CC RESOLUTION 92�30'. EESOLUTION N0. 92. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OT TRU'",713 0Y T'T47 CI'Y `, EL aF :UNDO, CALL O:�aIA, OBOLARI114 T IN-FlTTION " TI'`'' ' ,TD BOARD :i'D �)i' ,32ID CITY TO LtaY ,,UT A "D 'PEN A CI V=IN 17", PUBLIC STREET THROU,H BLOCK_ 92 IT TIT 'nuti; �I'> ;ITY, 'F(l R�' DESIGNiiTI:D r "TD !TTO'-:N AS OAK GV'T�UE, BET 7EN TTITJ ,.Sm,, >lY LINE O., TF'E FISHER SUB- ➢NISION AND Tdw T`ASTT'PLY LIT«' +` SIAL OP1 STREET Ra THE SAID BLOCK 92 F..TD 'P.P, C, °;:3 1�LY LINE Oc' 5.- ".ID FISHE'R SUB - DIVISION IDE SHOWN UPON THAT C=AIN "F CP EI.:EGUNDO, SHEET NO. 40 RECORDED IN MAP ROOK 2C, AT P_' n-' c4, 0" TTiy 1- i- 'C:tDS OF LC:, AITGELES COUNTY, Cr IIFO3- TTIa, �,ITHIIT T:i- SAID CITY, DZSCRI3ING TEC?r° A3Y TO B5. T=,7, SPI<CIF1'ING THE BOUHDn_TMF. "I Pte' '`IU. ^3IC -'0 BE AS 33E _' TO PAY THE :'4_u �EOP, PROVIDITT x � „� I - 3t P032ING .iT?D PUBLICATION 0�” '702ITL 02 : "1' P . SA 2TD . DOPTIOTT OF THIS RE;:OId.T1'ICN, BY T„1 . T3''E" �,rrpr:.TN� ^r *7� ^PIT, �IID DE- 3IGNATIiTG Ti' .iOT3 02' THE IE'XI °LaTUt"' 0? "':_ V Z'E �1e1 CALIFOR- NIA, UDDER .,TfICH TflE PROCEEDINGS �,11L BE HAD 11TID TI7�N. The Board of Trustees of the City of ':l c'eaundo, California, do resolve, declare and determire as follows: SECTION ONE: That the public interest and convenience of the City of R l Segundo, California, require the layin? out and opening of a certain new public street which for the purpose of reference throughout these proceedines shall be referred to and is hereby designated as Oak Avenue, ,. -ithin the said City of El Segundo, to a width of 50 feet through Block Ninety -two (92), between the westerly line of the Fisher Sub- division and the ef,�terly line of ,.neldon Street as the said Block Ninety -tv:o (92) and the westerly line of said Fisher "Sub- division are shown upon th =.t certain map of F1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, recorded in flap Book 20, at Pepe 24, of the Records of Los Anf -eles County, California. 1- 6=a,O That it is the intention of the said City of -.1 'e- gundo to :,o ley out and open said street, under the provi- sions of that certain act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act to provide for layin,- cut, opening, extendin -, widening, straightening or closing up, in whole or in tart, Pny street, square, lane, alley, court or place vithin municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose ", approved March nth, 1889, and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto; to a tNidth of 50 feet through Block Ninety -two (92), between the westerly line of the Fisher Sub- division and the easterly line of Sheldon Street as the said Block Ninety -two (92) and the westerly line of said ti'isher Sub- division are shown upon that certain map of F1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, recorded in Map Book 20, at Page 24, of the z�ecords of Los An?eles County, Celitornie. It is further the intention of the -aid ;ity of E1 Segundo to cause improvement bonds to be issued to re- present assessments made to paj the cost and expenses of said laying out and opening of said new public street, Oak Avenue, to a width of 50 feet through Block Ninety -two (92), between the westerly line of the ,+isher hub - division and the easterly line of Sheldon Street as the said Block Ninety -two (92) and the westerly line of said Fisher Sub- division are shown upon that certain map of 11 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, recorded in Map Book 20, at Page 24, of the itecords of Los An,>_eles County, California, in the manner and under the circumstances as provided for under that certain Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act providing for the issuance of improvement bonds to represent certain special assessments for public improvements, %nder the�$treet Opening Act of 18891, and providing for the effect and enforcement of such bonds ", approved May u4th, 1921, and all acts amendatory thereof 2- and supplementf3ry thereto. s14 SECTION T14VO: Thet this improvement consists of the laying out and opening of said Oak avenue to a uniform width of 50 feet through Block Ninety -two (92), between the westerly line of the Fisher Sub - division and the easterly line of Sheldon Street ae the said Block Ninety -two (92) and the westerly line of said Fisher Sub- division are shown upon that certain map of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, recorded in Map Book 20, at Page 24, of the Records of Los Angeles County, California. SECTION THREE: That the land necessary and convenient to be taken for said laying out and opening is situated in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows: The Southerly 25 feet of lot One (1), Block Ninety -two (92) of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 20, at Page 24 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. The Southerly 25 feet of Lot Two (2), Block Ninety- two (92) of El Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 206 at Page 24 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. The Southerly 25 feet of lot Three (3), Block Ninety- two (92) of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 20, at Page 24 of Maps in the Office of the County Re- corder of said County. The Southerly 25 feet of lot Four (4), Block Ninety- two (92) of E1 Segundo, oheet No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 200 at Page 24 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. The Northerly 25 feet of hot Five (5), Block Ninety- two (92) of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 20, at Page 24 of Mpas in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. The Northerly 25 feet of lot Six (6), Block Ninety- two (92) of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per map recorded in 3- Book 20, at Page 24 of Maps in the Office of the County Re- corder of said County. The Northerly 25 feet of Lot Seven (7), Block Ninety - two (92) of F.1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 20, at Page 24 of Maps in the Office of the Oounty Re- corder of said County. The Northerly 25 feet of Lot Eight (8), Block Ninety - two (92) of E1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per map recorded in Book 20, at Page 24 of Plops in the Office of the ,,ounty Re- corder of said County. SECTION FOUR: That the whole of the expense of the said improvement snsll be assessed upon the district to be benefited thereby, The district which is benefited by said improvement and upon which the total expense of said improvement shall be assessed shall be known and is hereby designated as the District to be assessed for the laying out and opening of Oak Avenue, through Block Ninety -two (92), beti�een the west- erly line of the Fisher Sub- division and the easterly line of Sheldon Street as the said Block Ninety -two (92) and the westerly line of said Fisher Sub- division are shown upon th €.t certain map of NI Segundo, :beet No. 4, recorded in Map Book 20, at Page 24, of the itecords of Los 9ngeles County, California, in the City of rl1 Segundo, County of Los AnPeles, State of California, and the exterior boundaries of said assessment district are hereby fixed and established and are described as follows: All 01 that portion of the City of F1 Segundo, Jounty of Los Angeles, State of California, included within the fol- lowing described boundary line, to wit: Beginning at the Southwest Jorner of Lot �Iive (5), 31ock Ninety -two (92) of -:1 Segundo, Sheet No. 4, as per Map recorded in Map Book 20, Page 24, on file in the Office of the County Recorder of the Jounty of Los 4ngeles, Califor- nia; said point also being the Northeasterly Corner of the 4- 64_. intersection of Palm Avenue and Sheldon Street, thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Sheldon Street to a point where said Easterly line intersects the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, as per map herein above referred to; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of S-aple'Avenue to the Fasterly line of Lot One (1), Block Ninety -two (92) as per map last herein above referred to; thence Southerly along the °asterly line of Lot One (1) and Lot Light (8), Block Ninety -two (92) to the Northerly line of Palm Avenue, as per map herein above referred to; thence Vlesterly along the Northerly line of Palm Avenue to the point of beginning. SECTION FIVE: That immediately upon the passage of this resolution the Street Superintendent shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of the said contem- plated improvement, at not more than Three Hundred ?eet (300 ft.) in distance apart, but not less than three (3) in all, notices of the passage of this resolution. Said notices shall be headed "NOTICE OF PUBLIC 7ORKS ",in letters not less than one inch (1 in.) in length, shall be in legible characters, state the fact of the passage of this resolution, its date and briefly the improvement proposed, and refer to this re- solution for further particulars. Said Street uuperintendent shall also cause a notice similar in substance to be published by four (4) successive ,nsertions in the E1 Segundo Herald, a :eekly Newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within the said City of E1 Segundo, and v,hich is hereby designated for that purpose. Passed, approved and adopted this 15th day of May, A. D. 1925. President of Board-of Bo9rd-of Trustees of City of E1 Segundo, California. r ATTEST: ✓ %1U ulty lerk. ��.. �q 5-