CC RESOLUTION 313I i; RESOLUTION NO. 313. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE HOURS OF EMPLO= T OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND F241PLOYELS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, AND FIXING TEE RATES OF COLIPENSATION TO BE PAID SUCH OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, AND REPEAL RESOLUTION NO. 298 AND ALL RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN SO FAR AS THE SAME CON- FLICT IJTH TIE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION I10. 313. VJBREAS, under existing economic conditions the members of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, feel that the working schedules, rates of compensation and hours of service of various officers and employees of the said City should be readjusted, as hereinafter set forth; AND, WHERLAS, said Council, after due con- sideration, believes that the schedule hereinafter adopted will, until the further order of this Council, beat meet the needs of the occasion; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does hereby resolve, declare and determine as follows: SEC "ION 1. That effective on and after the 1st day of March, 1935, and until the further order of this Council, the following working schedule and the respective rates of compensation for the various officers and /or em- ployees of said City hereinafter set forth or referred to, shall be and the same are hereby fixed and established and shall be observed in all particulars. fle 14�Z $ d SECTION 2. That the working schedule and the respective rates of compensation for various of the officers and employees of said City hereinabove referred to shall be and the same are hereby fixed and established as follows: SCHEDULE (a) POLICE DEPARTMENT- The Captain of the Police shall receive the sum of X165.00 per month, payable monthly. Police Officers of the First Class shall receive the sum of "P'155.00 per month each, payable monthly. Police Officers of the Second Class shall receive the sum of j145.00 per month each, payable monthly. Police Officers of the Third Class shall receive the sum of X130.00 per month each, payable monthly. Police Officers of the Fourth Class shall receive the sum of y5.20 per day each, for each day of service, payable semi - monthly. (b) FIRE DEPARMIM. T- The Chief of the Fire Department shall receive the sum of X13.00 per month, payable monthly, and in addition thereto the sum of ,p3.50 per drill, not to exceed two drills per month. The First Assistant Chief shall receive the sum of ,35.50 per drill, not to exceed two drills per month. The Second Assistant Chief shall receive the sum of :4.75 per drill, not to exceed two drills per mont h. 2- Captains of the Fire Department shall receive the sum of }4.75 per drill each, not to exceed two drills per month. First Lieutenants shall receive the sum of ,,4.25 per drill each, not to exceed two drills per month. Firemen shall receive the sum of "3.50 per drill each, not to exceed two drills per month. Fire Engine Drivers of the First Class shall receive the sum of ',`?41.00 per payable monthly. Fire Engine Drivers of the shall receive the sum of ,132.00 per payable monthly. Relief Fire Engine Drivers the sum of "15.00 per month each, p� month each, Second Class month each, shall receive ).yable monthly. (c) MAINTENANCE OF CITY HALL DEPARTMENT - (Under jurisdiction of City Clerk) Janitors shall receive the sum of P83.00 per month each, payable monthly. (d) SEIe'ER DEPARTMENT - The Sewer Tender of the first class, shall receive the sum of ,140.00 per month, payable monthly, and in addition thereto shall receive the use of the dwelling house located at 616 W. Imperial Highway in the City of El Segundo, California, and free water service thereto, which said premises for accounting purposes are hereby determined to have a rental value of 0'15.00 per month, including water. The occupant of said premises however must pay all other public utility charges excepting only telephone exchange service which the City will install and maintain at 3- � r2 said premises for the proper functioning; of said sewer department. Laborers of the First Class shall receive the awn of ;P'102.00 per month each, payable monthly. Laborers of the Second Class shall receive the sun of 65¢ per hour for each hour of service, payable semi - monthly. (e) STREET DEPARTMENT- The Assistant Street Superintendent shall receive the sum of '165.00 per month, payable monthly. The Yunicipal Mechanic shall receive the sum of 5p150.00 per month, payable monthly. Street Department Foremen of the First Class shall receive the sum of , 'P130.00 per month each, payable monthly. Street Department Foremen of the Second Class shall receive the sum of X6.00 per day each, for each day of service, payable semi - monthly. Gardeners of the First Class shall receive the sum of „130.00 per month each , payable monthly Laborers of the First Class shall receive the sum of w102.00 per month each, payable monthly. Laborers of the Second Class shall receive the sum of 6" per hour for each hour of service, payable semi - monthly. (f) ".ATER DEPARTIZITT- The Assistant Slater Superintendent shall re- ceive the sum of .,'165.00 per month, payable monthly. Laborers of the First Class shall receive the sum of „,102.00 per month each, payable monthly. Laborers of the Second Class shall receive the sum of 65¢ per hour for each hour of service, payable semi - monthly. 4- (g) CITY CLERKS DEPARTIvIhNT- The Deputy City Clerk shall receive the sum of 3165.00 per month, payable monthly. (h) DEPARTUENTAL CL=- The Departmental Clerk of the City shall receive the sum of ,'400.00 Per month, payable monthly, and said compensation shall be segregated and the respective proportionate parts thereof charged against the respective departments to which service was rendered during the respective months of service. SECTION 3. That all of the various employees hereinabove in Section 2 of this resolution set forth or referred to, shall be based on a working schedule of nine days per each two -week period, except where otherwise expressly noted in said Section 2, in which case the working schedules of such employees so specifically provided for shall be that hereinabove set forth in said Section 2. SECTION 4. That in all cases, the head of the department or municipal officer under whose jurisdiction the respective employees of said City serve, shall designate the particular days upon which such respective employees are to render service to the said City where their respective employments are not on a full ti -e basis. 3,i;CTIOi; 5. That until the further order of this Council, the various present employees of said City affected by the provisions of this resolution are hereby classified in accordance with the foregoing schedule as follows: Captain of Police --------- - - - - -- J. 'I. Cummings Police Officers of _'irst glass--- P. 3. De Berry Allee EcIntire C. C. ;ravens 5- `1 i Police Officers of 3econd Class - - - -- None Police Officers of Third Class - - - - -- George IicLoughlin Police Officers of :.Fourth Class - - - -- R. Grow J. A� Callahan H. Burns Chief of Fire Department ------ - - - - -- C. K. McConnell First Assistant Chief of Lire Department - - - - -- 0. H. Barber Second Assistant Chief of Fire Department - - - - -- J. C. Bixler Captain of Fire Department ---- - - - - -- F. A. I,Iacdonald First Lieutenant of Fire Department 2. B. Dinwiddie Fire Engine Drivers of First Class -- A. K. Tennis Fire ;ngine Drivers of Second Class - '.u. _. Callahan H. Burns Relief Fire Engine Driver ----- - - - - -- George McLouchlin Janitors -- -- -- -- --- ---- -- ----- - -- --- A. K. Tennis W. A. Callahan H. Burns Sewer Tenders of ,First ;lass - - - - - -- E. ITorgan Assistant Street Superintendent - - - -- J. A. Ilacdonald Municipal ,`.lechanic ------------ - - - - -- -L'. J. GrMj Street Department i'oreman of 2i-rst :;lass ---- - - - - -- A. T. hiller J. Burgher Street Department Foreman of Second Class --- - - - - -- None Gardener -- ------------ -------- - - - - -- F. L. Gregory Assistant Water Superintendent - - - - -- I. N. Sumner Departmental Clerk ------------ - - - - -- ?rances Lloyd SEC2ION 6. That after said 1st day of Idarch, 1935, and until the further order of this Council, whenever any change is made in the existing personnel above referred to, or any new employee is employed, there shall be indicated in the resolution or order providing for such change or nev., employment the classi- fication or title of such new employee or of such change in em- ployment in accordance with the schedule hereinabove provided. SECTION 7. That in the event any of the officers or employees hereinabove mentioned or referred to serves overtime (in excess of the schedule provided hereinabove M for their respective employments), such officer or employee shall not receive compensation in money for any such overtime, but shall be entitled to a like period off duty, such off duty time to be taken as the head of the department in which such employee is employed, or officer under whose jurisdiction such employee is employed, may direct, but in all cases within six months after the rendering of the overtime service. SECTION 8. That the heads of the various departments of the City of E1 Segundo having the employ- ment of employees u ^,on a daily basis, are hereby requested by this Council to, so far as possible, arrange the working schedules of such employees employed upon such daily basis, so that no single employee shall receive more than nine days' employment in any two -week period. SECTION 9. Nothing in this zesclution contained shall be construed as in any manner affecting any officer or employee or the compensation of any officer or employee of said City not hereinabove mentioned, provided for, or referred to, in this resolution, except in the one particular of off -time for overtime as set forth in Section 7 hereof. SECTION 10. That Resolution No. 298 entitled:- "A RESOLUTION OF THn1 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND IMPLOYEES OF TEE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, AND FIXING THE RATES OF COMiPENSATION TO BE PAID SUCH OFFICERS FIND EMPLOYEES, AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 266 AND ALL RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. ", 7- passed and adopted on the 20th day of December, A. D., 1933, shall be and the same is hereby repealed, in so far as the provisions of same conflict herewith, as are also all other resolutions and portions of resolutions in so far as the same conflict with the provisions hereof, effective on and after said 1st day of iiarch, 1935; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as interfering in any manner with payments made under said Resolution Igo. 298 for services rendered prior to said let day of March, 1935. SECTION 11. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the original of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of the said City of El Segundo, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the minutes of the proceedings of the City Council of said City of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 27th day of February, A. D., 1935. ATT ST: City 0 (SEAL) 1 `-'4,; J I Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California. 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUN'^Y OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY 0? EL SEGUNDO. ) <- 1 4 I, Victor D. NoCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, Jalifornia, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 313, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 27th day of February, A. D., 1935, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and b.ayor Binder; NOES: Councilmen None. ABSEN:': Councilmen None. amity Cleft of t hl Segundo, California. (SEAL) 9-