CC RESOLUTION 3251896 RESOLUTICII ;10. 325 A RESOLUTION OF THU CITY COUNCIL OF ME CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AIJENDING RESOLUTION NO. 313 OF SAID CITY ENTITLED, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFE CITY OF EL SEGUITDO, CALIF014IIA, FLYING THE HOURS OF E11PLOYLENT OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND lqn:PLOYiES 02 THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, aIM 2I 'CI NG TIC .LT3S OF 0011PENSA- TION TO M PAID SUCH 017ICE ='S yND 2,11PLOYEES, AND REPiALIEG PLSOLUTION I10. 298 xND ALL RE- SOLUTIONS OR PJ.RTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN SO "AR AS TTLE SAID CONFLICT I TH 'TID; PROVISIONS OF THIS 3ESOLUTION 110. 313 ", PASSED AND xDOPTBD BY THE SAID COU111�'IL Oi' TIC CITY OF LL 143CU1'D01 CyLIi'03NIa, ON :"I13, 27TH D1;Y OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1935, B1 ATETTDIITG SECTION 2 THcR.902. The City Council of the City of 31 Segundo, California, does hereby resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 2 oI Resolution 11o. 313 of the City of 31 Segundo, California, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF TM CITY COUNCIL JI' P&: CITY OF EL Si(,LT'Do, 'ALI?03IIIA, _'NG 1HE H-1 J =?i W liPLOYIEINT 1) 2 CrRT:�II: OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEE:) OT THi CITY OF EL SEGUIIDO, sd1 ) FIXING 21L, COI,.P,aYS -iT KIN TO iii PAID 'UCH EIIPLOY,3, t ,JTD :L'.- P-,,ALIIdG RiaOL"JPIO,' _�O. 298 _iND ALL RESOLUTIONS 03 PART,) OF M'6OL'J2IOI'3 II1 30 �' L� ..S THE SAS:': CON_'LIOT ' „ITH 'TIL1 PROVISIO118 0;0 THIS RESOLU- TIOI: ITO. 313. ", passed and adocted on the 27th day of 7ebruary, .. D., 1935, as amended Lo date, shall be end the same is hereby amended in the followinL particular only, to -viiti: 1- 1-897 the language appearing in said_ 6ection 2 under subdivision `b) which reads as follows, to -Xit: "First Lieutenants shall receive the sum of ,4.25 per drill each, not to exceed two drills per month." shall be amended, so as to read as follows. ".first Lieutenants shall receive the sum of 4.75 per drill each, r!o bu to e:�:ceed two drills per month.", and in all other respects said ,3ection, 2, as amended to date, shall remain in full force and effect, until the further order of the :Jity Jouncil of said ;ity. SiC'IOI, 2. that this resolution shall take effect and be in full force on and after the date of the adoption thereof. S-,,CIIIJIT 3. What the ;ity 'lerk shall certify to the passaUe anc- adoption of this resolution; shall cause Ghe ori.917al of tin sane to be entered in 1"he book of re- solutions of the said "ity of f 3e ayido, and :shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the ')ity "looricil of said City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 2nd day of October, 4. L., 1935. (SLaL) Itayor o e ity of Z1' Segundo, Califoxnia. C f ty Cp rk 2- ST Aiil 0 JOUIT2Y 0'' LOS rli GELS, ) SS. CITY 03 E,A I, Victor 7. 'cJarthy, Jity ;lerk of the Jity of Sl Se_undo, Jalifo-rnia, do hereby ce-rti_ -y that the whole number of meribers of the ;ity Jowlcil of the said jity is five; that Che fore ,Loin,; revolution, being '?esolution _�.o. 325, was passed and ado;;ted icy the said ity Jouncil, approved and si Zed by the :.ayor of said Jity, and attested by the Jity Jlerk of said_ Jity, all �t a regular vieeting of the said Jouncil held on the 2nd day of October, A. L. , 1935, and that the same eras so passed and adopted ay thz following vote: ayes: Councilmen Gero-, Hesser, Love, and ayor Bin de r; Noes: Councilmen gone; Absent: Jouncili -,ian Selby. (3E_"L) Jity Clerk of the Jity of B1 Se undo, California. 3-