CC RESOLUTION 116RESOLUTION NO.116 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPT- ING SPECIFICATIONS NO. 16 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, Califo mia, that the following Specifi- cations, beimg and to be known as "SPECIFICATIONS NUMBER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ", be and the same are hereby adopted and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk of said City. SECTION 1-- Definition of Terms. 2-- Plans. 3- -Work to be Done. 4-- Supervision. b -- Sub- oontraotors. 6-- Methods and Appliances. 7-- Examination of Work. 8-- setting Stakes, 9-- Inspection. INDEX SECTION 10-- Labor. 11-- Preservation of Monuments 12 -- Removing Obstructions, 13-- Observing City Ordinances 14-- Barriers, Lights, eto. 15-- Public Utilities. 16-- Proteotion of Work and Cleaning Up. 17-- Defective Work. 18- -Loss or Damage, 1. SECTION 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Whenever the word "City" is used in these speoifi- cations, it refers to the City of E1 Segundo, California. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications, it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the oonetauotion of the work herein specified. 1- r 777 Whenever the wo rds "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications, they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent or the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, or their authorized agents or inspectors. SECTION 2. PLANS: The vw rk herein specified is to be done in accord- anoe with the plans, profiles and drawings on file in the office of the City Engineer and made a part of these specifi- cations. The plans, profiles and drawings are hereinafter referred to as the "Plans ". All distances and measurements are in feet, and are made and will be given, in a horizontal plane. All elevations are in feet, and are above the established City Datum Plane. Special provisions in the f ®nn of notes or details modifying these specifications in particular oases may be embodied in the Plans and in such oases shall superoede and control these specifications in those particulars. The Contractor shall keep upon the work a copy of the plans and specifications, and access thereto, at all times shall be accorded the City Engineer and Street Superintendent or their authorized agents or inspectors. SECTION 3. WORK TO BE DONE: The work to be done under these specifications shall include the furnishing of all labor,,material and equipment necessary for or incident to the construction and completion of all the work shown on the plans, profiles and drawings, in accordance with these specifications. All work during its progress, and upon its comple- tion, shall conform to the lines, elevations and grades as shovm on said plans, profiles and drawings. SECTION 4. SUPERVISION: All work done hereunder shall be done in a first 2- J M class, thorough and workmanlike manner, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and the materials used shall comply with these speoifi- cations and be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Rejected materials must be immediately removed from the work by the Contractor and shall not again be brought upon the work. Work shall be commenced and continued at such points as may be approved by the City Engineer and shall be carried on diligently and without unnecessary or unreasonable delay. SECTION 5. SUB- CONTRACTORS: No sub - oontraotor will be recognized as such, and all persons engaged in the work of construction will be considered as employees of the Contractor. SECTION 6, METHMS AND APPLIANCES: The methods, equipment, appliances and working f oroe employed by the Contractor, must be such as will secure work of first -class quality and sufficient to con - plete the work in the time agreed upon. The City Engineer may order the Contractor to improve, change or increase such methods, equipment, app- liances or force, if in his opinion they be inadequate or insufficient, but failure of the City Engineer to make such order will not relieve the Contractor from his ob- ligation to perform the nark in accordance with the specifications and within the required time. SECTION 7. EIfAMINATION CE` WORK: Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, and the nature of the excavation to be made and the m rk to be done. The plans for the work will show conditions as they are supposed or believed by the City Engineer to M N exist, and it is not intended or to be inferred that the conditions as shouai thereon constitute a representation by the City, or its officers, that such conditions are actually existent, nor shell the Contractor be relieved of the liability under his contract, or the City, or any of its officers be liable for any loss sustained by the Contractor as a result of any variance between the con- ditions as shown on the plans and the actual conditions revealed during the progress of the work or otherwise. SECTION 8. SETTING STAKES: The Contractor shall give forty -eight (48) hours' notice in writing when he will require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work, and shall dig all holes necessary for line and grade stakes. The Contraot or shall preserve all stakes set for the lines, grades or measurements of the work in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer. Any expense inourred in replacing said stakes which the Con- tractor may have failed to preserve shall be bo me by the Contractor. SECTION 9. INSPECTION: The Contractor shall prosecute wark only in the presence of the City Engineer or his authorized deputy, and any work done in the absence of said City Engineer or his authorized deputy, shall be subject to rejection for that reason. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer at least forty -eight (48) hours before beginning any work e d shall furnish said City Engineer all reasonable facilities for obtaining fall information respecting the progress and manner of the work. SECTION 10. LABOR; Any superintendent, foreman, laborer or other person employed on the work by the Contractor who fails 4- or refuses to perform the work in the manner specified herein shall be discharged immediately, and such person shall not again be employed on the work. At all times during the absence of the Contractor from the work there shall be a competent agent or super- intendent in charge; and all notices, communications, orders, or instructions given, sent to, or served upon such agent or superintendent shall be oonsidered as having been served upon the Contractor. SECTION 11, PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS: The Contractor shall not disturb monuments or stakes Pound on the line of improvements without permission from the City Engineer, and shall bear the expense of re- setting any monuments or stakes which may be disturbed without such permission. The Contractor shall reset all street Name Signs disturbed by him during the progress of the work. SECTION 1E, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS: The Contractor shall remove, at his expense, ail trees, fences and all structures as and when required by the plans or where the proper construction and completion of the work requires their removal. The Contractor shall also remove,at his expense, all stones, debris, or other obstructions of whatever kind or character, either natural or artificial, enoountered in making the improvements. No trees, palms, shrubbery or ornamental vegetation, shall be removed without first obtaining the approval of the City Engineer. Whenever any fence, water pipe, or other improve- ment is removed, it shall be replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor. SECTION 13, OBSERVING CITY ORDINANCES: The Contractor shall observe the laws of the 5M 7'71 State of Califo mia in regard to public improvements and contracts and all the ordinances of the City of E1 Segundo, in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passageways and protecting the same where they are exposed or dangerous to travel. Not more than one successive cross street shall be closed at any one time. SECTION 14, BARRIERS, LIGHTS, ETC.: The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to protect the work and prevent accidents during con - struotion. He shall provide and maintain all necessary barriers, guards, temporary bridges, watchmen and lights. SECTION 15, PUBLIC UTILITIES: In case it should be necessary to remove the property of ark* owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper application by the Contraotor, be notified by the City Engineer to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the Contractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved by the City and to owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon any street, alley, right of way or easement for the purpose of making necessary repairs, or for making changes in their property made necessary by the work. Unless otherwise indicated on the plans or in these specifications, or unless otherwise oared for by the owner of a public utility or franchise, all sewer, water or gas lines or house connections therefor, shall be main- tained by the Contractor, and shall not be disturbed or disoonneoted by him during the progress of the work; pro- vided that, should the Contractor, in the prosecution of C� d2 the work, disturb or disconnect any such pipe line or sewer connection, all expense, of whatever nature arising from such disturbame or in the replacement or repair of such line or connection, shall be borne by the Contractor. SECTION 16, PROTECTION OF w(RK AND CLEANING UP: The Contractor shall oars for all work until final completion and acceptance. All damage done to exist- ing improvements by the Contractor shall be repaired by him. He shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. SECTION 17. DEFECTIVE WORK: No work which is defeotive in its construction or deficient in any of the requirements of thee* epeoifi- oations will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any employee of the City or inspector con - neoted with the work to point out said defects or defioi- enoy during oonstruotion. The Contractor shall correct any imperfect work whenever discovered, bDefore the final aooeptanoe of the work. SECTION 18. LOSS OR DAMAGE: All lose or demnage arising from any act or omission not authorized by the specifications, on the part of the Contractor or any agent or person employed by him, shall be sustained by the Contractor. SECTION 2. Materials INDEX SECTION 19 -- Cement. 27- -Sewer Joint Compound. 20- -Sand, 28-- Petrolastio Cement. 7- 21-- Grushed Stone and Gravel. 29-- Conorete. 22-- Eriok, 23-- Castings, 24-- Reinforoing Steel, 30- -Pipe. 31-- Vitrified Clay Pipe 32-- Cement Pipe, M 25-- Manhole Steps and 33- -Drain Tile. Ladders. 26--Mortar. 34-- Reinforoed Concrete Pipe. 3b•- Forms, SECTION 19. CEMENT: All cement used shall be Portland Cement and shall conform to the following requirements and be subject to the following test and in addition thereto shall also conform with the standard specifications for testing Portland Cement as adopted by the American Society for ?eat- ing Materials in 1904, and all subsequent amendments and additions thereto. Samples for tests may be taken from every package delivered or proposed to be used upon the work, and unless they meet the requirements herein specified, such package or packages of cement will be rejected. All tests shall be open to the Contractor. All cement shall be true Portland Cement. No cement will be accepted, tested or permitted to be used unless delivered in the original unopened packages, filled at the cement mill and with the manufacturer's name and the brand of the cement plainly marked thereon. If de- livered in sacks, each sack must contain not less than ninety -four (94) pounds net of cement, aomd such sacks of cement shall be deemed to have a volume of one (1) cubic foot. Such sacks of cement must be uniform in weight and the sacks shall be whole and untorn. If delivered in wooden or metal barrels, the content must be 376 pounds net of oementj The oement must be dry and free from lumps, No cement shall be used which has been mixed in any way with any other brand or quality of cement or which a- c�4 has been tempered with in any way after having been placed in the original package of the manufacturer, nor shall any cement be used from any packages containing lumpy cement or cement which has been reground. To prevent sift- ing or loss of weight, and for protection from moisture, all cement that has been transported by water must be in paper lined cloth sacks, or in barrels made of wood or metal. The paper liners used inside the sacks must be stout and damp - proof, and may be either open mouthed or of the sealed type with valves for filling. The cement shall be suitably protected from the weather and piled so as to permit access for tally, in- speotion sad identification of each shipment. SECTION 20, SAND: All sand for concrete or mortar shall be washed sand and shall be hard and durable, free from both oil and organic matter, and shall contain not more then three (3) per cent by weight of mica and not more than five (5) per cent by weight of clay or silt; not less than ninety (90) per cent by weight shall pass a one - quarter (1/4) inch screen; at least fifty (50) per cent, but not more than eighty -five (851 per cent by weight shall be retained on a thirty (30) mesh screen; and not more than seven (7) per cent by weight shall pass a hundred (100) mesh screen. SECTION 21. CRUSHED STONE AM GRAVEL: Crashed stone or gravel shall be washed and shall consist of clean, waterworn pebbles, crushed boulders, or both, free from clay, silt, oil or organic matter and shall have a specific gravity of not less than 2.50. All rook shall peas a one and one /half (1 1/2) inch screen, out not more than five (5) per cent by weight shall pass a one- _ quarter (1/4) inch screen, and not less than thirty -five (35) per cent nor more than fifty (50) per cent by weight 9- ( C a) shall pass a three- quarter (3/4) inch screen. SECTION 22. BRICK: When the word "brick" occurs on plans or in resolutions without specifying "common" or "vitrified" it shall mean common brick. Common brick, unless otherwise indicated on the plane, shall conform to the following: They shall be whole, sound, hard burned clay with straight edges and mast give a clear, ringing sound when struck together. They shall be uniform in quality, ail shall be culled or sorted before delivery on the ground. They shall have rectangular surfaces and shall be not less then eight and one - eighth (8 1/8) inches nor more than eight and three- eighths (8 3/8) inches in length, not less than three and five - eighths (3 5/8) inches nor more than three and seven - eighths (3 7/8) inches in width, and not less than two and one - quarter (2 1/4) inches nor more than two and three - eighths (2 3/8) inches in thickness. All brick shall be subject to the following test made by the City Engineer, on brick sampled at the brick yard or on the job, as he may elect. Three or more bricks selected at random from a given lot shall be broken across, and the separate pieces placed on edge, faced top and oottom with plaster of Paris, and crashed. The average maximum load shall be not less than two thousand (2,000) pounds per square inch and no individual load shall be lees than one thousamd (1,000) pounds per square inch. Failure to meet the requirements of this test shall cause to be rejeoted the lot of brick from which the samples for this test were selected. VITRIFIED BRICK: Vitrified brick shall be uniform in quality, free from laminations, fire checks and cracks. All bricks having 10- kiln marks more than three sixteenths (3/16) of an inch high and all brick so distorted in burning as to lay up to an uneven surface shall be rejected. The top face of the brick shall be free from kiln marks. Salt glazed brick will not be accepted. The brick shall be not less than three and one - eighth: (3 1 /8) nor more than three and one - fourth (3 1/4) inches thick, not lose than seven and one -half (7 1/2), nor more than nine (9) inches in length, end not lose than three and seven- eighths (3 7/8) nor more than four (4) inches in depth. Vitrified brick shall not show a lose of more than twenty -two (22) per oent when subjected to the following rattler test: (a) BRICK RATTLER TEST: The rattler shall consist of a barrel twenty -eight (28) inches in diameter and approximately twenty (20) inches in length. The abrasive charge shall oondist of three hun- dred (300) pounds of spherical oast iron shot. Ten (10) of said shot shall have a weight of between seventy (70) and seventy -five (75) pounds, and shall be approximately three and three - fourths (54/4) inches in diameter. The remainder of the shot shall be one and three- fourthe (1 3/4) to one and seven - eighths (1 7/8) inches in diameter. Ten (10) brick previously dried three (3) hours at one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit, shall be placed in the dram with said abrasive charge of shot, and the drum revolved eighteen hundred (1800) revolutions at the rate of between twenty -nine and five - tenths (29.5) and thirty and five - tenths (30.5) revolutions per minute. The lose shall be calculated in percentage of the initial weight of the brick composing the charge. In weighing the rattled brick any piece weighing lose than one (1) pound shall be rejected. The details of this test and of the equipment used therefor shall be in 11- accordance with Specifications C 7 -15 of the Amerioan Society for Testing Materials. SECTION 23. CASTINGS: All castings for manhole heads, covers and other purposes must be of tough gray iron, free from cracks, holes, swells, and cold shuts, and be of workmanlike finish, and must conform to the plans. The quality shall be such that a blow from a hammer will produce an indentation on a rectangular edge of the casting without flaking the metal. Before leaving the foundry all castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to a hammer inspection, after which they shall be dipped twice in a preparation of asphalt, or coal tar, and oil applied at a temperature of not less than 2900 Fahrenheit, nor greater than 3100 Fah- renheit, in such a manner as to form a firm and tenacious coating. SECTION 24. REINFORCING STEEL; Steel for concrete reinforcement shall have an ultimata tensile strength of 65,000 to 70,000 pounds per square inch; an elastic limit of not less than one -half (1/2) the ultimate strength, and a minimum percentage of elongation in eight (8) inches of one million, two hundred fifty thousand (1,250,000) divided by the ultimate strength. Test specimens shall bend cold through 1800 around a pin without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, the diameter of the pin being equal to the thickness of the specimen if less than 3A inch and being twice the thick- ness of the specimen if 3A inch or larger. Bars shall be free from flaws, cracks, rust, oil, or paint. 611 bars shall be square deformed bars unless otherwise specified. SECTION 25. MANHOLE STEPS AND LADDERS: Manhole steps and ladders shall be made of 3A 12- 7"78 inch round iron bars galvanized and heavily ooated with asphaltum paint. Steps shall be 14 inches wide and shall extend at least 6 inches into the wall of the manhole or other structure in which they are placed. The rung of the step shall be three (3) inches from the face of the masonry of the manhole or other structure. Steps shall be placed at intervals of 17 inches and the last step shall be not more than 24 inches from the bottom of the manhole or other structure. SECTION 26. MORTAR: For pipe joints, the mortar shall be composed of one cubic foot of cement and two cubic feet of screen- ed sand. For laying brick or for plastering, mortar shall consist of one cubic foot of cement and two and one -half cubic feet of screened sand. Finish mortar shall be composed of one cubic foot of cement and one and one -half cubic feet of screened sand and shall be colored by the addition of one - fourth pound of lamp black to each sack of cement. The mortar shall be mixed in a suitable mixer or in a water tight mixing box. The materials must be thoroughly mixed dry until the mass assumes a uniform color and then sufficient water added to give the mixture a proper consistency. No mortar whim has begun to set shall be used and no retempering thereof will be permitted. SECTION 27. SEWER JOINT COMPOUND- Sewer Joint Compound shall be so prepared that when heated to not less than 250 degrees Fahrenheit and poured, it will adhere firmly to the surface of the dry pipe, or, when heated to not less than 350 degrees Fahrenheit and poured,it will adhere firmly to the sur- face of the pipe even though this surface shall be sub- merged in water below the springing line of the pipe. 13- I N The flexibility of the compound shall be such that after a pipe joint has been run and cooled the pipe may be deflected at least five degrees from line or grade; in which condition the compound in the joint shall show no signs of cracking, checking or breaking away from the surface. The melting point shall be not less than 70 degrees Centigrade (158 degrees Fahrenheit), as de- termined by A.S.T.M. Standard D 36 -24 for Bituminous Materials or by A.S.T.M. Standard D 61 -24 for Tar Products. The compound shall be melted into sheet form, 2 or 3 millimeters (about 118 inch) thick, and out into squares of 25 millimeters (1 inch). These squares are then to be pressed under a load of 1 Kilogram (2.2 pounds), until cold (the excess being trimmed away), between the trued ends of a broken Portland Cement standard neat briquette, previously heated to between 120 degrees Centigrade (248 degrees Fahrenheit) and 135 degrees Cen- tigrade (275 degrees Fahrenheit), and the trued ends saturated with the same compound. Twenty -five millimeters (1 inch) squares of the compound prepared as described above, when submerged (one cube in one of each of the following solutions) in 5 per cent solution of caustic potash, 5 per cent solu- tion of ammonia, and a mixture of 5 per cent hydrochloric acid and 5 per cent sulphuric acid, shall be unaffected. SECTION 26. PETROI,ASTIC CEMENT- The material used shall be an air refined asphalt manufactured from a good grade of asphalt base petroleum. It shall be delivered on the job in the original packages bearing the manufacturer's brand and have the following characteristics: 14— m '780 Solubility in CS 2, -- Not less than 99 per cent. Purity Solubility in 86° Gasoline, Not less than 60 per cent. Penetration - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 to 30 at 770 F. Melting Point (B and R Method) -- Not less than 1450 F. Ductility at 770 F., 5 cm.per min., Not less than 2. Lose on heating 5 grams, 3500 F. 5 hr. Not more than 2% SECTION 29. CONCRETE: Concrete shall be composed of the relative volume of materials as follows: CLASS "A" CONCRETE 1 cubic foot of cement. 2 cubic feet of sand. 4 cubic feet of rock. CLASS "B" CONCRETE 1 cubic foot of cement 3 cubic feet of sand. 5 cubic feet of rock. Only sufficient water shall be used to produce a concrete with a slump of not to exceed three (3) inches, as determined by the tentative method used by the A.S.T.M., issued in 1922, known as Serial Designation: D 138 -22 T. Two and one -half (2 1 %2) pounds diatomaceous earth which shall be clean, finely powdered, non crystal- line Silica, containing not more than * of foreign matter, shall be added with each sack (94, pounds) of cement used for Class "A" concrete. Should there not be enough mortar to fill the voids in the rock, the amount of the rock shall be reduced. All concrete, whenever practicable, shall be mixed in batch type mixers and Class "A "concrete shall always be so mixed. The mixer drum shall have a speed of not less than thirteen revolutions per minute, and each batch shall be mixed in the drum of the mixer not less than one and one -half minutes. Concrete shall be mixed in quantities requiring one or more full sacks of cement and the mixer at no time shall be ov- erloaded. mitted. Splitting of sacks of cement will not be per- U_ 8 ,then concrete is mixed by hand it shall be mixed on a water tight platform sufficiently large to receive the batch to be mixed. The rock and the sand shall be spread out evenly and the cement spread uni- formly over the mass, after which the whole shall be turned over at least three times dry. Water shall then be added and the mass turned over, at least two times, wet. Concrete shall be placed in the form within thirty minutes after mixing and no retempered concrete will be allowed to be used. SEXTION 30. PIPE: Pipe shall be of the material designated on the plans. SECTION 31. VITRIFIED CI,AY PIPE: (a) QUALITY. All vitrified clay pipe and specials shall be of first quality, vitrified, salt - glazed sewer pipe, sound and well burned throughout their entire thickness, impervious to moisture, and must give a metallic ring when struck with a hammer. (b) GLAZING. The pipe must be smooth and its interior surface must be thoroughly glazed. (o) SHAPE. All pipe shall be socket pipe; with sockets true, circular and concentric with the bore of the pipe. All sockets must be of sufficient diameter to re- ceive to the full depth the spigot and of the next follow- ing pipe or special, without any chipping whatever of either, and also to leave an annular space, as specified in the following table. The deep and wide socket pipe shall have oirou- lar corrugations on the inside of the socket for its entire depth, and also on the outside of the spigot end for the corresponding depth. 16- (dj LENGTHS, The length of all sizes of straight pipe, exclusive of socket, shall be two and one -half (2 1/2) feet excepting for the pipe of six (6) inches diameter, which shall be two (2) feet, or two and one -half (2 1/2) feet. (e) DIMENSIONS. The thickness of the shell, the depth of the socket, and the annular apace shall have the dimensions given in the following table; TB.B?E OF DIMENSIONS FOR VITRIFIED MY PIPE THICKI SS OF RENT, MEPTR--OP duvlur MIND= SIZZ STANDARD p AND Ili AND ANNULU SPACE WIDE SOCKET STANDARD WIDE SOCKET STANDAM MEF AND 6 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in 2 in. 8 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. 2 114 10 in. 7/8 in. 778 in. 2 1/2 12 in. 1 in. 1 in. 2 1/2 15 in. 1 1/8 1n. 1 1/8 in. 2 1/2 18 in. 1 1/2 in. 1 1/2 in. 2 374 $1 in. 1 374 in. 1 374 in. 2 3/4 in. 2 1/2 in. 3/8 in. 5/6 in. in. 2 3/4 in. 3/8 in. 5/8 in. in. 2 3/4 in. 3/8 in. 5/8 in. in. 3 in. 1 /2.in. 5/8 in. in. 3 in. 1/2 in. 5/S in. in. 3 114 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. in. 3 374 in. 172 in. 3/4 in. The annular space referred to in columns 6 and 7 of the above table is the space between the circumference of the upper inside diameter of the socket and the outside diameter of the spigot of the pipe placed in said socket. The annular space given in said columns 6 and 7 being the minimum annular space allomble, excepting for the variation given in Section 31 (f) hereof. The space between the circumference of the lower inside diameter of the socket and the outside diameter of the spigot of the pipe placed in said socket shall be not less than one -half (1/2) the annular space, which space, together with the annular space, shall be allowed the vatia- tion given in Section 31 (f) hereof. (f) PERMISSIBLE V9.RILTIONS. The permissible variations from the dimensions given in the above table shall be as stated in the following table; 19- 1783 TABLE OF PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN DIMENSIONS FOR VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE limits of permissible variation in Normal Length Depth Thickness Inside size Inches Socket of shell diameter of 6 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/16 in. 3/16 in. 8 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/16 in. 1/4 in. 10 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/16 in. 1/4 in. 12 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/16 in. 1/4 in. 15 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/8 in. 1/4 in. 18 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/8 in. 3/8 in. 21 in. 5/8 in. 1/4 in. 1/8 in. 7/16 in. Note: The minus sign (e) alone indicates that the plus variations is not limited; the plus and minus sign ( -I-) in- dicates variations in both excess and deficiency of dimension. (g) IMPERFECTIONS. All pipe and specials must be free from injurious cracks, cheoks, blisters, broken extre- mities or other imperfections. The following imperfections in a pipe or special will be considered injurious and cause for refection. (1) A single crack in the body of a pipe, extend- ing through the entire thickness regardless of the extent of such crack. A single fire crack which extends through one -half (1/2) of the thickness and over three (3) inches long. (2) Two or more fire cracks in the body of the pipe of a lose length than three (3) inches and extending through one -half (1/2) of the thickness. Any fire crack which is more than one - sixteenth (1/16) of an inch wide at its widest point. (3) Lumps, blisters or flakes on the interior surface of a pipe or special. (4) Two or more breaks in the socket or spigot unless they can be placed in the upper half of the sewer. (5) When the bore or socket of the pipe varies from a true circle more than three (3) per cent of its normal diameter. 18- [ 84 (6) When a pipe or special designated to be straight exhibits a deviation of more than three - eights (3/8) of an inch from a straight line. (7) A piece broken fra m the spigot end deeper than the socket or longer than one -third (1/3) of the dia- meter of the pipe. (8) A piece broken from the bell,end if the freoture extends into the body of the pipe, or is longer than one -third (1/3) of the diameter of the pipe. (h) CAPS. Cape shall be furnished with each branch pipe and consist of a disc of vitrified clay, three - fourths (3/4) of an inch thick, fitting snugly into the socket of the branch pipe. (i) TESTS. The tests for vitrified clay pipe shall include the following: 1. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST. 2. SAND BEARING CRUSHING TEST. For pipe to be used in sanitary sewers the hydro- static pressure test shall precede the sand bearing crushing test by not less than one -(1) hour, nor more than three (3) hours. The City Engineer shall select at random and test as herein specified one length of pipe for each four hundred (400) feet or fraction thereof, of each size of pipe to be laid, the minimum number of specimens to be tested to be three (3) for each selection of each size pipe. The pipe selected for testing purposes shall be delivered by the Contractor for the improvement, when and where directed. If, in making either of the tests above mentioned, eighty (80) per oent or more of the specimens tested meet the requirements imposed by the test, all of the pipe in the shipment or delivery corresponding to the sizes so tested 19- X05 shall be considered as complying with that test. If, however, more than twenty (20) per cent of the specimens tested fail to meet the requirements of either test, a second selection of pipe shall be made for the test. The number of pipe to be tested in the second selection of pipe shall be five (5) for each pipe that failed to meet the requirements of the first selection. If eighty (80) per cent or more of the pipe se- lected, including those first selected, meet the require- ments of that test, all of the pipe corresponding to the sizes so tested shall be considered as complying with that test, otherwise all pipe of those sizes sh911 be rejected. Unless otherwise specified herein, the specimens of pipe shall be sound pipe heving dimensions consistent with these specifications. (1) HYDROSTATIC PR :sSSU:31: Tii�3T. Sound full size pipe in each size shall be tested for leakage under internal hyotrostatic pressure. Mater pressures, s measured by a standardized gage attached to the delivery pipe close to the specimens, shall be internally applied to the specimens as follows; 10 lb, per sq. in. for 7 minutes. !_t the end of the final period the pipe shall be inspected and the specimens shall show no leakage under these pressures. Moisture appearing on the surface of the pipe in the form of patches or beads, rdhering to the sur- face, shall not be considered leakage. (2) S_IM B SRInG CRUSHING VESTi The load shall be applied at a uniform ratE of about two thousand (2000) pounds per minute, or in increments of not more than one hundred (100) pounds, at the same rate. The pipe shall not be allowed to stand under the load longer than it is required to apply the load snd to observe and record it. The testing machine shall be substantial and rigid 20- throughout, so that the distribution of the load will not be affected by the deformation or yielding of any part. The bearings and specimens shall be accurately centered so as to secure a symmetrical distribution of the loading on each side of the center of the pipe in every direction. The pipe to be tested shall be carefully bedded above and below in said one - fourth (1A) of the circumfer- ence of the pipe, measured on the middle line of the shell. The depth of the bedding above and below the pipe at the thinnest points shall not be less than one -half (1 /2) the radius of the middle line of the shell. The sand shall be clean and shall be such as will pass a one - fourth (1/4) inch screen. The top bearing frame shall not be allowed to come in contact with the pipe nor with the top bearing plate. The upper surface of the sand in the top bearing shall be struck level with a straight edge, and shall be covered with a rigid top bearing plate, the length of which plate shall be the total length of the pipe and the width of which plate shall be not less than one -half (1/2) inch less than the inside width of the top bearing frame. The lower surface of the top bearing plate shall be a true plane, made of heavy timbers or other rigid material, capable of distributing the test load uniformly without bending. The test load shall be applied at the exact oenter of this top bearing plate in such a manner as to permit a free motion of the plate in all directions. For this purpose a spherical bearing is pre- ferred, but two rollers at right angles may be used. The test may be made without the use of a testing machine by piling weights directly on a platform resting on the top bearing plate, provided, however, that the weights shall be piled symmetrically about a vertical line through the center of the pipe, and that the platform shall not be allowed to 21. touch the top bearing frame. t87 The frames of the top and bottom bearings shall be made of timbers so heavy as to avoid bending by the side pressure of the sand. The interior surface of the frames shall be dressed. No frame shall come in contact with the pipe during the test. A strip of cloth may be attached to the inside of the upper frame on each side, along the lower edge to prevent the escape of sand between the frame and the pipe. The load shall be applied to each specimen until the amount specified in the following table, for the mini- mum crushing strength, has been reached. No additional pressure is required but may be applied f or record purposes. The various sizes of pipe shall withstand the following pressures: SIZE MINIMUM CRUSHING S 6 in. 1430 8 in. 1430 10 in. 1570 12 in. 1710 15 in. 1960 18 in. 2200 21 in. 2590 24 in. 3070 27 in. 3370 30 in. 3690 The net inside length of'the pipe from the bottom of the socket to the spigot and of the pipe is to be used as the divisor in obtaining the amount of the crushing strength per linear foot. SECTION 32. NT PIPE. (a) QUALITY. All cement pipe shall be of first quality, dense, tough and free from cracks or other imper- fections which would be cause for rejection as hereinafter specified. All pipe must give a metallic ring when struck with a hammer and ita interior surface must be smooth. 22- 1788 Pipe when broken shall appear homegeneous, and generally uniform, and if containing rock, shall show pieces of fractured rock firmly imbedded in mortar. (b) SHAPE. All pipes shall be socket pipes, with sockets true, circular and concentric with the bore of the pipe. All sockets must be of sufficient diameter to receive to the full depth the spigot end of the next following pipe or special, without any chipping whatsoever of either, and also to leave an annular space, as specified in the following table. (c) MATERIALS. All pipe shall be made of cement as specified in Section 19, hereof, and aggregate. The aggregate shall be composed of sand, or of sarrl and rock; provided that the size of the rock when used, in its great- est dimension,, must not be greater than one -half (1/2) the thickness of the shell of the pipe. The pipe shall be made of a mixture which shall be by measure not less than one (1) part of cement to three (3) parts aggregate, and the aggregate shall be so propor- tioned as to produce a pipe which will comply with the tests herein specified. The materials composing the aggregate shall be graded and shall be clean and suitable for the work. No hydrated lime, alum and soap, asphaltum, oil, or other waterproofing compound, or any materials other than cement, sand, rock and water, will be permitted in manufacturing the pipe, nor shall any coating of cement wash be added to the inside surface. (d) ta,LTHOD OF YIkKUG. All cement pipe shall be that known as wet pipe. The pipe shall be made under a roof, the material shall be thoroughly mixed in a batch machine mixer and shall be machine moulded and machine compacted. The City Engineer shall have at all times free and uninterrupted access to the plant where pipe to be used 23- t09 in the work done under these specifications is being manufactured, for the purpose of inspecting the materials being used, the method of making, and the finished pipe. (a) CURIIdG. 11.11 pipe shall be kept thoroughly wet for a period of seven (7) days. (f) IENGTHS. The lengths of all sizes of straight pipe, exclusive of sockets, shall be two arA one -half (2 1/2) feet, excepting for the pipe of six (6) inches diameter, which shall be two (2) feet or two and one -half (2 1/2) feet. (g) DIMENSIONS. The thickness of the shell, the depth of the socket, and the annular space shall have the dimensions given in following table: TABLE OF DINLNS IONS FOR CEMENT PIPE Thickness of e Depth of oc e n mum Annular Space DEEP AND LM11 ?-ND STAND - DEEP SILL STANDARD 71IDE SOCKET STABDt?RD 'SIDE SOCkET AIM AND ;HIDE SO CBET Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5 Co1.6 Col. 7 6 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. 2 in. 2 1/2 in. 3/8 in. 5/8 in. 8 in. 7/8 in. 7/8 in. 2 1/4 in. 2 314 in. 3/8 in. 5/8 in. 10 in. 1 in. 1 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 3/4 in. 3/8 in. 5/8 in. 12 in. 1 1/8 in. 1 1/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 3 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 15 in. 1 3/8 in. 1 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 3 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 18 in. 1 1/2 in. 1 1/2 in. 2 3/4 in. 3 1/4 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 21 in. 1 3/4 in. 1 3/4 in. 2 3/4 in. 3 374 in. 1/2 in. 374 in. The annular space referred to in columns, 6 and 7 of the above table is in the space between the circumference of the upper inside diameter of the socket and the spigot of the pipe placed in said socket, the annular space given in said columns 6 and 7 being the minimum annular space allowable, excepting for the variation given in Section 32 (h) hereof. The space between the circumference of the lower inside diameter of the socket and the outside diameter of the spigot of the pipe placed in said socket shall be not less than one - eighth (1/8) inch for standard pipe and not less than one - fourth (1/4) inch for deep and wide socket pipe, which 24- Xt N space, together with the annular space, shall be allowed the variation given in Section 32 (h) hereof. (h) PERMISSIBIE VARIATIONS. The permissible variations from the dimensions given in the above table, shall be as stated in the following table: TABLE OF PMWISSIBIE VARIATIONS IN DINNSIONS LIMITS OF PERMISSIBZE VARIATIONS IN Normal Length Depth Thickness Inside Size Inches Socket of Shell Diameter Inches Per Foot Inches Inches of Bore Inc he s Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5 6 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/16 in. 3/16 in. 8 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/ 6 in. 1/4 in. 10 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1Z6 in. 1/4 in. 12 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 17;L6 in. 1/4 in. 15 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1 in. 1/4 in. 18 in. 1/2 in. 1/4 in. 1/8 in. 3/8 in. 21 in. 5/8 in. 1/4 in. 1/8 in. 7/16 in. Note: The minus sign ( -) alone indicates that the plus varia- tions is not limited; the plus and minus sign indicates variation in both excess and deficiency of dimension. (i) IMPR yCTIONS. The following imperfections in a pipe or special will be considered injurious and cause for reject ion. (1) When the bore or socket of a pipe varies from a true circle more than three (3) per cent of'its nominal diameter. (2) A pipe or special designed to be straight, ex- hibiting a deviation from a straight line of more than three- eighths (3/8) of an inch. (3) A single crack in the body of the pipe extend- ing through the entire thickness, regardless of the length of such crack. (4) A single crack which extends through one -half (1 /2) the thickness and over three (3) inches in length. 25- (5) Two or more cracks in the body of the pipe of a less length than three (3) inches, and extending through one -half (1/2) the thickness. (6) Any crack which is more than one - sixteenth (1/16) of an inch wide at its widest point. (7) A piece broken from the spigot end deeper than the socket or longer than one -third (1/3) of diameter of the pipe; or a piece broken from the bell if the fracture ex- tends into the body of the pipe or is longer than one -third (1/3) of the diameter of the pipe, (8) Two or more breaks in the socket or spigot, unless can be placed in the upper half of the sewer. (j) CAPS. Caps shall be furnished with each branch pipe and consist of a disc, made of the same material as the pipe, three - fourths (3/4) of an inch thick, fitting snugly the socket of the branch pipe. (k) TESTS. The tests for cement pipe shall eon- form to those specified for vitrified clay pipe in Section 31 hereof. SECTION 33. DRAIN TIIE; Drain tile shall be plain butt joint pipe; and shall be unglazed clay pipe. The length of the the shall be not less than one (1) foot and not more than three (3) feet. In all other respects, drain tile shall conform to the specifications and requirements as contained in Section 30 of these specifications. SECTION 34. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. All pipe 24 inches in diameter, and over, shall be reinforced concrete pipe. Concrete for pipe shall be Class "A" concrete, as specified in Section 29, provided that the largest dimension of the rock used shall not exceed one inch. 26- `792 Reinforcement shall consist of wire fabric, expanded metal, bars, or wire and shall conform to the requirements of Section 24 hereof, and shall be fahricated in such a manner as to retain all members in their proper position in the pipe shell. The ratio of steel to concrete shall be as shown upon the plans. Pipe shall be molded in steel or iron forms in sections not less than three (3) feet nor more than four (4) feet in length and the thickness of the shell shall be as shown on the plan. Pipe shall be of the socket type. The socket may be made in any desired form, but when laid the space between the abutting ends shall not exceed one -half (1/Z) inch and the joints when finished be water tight, give a smooth in- terior surface and have strength equal to the body of the pipe, when subjected to internal or external pressure, Pipe shall be manufactured only in the presenc=e of an inspector and the date of making and a mark to denote either the top or bottom of the pipe shall be placed thereon immediately after the forms are removed. The forms aryl reinforcing steel shall be held rigid- ly in position while the form is being filled. The concrete shall be placed in the forms and thoroughly tamped and spaded, and the molding of any one section of pipe shall be continuous until completed. After the forms are removed the pipe shall be cover- ed with burlap or canvass, and kept thoroughly wet for seven (7) days. SECTION 35, FORMS: Forms for concrete work shall be held rigidly in place and the material in the forms shall be of sufficient strength that the forms will be unyielding during the process of placing and tamping the concrete. The sheeting for ex- 27- l posed concrete faces shall be planed and sized lumber; and before using shall be given a coat of grease or neutral oil to prevent the concrete sticking and shall be given subsequent coatings whenever said subsequent coat- ings are necessary to prevent adhesion of mortar. The ends of all sheeting shall be squared and neatly butted to adjoin- ing pieces at every joint. They shall 'be fastened to etude in parallel lines with joints sufficiently tight to prevent loss of cement and mortar. The form used on monolithic sewers shall not be removed until the expiration of five (5) days after the arch or roof is finished. 3 - BXCkVATION INDEX SECTION SECTION 36 - -Open Excavation and Tunneling 39-- Blasting. 37- -width and Depth of Trench. 38-- Clearance for Structures. 40 -- Pumping. 41 -- Bracing Trenches. 42-- Disposal of Material. 3 - Excavation SECTION 36. OPEN EXCAVATION AND TUIZZLING. The Contractor shall make all necessary excavation to construct all work shown upon the plans. Excavation shall include the removal of all water and all materials or obstruc- tions of any nature that would interfere with the execution of the work. Unless otherwise indicated on the plans or in these specifications, excavations for the construction of pipe lines shall be in open trenches. Where pipe, which is less than twenty -four (24) inches in diameter, is used, and the trench is ten (10) feet or more in depth, the tunneling method may be used. Open trenches between tunnels shall be not less than eight (8) feet in length and the tunnels shall be not more than twelve (12) feet long. Tunnels shall be not less than four (4) feet high, and two (2) feet wide, nor shall any tunnel be less than 28- 794 one (1) foot wider then the external diameter of the sewer pipe. Payment for the tunneling shall be included in the price bid per linear foot of sewer. SECTION 37. WIDTH AMID DEPTH OF TRENCH. The width of excavations shall be not less than twelve (12) inches greater than the exterior diameter of the pipe or conduit plus the thickness of the timbering. If any trench be exoavated below the bottom as required on the plans, it shall be refilled at the Contractor's expense nd th good earth or sand, whenever the bottom of a trench is oom- posed of soft or spongy material, said material shall be removed to a depth of not to exceed two (2) feet and re- placed with good earth or sand and gravel, which shall be moistened and tamped until solid. If the bottom of the ex- oavation is found to consist of rook or any material that by reason of its hardness cannot be excavated to a true sub - grade, said rook or material shall be removed for at least six (6) inches below said sub -grade and the excavation shall be refilled to sub -grade with good earth or sand, which shall be moistened and tamped until solid. All outs in pavements for trench openings shall be made at least six (6) inches wider on each side than the width of the tirench at the top. SECTION 38. CLEARANCE FOR STRUCTURES. The excavation for all manholes and other struo- tures shall be sufficient to leave at least six (6) inches in the clear between their outer surfaces and the embank- ments or timbering which may be used to protect them. SECTION 39. BLASTING. In the event that blasting is necessary in exoa- eating, the blast shall be blanketed with timber mate. No. blasting shall be done within five (b) feet of any water, gas, sewer or other pipe, main or conduit, intersecting 29- ra t � 5 the excavation. No blasting will be allowed except by special permission in writing from the City Engineer. SECTION 40. PUI PING. The Contractor at all times shall have on the work sufficient pumping machinery for immediate use. The trenches and other excavation shall be kept entirely free of water while concrete or, pipe is being laid, and until the concrete or mortar has set hard. 'Hater shall be disposed of in such a manner as will not cause injury to public or private yroperty nor be S menace to public health. SECTION 41. BRACING TtUZ CRE S. All excavation shall be supported in the manner set forth in the rules, orders and regulations prescribed by the Industrial Accident Commission of the State of Cali- fornia. Sheet piling and other timbers shall be drawn in such a manner as to prevent caving of the walls of the exca- vation. All openings caused by the removal of timbers shall be filled with good earth which shall be compacted by flood- ing. SECTION 42. DISPOSAL OF M&TERIEL. Material excavated in streets and roadways shall be laid alongside of the trench, and kept trimmed up so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to public travel. Free access must be provided to all fire hydrants and water gates and meters, and means shall be provided whereby storm and waste water can flow in the gutters un- interruptedly. All material excavated in streets and roadways; not required for backfilling, shall be immediately removed and disposed of by the Contractor. 30- 4 - XORK OF GOIvSTRUCTION INI&M aLCTION 43- -Pipe Laying SECTION 50-- Plaoing Reinforcing Steel 44- -Drain Pipe Laying 51-- Placing Concrete 45- Manholes - Junction Chambers- 52-- Curing and Finish. flush Tanks, Flushing Manholes 53-- Backfilling. 46- -Brick Masonry. 47- -House Connections. 48-- lateral Sewers. 49 - -Test for Leakage. 54-- Restoring Street Sur- face and Cement Work. 55-- Sidewalks. 56-- Curbs. 4 - WORK OF CONSTRUCTION SECTION 43. PIPE LAYING. All pipe shall be laid without break, up grade from structure to strueture, with the socket ends of the pipe up grade. Pipe shall be laid, on an unyielding foundation, true to line and grade, with a uniform bearing under the full length of the barrel of the pipe, and suitable excavation shall be made to receive the bell of the pipe. All adjust- ments to line and grade must be made by scraping away or filling in the earth under the body of the pipe, and not by wedging or blocking up the hub. when cement mortar is used, it shall be of the composition specified in Section 26 hereof, and entire an- nular space in all pipe joints between the exterior of the spigot and the interior of the socket shall be completely and carefully filled. Special care must be taken to secure a perfect Pilling of the aforesaid annular space at the oottom sides of the pipes, as wall as the top; and previous to the in- troductionof the mortar, said space, together with the sur- faces of the pipe bounding the same, shall be completely freed of all dust, send, earth, dirt, small stones and water. 31- l'dhen water is found gasket of oakum or hemp shall joint, after which the mortar but no additional compensatio will be allowed. All mortar shall be 0 in the trench, a narrow be properly calked into each shall be introduced therein, 1 for the use of such gaskets fresh for the work in hand. No mortar that has begun to set shall be used and no re- tempering will be allowed. In making the joints a trowel hill of mortar shall be placed in the bottom of the hub of the pipe, then two thoroughly wet, sound, hard wood blocks cut to the thickness of the annular space and about one (1) inch square shall be placed in the mortar in the hub and the annular space shall be completely and compactly filled with mortar. The mortar shall then be beveled off on about a 1 to 1 slope from the outer edge of the hub, and the inter- ior of the pipe cleaned of surplus mortar or other foreign material. Joints in pipe 18 inches and less in diameter shall be neatly wiped on the inside. Joints in pipe more than 18 inches in diameter shall be wiped and carefully pointed. Iihen the condition of the trench is such that it is impossible to secure a water tight cement mortar joint, a sewer joint compound as specified in Section 27 hereof shall be used, but no additional compensation for the use of said sewer joint compound instead of mortar will be allowed. 4hen making a joint with sewer joint compount the following procedure shall be followed; The inner surface of the socket of the sewer pipe shall be painted with the compound heated to the temperature of that to be used for the joints as specified above, and thereafter the spigot end of the pipe to be placed into this socket shall be similarly painted. 32- N A gasket of dry oakum twisted into strands shall be tightly driven into the joint from the outside, using a calking iron of proper size, leaving a clear space of from one to one and one -half inches between the gasket ,ind the outer end of the socket. In wet trenches the pour- ing of the joint shfill follow the calking of the gasket as rapidly as possible in order that the oakum shall not fill a portion of the space by swelling. After the pipe has been laid in place and calked, a greased runner shell be placed around the pipe, and the ends of the runner clamped, leaving an opening at the top of the pipe slightly off center, and sufficiently large to permit the compound to be poured. The space shall then be completely filled by pouring in the pipe joint compound, having a temperature of not less than 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and which will readily flow to all parts of the annular space to be filled and shall contain no cooled lumps or in- equalities in the consistency of the heated liquid. The runner shall not be removed until at least fifteen (15) minutes after the joint has been poured. Alternate joints may be run on the bank, standing the pipe on end, in which case a runner will not be required. Where joints have been run in this manner the pipes shall not be moved for thirty (30) minutes thereafter. The vessel used for pouring shall always contain enough of the liquid compound to filla oomplete joint at one running. The vessel used for heating shall always contain enough material for running several joints.. Shen making a joint with petrolastic cement the following procedure shall be followed; The petrolastic cement shall be heated in a con- tainer of sufficient size to hold material for the pouring of not less than twenty -five (25) joints and shall be so 33- f ✓� constructed as to insure a uniform temperature throughout. During the period of melting, the petrolastic cement shall be stirred frequently to prevent local heating. The material in the kettle shall be maintained at a temperature of from 3000 F. to 3500 F. In laying the pipe care shall be taken that the spigot and bell shall be thoroughly dry and free from dirt or other foreign material. The inside of the bell of each joint shall be painted with hot petrolastio cement and a gasket of hair -felt firmly cemented around the inside bottom of the bell. The remaining space, which shall be at least two (2) inches deep, shall then be poured entirely full with petrolastio cement heated to a temperature of from 3000 F. to 3500 F. completely filling the annular space. An as- bestor runner or other pipe joiner, greased or treated in such a manner as to prevent adhesion to the petrolastic cement, shall be used in pouring all pipe joints in the trench, and shall not be removed until after the material has cooled. Care must be taken to bring the inverts of the two pipes to the same grade. On all size pipe having a diameter of eighteen (18) inches or less; two or more sections may be joined in lengths on the bank or in the trench, by standing joints on top of each other, and filling the remainder of the space with petrolastic cement without the use of a runner. The number of lengths to be joined together on the surface in this manner shall be determined by the City engineer. Multiple lengths shall then be lowered into the trench and the con- necting joints made as before described. Joints shall not be completed until sufficient pipe has been laid in advance to insure against injuring the finished joint. Water must not be allowed to rise around the pipe until the jointing material has set hard. 34- 800 Lt the close of each day's work, r=.r_d at such other times when pipe is not being laid, the end of the pipe shall be protected with a close fitting stopper. ."Whenever the work ceases for any reason or when the pipe is constructed with an end not joined to an existing pipe or structure, it shall be closed by a cap, of the same material as the pipe, tightly sealed in place with the same material as the pipe is sealed with. SECTION 44. DRAIN PIPE. LAYING. Drain tile shall be laid on an unyielding foun- dation with a uniform bearing under the full length of the tile. The ends of the tale shall be laid as close to- gether as the unevenness of the tile will permit, but in no instance shall the opening between tiles exceed 1/8 inch. Under and around the lower half of each joint there shall be placed a layer of gravel 6 inches thick, extending six (6) inches each side of the joint. Over and around the upper half of each joint there shall be placed a layer of tarred felt to extend at least three (3) inches on each side of the joint. SECTION 45. LIANHOIL3, JUi,CTIOL CRI.13ER6, FLUSH TA14" , FLUSHIidG These structures shall be of the material as designated on the plans and shall be built into the sewer at the places shown on the drawings, and shall conform in size and shape and details as shown on the standard draw- ings of the City of it Segundo or as indicated on the plans. Concrete for base or footings shall be Class "B" concrete, as specified in Section 29. In the case of flush tanks ana flushing manholes the flushing device shall be placed in position, together with sufficient length of one -hPlf inch galv=ized iron 3 5- service pipe to project not less than two feet beyond the outer face of the tank. Galvanized iron steps shall be set into the structures as specified in Section 25. Pipe branches for lateral sewers shall be built into the structures as shomm on the plans, the outer ends to be closed as specified in Section 43 hereof. In lay- ing pipe up to structures, no pipe shall be allowed to project beyond the inside of the wall of the structure and in no case shall the bell of a pipe be built into the wall of the structure, SECTION 46. BRICK MASONRY. The brickwork shall conform to the requirements of Section 22 hereof, the thickness of the walls to be eight (8) inches for common and vitrified brick, except as otherwise specified on said plans, and excepting where depth of sewer exceeds 22 feet in which latter case the thickness of the walls below this depth shall be 12 inches and the concrete base extended to form a footing for the 12 inch brickwork. No brick shall be laid upon the concrete foundation within three (3) days after said concrete foundation has been poured. All brickwork shall be built to the lines and dimensions shorn upon the plans,. All brick shall be clean and thoroughly wet im- mediately before laying. Each brick shall be laid with full mortar joints on its bed, end and side at one operation. In no case is slushing or grouting of a joint to be allowed, nor is a joint to be made by working in the mortar after a brick is laid. No brick shall be laid in water and no water shall be allowed to stand or run upon brick work until after the mortar has set. 36- 802 The brickwork shall be well bonded. Unless the plans otherwise specify the maximum width of joints, the joints between bricks on the inside of structures and brick sewers shall not exceed three - eighths (3/8) of an inch. All joints on the inside of structures fnd sewers shell be neatly struck and pointed where plastering is not specified on the plans. The outside of fll structures and brick sewers shall be neatly plastered with mortar one - half (1/2) of an inch thick, as specified in Section 26 hereof. After the plastering on the interior of flush teni.s and flushing manholes has set, the interior surfaces shall be coated with neat cement grout put on with a brush. SECTION 47. HOUS ' C014'NECTI0LS. The term "house connection" or "house connection sewer" as used in these specifications, on the plans, pro- files, or other drawings, and in the resolutions, are used to designate branch sewers laic from main sewers to points on the curb lines or property lines as specified from which sewer service can be obtained by proper extensions. Unless otherwise specified, the house connections shall be on a strf.ight line from where they join the main sewer to their upper ends. The Contractor shall plf:ce as many six- inch "Y" branches for house connection sewers, and as many six -inch spur pipes in masonry sewers as may be designated on the plan. The "Y" bunches z-no spur pipes, unless otherwise specified, shill be inclined upward at an angle not greater than forty -five degrees from a horizontfl line. If so shown on the plans, "T" branches shall be substituted for "Y" branches. Each "Y" or "T" branch is to be closed at the ,mater end by a cap, made for that purpose, of the same materirl as the pipe, tightly sealed in place with the same 37- Spa material Ps the pipe is sealed with. The space in the socket above the cap shall be filled with wet sand, covered with a thin coating of neat cement mortar. The length of each spur pipe, exclusive of the socket, shall be three (3) inches more than the thickness of the masonry in which it is placed. Mach spur pipe shall be built into the masonry, as shown on the plans; the ends to be closed as specified for the ends of the "Y" branches. then so indicated on said plan Fnd profile, house connection sewers shall be laid from the upper end of the "Y" pipes and spur pipes to the property line or curb line, and the internal diameter of said house connection sewers shall be six (6) inches. The "Y" pipes shall be joined to the lateral sewers by eighth bends (aaid eighth bends to be con- sidered a part of the house connection sewer), unless otherwise shown on the plans. The invert of the upper end of each house connection sewer shall be built to a depth of six (6) feet below the curb grade, except at those locr"tions where different depths are specified on the plans. Each house connection sewer line is to be closed at the upper end by a cap of the same material as the pipe tightly sealed in place with the same material as the pipe is sealed with. '3here a chimney pipe is specified on the plans, the Contractor shall build a six -inch "T" branch and a six -inch vertical stack incased in concrete, surmounted by a six -inch "Y" branch set vertically, as shown in detail by plan on file in the office of the City -Engineer. I£ this chimney is not connected to a house connec- tion sewer, the opening in the "Y" branch sh<11 be closed by caps, as specified above. 'There a house connection sewer is to be connected with said chimney, all bends leading away from the "Y" branch shall be considered as part of said house connection sewer, unless otherwise shown on the plans. WO-M " '' SECTION 48. ld.Ti`BItL SE4123. The term "lateral sewers" as used in these speci- fications, on the plans, profiles, or other drawin,s, and in the resolutions, is used to designate branch sewers laid from the structures of the main sewer to the points desig- nated in the plans and resolutions, from which proper exten- sions can be made. SECTION 49. TEO-T FOR L'.I�FGE. Unless otimrwise shown on the drawings, each sec- tion of sanitary sewer, between two successive mrnholes, shall be tested by closing the lower end of the sewer to be tested and the inlet sewer of the upper manhole with stopp- ers, and filling the pipe end manhole with water to a point four (4) feet aboae the invert of the open sewer in the upper manhole, The allowable leakage will be computed by the formula, D = LV= X 0.0002. in }*;hick D is the allowable drop in feet per minute in height of the water in the upper manhole. L is the length in feet of the sewer tested, and does not include the length of house connections entering the section being tested. h is the difference in elevation, in feet, between the invert of the closed sewer in the lower manhole and the surface of the water in the upper manhole, or the head of the writer on the invert at closed end of sewer. If the leakage, as shown by the test, is greeter th ^n allowed by the proper formul^ for the kind of joint madQ, the pipe shell be overhauled; End, if necessary, relaid, until the joints sh<.11 hold satisfactorily under this test. The Contractor shall, st his oVm expense, furnish all materials for m.king the test required under the direc- tion of the City r.ngineer. 39- 8{3'7 SLUTION 50. PLLCILG RELi_PORCIlaG ST�,aL. 11 reinforcing steel shall be accurately placed in the position shown on the plans and carefully fastened in place with iron wire sufficiently strong for the purpose. 'rVhere splicing is necessary, it may be done by welding, or shall be done by lapping bars forty (40) times their diameter or thickness. Lapped bars shall be separated by at least twice their diameter of concrete. Splices shall not be made at points of maximum stress. SECTION 51. PLLCING CONCRETE Concrete shall be carefully deposited in the work, end in such a meaner so as not to separate the v ^rious in- gredients. Concrete shill be placed in horizontal layers not to exceed twelve (12) inches in depth, and shsi.11 be thoroughly rammed, agitated, or spaded until free from voids, air bubbles, and rock or water pockets. On unexposed surfaces, or except where a special surface finish is required, a spading tool shell be worked between the concrete and the form so as to produce a mortar finis h. Top surfaces, if exposed, shall be struck with a straight edge and given a float finish. 'Jhere fresh concrete is to be placed on or againat concrete which has set; the surface of the latter shall be roughened and cleaned and then covered with a thin layer of neat cement mortar. No concrete shall be deposited under or in water; nor shall any water be allowed to run over or on concrete before it has set. SECTION 52. CURING AND FINISH. All exposed concrete shall be protected from the sun and wind and all concrete shall be kept wet for seven (7) days after it has been poured. 40— 7 so Immediately after the forms are removed, all irregularities shall be corrected by Pilling depressions with mortar and bS carefully cutting down projecting portions. The ends of all tie wires shall be cut off, and neatly plastered over with mortar. SECTION 53. BP C!E'ILLING. All back -filline shall be done in such a manner as not to disturb the pipe or conduit or other structure. In all cases the back -filling composed of good earth or sand and free from large stones or lumps half way up to the spring- ing line of the pipe shall be carefully placed by hand load- ing and tamping both sides uniformly. The excavation shall then be filled to a depth of one foot above the top of the pipe with the same quality of material and thoroughly compacted by flooding before additional back-filling is placed thereon., Unless otherwise shown on the plans, the e,.rth in all tunnels shall be out to a "V" shape, for the full width of the trench, having the point of the 'TV" at the center of the top of the tunnel and the slope of the "V" making an angle of not less than forty -five (45) degrees with the horizontal. If the material with which the trench is being back- filled is other than adobe or clay, the trench shall be back - filled to the surface of the ground, after which it shall be thoroughly flooded. The x,,Lor sh.11 be allowed to flow slowly into the trench from the upper end, and shall be worked down to the bottom of the trench by "poling ". Care must be taken not to have such a large quantity of water that it will flow over the top of the dirt before it has penetrated down to the sewer. Open ditches shall be thor- oughly "poled ". Poles shall be long enough to reach down to the sewer. They shall be forced down through the dirt to the sewer and the water allowed to flow down when�he pole - is w2 thdrawn. A channel formed by the pole shall be kept 41- 80'7 open and the water running in it until the dirt has settled. Where there are tunnels, poles shall be inserted at the upper end of the tunnel and the water alloved to flow through the tunnel, the dirt following the water down into the "v -ed" portion, thoroughly filling up the tunnel. The pole shall then be inserted at the lower end of the tunnel and the "V -ed" portion filled with dirt from the lower side. The trench must be thoroughly settled in each place before proceeding with the flooding lower down and must be filled to the street level with dirt before the water has run out. In cases where the trench is being back - filled vdth shale, water shall be run into the trench and the shale back - filled into the water. Special care must be taken to thoroughly pole around all structures. If the material with which the back -fill is being made is adobe or clay, the trench shall be back - filled to P depth of one (1) foot above the top of the pipe with good earth or sand free from large stones or lumps, and thorough- ly comploted by flooding before additional back - filling is placed. The adobe or clay may then be deposited carefully in the trench in layers which shrill not exceed six (6) inches in thickness, and each shall be carefully and solidly tamped with appropriate tools in such a manner as to avoid injuring or disturbing the completed sewer. Where sheeting is drawn, all cavities remaining in or adjoining the trench shall be solidly filled. there sheeting is left in place, all cavities behind such sheeting shall be solidly filled. =After the trench in all streets and roadways has been back - filled and dried out sufficiently, the surface shall be leveled and rolled until unyielding with a roller weighing not less than twelve (12) tons, or with the wheels of one side of a loaded truck of five (5) tons or more capacity. 42- 808 in ungraded streets and rights of way outside of streets and roadw-.ys the back -fill shall be carried up to the natural surface of the ground as specified above and cz.refully leveled and smoothed; provided that all pipe shall be covered by at least two feet of good earth. Com- pacting the back -fill by roller or truck will be unnecessary. INCRK. SECTION 54. RLaTORING 31111tLT SURFI_CE -IM Mlt;= In all paved, macadamized, oiled or otherwise im- proved streets, alleys, or other public ways, the surface over the trench shall be finished, without delay, by the Contractor, with the same quality of roadway material that was removed in excavating the trench, placed to the same thickness as the original work. ,.11 cement curbs, drain spouts, pipe lines, gutters, sprinkler systems, pavements and sidewalks, which are of necessity broken into or damaged by the installation of the improvement, shall be reconstructed by the Contractor, of the s €me kind of material as the original work ,rA in accord- ance with the following additional requirements, ntimely; the curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be removed and replaced to the next joint beyond the excavation required by said installation. SECTION 55. SIMMILI S. Sidew .lks shall be constructed at the points, and to the width shown on the plans. Concrete for sidewalks shall be Class "B" concrete, as specified in Section 28 hereof. The base of sidewalks shall be three (3) inches thick, and one -half inch finish coat shall be placed on the base within one hour after it has been poured. The finish coat shall be thoroughly floated and troweled into the concrete base and then polished and marked 43- .• in squares of two and one -half (2 1/2) feet, and shall be done with a tool that will leave the corners rounded. The finish surface shall show no trowel or other marks and shall be within one - eighth (1/8) inch of the true line and grade. SLCTIOII 56. CURBS. Curbs shall be constructed at the points shown on the plans. Concrete for curbs shall be Class "B" concrete; as specified in Section 29 hereof. The height of curbs shall be eighteen (18) inches and the thickness six (6) inches at the top and ten (10) inches at the bottom. A one -half inch finish coat shall be placed on the top of the curb, and a one - quarter inch finish coat shall be placed on the upper twelve (12) inches of the face of the curb and on the upper two (2) inches of the back of the curb, within one hour from the time the forms are removed, The finishing coat shall be thoroughly floated and troweled into the concrete base and then polished and marked in vertical sections of not less than two and one -half ( 2 1/2) feet and not more than three and one -half (3 1/2) feet. The finished surface shall show no trowel or other marks, and shall be within one eighth (1 /8) inch of the true line grade. SRCTION 57. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same upon the Book of -4es olutions of the said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the Bof.rd of Trustees of said City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 13th day of November A. D. , 1925. ,; President ' of e Board oi�Trustees PEST: of the City of El Segundo, Califo :Pnia City Cl e (may) 44 810 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolu- tion No. 116 � was passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the lath day of November , 1925, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: TRUSTEES: Anderson, Cannon, Love and binder. ; NOES: TRUSTEES: None. ABSENT:TRUSTEES: Gerow. C Mn (SEAI )