
gerous rise in pressure when pump discharge is quickly
closed while pump is operating at maximum capacity. The
pump shall be of the positive displacement type and a hand
operated relief valve or churn valve shall be provided in
addition to the automatic relief valve. A pressure gauge
of suitable type and range shall be mounted so as to in-
dicate pump discharge pressures and shall be easily visible
to the operator while the truck is in motion.
The hose reel shall have a capacity of 200 feet
of 3/4 inch rubber hose and shall be equipped with the
necessary pipe and hose connections. Said reel shall be
suitably mounted in a compartment in the rear step and
provided with a folding handle for cranking.
Two hundred feet of four ply 3/4 inch rubber hose,
shall be provided. Hose bearing the label of the Under-
writers Laboratories Inc. for "Chemical Engine Hose" will be
accepted under these specifications.
The apparatus is to be finished in fine coach
colors. Base coats shall be thoroughly brushed in or sprayed
on. All irregularities to be rubbed down before the appli-
cation of the finishing coats. Lettering, stripping and
color to be selected by the Chief of the Fire Department.
Lettering to be of gold leaf and shaded; size of
letters to be in keeping with the apparatus and to be
lettered: Engine Co. No. 3 E.S.F.D.
All brass work and fittings to be heavily plated
chrome; iron fittings which are to be plated shall first be
given a coat of copper plate.
Mfr A`�'R
One siren (B & Pd or Siro- Drift, or equal) suitably
mounted on top of hood or fender, shall be provided. Siren
control shall be conveniently located for operating from
either side of the driver's seat.
One search light, two headlights, two side or dash
lights, two rear swivel lights, tail lights, stop light,
gauge and underhood lights, and one "Light from Mars" or
its equal shall be provided.
A speedometer shall be provided and shall register
miles per hour, trip and total mileage.
The engine shall be provided with a readily access-
ible permanently attached tachometer in full view of the
driver and operator while in operation. It shall show motor
speeds at all road speeds and register motor miles. The
tachometer shall indicate speed at which the motor is operat-
ing while driving the pump and shall definitely indicate
maximum permissible pumping speeds of the motor; viz; 80%
of the peak speed for capacity pumping and 900 of the peak
speed for pressure operation (200 pounds and more). A means
shall be provided for taking hand readings of the speed of
the motor and pump safely.
A suitable bumper of the heavy duty type shall be
provided on the front of the chassis to protect operating
parts. It shall be attached to the chassis and not to spring
shackle bolts and shall be so installed as not to interfere
with cranking the motor.
Special tools required for servicing the apparatus
shall be provided.
Suitable holders, boxes or other attachments shall
be provided for the tools and equipment as the purchaser
shall enumerate in the special provisions herewith. Equip-
ment holders shall be strong and firmly attached and so
designed that equipment will remain in place under all
conditions and yet permit of quick removal of equipment for
The apparatus shall be delivered at fire engine
station house No. 1, of the City of E1 Segundo, within 90
working days after contract is signed, unless further time
be granted in writing by the City Council of said City. A
competent man in the employ of the contractor shall remain
with the apparatus for a period of not exceeding three (3)
days, during which instructions in operating the apparatus
shall be given to such members of the fire department, as
the Chief of the Fire Department shall designate; all ex-
penses of operating, prior to acceptance or being placed in
fire service, shall be borne by the contractor.
The apparatus shall be tested and thoroughly in-
spected for compliance with these specifications within ten
days after delivery and in the presence of such person or
persons including the Chief of the Fire Department, as the
purchaser may designate. All details of these specifications
and the following prescribed tests shall be checked to the
satisfaction of such body and any failure be definitely noted.
Report shall be made to the purchaser in writing.
The apparatus fully loaded with equipment to be
carried and eight men must meet the following tests;
It must make a continuous run within one hour over
any route selected by the Chief of the Fire Department, or his
duly authorized representative, over paved andmacadam roads in
good condition, but not including any grade over ten per cent,
during which it shall operate without undue heating or showing
lack of power; the distance to be covered and maximum speed
obtained shall be as follows: An average speed of at least
20 miles per hour without exceeding 30 miles per hour.
It shall, from a standing start at the foot of any
grade up to 8;li on paved street, attain a speed on the grade of
fifteen miles per hour within five hundred feet of the starting
It shall be able to ascend a twenty per cent grade
forward or in reverse.
It shall, from a standing start on a level paved
street, attain a road speed of 30 miles per hour within five
hundred feet of the starting point, and without exceeding the
speed indicated at the peak of the brake horse -power curve.
The pump shall deliver its rated capacity with 120
pounds net pump pressure for one half hour. The relief valve
shall be set and while the pump is delivering capacity, dis-
charge gates shall be closed without resulting in excessive
pressure at the pump. The test shall be made with the relief
valve set at 100 pounds, 150 and 200 pounds.
The fire pump shall be of the centrifugal type, two
or more stages series parallel. It shall be of bronze and
carefully designed in accordance with the best modern practice.
` n
,>,x t
The suitability of materials used, the proportions of parts
and waterways, clearances, absence of air pockets and flat
surfaces under pressure and freedom from vibration and pul-
sations from water pressure when running at all speeds will
be considered in judging the excellence of the design. Rump
connections shall be designed to stand a hydrostatic pressure
of 600 pounds.
Protection against corrosion and provisions for wear
and adjustment must be ample and thorough.
The pump must be capable of delivering at least 750
gallons of water per minute against a net pump pressure of 150
pounds per square inch, one half of this quantity at 200 pounds
net pressure and one third of the same at 250 pounds net pressure,
when drafting water with a lift of 10 feet. Pump must be able
to take suction with a lift of 18 feet in 30 seconds with a
dry pump.
The pump shall be provided with the following connec-
tions and equipment; Two side suction inlets of a size ample
for the rated capacity, removable strainers to be provided
inside each inlet; threads to be suitable for the suction sizes
specified for drafting and suitable adapters for the suction
sizes to be carried shall also be provided.
The Fire pump shall have an automatic pressure
regulator of a type that can be adjusted to operating pressure
and prevent undue rise in pressure when lines are shut off.
One or more pressure gauges of the compound type on
the discharge side, registering up to 400 pounds, with 1/4 inch
standard pipe thread connection for test gauge, shall be pro-
vided. Gauge shall be so connected to pump as to indicate
pressures closely comparable with those found at the discharge
A compound gauge on the suction side of the pump,
registering at least 150 pounds pressure and thirty inches
vacuum, Gauges shall be sufficiently accurate and adequately
marked to indicate discharge pressure and inlet pressures
and of lifts within five pounds pressure and five inches
vacuum. Suitable shut -off cocks shall be provided in gauge
lines to control pulsations.
Four two and one half inch outlets (gated) provided
with not less than 3/4 inch drain cocks or valve for draining
All couplings to be National Standard Thread.
.Adequate provisions shall be made for air relief.
Suitable air dome or other arrantgement to prevent undue
vibration or pulsation shall also be provided.
The pumping test shall be made in accordance with
the method of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for
Acceptance pumping tests. Adequate proof must be furnished
that the pumper is of a type that has passed a twelve hour
test similar to that prescribed for new types by the National
Board of Fire Underwriters. Further, it is specified that no
pumper shall be considered that does not meet the requirements
of these specifications even though its type has passed the
twelve hour test. Additional proof must be furnished that the
pumper has been run in before delivery for an adequate period
and not less than four hours.
The pumping test for acceptance shall include the
observation of all features concerning pumping operation that
have been specified herein. The pumping test shall consist of
pumping at full capacity of 750 gallons per minute against a
net pump pressure of 150 pounds for a continuous period of two
hours, with a suction lift not to exceed but preferably to
amount to ten feet, followed by two one half hour periods of
M• �
continuous pumping during one of which at least, one half
of the full capacity at a net pressure of 200 pounds per
square inch shall be delivered, and during the remaining
one half hour, one third of the full capacity shall be de-
livered at 250 pounds net pump pressure. The stops between
tests to be only such as are necessary for changing hose
and nozzles. During and after tests the pump, motor, trans-
mission and all other parts of the machine shall show no
undue heating, excessive strain or vibration and motor shall
show no loss of power, over -speed or other defect.
The suction hose shall consist of two ten foot
lengths and may be of five inch size. Suitable adapters shall
be provided for the 4 inch suctions hereinafter specified.
Body to be of steel, thoroughly reinforced at corners.
Bottom to be of hardwood slats in removable parts or section.
The interior of the body to be smooth and free from all sharp
projections such as nuts, sharp angles, or brackets which
might injure hose.
The body shall be of the divided type and capable of
adequately loading 1300 feet of 2 1/2 inch double jacketed
rubber lined fire hose, with a partition in the center so that
650 feet of such hose may be carried on each side of such
partition. Underneath the partitioned hose compartment a
suitable and adequate tray or drawer shall be provided mounted
on rollers so as to permit ready and easy access to the con-
tents thereof. Such tray or drawer shall be adequate to load
for ready and easy access, 300 feet of 1 1/2 inch double
jacketed rubber lined fire hose.
Hand rail of 1 1/4 inch or larger heavy metal tubing
to extend along each side at least four inches above the body,
continuing to and securely fastened to the rear.
0 VM
The following equipment shall be provided and in-
stalled on apparatus, as specified by the Chief of the Fire
2 - Double females 2 1/2 inches
2 - Double males 2 1/2 inches
1 - Siamese 2 1/2 inches
1 - Gated siamese 2 1/2 inch female to 2 - 1 1/2 inch males
2 - Metropolitan Shut -off Nozzles
6 - Tips of divided type (2 1/2 and 1 1/2 inch threads)
(2- 1 1 /8") (2- 1 ") (2 - 7/8 ")
2 - 1 1/2 inch Combination Fog and Straight Stream Nozzles
1 - 1 inch Combination Fog and Straight Stream Nozzle.
1 - Cooroer Hose Jacket
1 - Peerless Hose Clamp
1 - Detroit Door Opener
1 - Crow bar
1 - Pike pole (10 feet)
2 - Axes (pick head type)
1 - Ceiling remover
1 - 35 foot, 3 section aluminum extension ladder
1 - 12 foot aluminum roof ladder
1 - 10 foot aluminum folding ladder
1 - Suitable Sledge Hammer
2 - Grether Electric Lamps
1 - Homelight Generator - 1200 :7att Capacity with 2
flood lights and 1 spotlight.
1 - First Aid Bit (Water proof type)
I - Pr. Stock 'Pure Cutters
1 - Pr. Bolt Cutters (Capable of cutting 3/4 inch bars)
2 - Burrell All Service Masks Complete
2 - 2 1/2 Gal. Foam Extinguishers (Fire department type)
1 - 15 pound Carbon Dioxide type extinguisher
e Yn 3�i'i
2 - 1 Qt. Carbon Tetra- Chloride Extinguishers.
1 - Blake Four Way Valve
1 - Deluge Set (3 inlets) (Tips 1 1/4" - 1 1/2" - 1 3/4 0)
(Eastman or its equal)
2 - Four inch hard suction hose (10 feet long)
1 - Three inch Hard Suction hose (10 feet long with
adapters from pump inlets to 2 1/2"
female National Standard thread)
1 - 4" Soft Suction
1 - 2 1/2" x 4" Adapter (Female) "
SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to
the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter
the same in the book of resolutions of said city, and shall
make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the
records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City,
in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed
and adopted.
Passed, approved and adopted this 24th day of
July , A. D., 1940.
Mayor of the Cif of E1 Segundo,
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole
number of members of the City Council of the said City is
five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution
No. 503 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council,
approved and signed by the Mayor of said City and attested
by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of
the said Council held on the 24th day of
.. D., 1940, and that the same was so passed and adopted by
the following vote:
AYES: COUNCIMIEN Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder
ity Clerk of li y of
E1 Segundo, California.
'A•Y. fi