CC RESOLUTION 340Y IMOT+DT ION $0. 340 RMSOMTION r, THE COUNCIL f c y9. CITY OF XL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A BCHLDUM OF RAMS FOR WATER, AND CMAIN RULES AND REGUMMONS WITH MEMOS TO THE ♦ is OF WATER WITHIN SAID CITY THEREOF, AMD REPSALING ALL PREVIOUS RZBDIUTIONB IN CONLICT :ERE The City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does hereby resolveg declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That on and after the first day of July, 18369 and until the further order of the City Com oil, the rules, regulations and rates hereinafter set forth in this resolution; shall be, and the wane are hereby fixed and establi died as the rules; regulations and rates govera- ing the service of water from the water works EWstem of the City of El Se podo, and such service shall be rendered subject to each and all of said rules, regulations and rates, aad is conformity therewith. SECTION 2. Installation of Service: F a 3 /4-in. service with a b/8 in. by 374-in. meter, $20.00; For a liwin. service with 1 -in. meter, $40.00; For a 1- 1 /2 -1n. service with a 1 -1/2 in. meter, $66.00; For a grin. service with 2-ia. meter, $80.00; For larger services with larger meters a charge to be determined by the City Council upon application therefor. Application for Service: Before service is delivered a written appli- cation therefor on a blank furnished by the water department of the City of El Segundo, I- must be signed by the person desiring such service; glvimg in addition to such forma - tiox as the water departmaxt may require, his status as owner, agent or tenant. If service is to be delivered to other than a bona tide owner of the property, a cash deposit must be made sufficient to cover twice the average monthly bill for such ser- vice, and in no case shall the deposit be for less than $3,50. Said deposit to be refunded on demand after the eapiratiox of twelve months, provided no part of the deposit has been used in payment of water bills. Said deposit will be refwaded at may time if service is discontinued and all bills for water are paid. Temporary Service: Commeotiox for temporary use x111 be made upon a deposit equal to the estimated total cost of labor and material necessary to mare the installation. This smoust will remain on deposit with the Rater Department until Us termination of sack use; during iich time regular rates will be charged for water used, when the deposit will be returned to the consumer less 10% per year depreoimtiox on material and labor cost. SECTION 3. Ix the event may deposit shall have been made for the installation of any service as heredaabove in Section 2 not forth and for any reason the installation of the mater and service for tihich much deposit was deposited; is not made, the City Couwail in its discretion is such ease may order refund of much deposit at say time; provided, however, that such refusal shall be made at amy time after the expiration of two years. from date of deposit on request of the depositor In canes where such installation has not been made. SECTION 4. Rates: That the rates for water service within said city shall be as follows: Yiximnm rate on metered services, $1.50 per mouth four the first 8000 cubic feet, 6, r 100 cubic feet for the mast 1000 oubio feet; and 100per 100 cubic feet for all water used over 3000 oubic feet. 2" Automatic Sprinkler Service 2 ia. .00 per mouth, Automatic Sprinkler Serviee 3 ia. .50 L-00 per mouth, Automatic Spriakler Service 4 ia. .00 per mouth, Automatic Sprinkler Sere s 6 in. per month, Private Piro Bydreat 25 per month. Lin. 'feet settling grade& streets -- 1.00 100 For all other purposes: 100 Lin. teat settling graded street Per Barrel of Lime ----------- -- - - -- .10 Per Barrel of Cement --- -- ---- - -- - -- .10 1000 brick laid (iseluding getting) - - - -- .10 100 yards plastering ------------- - - - - -- .35 100 sq, toot cement ae brick gutter - - -- .15 100 sq. teat cement sidewalk ----- - - - - -- 1 .26 100 Lia. test oemsnt ourb -------- - - - - -- .30 100 Lia. feet sewer or pipe %reach -- - -- 1.00 100 Lin. 'feet settling grade& streets -- 1.00 100 sq* toot culvert ----- -------------- .15 Street sprinkling, etc., 12 per 1000 gallons, Automatic Sewer Flush Tank 1.00 per month. SECTION 5. That the time and manner of payment of the aforesaid rates shall be as follows: All rates exoept mater rates, are dM and pay- able in advance, and mater rates are due and payable at the cult of the month, excepting that a deposit may be required %hereon in an amount act exceeding the estimated quantity of water consamed in two months. SECTION 6. Bills become deliaqueat fifteen (15) days after presentation, and if not paid the water may be shut off without further notice. SECTION T. All services on any premises, whether used or not, shall be considered as used and shall he charged for, so long as the same remain conneoted: cad where more then one family occupy the same, premises inde- pendently of seek other, each amok family shall pay the same rates as if occupying separate houses or premises so far as minimum rates are concerned, if served through a single meter or a single oonneotion to the maim; pro- vided however; that nothing herein contained shall be oonstrued as applying to any hotel or apartment honse in which the halls ax& reception rooms are used in common by all families in such building. �15 SECTION 8, No allawanae or rebate shall be made in water rates *barged against any property or premises so long as the water remains oonneoted therewith, and full rates shall be charged against any am& all property or premises as bereinbefore specified until the water Department; has been notified in writing to shut a2f or disconnect the water therefrom. Any complaint in regard to the rating of property must be made at the office, ast the Adjuster will properly rate the premises. Collectors shall not make rebates or adjust rates. SECTION 9. An water rates shall be ebarged against the properly on which it is furnished and against the -owner thereof, and if for any cause any sums owing therefor become dslinqusnt; the water shall be out off, and in no case shall it be turned on to the same property until all such deliaquea*ies shall have been paid in full. No change of osaership or occupancy shall affect the application of this section. SECTION 10. Any dosage to meters resulting from *=closeness oar neglect or either of them, as well as any &stage which may result from hot water or steam from boiler or othearwiss, shall be paid for to said de- partment on presentation of bill sad in ease such bill is sat paid the water may be shut off from said premises without further notice and act turned on until all charges are paid. SECTION 11. On failure to comply with the rule a mud regulations established as a a aonditioa to the use of water, or to pay rates or mater rent, or say charge or penalty imposed, in the tuna and mamner as herein provided; the water may be shat off until payment of the amount due is made, with one dollar ($1.00) is addition for expense cf turning water off mod on. 4- SECTION 12. Should the occupant of the premises turn oat be water or suffer or cause it to be turned on after it has been shut off at the curb cock, it will be abut off at the main; and a charge of give Dollars ($8.00) made for the expense of turning oft and oz. SECTION 33, That all services applied for, or isataUed; on and after said first clay of Ju3y9 1936, end until the fltrther order of the legislative body of said city, (Excepting only such services as the water Superintendent of said city Aell elass an emergency or tenporasy services; and to which the flat rates herein - above not forth shall apply) shall be motored and a separate metered service shall be required for each separate family, living separately in or upon any premises; provided, however; that nothing bersia oontained shall be construed as requiring more than one metered service to a hotel or apartment house there the halls and reception rooms are used in oommom by all familiea occupying the same; nor an requiring more theca one altered service to say store or office building for services to the re- spective stores or offices actually contained in and made a part of on h store or office building; nor as requiring the immndi ate discontinuance of existing services mere single family unite are served through a single present connection, but ahonever in the future any such existing services are discontianed; or abandoned, or cheoaged; or the ownership of the property in divided, no now connectioa will be made unless same be metered an bereinabove re- quired for serviees applied for or installed on and after said first daW of duly, 1936. � 2uB EMOTION 14. That notwithstanding any action heretofore taken by this oouuueil to the contrary, metered rates shall apply aid be eolleoted from all metered ser- vices on the Municipal Waterworks System of said City, beginning on and after said date of July 1st; 1936. SECTION 15. This resolution, and the rules, regulations and rates therein contained shall repeal and supersede Resolution No. 809 and uneaduents thereof, sad all other resolutions, rakes, regulations and rates upon, the seas subject or subjects heretofore adopted, and this resolution and the rules, regulations amd rates herein contained and set forth shall be im full force and effect and shall control on and after the first dey of July, 1936. SECTION 16. The foregoing rules, regulation and rates nR be changed, amended or altered at any time by resolution of the City Conseil; duly passed and adopted, and new rules, regnlations, rates and eoiditions may be added thereto. SECTION 17. That the City Clark shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of said City and shall make a minute at the passage an& adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Coamil of said City is the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved axd adopted this 24th day of Jura, A. D., 1956. a or of Sim city x"]31 38-gm-110" A of — Calif orn ia. I (28a) 6- I STA33 (F CALIFORNIA, ) ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGE]ia, ), SS. ) CITY OF BL SEGUNDO. ) Is Yietor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City Of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, beiW Resolution No. 340, was passed and adopted by the said Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regalar meeting of the said Council held on the 24th day of dum, A. D., 1936, and that the one was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Gerow, Reeser, Lore, Selby and Mayor Binder; NWB: Councilmen Noce; ABSENT: Couno ilmen None. El Segu"09 7-