The City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, do resolve, declare an determine as follows:
SECTION 1. That the following Specifications,
being, and to be known as "Standard Grading and Paving
Specifications No. 1 of the City of E1 Segundo, California ",
shall be and the same are hereby adopted, to -wit:
Section 1. Definition of Terms
4henever in these specifications, or in any
documents or instruments in construction where these
specifications govern, the following terms or pronouns in
place of them are used, the intent and meaning shall be
interpreted as follows:
ever the words "City Engineer" or "Street Superintendent"
are used in these specifications they refer respectively
to the City Engineer or the Street Superintendent of the
City of E1 Segundo, California, or their authorized agents
or inspectors.
(b) CITY: Whenever the word "City" is use4 in these
specifications it refers to the City of Ml Segundo,
I 17
(c) BIDDER: Any individual, firm or corporation
submitting a proposal for the work contemplated, acting
directly or through a duly authorized representative.
(d) CONTRACTOR; Whenever the word "Contractor" is
used, it shall be understood to mean the person or persons,
copartnership or corporation, private or municipal, who
have entered into a contract with the City of E1 Segundo,
California, as party or parties of the second part or
his or their legal representatives.
(e) OiMTY: The corporate body which is bound
with and for the Contractor for the acceptable perform-
ance of the contract and for the completion of the work,
and to secure the payment of claims for materials, pro-
visions, provender or other supplies, or teams, used in,
upon, for or about the performance of the work, or for
any work or labor thereon.
(f) PROPOSAL POIW: The approved form on which the
City of El Segundo, California requires formal bids be
prepared and submitted for the work.
(g) PROPOSAL: The offer of the bidder for the work
when made out and submitted on the prescribed proposal
form, properly signed and guaranteed,
(h) PROPOSAL GUARANTY: The cash or check accompany-
ing the proposal submitted by the bidder, as a guaranty
that the bidder will enter into a contract with the City
of El Segundo, California, for the construction of the
work, if it is awarded to him.
(i) PLANS: The official plans, profiles, typical
cross - section, general cross- sections, working drawings
and supplemental drawings, or exact reproductions thereof,
approved by the Street Superintendent, which show the
location, character, dimensions, and details of the work
to be done, and which are to be considered as a part of
the contract supplementary to these specifications.
(j) SDAIFICiM oIIS: The directions, provisions
and requirements contained herein as supplemented by
such special provisions as may be necessary, pertaining
to the method and manner of performing the work or to
the quantities and qualities of materials to be furnished
under the Contract. The special provisions are specific
clauses setting forth conditions or requirements peculiar
to the _,roject under consideration. and covering work
or materials involved in the proposal and estimate but
not satisfactorily covered by these general specifications.
(k.) COBTRACT BOLDS: The approved form of security
furnished by the Contractor and his surety as a guaranty
that he will complete the work in accordance with the
terms of the contract, and to secure the payment of
claims for materials, provisions, provender or other
supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for or about the
performance of the work., or for any work or labor thereon.
(1) STRK&T OR HIGHWAY: The whole right of way which
is reserved for and secured for use in constructing the
roadway and its appurtenances.
(m) ROA.IMAY: That portion of the highway included
between the outside lines of gutters or side ditches
including also the appertaining structurese and all slopes,
ditches, channels, waterways, and other features, necessary
to proper drainage and protection.
(n) ROADHcD: That portion of the roadway extending
from shoulder line to shoulder line; in other words the
subgrade and shoulders coraidered as a unit.
(o) MBCRRA1)&: That portion of the roadbed upon
which the wearing course or pavement is to be placed.
(p) CULV1,;ATd: All waterway structures, except
bridges, having a least dimension of opening of not
less than one foot (11).
(q) TH.": WORK: All the work specified in the
special provisions or indicated on the plans as the
contemplated improvement covered by the contract.
SECTION 2. Proposal Requirements and
bidders will be furnished with proposal forms which will
state the locations and description of the contemplated
construction and will show the approximate estimate of
the various quantities and kinds of work to be performed
or materials to be furnished, with a schedule of items
for which unit bid prices are asked, All special pro-
visions will be grouped together and attached to the
proposal form.
(b) APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE: The quantities given
in the notice to contractorst proposal and contract forms
are approximate only, being given as a basis for the
comparison of bids, and the City of E1 Segundo does not,
expressly or by implication, agree that the actual
amount of work will correspond therewith.
PROVISIONS, AND SITE OF WORK: The bidder is required to
examine carefully the site of, and the proposal, plans,
specifications and contract forms for, the work contem-
pla,zed, and it will be assumed that the bidder has inves-
tigated and is satisfied as to the conditions to be
encountered, as to the character, quality, and quantities
of work to be performed and materials to be furnished,
and as to the requirements of these specifications, the
special provisions, and the contract. It is mutually
agreed that submission of a proposal shall be considered
prima facie evidence that the bidder has made such
(d) PROPOSAL FORMS: All proposals must be made
upon blank forms to be obtained from the Street Super-
intendent at his office, 209 West Franklin Avenue, E1
Segundo; must give the prices proposed, both in writing
and figures, and must be signed by the bidder, with his
address. If the proposal is made by an individual, his
name and post office address must be shown. If made by
a firm or partnership, the name and post office address
of each member of the firm or partnership must be shown.
If made by a corporation, the proposal must show the
name of the state under the laws of which the corporation
was chartered and the names# titles, and business
addresses of the president, secretary and treasurer.
ERASURES OR IRREGULARITIES: Proposals may be rejected
if they show any alterations of form, additions not
called for, conditional or alternate bids, incomplete
bids, erasures, or irregularities of any kind.
(f) BIDDERIS GUARANTY: Each bid is to be presented
under sealed cover and shall be accompanied by a check,
or bond as provided by law, made payable to the "City of
E1 Segundo," for an amount equal to at least ten per
cent (10%) of the amount of said bid.
be opened and read publicly at the time and place indi-
cated in the notice to contractors. Bidders or their
authorized agents are invited to be present.
(h) MATERIAL GUAR&NTY: Before any contract is
awarded, the bidder may be required to furnish a complete
,11,4 X
statement of the origin, composition and manufacture
of any or all materials to be used in the construction
of the work, together with samples, which samples may
be subjected to the tests provided for in these
specifications or in the special provisions to
determine their quality and fitness for the work.
SECTION 3. Scope of stork
(a) WORK TO BE DONE: The work to be done consists
of furnishing all labor, implements, tools, machinery
and materials, except as herein otherwise Npecified,
which are required to construct aryl put in complete
order for use the portion of the street or highway de-
signated in the contract, and to leave the grounds in
a neat condition.
(b) ifiAINTENANCE OF DETOURS: The Contractor shall
construct aad maintain detours necessary to care for
public traffic, as re(uired and directed by the Street
OBSTRUCTIONS: All fences, buildings, disused structures,
obstructions of any character to the construction of the
roadway, or other encumbrances upon or within the limits
of the right of way, shall be removed by the Contractor
and disposed of by the Contractor.
SECTION 4. Control of the ',fork.
Superintendent shall decide any and all questions which
may arise as to the quality or acceptability of materials
furnished and work performed and as to the manner of
performance and rate of progress of the work and shall
decide all questions which may arise as to the interpre-
tation of the plans and specifications* and all questions
1 IS21
as to the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the
part of the Contractor.
Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with the
lines, grades, cross - sections and dimensions shown on
the approved plans.
SPECIAL PROVISION3: These specifications, the plans,
special provisions, and all supplementary documents are
essential parts of the contract, and a requirement
occurring in one is as binding as though occurring in
all. They are intended to be coo,erative, to describe
and provide for a complete work. Plans shall govern
over 2pecifications, special provisions shall govern
over both specifications and plans.
Should it appear that the work to be done or any of the
matters relative thereto are not sufficiently detailed
or explained in these specifications and the special
provisions, the Contractor shall apply to the street
Superintendent f or such further explanations as may be
necessary and shall conform to the same as part of the
contract, so far as may be consistent with the original
specifications; and in the event of any doubt or ques-
tion arising respecting the true meaning of the specifi-
cations, reference shall be made to the City Council of
the City of El Segundo, whose decision thereon shall be
In the event of any discrepancy between any drawing
and the figures written thereon, the figures shall be
taken as correct.
(e) COOPLLiAel0i.i OF COluMACTOR: lhenever the
Contractor is not present on any hart of the work where
it may be desired to give direction, orders will be
given by the Street Superintendent, in writing, and
shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent
or foreman who may have charge of the particular work
in reference to which the orders are given.
( f ) LIitiS AND URAIT a: The Contractor shall
furnish the Street Superintendent such facilities and
labor necessary for marking and maintaining points
and lines as he may require; and the Street Superin-
tendentsmarks shall be carefully preserved.
(g) INSFFICIION: The Street Superintendent and
his authorized assistants shall at all times have
acces4 o the work during its construction, and shall
be furnished 4vith every reasonable facility for ascer-
taining that the stock and materials used and employed,
and the workmanship, are in accordance Nith the re-
quirements and intentions of these specifications;
all work done arts all materials furnished shall be
subject to the inspection and approval of the Street
The work shall be done under the direct supervision
and to the complete satisfaction of the Street Superin-
tendent and in accordance with the laws of the State
of California.
The inspection of the work shall not relieve the
Contractor of any of his obligations to fulfill his
contract as prescribed, and defective work shall be
made good and unsuitable materials may be rejected, not-
withstanding that such defective work and materials have
been previously overlooked by the Street Superintendent
andi accepted or estimated for payment.
All work which has been rejected shall be remedied, or
rerioved and replaced, in an acceptable manner by the
Contractor, at his own expense, and no compensation
shall be allowed him for such removal or replacement.
(i) FINAL INSPECTION: Whenever the work provided
and oontemrlated by the contract shall have been
satisfactorily completed and the final cleaning up
performed. the Street ouperintendent will make the
final inspection.
SECTION 5. Control of katerial.
At the option of the Street Superintendent the source
of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by
the Street Superintendent before the delivery is started.
Representative preliminary samples of the character and
quantity prescribed shall be submitted by the Contractor
or producer for examination and tested in accordance
with the methods referred to under samples and tests.
Only materials conforming to the requirements of these
specifications and approved by the Street Superintendent
shall be used in the work. All materials proposed to be
used may be inspected or tested at any time during their
preparation and use. If, after trial, it is found that
sources of supply which have been approved do not furnish
a uniform product, or if the product from any source
proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall
furnish approved material from other approved sources.
No material which, after approval, has in any way become
unfit for use shall be used in the work.
(b) SAF:ILE:S AND T.L TM: All tests of materials fur-
nished by the Contractor shall be made by the City of El
Segundo in accordance with commonly recognized standards
of national organizations, and such special methods and
tests as are elsewhere described in article (c) hereof,
or in the special provisions.
Field tests of materials will also be made by the
Street Superintendent when deemed necessary and these
tests shall be made in accordance with standard practices.
The Contractor shall furnish such samples of all
materials as are requested by the Street Superintendent
without charge. No material shall be used until it has
been approved by the Street Superintendent. Samples
will be secured and tested whenever necessary to deter-
mine the quality of the material.
Promptly after the approval of the Contract, the
Contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent of the
proposed sources of supply of all materials to be
furnished by him.
dherever reference is made in these specifications
to standard tests or requirements of the American
Society for Testing Materialsq or the American Railway
Engineering Association, the reference shall be con-
strued to mean the standards that are in effect at the
date of these specifications with subsequent amendments,
changes or additions as thereafter adopted and published
by the organizations referred to.
(c) SPECIAL IMTHODS OF MOSTS: Crushed stone and
gravel will be tested for abrasion$ toughness and eement-
ing value by the methods described below$ the Los Angeles
rattler test being an alternative to the shot rattler
1. The Dry Shot Rattler Test is made in ac-
cordance with the AbraUion Test for Gravel as described
in the United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin
No. 1216, page 7.
2. The Wet Shot Rattler Test is made the same
as the dry shot rattler test above described, except
that sufficient water to cover the sample is added when
the specimen is placed in the rattler.
3. Los Angeles Rattler Test; The machine used
in the Los Angeles rattler test consists of a cylindrical
drum twenty -eight inches (2811) in diameter and twenty
inches (20 ") in length, mounted longitudinally on a
horizontal shaft and having a shelf four inches (4 ")
wide extending from end to end on the inside.
The charge consists of eleven (11) pounds (five (5)
kilogrammes) of aggregate of such size that all passes a
screen with two -inch (2 ") circular openings, sixty per
cent (6011) is retained on a screen with three- quarter -inch
(3/4 ") circular openings and all is retained on a screen
with one -half inch (112' circular openings, together
with fourteen (14) cubical blocks of cast iron having
rounded corners and edges and weighing a total of eleven
(11) pounds.
After charging, the drum is revolved five hundred
(500) revolutions at a rate of between twenty -eight (28)
and thirty (30) revolutions per minute.
The result is reported as the per cent of loss. The
loss is considered that portion of the sample which, after
the test, will pass a ten (10) mesh sieve.
4. Cementing Tests are made upon the material
as received without the addition of fines, using only
that portion of the sample which will pass a screen with
one -half inch (1/2 ") circular openings. 3oreen analysis
is made of the material, and if it is found to contain
less than xifteen per cent (15°;.) passing a two hundred
(200) mesh sieve, enough material is pulverized to supply
the deficiency and to bring the fines up to this require-
The sample, prepared as above, is moistened and
mixed as in the preparation of a concrete sample. The
material, after wetting, is tamped into a four and one-
half inch (4 1/2 ") cubical mould and is placed in a
warm oven at a temperature of about one hundred degree
(100) '., until it has dried sufficiently to permit
its removal from the mould. Drying is then continued
until the specimen ceases to Live off moisture, after
Which it is capped with plaster of paris and tested
for compression in a universal testing machine.
The cementing value is taken as the average eom-
prassive strength in pounds per square inch of three
(3) specimens.
(d) STORAGE OF MATERIALS: Materials shall be
stored so as to insure the preservation of their
quality and fitness for the work. When considered
necessary by the Street superintendent, they shall be
placed on wooden platforms or other hard, clean sur-
faces arL not on the ground. They shall 'be placed under
cover when so directed. Stored materials shall be
located so as to facilitate prompt inspection.
(e) DEFECTIVE MATERIALS: All materials not conform-
ing to the requirements of these specifications shall one
considered as defective and all such materials, whether
in place or not, shall be rejected and shall be removed
immediately from the site of the work, unless otherwise
permitted by the otreet Superintendent. No rejected
material, the defects of which have been subsequently
corrected, shall be used until approval in writing has
been given by the Street superintendent.
3,,CTIOI4 6. Legal Relations and Responsibility
to the Public.
(a) hA'/JS TO B. OB31ERV::11: The Contractor shall
keep himself fully informed of all existing and future
state and national lawn and municipal ordinances and
regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or
employed in the work, or the materials used in the wort',
or which in any way affect the conduct of the work, and
of all auch orders and decrees oP bodies or tribunals
having any jurisdiction or authority over the same. If
any discrepancy or inconsistency is discovered in the
plans, drawings, specifications or contract for the wort
in relation to any such law, ordinance, regulation, order
or decree, he A411 fOrthwith report the same to the
Street Superintendent in writing. He shall at all times
himself observe and comply with, and shall cause all
his agents and employees to observe and comply with,
all suoh existin,7 and future laws, ordinances, regulations,
orders and decrees; and shall protect and indemnity the
City of M Segundo and all of its officers and agents
and servants against any claim or liability arising from
or based on the violation of any such law, ordinance,
regulation, order or decree, whether by himself or his
The Contractor shall, before entering on the per-
formance of the work provided by the contract, furnish a
bond, or bonds, as required by law for the faithful
performance of the contract and to secure laborers and
The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City
of 1 Segundo, ten dollars (Qp10.00) for each laborer,
workman or mechanic employed in the execution of the
contract by him, or by any subcontractor under him, upon
any of the work hereinbefore mentioned for each calendar
day during which said laborer, workman or mechanic is
1411114 f
required or permitted to labor more than eight (8)
hours in violation of the provisions of section six
hundred fifty -three (c) of the Penal Code of the State
of California.
(b) PLM1ITS AnL LICENSES: The Contractor shall
procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and
fees, and give all notices necessary and incident
to the due and lawful prosecution of work.
shall so conduct his operations as to offer the least
possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic.
:xcept where construction is on new right of way, the
Contractor shall arrange to take care of existing
traffic so as to inconvenience the public as little as
possible. Residents along the street or highway must
be provided for as far as practicable. Convenient
access to driveways, houses and buildings along the
line of the work must be maintained and temporary
approaches to crossings or intersedting highways shall
be provided and kept in good condition. Where construc-
tion is on existing street or highway and local roads
adjacent to the work provide convenient detours, public
traffic will be routed over such roads insofar as prac-
ticable. ffhere existing roads are not availablm for use
as detours, unless otherwise provided in the special
provisions, all traffic shall be carried over the work
and the Contractor shall so conduct his operations that
public traffic may pass through construction with as
little inconvenience and delay as possible.
The Contractor shall provide flagmen and guards to
direct and control traf ic, and also such special signs
as may be ordered by the Street superintendent, and any
flagmen, guards, or watchmen stationed by the Contractor
Llw " ?9
to protect or guard the work or as hereinafter provided
shall be paid for by the Contractor at his expense,
Construction equipment shall interfere as little
as possible with the free passage o_' traffic and the
Contractor shall provide at his own expense the necess-
ary signs, lights, and watchmen to safely direct public
traffic past such equipment. 4hen construction opera-
tions are suspended he shall remove all equipment and
obstructions from the portions of the roadway necessary
to public traffic.
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide
and maintain such fences, barriers, rid lights, and
other means as may be necessary for illuminating signs.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as
relieving the Contractor in any manner or degree from
the responsibility and obligation of protecting and
guarding the work from injury or damage due to any cause.
(d) PR.a!sRVA'TIOIi OF PROPERTY; The Contractor shall,
at his own expense, preserve anti protect from injury all
roadside trees. ilhere required by the Street Superintend-
ent, he shall cover the trunks with burlap or drive stakes
around them for complete protection. All trees useful
for shade or other purposes shall be cared for by the
Contractor and no trees within the limits of the right
of way of the road shall be out or otherwise removed
without the consent of the Street Superintendent.
All fences along the line of the highway shall be
protected by the Contractor, and if they are injured or
destroyed they, and any other property injured by the
Contractor, his employes or agents, shall be restored
to a condition as good as when he entered upon the work.
1:1 Segundo or the Street Superintendent shall not, in
any manner, be answerable or accountable for any loss
or damage that shall or may happen to the work or any
part thereof, respectively, or for any of the materials
or other things used or employed in finishing and com-
pleting the work; or for injury to any person or persons,
either workmen or the public; for damage to adjoining
property from any cause which might have been prevented
by the Contractor, or his workmen, or by any one employed
by him; against all of which injuries or damages to
persons and property the Contractor having control over
such work must properly guard, and must make good all
damages from whatever cause, being strictly responsible
for the same. The Contractor shall be responsible for
any damage to any person or property resulting from
defects or obstructions or from any cause whatsoever
during the progress of the work or at any time before
its completion and final aoceptance, and shall indemnify
and save harmless the City of E1 Segundo and the Street
Superintendent, from all suits or actions of every name
and description, brought for, or on account of any in-
juries or damages received or sustained by any person
or persons, by or from the Contractor, his servants or
agents, in the construction of the work or by or in
consequence of any negligence in guarding the same, in
improper materials used in its construction, or by or
on account of any act or omission of the Contractor or
his agents.
the formal acceptance of the work by the Street Super-
intendent, the Contractor shall have the charge and care
thereof and shall take every necessary precaution against
injury or damage to any part thereof by the action
of the elements or from any other cause, whether arising
from the execution or from the non- execution of the work.
The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, and make
good all injuries or damages to any portion of the work
occasioned by any of the above causes before its com-
pletion and acceptance and shall bear the expense there-
of. In case of suspension of work from any cause whatever,
the Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and
shall properly store them, if necessary, and shall
provide suitable drainage of the roadway and erect
temporary structures where necessary.
SECTION 7. Prosecution and Progress
(a) SUBIKTTITTG AND ASSIGM ENT: No subcontractor
will be recognized as such, and all persons engaged in
the work of construction will be considered as employees
of the Contractor and their work shall be subjectto the
provisions of the contract arA specifications.
'!here a portion of the work which has been sublet
by the Contractor is not being prosecuted in a manner
satisfactory to the Street Superintendent, the subcon-
tractor shall be removed irmaedi�tely on the requisition
of the Street ; uperintendent and shall not again be
emyloyed on the work.
(b) PRD3RESS OF TIM WORK: The Contractor shall
diligently prosecute the work to completion within the
time limit provided in the contract.
the Contractor shall so conduct his operations as
to have under construction no greater length or amount
of work than he can prosecute properly, with due reCard
to the rights of the public.
(c) CHARACTP.3 03 'd0RI2dZid: If any subcontractor
or person employed by the Contractor shall fail or
refuse to carry out the directions of the Street
Superintendent or shall appear to the Street Superin-
tendent to be incompetent or to act in a disorderly or
improper manner, he shall be discharged immediately on
the requisition of the Street Superintendent, and such
person shall not again be employed on the work.
Superintendent shall have the authority to suspend the
work wholly or in part, for such period as he may deem
necessary, due to unsuitable weather, or to such other
conditions as are considered unfavorable for the suitable
prosecution of the work, or for such time as he may deem
necessary due to the failure on the part of the Contractor
to carry out orders given, or to perform any provision
of the contract. The Contractor shall immediately respect
the written order of the Street Superintendent to suspend
the work wholly or in part. The work. shall be resumed
avhen conditions are favorable and methods are corrected,
as ordered or approved in writing by the Street Superin-
(e) the Contractor agree: that he will pay all bills for
labor, team hire, material and supplies contracted for by
him on account of the work contemplated, when same become
due and payable.
SEXPION 8. Measurement and Payment
(a) IL-,ASU RI�T Or' Q.VAYTITIB3: All work completed
under the contract shall be measured by the street Super-
intendent according to the United States Standard Measures.
All materials which are specified for measurement by the
cubic yard "measured in the vehicle" shall be hauled in
approved vehicles. Approved vehicles for this purpose
shall be of a type or size satisfactory to the street
Superintendent, provided that the body is of such type
that the .actual contents may be readily and accurately
determined. Unless all approved vehicles on a job are
of uniform capacity, each a- proved vehicle must bear a
plainly legible identification mark indicating the
specific approved capacity. All loads not hauled in
such approved vehicles may be rejected.
Nhere reference is made to this article of the speci-
fications for the measurement of quantities„ the material
may be paid for by either the cubic yard or ton, as indi-
cated by the unit stated in the notice to contractors,
the proposal and contract forms, unless otherwise provided
in these specifications or in the special provisions.
Materials paid for by the cubic yard will be measured
in the vehicle at the point of delivery on the road.
Material paid for by the ton shall be weighed on
scales furnished by and at the expense of the Contractor,
if local material or material not shipped by rail is used.
,jail. scales shall be satisfactory to the utreet .,u,erin-
tendent and, they :;hall be seeded wt tht, expense o f the
Contractor as often a.s tht street uujjerintendent may
deem necess.ry to insure their accuracy.
If material is shipped by rail the car weights will
be accepted, provided that actual weight of mat eri�,l only
shall be aid for and not minimum cLr sieirht u-ed f or
assessing freight t_�.ri_"f.
:vo 1104+ nee will be made for materials placed out-
side o " the line;; indicated on the plans or ordered by
the .,treet superintendent.
111 -941
CON3T1RUC2I0141 D_.2 J.3.
3ECTIOD 9. Clearing and Grubbing
Land grubbing Uh�,11
of clearing the
riglit of
All v�, getable growth such as bru.h, tree_, lots,
atumps, root,, hc_vy sod, heavy �_ro,,th of Jr,,--s. and Lll
decayed vegetable matter, rubbi,h, cans, lumb(_r, or aLn
other ob„cetionable material shall be removed before the
grading begins and no such ob„ectionable material shall
be allo *aed in or under the fill. h light growth of grass
will not be considered obJectionable.
3UC'TION 10. earthwork
(a) Dd3CRIYTIOL: ::arthwork shall consist of per-
forming all open tions neces say to excavate earth and
roci: fron. the road' +ay pri,;n; to ei,_cwvute ditches; to
build e„rtl,fill or eucun_z,.cnt in the locations and to
the elevations and form planned for same; to remove all
present culverts and structures not necessary to the work,
and baekfill ditches left by the same; to build all
approaches, to new structures; the :furnishing of all
equipment necessary for these operations, and the per-
formance of all incidental work of whatsoever nature may
be required to build the parade and approaches to it, and
maintain_ them in the form specified until the completion
and acceptance of the contract.
(b) a IUVILL 02 OLD 3TRUC°iU:;e3: Old culverts and
structures to be taken out or replaced, shall be removed
at the Contractorrs expense. Trenches cau:,ed by said
removal .ahall be filled vit]. suitable material.
right is reserved to the
City of
I -1 Segundo and the
of public utilities
and franchises to enter upon the highway for the purpose
of removing or altering such obstructions when made
necessary by the construction work. contemplated.
Roadway Excavation
(d) UNSUITABLE MATERIALS: All soft or unsuitable
material shall be excavated and the space refilled with
good earth or gravel before making fill upon it. Soft
spots shall be excavated to a depth of at least two feet
(2 °) and refilled. The yardage removed and the yardage
refilled will be paid for at the unit price for roadway
(e) SLOPES: Excavations and embankments shall be
finished with all slopes out true and straight, and all
slopes, whether old or new, shall be maintained with
true and even surfaces.
(f) DRAINAGE DITCHES: Drainage ditches shall be
constructed as shown on the plans or as may be directed,
true to grade and cross - section and thereafter so main-
tained. The Contractor shall exercise care to prevent
excavating below the grade for the bottom of the ditch.
Holes and depressions below the grade for the bottom of
the ditch shall be filled with suitable material and
satisfactorily compacted at the expense of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall excavate water channels above
and below all culverts, to the line of the right of way,
and clean the same of brush, trees, roots and debris.
Excavation for Structures
(g) E%CAVAtION: Excavation and backfill, without
classification, of trenches for pipe culverts, headwalls
and for concrete culverts, retaining walls or other
structures will be known as "Structure Excavation."
14916 '
Structure excavation shall include the removal
of all material of whatever nature necessary for the
constructi ,)n of foundations in accordance with the
plans. It shall include the furnishing of all equipment
and the construction of all cribs, and other details
which may be necessary, and the subsequent removal of
(h) BACKFITZL: After the piers and abutments are
in place material shall be backfilled. No material
shall be deposited in fills against the back of abutments
or retaining walls until the following number of days
have elapsed after the pouring of concrete in the main
walls taking stress:
For mass abutments or retaining walls - - - - -10 days.
For reinforced abutments or ruining walls -21 days
Backfill over and around culverts, arches and
columns shall be brought up uniformly on all sides in
order not to set up bending or distortional stresses in
the structure. All such backfill shall be placed care-
fully in horizontal layers and tamped or puddled.
dhen material from the excavation is unsuitable for
use in backfill it shall be disposed of and fine material
free from large stones shall be furnished by the Contrac-
tor for the backfill.
Surplus material from the excavation, after backfill -
ing, shall "be disposed of by the Contractor.
adhere the earth backfill is under roadway embankment
it shall be placed in horizontal layers rot exceedin7
eight inchez, (811) in depth, and each layer shall be
thoroughly tamped by hand or puddled.
(i) GLIERAL RE�ZUIRMIMS: After the right of way
is cleared, the total width upon which fill is to be made
shall be plowed and broken up in order to allo;a,, new
filled material to bond with the old earth.
11-en effioankments are "o be iiade on hillsides, or
where new fill is to be applied upon existing embank-
ments, the slopes of the original ground shall be plowed
deeply or cut into steps before the filling is commenced.
Only suitable materials shall be placed in em'ank-
ments. The best fine surfacing material shall always be
saved for finishing. Clods or hard lumps of earth, over
six inches (6 ") in greatest dimension, shall be broken
up before being placed in the fill with the object of
obtaining a dense embankment.
Large rocks or hard lumy-s, 6uch as hard pan or
cemented gravel, which can not be broken readily shall
be distributed throughout the embankment and filled
around with fine material so as to secure a dense, com-
pact embankment. No such rocks or lumps over six inches
(611) in size may be placed in the u_per two feet (21)
of embankments unless they are so buried as to have a
cover of not less than one -half of their greatest
All adobe material placed in embankment shall be
deposited at the bottom of the fill and no adobe shall
be placed in embankment above a point one foot (11)
below profile grade.
(j) CCLiPACTING: Except as hereinafter specified,
embankments shall be constructed in layers not exceeding
eight inches (811) in thickness. The sides of the fill shall
be placed first and the center shall be carried up lower
than the shoulders. Each layer shall be thoroughly com-
pacted by rolling with a twelve (12) ton three (3) wheeled
power roller or with a tamping roller the outer surface
of which shall be studded with teeth not less than seven
inches (7 ") long and having a surface area of not
less than four (4) square inches each; the roller
shall be of such a weight that the load upon each tooth
will not be less than three hundred (300) pounds.
Unless the material when placed in the fill is moist
enough to be properly compacted, each layer shall be
watered sufficiently to dampen the material before
being rolled. Successive layers shall not be placed
until the layer under construction has been thoroughly
Embankments built of sand shall be constructed in
layers approximately two feet (21) thick and after being
brought to grade shall be dyked and flooded with water
until full settlement has taken place.
ments shall be maintained to the grade and cross- section
shown on the plans until the completion and acceptance
of the contract. Suitable allowance for shrinkage and
compression shall be provided f or by the Contractor in
the building of embankments.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability
of all constructed embankments and shall replace any
portions which have become displaced due to his careless-
ness or negligence.
Surplus and Borrow Excavation
(1) SURPLUS LXCAVATION: All surplus excavation
and waste material shall be used to widen embankments
uniformly or to flatten slopes, or shall be disposed of
by the Contractor
(m) A mass diagram will be furnished with the
cross- sections.
L. 'Oij
SEMOU 11. Subgrade
(a) Di�SCRIPT101d: The subgrade will be considered
as that portion of the highway upon which surfacing or
paving is to be placed.
Before the surfacing or paving is placed, a subgrade
shall be constructed, conforming to the grades and cross -
sections shown on the plans and in accordance with these
The finished subgrade shall be true to cross - section,
hard, uniform, smooth arA must support without perceptible
indentation, the wheels of heavily loaded trucks, except
where the soil is too sarrly.
When the surface of the grade is finished to a flat
cross - section, and is rolled smooth and compact, it will
be considered as ready for the Street Superintendent's
subgrade stakes.
Subgrade for Macadam or Asphalt Concrete !?,.vement
(b) Rr'-.WIIM M1723: Preliminary to making subgrade
the roadbed shall be thoroughly watered and all fills
more than one foot (1') in depth shall be dyke& and
flooded with water for a sufficient length of time to
allow full settlement to take place. The grade shall
then be rolled thoroughly, finished to a flat cross -
section and the side forms set to the lines aryl grade
shown on the plans.
The earth between the side forms shall be loosened
to a depth of approximately twelve inches (1211) with a
rooter, scarifier or plow so operated that no ribs of
compacted material will be left in place. The clods
shall be broken up and the loosened material disled to
its full depth with a cultivator. High spots shall be
removed and depressions filled by means of a scraper and
the deep cultivating continued until the soil is pulverized.
supported on each side by the aide forms. "Then the
subgrade is finished true to grade it shall be watered
and allowed to bake in the sun.
The detail of the o_erations of makin` subgrade
shall be under the da.rection of the Street 6u -cerintendent
rnd he shall at all times have authority to stop the
operation, if, in his opinion, these specifications
are not being complied with in a manner which will
result in the character of subgrade specified.
Continued use of sections of prepared subgrade for
hauling, so as to cut up or deform it from the true
ero -s- section, will not be permitted. 'lhe Contractor
shall protect the prepared subgrade from both his own
and public traffic.
3,.CTI02d 12. Shoulders
(a) DEaCRIPTIOIT: shoulders of the dimensions
shown on the plans shall be built on both sides of the
surfaced way. Shoulders will, in general, be built of
earth o1'the same quality as specified for placing in
Shoulders adjacent to pavement shall be rolled
with a roller weighing not less than six (6) tons.
3&G -CION 13. Finishing Roadway
(a) ]BSCRIPTION: After the earth work has been
completed and the surfacing or paving has been placed,
the entire roadway shall be finished a, specified herein
The shoulders shall be trimmed and shaped to the
finished cross - section by means of a grading machine
supplemented by hand work where necessary to produce
smooth surfaces and slopes, and uniform cross - sections.
In the case of a graded roadbed without ,urfacing, the
�� 4_i
entire roadbed ahall be trimmed &nd shaped in the same
manner. No loose stones that would fail to pass a
three -inch WI) ring shall be left on the finished
The dragging, pushing or scraping of material
across or along the finished surfacing or paving will
not be .>ermitted.
The slo=es of embankments, and excavationsl, shall
be trimmed and finished to the lines and grades called
for by the plans; ditches and channels shall be cleared
of debris and obstructions LzA the slo es anu beds of
side ditches tricnn:ed smooth and true to line and grade;
and excess earth, debris or other waste material ad-
iacent to culvert headwalls, poles, posts, trees or
other objects shall be removed. t.11 loose stones, roots,
or other waste matter exposed on embankment or excavation
slopes which are liable to become loosened shall be
removed, aw all slash arxi debris from clearing opera-
tions shall be disposed of and the entire roadway and
right of way left in a neat and presentable condition.
3r;CTION 14. Side Forms
Macadam and Lsphalt Concrete Pavement
(a) DESCRIPTION; Side forms shall always be pro-
vided to assure accurate grade and alignment and to
support the edges of macadam and asphalt concrete
pavement and pavement widening.
The Contractor sh<;11 provide sufficient, forms so
that there ;vill be no delay in the placin of the pave-
ment due to lack of forms.
Before placing side forms, the earth beneath them
shall be excavated to the proper grade, and shall be
hard and compact. Side forms shall have full bearing
upon the earth throughout their length.
.7ide forms of timber or steel shall be in such
condition that the top edge of each individual section or
form does not vary more than one - quarter inch (1/411) from
a true straight line in the length of the form and shall
be placed with exactness to the required grade and
alignment of the edge of the finished pavement. They
shall be so supported during the entire operating of
placinG, tamping and finishing the pavement that they
will not at any time deviate laterally nor at any time
deviate vertically more than one - quarter inch (1 /4")
from the proper line.
All forms, whether timber or metal, shall be
thoroughly cleaned before being used and shall be re-
stored to their original condition each time they are
used throughout the job. Each individual length of
form must be frequently tested and if it fails to conform
to the above requirements it shall be rejected from the
(b) TIMBER 3I1L FORMS shall be No. 1 common Douglas
Fir or white fir. They shall not be less than three
inches (31') thick or less than sixteen feet (165) long.
Their depth shall be equal to the specified depth of the
edge of the pavement.
Timbers for forms shall be free from any knots
within three inches (311) of the edge of the form and from
any other defeats which would impair their strength or
prevent them from making a perfectly true line. Timbers
with rounded edges, ends or corners or split ends shall
not be used.
Timber side forms shall rest upon two inch by three
inch (2" x 3 ") stakes* spaced not greater than four feet
(4t) apart, driven with their tops to the line and grade
for the bottom of the side form. Stakes for nailing on
and cross - section shown on the plans. aide forms
shall be set to the line and grade for the edges of
the finished pavement -and shall conform to the require-
ments of section it, articles (a) to (d), of these
specifications. The side forms shall be left in
place after the pavement is completedo
dhen bituminous macadam surface is placed upon
waterbound macadam, the base shall be thoroughly clean-
ed and shall be swept with brooms until the larger
stones are exposed .pith the lover interstices fixed
in a matrix of filler and the upper interstices open
to secure a mechanical bond with the wearing course.
(b) LUZERIALa: Bituminous macadam surface shall
be constructed of broken stone from sound ledge rock
or crushed boulders. ,when broken stone is produced
from rounded or waterworn boulders or stones with
full round or half round surfaces, only material
that is rejected by a grizzly with four inch (411)
clear openings between bars shall be crushed.
It shall be sound rock of uniform quality and
when tested in accordance with the methods described
in section 5, article (e) of these specifications,
the loss in the respective tests shall not exceed the
Dry Shot Rattler Test,.... 25IL'
Net Shot Battler Test..... 55°',
Los Angeles Rattler 'Test.. Yr,o.
The material shall be uniformly graded from coarse
to fine.
For surfaces two inches (�") or more in thickness,
all material shall pass a screen with two and one -half
(2 1,211) circular openings. and shall be retained on
a screen with three- quarter inch (3/411) circular openings.
r.ey rock shall be of a civality conforming to the
above requirements for broken stone and shall be of such
size that from ninety per cent (9(Yb) to one hundred per
cent (10(Y%) will pass a screen with three - quarter inch
(3/4 11) circular openings, and be retained on a screen
with one -half inch (1/2 11) circular openings. Screenings
shall be of a quality conforming to the above requirements
for broken stone and shall be of such size that from
ninety per cent (90/0) to one hundred per cent (1000
will pass a screen with one -half inch (1/? °) circular
openings, and be retained on a three (3) mesh sieve.
(c) PLACING: Broken stone shall be spread uniformly
by means of vehicles equilTed aaith spreading devices
approved by the Street ,Superintendent.
After spreading, the stone shall be rolled lightly
to obtain initial compression and develop any irregulari-
ties. The surface of the atone shall then be carefully
trued up and all high sAd low spots eliminated. When
smooth and true, the atone shall be thoroughly dry rolled
without filler material until the aggregate presents a
firm and even surface which will allow uniform penetra-
tion of the asphalt.
After rolling, the stone shall be checked for accur-
acy with a straight edge templet ten feet (101) long. If
the surface varies from the lower edge of the templet at
any place by more than one - quarter inch (1 /4 11), it shall
again be trued up and rerolled and this process shall be
repeated until the surface conforms to the above require-
ment for accuracy.
(d) ROLLIM: All rolling shall be done with steam
or gasoline road rollers weighing not less than three
hundred fifty (350) pounds per lineal inch of tire
width, and the Contractor shall provide and employ
as many of such rollers as the Street Superintendent
deems necessary. All rolling of the broken stone
surfacing shall commence at the outer edges end con-
tinue towards the center. Under no eircumstanoas
shall the center of the road be rolled first.
Bituminous Work
(e) DESCRI.FelON -. 04hen the macadau is compact
and when it is thoroughly dry and presents a uniform
appearance free from cemented spots, a bituminous
wearing surface, composed of bituminous binder, key
rock and screenings, shall be applied to the entire
area of the broken stone surfacin.
(f) PLACIE: -. All of the 'bituminous work covered
by these specifications shall be done only when the
atmospherte temperature is above sixty -five degrees
(650) F., and even then only during such periods as
the sun is shining, This rule may be suspended by the
Street Superintendent vdien, in his judgment, the same
mEW not be detrimental,to the work.
No bituminous work will be permitted when the
surfaeeto be covered is wet,
All bituminous binder used in the work shall be
sprayed upon the roadway by means of pressure spraying
machines. The use of "gravity distribntora" will not
be permitted.
The bituminous binder must be delivered at the
point required for spraying at a temperature of not
less than three hundred degrees (3000) F., nor more
than four hundred degrees (400 ) F,
Key rock and screenings may be spread from trucks
equipped to distribute them in a thin sheet or by hand
from piles alongside the work. In no ease shall key
rook or screenings be spread by a blade grader.
(g) FI 63T APPLICATION: The first application
of bituminous binder shall be spread by means of suit-
able spraying machines, at the rate of one - quarter (1/4)
to three - quarters (3A) gallon to the square yard of
surface, the quantity between the limits mentioned
to be determined by the Street superintendent. The
bituminous binder shall be allowed to penetrate into
the roadway for not more than twenty -four (24) hours
and shall then be covered by a thin layer of key rock.
Sufficient key rock shall be applied to absorb the
bituminous binder, and stable brooms shall be used
to spread the key rock uniformly over the entire
situminous area. The entire surface shall then be
rolled thoroughly until it is smooth, hard and com-
pact, and the roller causes no perceptible movement
ahead of it. Care must be taLen during the rolling
to cover the bituminous surface in all places so that
the material will not adhere to the roller.
.where the surface being constructed is less than
two inches (211) thick, screenings shall be used in
lieu of the key rock above specified.
(h) SECOND APiMICATION: Before the second coat
of bituminous binder is applied, all surfaces which
show an excess of key rock shall be swept clean. The
second application of bituminous binder shall be
spread at the rate of one-quarter (1A) to one -half
(1 /2) gallon per square yard of surface area, the
quantity between the limits mentioned to he determined
by the Street superintendent. Clean screenings or
pea gravel shall then be uniformly spread over the
entire surf•:ce in quantity sufficient to prevent the
asphaltic surface from adhering t o the rollers, after
Which the roadway shall be thoroughly rolled. The
rolling shall continue sufficiently to give a hard,
smooth, finished surface. If the bituminous binder
shows through the dressing, it shall be taken up with
screanings or pea gravel.
(i) 2IIuAk APPIICATIOR: After the rood has been
open to traffic for a period of three (3) and not more
than (4) weeks, should the same be required to seal
the surface, a final application of bituminous binder
shall be spread at the r, t e o C from one - eighth (1/6)
to one - quarter (IA) gallon per square yard of the
surface area covered, as the street superintendent
shall determine. Before applying this coat of bitumi-
nous binder, the surface of the pavement shall be
thoroughly swept free from all vegetable matter, manure,
paper or other objectionable matter with stable brooms.
This coat of bituminous binder shall be covered with
broken stone screenings, pea gravel or coarse sand,
applied in sufficient quantity to take up the bituminous
binder. Every portion of the surface shall then be
broomed to secure a uniform spreading of the screenings
and bituminous binder after which the road shall be
rolled thoroughly.
(j) LAINTaIDIIG 11OAd3AY -. The Contractor shall
maintain the roadway after it is opened to traffic until
the final application of bituminous binder, if required,
is spread. All bituminous binder coming to the surface
during that period shall be immediately covered :dth
screenings, pea gravel or coarse sand. The pavement
when ready for final acceptance shall be thoroughly
compacted, and the surface of the pavement shall
present a uniform, bituminized appearance.
UCTION 16, Asphalt Concrete Tavement
(a) M60RIPTION: Asphalt concrete pavements shall
consist of courses of the type and dimensions indicated
on the plans and specified in the special provisions.
The mix for each of the various courses shall consist
of coarse aggregate, sand and dust combined in a dry
mixture of the required grading, to 4 &ich shall be added
asphaltic cement and the whole mixed together as herein-
after specified.
The asphalt concrete base course shall be laid on
a dry subgrade, free from loose dirt or other foreign
matter. The course under the wearing surface shall
consist of leveling course mixture v&ere the average
thickness of ,asphalt concrete to be placed under the
surface course is two and one -half inches (2 1/2 ") or
All pavement courses shall be laid to such width
and thickness that after compression they will be of
the form and dimensions shorn on the typical cross -
(b) LIATF-RIA13: Coarse aggregate shall consist of
broken stone from sound ledge rock or crashed boulders
and shall be clean, hard, tough stone of uniform quality,
free from disintegrated material. !Where broken stone
is produced from rounded or waterworn boulders or stones
with full round or half round surfaces, only material
that is rejected by a screen with two r..nd one-half inch
(2 11211) circular oienings 4iall be crushed.
;hen te�tcd in .Iccordance th,, nE,tlods described
in Section 5, article (c), of these s necifications. the
loss in the respective tests shall not exceed the following;
Dry Shot Rattler Test,... 250.
,det Shot Rattler Test.... 55, °l .
Los Angeles Rattler Test, after 100 revolutions,8%.
Loa Angeles Rattler Test, after 500 revolutiona,w*
Sand may be either a natural or a manufactured product.
It shall bye clean, hard grained and moderately sharp, and
shall not contain more than three per cent ($f) of loam,
clay, organic matter or other earthy impurities, nor mica
In sufficient quantity to be detrimental to the material.
All impurities shall be determined in accordance with the
methods in use at the laboratory of the Engineering Depart-
ment of the City of E1 Segundo. It shall be so graded as
to produce in the finished mixture the mesh requirements
elsewhere herein specified.
Screenings shall be the product of the crasher which
will pass a screen with three- ougrter inch. (3/411) circular
openings and shall be made frommok conforming to the re-
quirements for broken stone hereinbefore specified.
Screenings shall not contain more than five per cent (5�,)
of mica, loam, clay, organic matter or other earthy im-
purities. Not less than ninety per cent (90'16) of the
screenings shall be retained on a standard ten (10) mesh
Stone dust may be finely powdered limestone, Portland
cement or other artificially or naturally powdered mineral
dust which is approved by the Street Superintendent. It
shall be free from lumps, balls or deleterious material
and shall be of such fineness that all will pass a fifty
(50) mesh sieve and not less than seventy -five per cent
(75%) shall pass a two hundred (200) mesh sieve. of
the material passing the two hundred (200) mesh sieve,
seventy -five per cent (Mo) shall be impalpable powder
as determined by the following elutriation test;
:Five (5) grams of mineral filler passing the two
hundred (200) mesh screen shall be placed in a flat bottom
beaker eleven (11) centimeters high inside and with an
inside diameter of between ei jit (6) and eight and one-
half (8 1/2) centimeters. The beaker shall then be filled
with distilled water to a height of nine (9) centimeters,
thoroughly agitated with a uniform continuous blast of
air, allowed to settle for fifteen (U) seoonds, and
siphoned in fifteen (15) seconds at a uniform rate by
means of a tube nine (9) millimeters inside diameter,
equidistant from the sides and ending at a point txelve
(12) millimeters from the bottom of the beaker. The
process of fillinb, agitatin .-, settling and siphoning
shall be performed t }see (3) times. The residue shall
then be dried and weicrhed, z,nd the difference bet.,een
the weight of the residue and the original weight shall
be deemed to be the weight of impalpable dust.
Ail �r l• 7� ireament %bei in
form be �he rejaipenevibm al doeb!kOlt ;!61
Base Course
(c) G'_d OII;G; The materials eomposin, the dry mi;L
ahall be combined in such proportions that the percentage
composition by weight, as determined by laboratory
screens and sieves will be as follows;
200 meth sieve ----------------
- - - - -- ux'
an 80 mesh sieve -------
--------- - - - - -- g'
40 meah sieve -
- - - - --- ---------- - - -1Fe
. tassing
10 mesh sieve -
----- -- ------ -- - - -- -20;1
3 mesh sieve -
- -- (0.263) ---------- 30;'-
screen with 3%4"
circular openings - - -50j
screen with 1-4111
circular openings ---- UF ,�
screen with 2V"
circular openings-- - -90<j
To the
above Shull be added
cement (Grade "p
") ------------ - - - - -- 4;"
jereened gravel may be used for that portion of
the Course aggregate which ,uill pass a screen with three -
ouarter inch (3/411) circular openings.
Collector dust passing the two hundred (200) mesh
sieve may be added to the extent of from one per cent (1`` )
to three per cent (:f,) by weight of the dry mixture.
the materials ol tl_, COM]� lete dry includilt~
the ion o" toll( -ctor duct, Liat will pass a tfn (10)
mesh zieve shall be so Lraded that the percentage compo-
sition by sei €ht, as determined by laboratory screens ;Sid
sieves, All be as follow6 -.
lussing a 300 mesh sieve ------ --------- - - - - - -- 7;; to lw.
iassing an 80 mesh ieve --------- ------ - -- --- 35; to 5F
Pwssin,c! 40 mesh sieve --- --------- --- - - - - -- 6F °' to 80;5
Passing a 10 mesh sieve ----------------------- - - - - -- 100,'
.'and passing the ten (10) mesh sieve shall be so graded
that the percentage composition by Aeizht, as determined by
laboratory screens axrd sieves, ,;ill be wa follo,,
a ..00 mesh sieve -------- ----
--- -- - --- 4;,
to 1�'
an 80 mesh sieve - -------- ------
- - - - -- 317",
to FE,'
a 40 mesh sieve ---------------
- - - - -- 61F;;
to 80lT
a 10 mesh sieve -----------------------
- - -
- -- 100;7
Leveling Course
(d) GRAdING: The materials composing the dry mix
shall be combined in such proportions that the percentage
composition by weight, as determirn d by laboratory screens
and sieves, will be as follows:
I =sling
Xo mesh sieve --- -- ----------- - - - - --
80 mesh sieve ---------------- - - - - --
40 mesh sieve ---------------- - - - - --
10 mesh sieve ---------------- - - - - --
3 mesh si eve (0.263) -- --- -- - --- --
screen with ')A it circular openings - --
screen with 14° circular openings ---
To the
above shall be added asphaltic cement
(Grade I'D„) -- --- ------ --- - - - - --
to 6 ll
to 18%
to 24%
t o 366>
to 50;"
t o 90?'
to 95,
to 5Q/
Screened gravel may be used for- that portion of the
coarse aggregate which will pass a screen with three- ouarter
inch (3AII) circular openings.
Collector dust passing the two hurAred (200) mesh
sieve may be added to the extesi of from one per cent
to three per cent (3�) by weight of the dry mixture.
The materials of the complete dry mixture, including
the addition of collector dust, which will pass a ten (10)
mesh sieve shall be so graded that the percentage composi-
tion by weight, as determined by laboratory screens and
sieves, will be as follows:
Passing a 200 mesh sieve ---------------- - - - - -- 71/1� to 12%
Passing an
sieve ----------------
- - - - -- 351%,
to 55610
sieve ----------------
- - - - -- 65jj,
to a0,°
Passing a
sieve ------------------------
- - -
- -- 100°1
Sand passing the ten (10) mesh sieve shall be so
graded that the percentage composition by weight, as de-
termined by laboratory screens and sieves, will be as
a 200
sieve --------------
- - - - -- 4f
to 12d/
an 80
sieve --------------
- - - - -- 35°%
to 55d'
a 40
sieve --------------
- - - - -- M;%
to 80'/,
a 10
sieve ----------------------
- - -
- -- 100jS
Type "A" aurfaee
(e) GRADING: The materials composing the dry mix
shall be combined in such proportions that the percentage
composition by iiei.ght, as determined by laboratory screens
and sieves, will be as £olloaas:
Passing a 200 mesh sieve -------------- - - - - -- 7 to 11;,,
Pessint sn 80 mesh sieve -------------- - - - - -- lE to 20
�__ssirl,= a 4.0 med. sicve -- -- -------- -- - - -- -- 2 to 27011�
Fassing a 10 mesh sieve -------------- - - - - -- 28tip, to 3k
Passing a 3 mesh sieve - - - - -- (0.263) - - - - -- 40,,E to 5E;`
Passing a screen with 3/4,1 circular openings- 75;' to 901'
Passing a screen with 14' circular openings - 901 to 100,°:,
To the above shall be added asphaltic cement
(Grade „D„) - ---------------- - - - - -- 5j'', to 6-idj0
Screened gravel may be used for that portion of the coar-
se aggregate which will pass a screen with one -half inch
(1/211) circular openings.
The material passing a two hundred (200) mesh sieve
shall contain not less then two - thirds (2/3) of commercial
stone dust. The remainder of the material passing; the two
hundred (2CO) mesh sieve, if not normally present in uniform
proportions in the sand, may be collector dust tihich shall
be weighed in accurate proportions and added separately.
The materials of the complete dry mixture, including
the addition of stone dust, v&ich will pass a ten (10)
mesh sieve shall be so graded that the percentage com-
position by weight, as determined by laboratory screens and
sieves will be as follows:
a 200
sieve --------------
- - - - -- 18(°o
to 28'j,
an 60
sieve --------------
- - - - -- 4T,1,,
to 64°j'
a 40
sieve --------------
- - - - -- 72;;
to 86;"
a 10
sieve - -- -----------
-------- - - -
--- 10001
band passing the ten (10) mesh sieve shall be so
graded that the percentage composition by weight as deter-
mined by laboratory screens and sieves. 411 be as Follows:
a 200
------------- - - - - -- 7,j to
an 80
------------- - - - - -- 35 to
a 40
------------- - - - - -- 65a, to
a 10
--------------------- - - - - --
I ivf,
Type "B" surface
(f ) GRaDING: The materials composing the dry
mix shall be combined in such proportions that the per-
centage composit ion by Neight , as determined by
laboratory screens and sieves, will be as follows:
a 200
------------- - - - - -- 6°,'
an 80
------------------ -18;':
24' ',
Passing a 40 mesh sieve ----------------- - -27/' to 3F;',
Passing a 10 mesh sieve ------------------ -36% to 44,,)
Passing a 3 mesh sieve ----- (0.263) ------- 54j ", to 64yo
Passing a screen with 1/2" circular openin6sMj� to 68%
Passing a screen with 3A" circular openings95% to 10TI,
To the above shall be added asphaltic cement
(Grade "D") ------------ ---- -- -- -- 5°,/o to 8%
atone dust passing the two hundred (200) mesh sieve
shall c onstit ute betwe en f ur pe r c ant (4��) and six per
cent (61G) of the dry mixture.
The materials of the complete dry mixture including
the additions of stone dust, which will pass a ten (10)
mesh sieve shall he so graded that the percentage compo-
sition by weight, as determined by laboratory screens
and sieves, will be as follows:
Passing a 200 mesh sieve ---------------- - -15,' to 20;�
Passing an 80 mesh sieve --------------- - - -4E% to 60."
Passing a 40 mesh sieve --------------- - - -70% to 8F';'
Passing a 10 mesh sieve ------------------- - - - - -- 100[5
Sand passing the ten (10) mesh sieve shall be so graded
that the percentage composition by weight, as determined
by laboratory screens and sieves* will be as follows:
Passing a 200 mesh sieve --------------------- 47o to ].2,',
Passing an 80 mesh sieve ----------------- - - -Wrl to Er"`'
Passing a 40 mesh sieve ------------------ - -6F;' to 60;",
Passing a 10 mesh sieve --------------------- - - - - -- 1Wj
Type "C" Surface
(g) GRADING: The materials composing the dry mix
shall be combined in such proportions that the percentage
composition by weight, as determined by laboratory
screens and sieves, will be as follows:
a 200
sieve --------------
- - - - -- 10y�
an 80
sieve --------------
- - - - -- 3F'
a 40
sieve ---------------
- - - - -- 6051
a 10
sieve ---------------
- - - - -- 70?/1
a 3
sieve (0.263) -------
- - - - -- 90l,,
a screen with 1/2" circular
openings--- - - -
- --
To the
be added asphaltic cement
(Grade "D ") --- --- --- -- ---- -- - -- - -- 91,�, to 18,
Of the above mineral aggregates not less than eight
per cent (8 ) nor more than sixteen per cent (16;,) shall
be stone dust. Construction
(h) SdIXIRT : The exact proportions, within the limits
specified for each type of mix, shall be so regulated as
to produce a dense mixture with minimum voids and with all
particles coated with bitumen.
The materials shall be heated, screened and mixed
by the following mathod,
The broken stone and sand shall be roughly mined and
evenly fed to the driers and shall be thoroughly dried at
a temperature between three hundred degrees (3000) F. and
three hundred seventy -five degrees (37F0) F. The tempera-
tune of the sand aril stone shall not vary from e,-ch other
more than thirty degrees (300) F.
Prover screens shall be provided for separating
the materie-Is into various sizes.
The screen sizes shall be two aril one -half inch
(2 1/211), one and one - quarter inch (1 1A") and three -
quarter inch (3/411) either circular or square openings,
as th; Contractor may elect, one- ouarter inch (IA ")
sruare mesh and ten (10) mesh. The openings of the
ten (10) mesh screen shall conform to standard ten (10)
mesh size. Screens shall be of such capacity or so
arranged that the three larger mesh screens will screen
out at least ninety per cent (90111o) of the material
coming to them and the smaller screens at least eighty -
five per cent (857G) of the material coming to them.
The different sizes of material sh &11 be kept in
at least four (4) se,larate metal bins, one (1) for sand
and three (3) for broken stone or gravel. %ach bin
shall be provided with an overflow vent to prevent
overflow into adjacent bins.
An armored thermometer, reading from two hundred
degrees (2000) 7. to four hundred degrees (4000) r.,
shall be fi:-ed in the asphalt line at a suitable
The hot aggregate and omld stone dust or other
fine material properly proportioned by weight shall
be thorougTnly mixed together in a pug mill mixer, the
paddles of which rotate at a speed o- fro. seventy ("1 0)
to ninety (90) revoluatons psi minute. Asphaltic cement
heated to a temperature of between two hundred severty-
five degrees (2750) F. and three hundred fifty degrees
(3500) F. shall be added during mixing.
i a2
The amount of asphaltic cement to be added and the
time at which it shall be introduced into the mixture
shall be fixed by the :street "uperint endent .
the total tine of mi ing a bLAch sh-11 b (,Lin a_
°t -.r
all iuLrcdients -re in tfe mixer -n(: cnd -hen the mixer
is 1-U' cr..ptieu. luixing shall continue until a homogeneous
mixture of unchanging appearance is produced. The time
of mix shall not be less than forty -five (4or ) seconds
nor shall the number of batches produced per hour from
one raa�:ing blunt exceed sixt. -five (o1).
the mixer shill be in first class condition, equipped
with a sufficient number of paddles of a type and arrange-
ment to produce a properly mixed batch of asphalt con-
crete as herein specified.
the mixer platform shall be of ample size to provide
safe and convenient access to the mixer and other equip-
ment. The mineral aggregate passinrg through the bins
shall be weighed into a weigh box, placed above the mixer,
by means of multiple beam charging scales. These scales
shall be enclosed in a box which shall be locked after
the beam weights have been set to the required weights.
The discharge gate on the weigh box shall be so arranged
as to blend the different sizes of aggregate as th..y
enter the mixer and a weigh box th�.t permits separation
of sizes of a&greZLAe in the ends of the mixer will not
be permitted.
Asphaltic cement shall be weighed by means of dial
scales having a capacity not more than three times the
weight of the material to be weighed. Pointers shall
be set and maintained at zero with the scales re dy For
i 2l VI k
Cold stone dust or other filler shall be introduced
into the mixer through the ,jeigh box or as near the center
of the miser as possible. Filler shall be aoiLhed on
separate scales from the minerU aggregate unless other-
wise permitted by the 3treet superintendent.
All scales shall meet the requirements as to accuracy
and the tolerances provided by the rules and regulations
of the California State Department of Agriculture, Divi-
sion of Weights and Measures, and shall be approved by
the street Superintendent and under his control.
RIvre ?ype "C" surface mixture is to be placed on
small jobs, when permitted by the Street Superintendent,
the asphaltic mixture mey be prepared on the work by
combining the original raw material as above specified
in a rotary drum having an opening to admit air and allow
discharge of steam az3I gases with an area not to exceed
nine - tenths per cent (0.9;',) of the entire sur face area
of the drum. The drum shall be set in a suitable firebox
and operated by mechanicrl means. The heating and mixing
shall continue until all steam has been driven off the
meterlal and shall 'be manipulated in such a manner as
.will produce 'a homogeneous product delivered from the
mixer at a temperature of between three hundred fifty
degree:; (3 -00) F. and four hundred degrees (4000) Fe,
without the material coming in contact with the flue
gases from the firebox.
(i) PI,ACII13: The mixture as above prepared shall
be brought to the r arl. in : =it able wagons or trucks.
Zarpaulinz sliall be prontAed and used upon all loads. the
mixture shall leave the plant at a temperature between two
hundred ninety degree:: (2900) F. and three hundred twenty
�^ degrees (3200) F. and shall be spread upon the highway
at a temperature of not less than two hundred eighty
degrees (280 0) �.
No mixture shall be spread when the atmospheric
temperature is velow forty degrees (400) 2. or during rainy
weathe r.
The trucks sh,. l be provided with sprc�der boxes or
other suitable equipment to distribute thE. load at a
carefully evened thickness throughout the entire length
which a trucL load should cover, and also equipment must
be provided for breaking up any compreused masses of
mixture as they leave the truck.
After being distributed between the side forms the
mixture shall be spre;-.d by means of a self - propelled
syz eading, raking and f inishing machine. of a type
approved by the Street Superintendent. The mechanical
spreading machine shall be supported by the side forms
during operation and shall be equipped with rakes and
strike -off plates conforming to the crown of the pavement.
It shall spread the mi--cture, rake the same into longitudi-
nal furrows and again strike it off so that it is smooth
and true to cross - section, free from all hollows and
inequalities and of a uniform density throughout.
The rakes shall be designed to operate with a fore
and aft raking, or lifting motion in addition to the for',,rd
motion of the machine. The spacir; of the r ,ke teeth and
their depth. of penetration into the mixture shall be under
the control of the Street Superintendent.
I:xcep.t for Type 110" surface mixture, or when otherwise
ordered by the Street Superintendent, the raking machine
above specified shall be used to spread all courses of
the pavement.
If, during the process of raking and spreading, any
yielding of the side f orms occurs, they shall be reinforced
by additional stakes and any other means necessary until
3l?., T
they will support the weight of the machine without
Asphalt concrete shall be laid in courses or com-
pressions and where thc, thickness of any course as shown
on the plans exceeds four inches (411) it shall be laid
in two (2) or more compressions of approximately equal
thickness, no one of which shall exceed four inches (4 "),
On resurfacing work where, due to excessive crown or
inequalities in the existirp, base, the required thio;' ness
exceeds four inches (4 ") at ,ny place, addi�ional asphalt
concrete mi._ture .,hall be laid to fill up the low place
and p rov ide f r c ompre ssions of unif orm thickness.
Asphalt concrete base or leveling course shall not
be laid for a distance in exce >_= of one (1) mile before
it is covered .iith the surface course.
dhere asphalt concrete is l,-id over existing con-
crete base, the Contractor shall commence laying the
asphalt concrete at a point nearest to the asphalt mixinE
plant. Construction sh;;ll then proc.ed avv_,- Toni the
plant in such a manner that no hauling mill be done over
the old concrete base in excess of one-half (1/2) mile
from the end of the previously placed asphalt concrete.
(.i) i0LLIEG: After the asphalt concrete has been
uniformly spread as above specified, the pavement shall
be rolled with steam or gasoline rollers. One roller
shall be a ten (10) ton macadam roller and the remainder
shall be eight (B) ton tandem rollers. A sufficient
number of rollers .hall be placed on the work to provide
one roller for each twelve hundred (1200) square yards of
pavement laid per day. Rolling shall continue until the
compressed pavement has a relative specific gravity of
not less thar_ ninety -two per cent (94") of the apeciUc
1,212 6
gravity of the combined gi rebates. Place:: inacce.',sible
to the roller shall be tamped with hot iron t,,xij)ers. all
shall be s.�re€:d
or tamping shall
be done
such that the
sum of
the temperature of the mixture is bet.ue,-n three hundred
degrees (3000) F. and three hundred twenty —five deL.rees
(3210) F.
The resulting pavement must show an even and smooth
surface 1rdith rock uniformly distributed, true to grade
airl cross — section and free from elevations or depressions.
"dhen a straightedge ten feet (101) long is laid on the
rolled mixture or finished surface parallel with the line
of the highway, the surface shall in no place vary from
the lower edge of the straightedge more than one— eighth
inch (1/81y).
No traffic shall be allowed on the pavement until
it is thoroughly tolled and set, except such traffic as
mEV be necessary for construction purposes.
No asphalt concrete shall be laid in rainy weather
or when the base is wet from rain or any other cause.
(k) SU :iFf;08 FINISH: The surface finish shall consist
of stone screenings and asphaltic cement mixed together in
the mixer until the screenings are thoroughly coated with
the asphalt. The asphalt shall constitute from one and one —
half per cent (1 1120') to two per cent (2i7o) of the total
mixture. The stone screenings shall be of such size that
all will pass a screen with threw— quarter inch (3AII) cir-
cular opening.3, and be retained on a three (3) mesh sieve.
In;riedie,tely after the first rollin` of tic surface
mixture, stone screenings coated -1th asphalt as above
shall be s.�re€:d
over the surface
the rate
of approximately
nine (9)
rounds r,er square
5 0—
o_ surface covered. Alter spreading the surface f3.nish
mixture, rolling of the pavement shall continue until it
is completed.
The .surface finish mixture at the time of it., appli-
cation to the hiet qay surface shall be at a tem,e rature
bet ie =n t ao hundred eighty de --rces (2800) F, and three
hundred twenty degrees (3200) F.
(1) SAIIFi ^.8: The Contractor shall furnish for test,
whenever called for and free of charge, samples cut from
any course or the completed pavement and samples o" all
the matcri,xls entering into the compo2ition of the pavement,
the asphalt and asphaltic cement to be furnished in boxes.
The Street Supt. Shall have access at all times to all
branches of the viork. All tests will be open to the
SECTION 17, Bitumuls Full Penetration Pavement
(a) DESL"IPTIOB: Bitumuls Pavement shall consist
of crushed rock penetrated and bound together with BITITLXI;3
Asphaltic Cement (hereinafter referred to as "BiTUA:ULS "),
constructed as hereinafter specified and in accordance
with the dimensions shown upon the plans. The finished
thickness of the pavement shall be six inches (611) unless
other,dse specified or shoe on the plans. "Then the total
thickness of the finished pavement exceeds six inches (6 "),
it shall be constructed in courses, the top course being
three inches (311) in thickness. 1111 courses shall be
con- tructed as hc rein described, o._cept that the seal coat
shall be omitted from all but the top course.
(b) CHUSH:D ROC..r_& Crujhed rocx shall be obtained
from hard and tough ledge or boulder deposit and shall be
L -
of such chwracter that it will compact urn', thorougrdy
lock under rolling. then tested in the Standard Deval
Rattler it shall show a loss of not more than six per
cent W)). It shall be .tree from c1;T, dust, soft
p,;rticles, vegetable or oth:ar deleterious rnattEr.
,then crushed rock is produced from boulder', having
rounded surfaces, only the material shall be crushed
which is rejected by a grizzly with five inch (511) clear
openings between bars.
Crushed rock shall be uniformly graded between the
limits hereinafter specified.
Coarse Hock: Coarse rock shall be used as the body
of the pavement and shall conform t o the following grading:
For paverz�nts tree inches (311) or more in thickness
not less thbn ninety per cent (90c;�,) of the coarse rock
shall pass a screen having three and one -half inch (3 1/2t)
circular openings; not more than seventy per cent (70',",)
shall pays a screen havinE t jo inen (2 ") circulax open -
in- °s _rL not mare thin ten Viler cEnt (10 ) sh:11 pass u
screen having one and one -half inch (1 1/2 ") circular
op ening S.
For pavement -- less than three inches (311 ) in thickness
not less than ninety per cent (90; <) of the coarse rocl.
-hull a ticreen havirke one _,rra ti_ree- quarter inch
(1 3A") cireul -r openinE_, nog more than sixty per cent
(60 ") shall pans a screen having one and one- quarter
inch (1 1/4 ") circular openings uld not more than ten
per cent (1(Y') shall pa -s a screen having three- cuwrter
inch (3/4 ") circular opening: ,.
3ereenin_.,: (trey roci) 3crcening- used for key
roc' ;;h&ll corZorm to the followinE grading:
T.ot less: than 90% shall pa.,s a screen having one inch
(1 ") circular openings; not more than seventy-five per
cent (75) shall pass a screen having three- euarter inch
(3A ") circular openings and not more than five per
cent (5j) shall pass a ten (10) mesh sieve.
Bock Chips: Clean and hard, uncrushed pea gravel
may be used as rock chips in place of crushed rock.
Rock chips used for filling voids shall conform to
the following grading:
Not less than ninety per cent (90 ) shall pass a
screen having three - eighths inch (3/811) circular openings and
not more than five per cent (5; ) shall pass a ten (10)
mesh sieve.
(c) BIM. -UIS ASPHALTIC IiT: Bitumuls (97)
Asphaltic Cement shall consist of petroleum asphalt and
slightly alkaline water emulsified by the Bruan, or mother
liquor, process without the addition of soaps, fatty acids,
sulphonated oils, proteids, gelatine, pyradine bases or
other saponifying and emulsifying agents, and shall
conform to the following requirements:
Specific Gravity: The ratio of the specific gravity
of Bitumuls Asphaltic Cement at seventy -seven degrees
(770) F. to the specific gravity of'water at seventy -seven
degrees (770) F. shall be not less than 1.00 when tested
in accordance with the A.8.T.14. Standard Test Method,
Serial Designation D 70 - 27.
Viscosity: The viscosity shall be not more than
forty (40) seconds when a sixty (60) cc. sample is te,.ted
in a Saybolt 2urol Viscosimeter at seventy -seven degrees
(770) F. in accordance with the A.S.T. 1:. Standard Test
2ulethod, Serial Designation D 68 - 26.
Volatility: The volatility decrease shall not average
more than forty -nine per cent (490) when three 50 -gram samples
are heated in an oven at three hundred degrees (300o) F.
13 4a
for three hours. The test being in accordance with
the A.S.T.Li. Standard Test method, Serial Designation
D 6 - 30, except as to temperature* and that the sample
shall be placed in cups sufficient in depth to prevent
Solubility: No less than ninety -eight per cent
of the residue of the volatility test shall be petroleum
asphalt soluble in carbon disulphide when tested in
accordance with the A.S.T.k. Standard Test Liethod, aerial
Designation D 4 - 27.
Penetration: The residue from thc, volatility test
hercinbe.Corc speci�ied shall not cont;_in lc.,., th,rn ninety-
seven per cent (97) of asphalt of 0.80 centimeter penetration
at seventy -seven degrees (770) F., determined on a fifty
(E-0) gram sample of the residue when the same is tested in
accordance with the A.,3.2.11I. Tentative Standard Test Method,
aerial Designation D 243 - 28 T.
Saponification: The total amount of all saponifiable
subatances in the emulsion, including petroleum acids,
shall not be more than three - quarter (3/4) of one per cent
(1 %) when tested in accordance with Test Method 37 - E
made as described on Page 753 of the Third edition of
"Asphalt and Allied Substances ", by Abraham.
Settlement: Two 500 -cubic centimeter samples shall
be tested for settlement and the average amount of residue
in the top of the samples shall not vary more than six per
cent (6�,) from the average residue obtained from the bottom
of the samples. The settlement test shall be made as
.rive hundred cubic centimeters shall be placed in an
airtight, cylindrical glass container having an inside
diameter of from four (4) to five (E) centimeters and
allowed to stand for ten (10) days at laboratory atmos-
pheric temperature, 11ifty grams shall then be siphoned
from the top of the container, care being taken not to
disturb the remainder of the content. Approximately four
hundred (400) cubic centimeters shall then be removed
with the siphon. The remaining^ fifty (rO) gram sample,
including all sediment, shall then be removed from the
bottom of the container. The samples taken from the top
and bottom of the container shall be tested for residue
by the Volatility Test.
Quick Setting: Three 100 gram samples shall be
tested for quick setting and shall have an average asphalt
residue of not less than fifty per cent (50%) of the
average obtained on the three samples in the test for
Volatility, hereinbefore described. The Zuick Setting
Test shall be made as follows:
One hundred grams shall be placed in a tared six
hundred (600) cubic centimeter glass beaker and thirty -five
(35) cubic centimeters of ,02 normal solution of calcium
chloride shall be added during a period of approximately
two (2) minutes, being continually stirred with a glass
rod. The contents of the beaker shall then be drained
through a fourteen (14) mesh sieve and the unbroken emulsified
asphalt in the beaker and on the rod shall be rinsed through
the sieve with distilled water until there is no appreciable
discoloration of the rinsing water. The beaker, rod and
sieve shall then be dried in an oven at one hundred and
sixty -three degrees (1630) C. for two hours z.nd weighed.
The percentage of asphalt residue deposited in the bez:,' er
and on the rod aryl sieve shall be taken to be uhe diffErence
bet,.cen the .jci2 -ht of the be&, rob ,a16 sieve wfter dryine,
and their t;,red weiLht, determined at the beginning; of the
5 5-
Finished lot Applica-
Thickness tion BITUYU13
gallons per
square yard
5�8 to
3�4 to
5 if
1 to
1 -1 /8 to
1 -1/4
1 -318
_i i t�
2n Applica-
Total :.uantitY
tion BITUi_U.3
,eal Coat
g,ls. per
per squacre
s -,. yd.
Yay imum
to 7/6
3/8 to 5/8
1 -3/4
to 1 -1/6
3/8 to r, /B
to 1 -1/8
378 to F/8
2 -1/4
2 -1/2
1 -1/4
to 1 -1/2
3/8 to 5�8
3 -1/2
(d) PLACING COA..3E ROOK: Coarse rock shall be spread
on the prepared subgrade to such a depth that when compacted
with a three wheel roller weighing not less than ten (10)
tons it will have the required finished thicl:"ss of
If the rock segregate:, into sizes in handline, it
shall be remixed until it presents a uniform appearF,nce.
All rock shall be spread by hand or from self - spreading
devices. Dumping en masse on the subgrade shall not be
The surface of the rock shall then be care Cully trued
up and all high or lane spots remedied by removing or adding
rock as r.ay be rewired. It shall then be lightly rolled
�vith said roller, after ohich the surface shall again be
trued u1. This operrtion shall be repeated until a uniform
surface, free from high or low spot _ is secured. The rock
shall be rolled dry until firmly loct.ed and keyed together.
3olline shall progress fron: side to center. ]here the
total finished thickne:_e of the pavement is faux (4) inc ?:es
or leas, a tandem roller uei .-hinE. not less than ten (10)
tons may be substituted for the three wheel -roller.
(e) rsfP.ICr,T10id Of 3OCI_ Cliii „: The coarse roc}
placed as above described shall then be uniformly filled
to within one (1) inch of the surface with rock chips.
) 5_�3
The chips shall be evenly spread mechanically with an
approved spreading device or broadcast with a sideswing
of the shovel and then lightly rolled and broomed until
w orke d d own.
Upon the surface prepared as above described, 3ITU=3
shall be uniformly applied at the rate per square yard
yeti forth in the Table of -,,uantities. The application
shall be by means of pressure distributors or pouring
pot s.
After the BITU,:ULS shall have completely broken
asxl shall have adhered to the rock, the surface shall be
rolled once over. Screenings shall then be spread
uniformly in s&ficiert quantity to completely fill the
remaining voids. The screenings shall be broomed and
dragged to aid in uniform distribution and shall then
be rolled. Additional screenings$ if rewired, shall
be a (plied and rolling, brooming and drapF °ing ahall
continue until the voids in the coarse rock are filled
arxi the key rock is thoroughly lockedinto the surface.
The second application of BITU?,aJLS shall then be ::,ade
at the rate per square yard set fort'r, in the Table of
,uantities. After the 31T1j7_ULo in the secorj. apilica-
tion shall have completely broken and shall have adhered
to tly- rock, the pavement shall be rolled once over and
shall be covered %,ith roc! chips. The rock chips shall
then be broomed and. dragged to every portion of the sur-
face to obtain uniform distribution and complete filling
of the voids and leaving a slight excess. Rolling shall
continue during the brooming process and until the pave-
ment is thoroughly and uniformly compacted. Not less
than twelve (12) hours shall elapse between the first
amd second application of BITUIJULa.
(h) SEAL COAT: A seal coat shall be ayt.lied in
not less than twenty -four (24) hours nor more than seven
(7) days after the completion of the aork previously
described. Loose rock chips remaining on the surface
shall be distributed by brooming. BI'TULiUL6 shall be
applied at the rote of one- quarter (1/4) to three-
eijhths (318) gallon per square yard. Lfter the
.6ITULXL3 snail have full;; broken, the surface shall be
rolled once over and covered , ith a li_ht coatin, of
coarse sand. 'he coverin materizA shall be broomed
to secure even distribution and shall be r07 led. Any
excess s-,_,nd which cannot be readily penetrated by the
final coat of BITJLULa shall be removed. The final
application of the seal coat, consisting of one- eiL-hth
(1/8) to one- nuartcr (1/4) gallon o° BITTJIULa per square
yard, shall then be applied. Iftrr forty -eight (48) hours,
if the surface shows a tendency to be sticky, it shall
be lightly sanded and then opened to traffic.
(i) TOTAL 5L OUIO W nTUP: ULa : The combined t of al
quantity of BITu1ZL4 in the first and second applications
and seal coat for the finished pavement shall be within
the limits set forth in the Table of Quantities.
(j) '_20LLING: The total time of actual roiling
shall be eight (8) hours for each one hundred (100) tons
combined weight of coarse rock, screenings and rock chips
used in the ,oavement, except at the discretion of the
dtreet Sulerintendent to rev,
nt over rollin "
13glji �
,"C-1IM '. l-j-t the City C1erI siull certify
to the passaEe and adopti n of thi resolution; shall
enter the same upon the Book of Resolutions of the said
City, Land shall make a minute of the NassaEe and
a,c o-tion thereof in the records of the City ^ouncil of
Laid City in the minute:; of the meeting. wt which the
same iti passed Lind ado,?ted.
Passed, approved and adopted this 13th day
Of Au ..t, A. L. , 1931. 'v
At t e
City Cleri
(jEAL )
Uayor of the City of -1 3eiundo,
COUNTY OF 103 ANG&Li1:6 , ) 33.
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Cleric of the
City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of menbers of the City Council of
said City is five; that the foregoing resolution,
being; Resolution No. 245, was passed and adopted by
the said Council, approved and signed by the i:ayor
of slid City and atteated by the City Clerk of said
City, all at an adjourned regular meeting of the said
Council held on the 13th day of August, 1931, aryl
that the same was so passed and ado;t ed by the
following vote, to -wit;
Ayes, Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Dove,
Noes: Councilmen , None.
Absent: Councilmen Germ aul Selby.
City Clerk of the City of
�:1 3egundop California.