CC RESOLUTION 203RESOLUTICJT ,TO. 203 A R SOLUTI_-N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF -HE OITY OF EL S.,GUNDO, CALIFORNIA, 'FIXING THE RATES OF T 2S LyVIED IN AND ,10R SAID CITY, SUP FICIENT TO RAISE THE: AMOUNT OF 1'dW�� Y FIY>ED BY -THE SAID CITY COUNCIL IN ORDINANCE ITO. 151 THuR2OF, PA.')SED AND nDOPM-D ON TH:S 23rd DAY OF AUGUST, 1928, AND THE EXPENSE 07 COLLECTION 0+ SAID A1,10UN21 TH SAID RATES HEREIN FIXED BEING THEE RATES OF MXE3 IN .dJD TO :Z SAID CITY 7 O THE JU12ZN' Y A3 1928 -1929. `f1H3111EAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, adjourned California, zt a regul meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of .'.ugust, 1928, duly passed and adopted an ordinance, being Ordinance No. 151 , fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation to carry on the various departments of the said city, and to pay the bonded indebtedness thereof for the current year, at the sum of ':,.136,365.00 ; and, 4iHER:H:AS, the said Council estimates that the ex- pense of collecting the above amount so fixed will amount to the sum of 498.42 ; NOtid, =11REPORE, the City Council (Board of Trustees) of the City of El Segundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: SZ._7ICN 1. That the respective rates of taxes necessary to be levied upon the taxable property within the respective portions of the said City of El Se,-undo, Califor- nia, hereinafter referred to, in order to raise the enount of money necessary to be raised oy taxation upon the taxable property within the said City of E1 Segundo, California, as a revenue to carry on the various departments of such muni- cipal corporation for the current year 1928 -1929, and to pay 1- S 1 IA the bonded and other indebtedness of said City of El Segundo, California, which said amount was heretofore de- termined and fixed in Ordinance No. 151 of said city in the sum of .LMV365.00 and to pay the expense of the collection of said amount; fixed as follows: be, and the same are hereby (1) For all that certain portion of the City of E1 Segundo, California, included within the corporate boundaries of said city, as the same existed at the time of the incorporation thereof and prior to the annexation of any territory thereto, such rate shall be and the same is hereby fixed at Ninety -Seven Cents (97¢) Cents on each One Hundred Dollars 0100.00) of assessed valuation of the said City of El Segundo, included within said "Original City" as said valuation was returned to this Council by the Auditor of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, under date of August 11th , 1928; (2) For all that portion of the said City of E1 Segundo outside of said "Original City" and included within the exterior boundaries of the first district or territory annexed to the said Jity of El Sez� undo, under date of Sept. 10th 19219 , and which for the purposes of reference hereafter, shall be designated and knom as "First Annexation Territory ", such rate shall be and the same is hereby fixed at Ninety-Seven Cents (.97) Cents on each One Hundred Dollars (100.00) of assessed valuation of the said "First Annexation Territory ", as said valuation was returned to this �.ouncil by the Auditor of the County of Los Angeles, State of Jalifornia (with the valuation of said "Original Jity ") under date of August 11th , 1928; and (3) For all that portion of the said "ity of F1 Segundo outside of said "Original City" and included 2- within the exterior boundaries of the second district or territory annexed to the said dity of El Segundo, under date of June 6th , 1925, and which for the purposes of reference hereafter, shall be designated and known as "Second Annexation Territory ", such rate shall be and the same is hereby fixed at Seventy -rwo Cents (,72) Gents on each One Hundred Dollars (*100.00) of assessed valuation of the said "Second Amiexa- tion Territory ", as said valuation was returned to this Jouncil by the Auditor of the Bounty of Los ;iageles, State of Jalifo mia (with the valuation of said "Original City ") under date of August 11th , 1928; SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; and shall cause the same to be entered in the Book of Resolutions of the said city, and shall make a record of the passage and adop- tion thereof in the records of the City council of the said city in the minutes of tht meetinZ at which the same is passed and adopted; said Clerk shall also immediately after the passage an9 adontion of this resolution ceu se a copy thereof, duly certified, to be transmitted to the Auditor of Los .n;;eles 7ounty, valifornia. Phis resolution shall take effect immediately, Pa; sed, approved aid ad opted this 24th day of _.uZust, 1928. �Giay�QQ the ' y of 71 Se ndo, Cali ofnlap formerly President of the 3oard of 'Trustees. 3- �Y(x$ S .,1_. C _' CCZT_y C2 LOS Au1G�L.a, ) 33. I, Victor D. TFc,arthy, "ity Jlerh of the "ity 0 31 3e�undo, ;alifornia, do hereby certify chat the vhole number o£ members of the ;ity 'ouncil of the said city is five; that the fore,oin-; resolution, beinl- Resolution No. 203 , was passed and adapted by the said "'ity ;ouncil, RReTE^ approved and signed by the l.ayor,,of said city, and attested by the ]ity Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said council held on the 24th day of August, 1928, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the -followin- vote: AY 3: Councilmen, Gerow, Krimmel and Selby. IT0�3: QOUn3i1maII None. Ab3.;TT2:3 ouncilmen, Binder and Love. ::ity "lieric o t e :i y E1 Segundo, (SEAL) GaliCorn 32n27!1 07 3.aLI_10M3IA9 ) COUIHY C? LOS ZGEL .31 ) SS. 3= OAT 3L 63GUIMO. ) I, Victor D. iucCarthy, duly appointed, qualified and acting Oity "Ilerk of the '"'ity of 21 Segundo, Califonia, do hereby certify that the tore.oing is a full, true end correct copy of Resolution ITo. 203, of tae amity "ounoil of the �Iity of El Segundo, "alifornia, passed and adopte�dy on cM the 24th day of Au�mst, 1928, and siMed by the T %yor�of the said city and attested by the Gity qIlerk on that date. ClIMLSS my hand and official seal at El Segundo, Oalifornia, this 25th day of August, 1928. (SEAL) M 1 ,,I a