CC RESOLUTION 189t0;'? RESOLUTION NO. 189 A RESOLUTION OF ?'RE CITY JOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, A0 00SCING IN THE REQUEST OF TEE OWNER OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AITHIN SAID CITY TO THE SEGREGATION OR DIVISION OF A CERTAIN ASSESS - MINT LEVIED UPON THE PROPERTY OF SUCH OWNER, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL SEVERS IN LATERAL SEWER- AGE DISTRICT NO. 2 WITHIN SAID CITY; AND ?HK SEGRE- GATION OR DIVI3ION OF CERTAIN ASSESSMENTS LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTY OF SUCH OWNER FOR THE IMPROVE- MINT OF MAPLE AVENUE WITHIN SAID CITY; ALSO THE SEGREGATION OR DIVISION OF A CERTAIN ASSESSMEUT LEVIED UPON THE PROPERTY OF SUCH OXER FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MAIN STREET WITHIN SAID CITY, AS PROVIDED FOR UNDER RESOLUTIONS OF INTENTION NOS. 1340 61 AND 63 RESPECTIVELY OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (NOW CITY COUNCIL) OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, there has this date been presented to this Council, the written request of Elizabeth V. Owen, addressed to the County Auditor of Los Angeles County, Cali- f o mia, requesting that the balance due on the total assess- meat of $205.98, levied on Lot 4, Block 95, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 -23 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, under Assessment No. 480, for the improvement of certain public streets, avenues and alleys within Lateral Sewerage District No. 2, by the installation of a lateral sewerage system and appur- tenances, as contemplated under Resolution of Intention No. 134 of the Board of Trustees (now City OounaW of the said city, be segregated or divided as follows, to -wit; So that on Lot 1, Tract No. 10077, as per meqp recorded in Book 146, Page 11 of Maps, Records of 1- Los Angeles County, California (said lot being the Northerly 150.05 feet of the Westerly 44.69 feet of said Lot 40 Block 95), and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of ;61.77, this segregation oeir_g hereby designated as Assessment No. 480 -1; And so that on Lot 2, Tract No. 10077, as per map reference as aforesaid (said Lot being the Northerly 150.05 feet of the Easterly 44.68 feet of the Westerly 89.37 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95), and which is the props rty of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of X61.77, this segre- gation being hereby designated as Assessment No.480 -2; And so that on Lot 3, Tract No. 10077, map re- ference as aforesaid (said Lot being the Northerly 150.05 feet of the Easterly 44.68 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95), and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of X61.77, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 480 -3; And so that on Lot 4, Tract No. 10077, map re- ference as aforesaid (said Lot being the Easterly 44.68 feet of the Northerly 150.06 feet of the Southerly 175.06 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95), and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $00.00; this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 480 -4; And so that on Lot 5, Tract No. 10077, map re- ference as aforesaid (said Lot being the Easterly 44.68 feet of the Nesterly 89.37 feet of the North- erly 150.06 feet of the Southerly 175.06 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95), and which is the prpperty of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall oe placed the sum of 2- yOO.00, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 480 -5; And so that on Lot 6, Tract No. 10077, map reference as aforesaid, (said Lot being the Westerly 44.69 feet of the Northerly 150.06 feet of the Southerly 175.06 feet of said Lot 49 Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sin of $00.00, this se- gregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 480 -6; AND, WHEREAS, there has this sate been presented to this Council, the written request of Elizabeth V. Owen, addre.sed to the County Auditor of Los Angeles County, California, requesting that the balance due on the total assessment of ;651.13, levied on Lot 4, Block 95, E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 3, as per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 -23 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, under Assessment No. 4 for the improvers nt of certain portions of Maple Avenue in the City of E1 Segundo, ; alifornia, as con- templated under Resolution of Intention No. 61 of the Board of Trustees (now City Council) of the said city, be segre- gated or aivided as follows, to -wit: So that on Lot 1, Tract No. 100779 as per map recorded in Book 146, Page 11 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, Oallfornia, (said Lot being the Northerly 150.05 feet of the Westerly 44.69 feet of sm.d Lot 4, Block 95), and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $130.24, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 4 -1; And so that on Lot 2, Tract No. 10077, as per map reference as aforesaid (said Lot being the North- 3- erly 150.05 feet of tt_e Easterly 4 4.68 feet of the Westerly 89.37 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95), and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of 130.21, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 4-2; And so that on Lot 3, Tract No. 10077, map re- ference as aforesaid, (said Lot being the Northerly 150.05 feet of the Easterly 44.68 feet of sat d Lot 4, Block 95), and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of X130.21, this segregation being hereby designated as Assess- ment No. 4 -3; And so that on Lot 4, Tract No. 10077, map re- ference as aforesaid, (said Lot oein,; the Easterly 44.68 feet of the Northerly 150.06 feet of the Southerly 175.06 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of .00.00, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No, 4-4; And so that on Lot 5, Tract No. 10077, map re- ference as aforesaid, (sand Lot being the Easterly 44.68 feet of the Westerly 89.3.7 reet of the North- erly 150.06 feet of the Southerly 175.06 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $00.00, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 4-5; And so that on Lot 6, Tract No. 10077, map re- ference as aforesaid, (said Lot being the Westerly 44.69 feet of the Northerly 150.06 feet of the South- erly 175.06 feet of said Lot 4, Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be 4» 12f;( placed the sum of $00.00, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 4-6; AND, WHEREAS, there has this mate also been presented to this Council, the written request of Elizabeth V. Owen, addressed to the County Auditor of Los Angeles County, California, requesting that the balance due on the total assessment of $651.13, levied on Lot 1, Block 95, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22-93 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, under Assessment No. 1, for the improvement of Maple Avenue in the City of E1 Segundo, California, as contemplated under Resolution of Intention No. 61 of the Board of Trustees (now City Council) of the said city, be segregated or divided as follows, to -wit: So that on Lot 19 of Tract No. 10076, as per ]dap Book 146, Page 21 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, which is tka Northerly 50.11 feet of said Lot 1, Block 95, and rich is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $65.219 this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 1 -1; And so that on Lot 2, Tract No. 10076, map re- ference as aforesaid (said lot being the Southerly 50 feet of the Northerly 100.11 feet of said Lot it Block 95), which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall os placed the arcm of $65.09, this segrega- tion osing hereby designated as Assessment 1 -8; And so that on Lot 5, Tract No. 10076, map re- ference as aforesaid (which is the Southerly 50 feet of the Northerly 150.11 feet of said Lot 11 Block 95) and which in the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $65.09, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment 1w3; M And so that on lot 4, �r =.ct ro. 10076, map reference as aforesaid (which is the Northerly 50 feet of the Southerly 175 feet of said Lot 1, Block 95) and vuhich is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of ;165.09, this segregation being hereby designated as nsses:ment 1 -4; And so that on Lot 5, Tract No. 10076, map reference as aforesaid, (which is the Northerly 50 feet of the Southerly 125 feet of said Lot 1, Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of '65.09, this segregation being hereby designated as Assess- ment No. 1 -5; And so that on Lot 6, Tract No. 10076, map reference as aforesaid (which is the Northerly 50 feet of the Southerly 75 feet of said Lot 1, Block 95) and which is the property of 3lizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of X65.09, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 1 -6. SNIP, ',4HEREt�S, there has this date also been presented to this Council, the written request of Elizabeth V. Owen, addressed to the County Auditor of Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia, requesting that the balance due on the total assessment of '2320.52, levied on Lot 1, Block 95, El Segundo Sheet -No. 39 as per map recorded in Map Book 20, Pages 22 -23 of 11aps, Re- cords of Los Lno les County, California, under Assessment No. 112, for the improvement of Main Street in the City of E1 Segundo, California, as contemplated under Resolution of inten- tion No- 63 of the Bcarr' of Trustees (now Jity Council) of said city, be segreg4ted or divided as follows, to -wit; 6- Y_+ 0 9.5 So that on Lot 1, Tract No. 10076, as per Map recorded in Map Book 146, Page 21 of Ialaps, Records of Los Angeles County, California,, (said Lot being the Northerly 50.11 feet of said Lot 1, Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of x;232.45, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 112• -1; And so that on Lot 2, Tract No. 10076, map re- ference as aforesaid (said Lot being the southerly 50 feet of the Northerly 100.11 feet of said lot it Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of 4231.97, this segre ,,,at ion being hereby designated as Assessment No. 112 -2; And so that on Lot 3, Tract No. 10076, map re- ferenoe as aforesaid (which is the Southerly 50 feet of the Northerly 150.11 feet of said Lot 1, Block 95), and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $231.97, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 112 -3; And so that on Lot 4, Tract No. 100769 map re- ference as aforesaid (which is the Northerly 50 feet of the Southerly 175 feet of said Lot 19 Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of 0231.97, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 112-4; And so that on Lot 5, Tract No. 10076, map re- ference as aforesaid (which is the Northerly 50 feet of the Southerly 125 feet of said Lot 1, Blook 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $231.97, this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 112 -5; 7. And so that on Lot 6, Tract No. 10076, map reference as aforesaid (which is the Northerly 50 feet of the Southerly 75 feet of said Lot 1, Block 95) and which is the property of Elizabeth V. Owen, there shall be placed the sum of $231.979 this segregation being hereby designated as Assessment No. 112-6; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, declared and determined by the City Council (formerly Board of Trustees) of the City of E1 Segundo, California, that the said Council has no objection to the making of the division and segre- gation as above set forth and as requested in the said written request, and does hereby consent to the same; That the City Clerk shall certify to tike pass- age and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same upon the Book of Resolutions of the said city; shall cause a certified copy thereof to be forwarded to the Auditor of Los Angeles County, California, ani shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the City Council of said city in the minutes of the meeting at Mich the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of March, A. D., 1928* AT' EST: City Cle k ( SEAT, ) or of a City of El Segno, Calif ornia. F-M STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. )) SS. I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said city is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolu- tion No. 189, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and sigaed by the Mayor of said city, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 16th may of March, 19280 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Mayor Binder; NOES: Councilmen: None; ABSENT: Councilmen: None. (SEAL) California. 9- �s.0 1b. a