CC RESOLUTION 2077- ' OLU I0 I I'0. 207 A RJSOLUTIOII 07 TFE CITY COUN',IL 0' 'TT7 CITY OF EL S;,GUNDO, CbLI�'0' NIT ITAMIITG A CERTAIN RIGHT -OF -WAY FOR PUBLIC STR.ET PURPOSES IN SAID CITY _iD Or'y _ VENUE, TB ' SAMF. 'JONSTITUTING .ZD BEING All EXTLNSTON 0? THAT CER ^SIN EYZST- TTvIG PTT'TjIO STREET IN SAID CITY ALREADY D - 31G17A7 ":D IND FITUlN A3 OAK -iVENU?,. The amity Council of the Jity of El Se undo, Jalifornia, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: 371"=)IT 1. That t}:at certain easement or ri3ht- of -way in the Jity of ul Se_,undo, 'Jounty of Los _ranFjeles, estate of Jalifornia, for public street purposes heretofore conveyed of record to said city, in, over, upon, across and alonl- the real property in said city, included within the followin described exterior 'boundary line, to -wit: Beoinnin,� at the south - easterly corner of Lot 6, Tract 10076, recorded in Book 146, Pae 21 of Paps, Records of Los nnegeles Jounty, and on file in the office of the Jounty Recorder of said Jounty; thence westerly in a strai;ht line to a point on the westerly line and 300 feet southerly from the northerly line of Lot 7, Blccr. 95, as shown upon that I,'.ap of E1 Se-undo Sheet "_Io. 3, recorded in 3ook 20, Paes 22 and 23 of I-aps and on file as aforesaid; thence southerly in a strsi_,ht line to the north - westerly corner of Lot 2, °ract 2620, recorded in 3ook 25, pale 60 of Ilaps, records of Los An -eles Jounty, and on file as aforesaid; thence easterly in a strai;ht line to a point on the easterly line and 300 feet northerly from the southerly lire of Lot 14, Block 95, as said lot is shown upon that Yap of E1 ;e;undo Sheet No. 3, recorded in Book 20, pajes 22 and 23 of Taps, 1- 13.1.0 and on file as afore aid; thence northerly in a straiLht lire to the point of be_ inning, be and the same is hereby named as "Oak .venue ", and the same shall hereafter oe known and designated Ls "Oak avenue ", as sa-ne in reality constitutes an extension of that certain existir; public street in said city already designated andrnown as Oak ..venue. 3.:O"'I017 2. 'ne Jity Jlerk shall certify to the passaZe and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the 30ok of resolutions of said Jit,y of s "1 Segundo,, and shall make a minute of the adoption thereof in the records of the Jity Jouncil of said city in the minutes of the meetin7 at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day Of _ December , v., 1928 . h! or of e _JIfy o . e;,nzn' do, "- �Ia3ifornia. :ity , 0` J"LI 'OT T_, 1 OOL ?` Y J LOS �sd�s_'1 ; 3, ) 35. Im n-, —OTT e­ C ly J ,�_n I, Victor YcJarthy, )it,y ]lerk of the Jity of -.1 �e,'undo, Jalifornia, ,o hereby certify that the whole number of members of the )ity "ouncil of the said city is five; that the fore;oinE, resolution, beinT iesolution .,0. 207` , was passed and adopted by the said ]ouncil, approved and si,ned by the ? °ayor of said city and attested by the ;ity Jlerk of said city, all at a re „ular meeting of the said ]ouncil held on the 21st day of December 1 1928 , and that the same was so passed and adopted by the followirig vote' Ayes: :ouncilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and Binder. Noes: Jouncilmen ,'bsent. 10ur.cilmen None • Jlerk of h o r.l Se,undo, ( Si-,!L) :alifo rnia. 2�