The board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo,
California, do resolve, declare and determine as follows:
SECTION 1. That the public interest and conven-
ience require and that it is the intention of the Board of
Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, to order
the following work to be done and improvement to be made
within the said City, to -wit;
That Virginia Street, within the said City, be-
tween the northerly curb line of Mariposa hvenue and the
northerly boundary line of said City, be improved by the
grading of the said portion of Virginia Street between the
easterly line and the easterly curb line thereof, and be-
tween the westerly line and the westerly curb line thereof
to grade, and by constructing cement curbs and four foot
(4' ) cement sidewalks, excepting at the places where such
videwalks and curbs are already constructed as shown on
plans, all in accordance with plan and Profile No. P248010,
heretofore adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of
El Segundo, California, and on file in the office of the
5 r� i
i ppr♦b�
nJCI' r
City Engineer of said City, and in accordance with
Specifications No. 7 for the construction of cement curbs
within the City of E1 Segundo and Specifications No. 8
for the construction of cement sidewalks within the City
of E1 Segundo, all of said Specifications having been
heretofore adopted by said Board of Trustees and being now
on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City.
Also that Virginia Street, between the northerly
curb line of Pine Avenue and the southerly curb line of
Mariposa Avenue, be improved by grading the said portion
of Virginia Street, between the easterly line and the east-
erly curb line thereof, to grade, and by constructing there-
on four foot (41) cement sidewalks all in accordance with
said Plan and Profile No. P248010,adopted and on file as
aforesaid, and in accordance with said Specifications No.8
for the construction of cement sidewalks within ttB City of
El Segundo, adopted and on file as aforesaid.
Also that Virginia Street, between a line 29 feet
measured at right angles southerly of and parallel to the
southerly line of Mariposa Avenue and the southerly curb
line of Mariposa avenue, be improved by constructing cement
curbs on the easterly curb line of said street, all in ac-
cordance with said Plan and Profile No. P248010,adopted and
on file as aforesaid and in accordance with Specifications
No. 7 for the construction of cement curbs within the City
of 'El Segundo, all of said Specifications having been here-
tofore adopted by said Board of Trustees aria being now on
file in the office of the City Clerk of said City.
12 70
Also that Virginia Street, between a line 8ft"T feet
measured at right angles southerly of aril parallel to the
southerly line of Mariposa Avenue and the southerly curb line
of said street, be improved by grading the said portion of
Virginia Street between the westerly line and the westerly
curb line thereof, to grade, and by constructing thereon
cement curbs and four foot (4t) cement sidewalks all in
accordance with said Plan and Profile No. P248014,adopted
and on file as aforesaid and in accordance with said Speci-
fications No. 7 for the construction of cement curbs within
the City of El Segundo, and said Specifications No. 8 for
the construction of cement sidewalks within the City of El
Segundo, all of said Specifications having been heretofore
adopted by said Board of Trustees, and being now on file in
the office of the City Clerk of said City.
Also that Donita Vista Avenue, between the north-
erly curb line of Maple 'venue and the southerly curb line
of Nalnut Avenue, be improved by grading that portion of
said street between the easterly line and the easterly curb
line thereof, and between the westerly line and the westerly
curb line thereof, to grade, and by constructing thereon
cement curbs and four foot (41) cement sidewalks, all in
accordance with Plan and Profile No. P24802Q,heretofore
adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo,
California, and on file in the office of the City Bngineer
of said City, and in accordance with said Specifications
No. 7 for the construction of cement curbs within the City
of E1 Segundo, and said Specifications No. 8 for the con-
struction of cement sidewalks, within the City of E1 Segundo,
all of said Specifications having been heretofore adopted by
said Board of Trustees and being now on file in the office
of the City Clerk of said City.
Also that 9hiting Street, between the northerly
curb line of Mariposa Avenue and the southerly property line
of Palm Avenue, be improved by grading thst portion of said
street between the easterly line and the easterly curb line
thereof, and between the westerly line and the westerly curb
line thereof, to grade, and by constructing thereon cement
curbs and four foot (41) cement sidewalks, all in accordance
with Plan and Profile No. P24815Q,heretofore adopted by the
5riA_ -
Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
and on file in the office of the City Engineer of said
City, and in accordance with said Specifications No. 7
for the construction of cement curbs within the City of
E1 Segundo and said Specifications No. 8 for the con-
struction of cement sidewalks within the City of E1 Segundo,
all of said Specifications having been heretofore adopted
by said Board of Trustees, and being now on file in the
office of the City Clerk of said City.
Als o that Palm Avenue, between the westerly line
of Bain Street and a line 183.88 feet measured at right
angles westerly of and parallel to that portion of the
westerly line of Hillerest Avenue lying north of Palm Ave-
nue, be improved by grading that portion of said street
northerI r-"rthctlyy
between the ea-steri line and the eaetert?r curb line there-
500+10 of , and between the iee «� line and the curb
line thereof, to grade, are! by constructing thereon cement
curbs and four foot (41) cement sidewalks excepting at the
places where such sidewalks and curbs are already constructed,
as shown on Plans, all in accordance with Plan and Profile
No. P248220,heretofore adopted by the Board of Trustees of
the City of El Segundo, California, and on -file in the office
of the City Engineer of said City, and in accordance with
said Specifications No. 7 for the construction of cement
curbs within the City of E1 Segundo and said Specifications
No. 8 for the construction of cement sidewalks within the
City of E1 Segundo, all of said Specifications having been
heretofore adopted by said Board of Trustees and being now
on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City.
Also that Eariposa Avenue, between the southerly
prolongation of the center line of Bonita Vista Avenue and
a line 543.12 feet measured at right angles westerly of and
parallel to the west line of Hillerest Avenue, be improved
by grading that portion of said street between the northerly
line aril the northerly curb line thereof, and the south-
erly line and the southerly curb line thereof, to grade,
and by constructing thereon cement curbs and four foot (41)
cement sidewalks, all in accordance with Plan and Profile
No. P249240,heretofore adopted by the hoard of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Califo mia, and on file in the
office of the City Engineer of said City, and in accordance
with said Specifications No. 7 for the construction of cement
curbs within the City of E1 Segundo, and said Specifications
No. 8 for the construction of cement sidewalks within the
City of El Segundo, all of said Specifications having been
heretofore adopted by said Board of Trustees and being now
on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City.
Also that Maple Avenue, between the east line of
I;ain Street and a line 101.94 feet measured at right angles,
east of and parallel to the east line of Penn Street, be
improved by grading that portion of said street, between
the northerly line and the northerly curb line thereof, and
the southerly line and the southerly curb line thereof, to
grade, and by constructing thereon cement curbs and four
foot (4') cement sidewalks excepting at the places where
such sidewalks and curbs are already constructed as shown
on Plans, all in accordance with Plan and Profile No. P249120,
heretofore adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, and on file in the office of the
City �gineer of said City, and in accordance with said
Specifications No. 7 for the construction of cement curbs
within the City of E1 Segundo and. said Specifications No. 8
for the construction of cement sidewalks within the City of
El Segundo, all of said Specifications having been hereto-
fore adopted by said Board of 'Trustees and being now on file
in the office of the City Clerk of said City.
That all of the plans, profiles, cross - sections
and specifications hereinbefore mentioned, are hereby ex-
pressly referred to for a more particular description
of said work or improvement and the same are by this
reference expressly made a part hereof.
The grade or grades to which this work is to
be done and the improvement made, are different from the
grades heretofore established, and adopted, and reference
is hereby made to Plansand Profiles Nos. P24801Q,P24802Q,
P2481.5Q,P24822Q,P249120,and P249240for a more complete
description of t he grades to which the vn rk is to be done.
The elevations of said grades are in feet and above the
City Datum Plane.
SECT ION 2. That the aforesaid work or improve-
ment is, in the opinion of said Board of Trustees, of
more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said Board
of Trustees hereby declares that the district in the said
City of E1 Segundo, California, benefited by the said work
or improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and ex-
penses thereof, is all that portion of said City included
within the following described boundary line, to -wit:
Beginning at a point where the center line of
Pine Avenue intersects the center line of that certain pub-
lic alley running northerly and southerly through Block 77,
El Segundo Sheet No. 2, as per Map recorded in Book 18, at
Page 141 of iulaim, Records Of Los Angeles County, California,
on file in the office of the County Recorder thereof;
thence northerly along the said center line of said alley
and along the northerly prolongation of the said center line
of said alley to the point where the said northerly prolonga-
tion of the said center line of said alley intersects the
center line of mariposa Avenue, as per said map ]ast here -
inabove mentioned; thence northerly on a straight line
bearing north 0 degrees 1 minute East to the intersection
of said line with the westerly prolongation of the southerly
line of Lot 7, Block. 85, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per yap
recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, Records of
said County on file in the office of the County Recorder
thereof; thence easterly along the said westerly pro -
lon- a.tion of said southerly line of said Lot 7 and said
southerly line of said Lot 7 to the southeasterly corner
of said Lot 7, Block 85, as per said Yap last hereinabove
referred to; thence easterly in a straight line to the
southwesterly corner of Lot 18 in said Block 85, as per
said Ylap last hereinabove referred to; thence easterly
along the southerly line of said Lot 18 and the easterly
prolongation of said southerly line of said Lot 18 to the
point of intersection of the said easterly prolongation
of the said southerly line of said Lot 18 with the center
line of Liain Street, as per said iiap last hereinabove re-
ferred to; thence northerly along said center line of
said Lain Street to the intersection of the said center
line of Plain Street with the center line of Oak Avenue, as
said LIain Street and Oak avenue are shown upon said L'ap of
'l Segundo Sheet No. 3, recorded in Book 20, at Pages 22
and 23 of Kaps, records of said County on file as afore-
said; thence easterly in a straight line to the south-
westerly corner of Lot 3, Block 94, ^1 Segundo Sheet No. 3,
as per saad Map last hereinabove referred to; thence
easterly along the southerly lines of Lots 3, 2 and 1 of
said Blocx 94 to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 1,
Block 94, as per said Liap last hereinabove referred to;
thence easterly in a straight line across '_Eucalyptus Drive
to the southwesterly corner of Lot 5, Block 93, El Segundo
Sheet No. 3, as per said P:ap last hereinabove referred to;
thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lots 5, 4, 3,
2 and 1, of said Block 93,. to the southeasterly corner of
said Lot 1 of said Block 93, as per said Map last herein-
above referred to; thence easterly in a straight line
across Sheldon Street to the southwesterly corner of Lot 4,
Block 92, Ell Segundo Sheet No. 4, as per Kep recorded in
Book 20, Page 24 of Maps, Records of said County on file
in the office of the County Recorder of said County;
thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lots 4, 3,
2 and 1 of said Block 92, to the southeasterly corner of
said Lot 1 of said BlocY. 92, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 4, as
per said Map last hereinabove referred to; thence
northerly along the easterly line of said Lot 1, Block 92,
to the northeasterly corner of said Lot 1 in said Block
92, as per said ISap last above mentioned; thence north-
erly in a straight line to the southeasterly corner of Lot
17 of Tract No. 2589, as per ,;ap recorded in Book 25, Page
52 of ISaps, Records of said County on file in the office
of the County Recorder thereof; thence northerly along
the easterly lines of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and
24 of said Tract No. 2589, to the northeasterly corner of
said Lot 24 of said Tract No. 2589, as per said Idap last
hereinabove referred to; thence westerly along the
northerly line of said Lot 24 of said Tract 2589 to the
northwesterly corner of said Lot 24 of said Tract 2569, as
per said Lisp last hereinabove referred to; thence west-
erly in a straight line across Penn Street to the northeast-
erly corner of Lot 9 in said 'Tract No. 2589, as per said
Map last hereinabove referred to; thence westerly along
the northerly line of said Lot 9, to the northwesterly
corner of said Lot 9 of said Tract No. 2589, as shown upon
said last mentioned map; thence westerly along the north-
erly lines of Lots 6, and 5 of Block 101, 7_1 Segundo Sheet
No. 4, to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5 of said
Block. 101, El Segundo Sheet No. 4, as per said Yap recorded
in Book 20, Page 24 of traps, Records of said County, on file
in the office of the County Recorder thereof; thence
westerly in a straight line across Sheldon Street to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 10, Bloch: 100, El Segundo Sheet
No. 3, as per Map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of
55, c
Maps, Records of said County on file as aforesaid;
thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lots 10,
9, 8, 7 and 6 of said Block 100, as per said Map last
hereinabove referred to, to the northeesterly corner of
said Lot 6 in said Block 100, as per said Map last here-
inabove referred to; thence westerly in a straight line
across Hucalyptus Drive to the northeasterly corner of Lot
10, block 99, 1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said plop last
hereinabove referred to; thence westerly along the north-
erly lines of Lots 10 and 9 of said Block 99, R1 Segundo
Sheet No. 3, as per said Map last hereinabove mentioned,
to the northeasterly corner of Tract No. 2367, as per Map
recorded in Book. 22, Page 153 of Maps, Records of said
County, on file in the office of the County Recorder thereof;
thence westerly along the northerly line of said 'Tract No.
2367, to the northwesterly corner of said Tract 2367, as
per said 11ap last hereinabove referred to; thence west-
erly along the northerly lines of Lots 7 and 6, of Block 99,
Psl Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per Map recorded in Book 20,
Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, Records of said County, on file as
aforesaid, to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 6 of said
Block 99, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said 11ap last here-
inabove mentioned; thence westerly along the westerly
prolon otion of the northerly line of said Lot 6 of said
Block 99, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said Map last here-
inabove referred to, to the point where said westerly pro-
longation of said northerly line of said Lot 6 intersects
the westerly line of ltiiain Street, as per said Map last
hereinabove mentioned; thence southerly along said west-
erly line of Lain Street, as shown upon said I,Iap last here-
inabove mentioned to the northeasterly comer of Lot 14,
Block 95, of hl Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said Map last
hereinabove referred to, and on file as aforesaid; thence
westerly along the northerly lines of Lots 14, 13, 12, and
11 of said Block 95, r.l Segundo Sheet ro. 3, as per said
Map last hereinabove referred to, to the northwesterly
corner of said Lot 11 of said Block 95, El Segundo Sheet
No. 3, as per said Map last hereinabove referred to;
thence northerly along the easterly line of Lct 5, of
said Block 95, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per the said
h;ap last hereinabove referred to, to the northeasterly
corner of said Lot 5, of said Block 95, El Segundo Sheet
No. 3, as per said last mentioned map; thence norther-
ly in a straight line across Maple - %venue to the south-
easterly corner of Lot 10, Block 98, it Segundo Sheet ho.
3, as shown upon said Idap last hereinabove referred to;
thence northerly along the easterly linesof Lots 10 and 5
in said Block 98, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said Map
last hereinabove referred to, to the northeasterly corner
of said Lot 5 of said Block 98, as per said last mentioned
Trap; thence northerly in a straight line across ',y'alnut
?_venue to the southeasterly corner of Lot 10, Block 105,
El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said Map last hereinabove
referred to; thence northerly along the easterly lines
of Lots 10 and 5 in said Block 105 of El Segundo Sheet No.
3 and the northerly prolongation of the said easterly line
of said Lot 5 of said Block 105, P:l Segundo Sheet No. 3, to
the point where said northerly prolongat ijn of said easter-
ly line of said Lot 5 intersects th- northPr7>7 boundary of
the City of 11 Segundo, Calilorsiiz�, all as y,er said map
last hereinabove mentioned; thence westerly along the
northerly boundary line of said City of El Segundo to its
intersection with the northerly prolongation of the westerly
line of Lot 3, Block 106, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per
said Map last hereinabove referred to; thence southerly
in a straight line to the northeasterly corner of said Lot
3 of said Block 106, as per said Map last hereinabove re-
ferred to; thence southerly along the westerly lines of
Lots 3 and 10 in said Block 106, E1 Segundo heet Igo. 3,
to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 10 of said Block
106, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, all as per said Map last
hereinaoove referred to; thence southerly along the south-
erly prolongation of the westerly line of said lot 10, of
said Blocs: 106, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, to the intersection
of said southerly prolongation of the said westerly line of
said Lot 10, with the center line of `ialnut Avenue, all as
per said „Map last hereinabove referred to; thence westerly
along the center line of said 'walnut Avenue, as shown upon
said Map, to its intersection with the northerly prolonga-
tion of the westerly line of Lot 3 of 31ock 10, Tract No.
1685, as per Map recorded in Book 21, Page 98 of Maps, Re-
cords of said Los Angeles County, on file in the office of
the County Recorder thereof; thence southerly along the
said northerly prolongation of the westerly line of said
Lot 3, Block 10, of said Tract 1685, the westerly line of
said Lot 3 of said Block 10, the westerly line of Lot 10 of
said Block 10 of said Tract 1685, and the southerly pro-
longation of said westerly line of said Lot 10, of said
Block 10 of said Tract 1685, to the point where said south-
erly prolongation of said westerly line of said Lot 10 of said
Block 10 of said Tract 1685, intersects the center line of
Maple Avenue, all as per said Map of said Tract 1685, last
hereinabove mentioned; thence easterly in a straight line
to the point where the center line of Maple Avenue intersects
the center line of Bonita Vista Avenue, as shown upon said
last mentioned map; thence easterly along said center line
of said Maple Avenue to the intersection of said center line
of said Maple Avenue, with the northerly prolongation of the
westerly line of Lot 3, Block 96, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as
per Maxp recorded in 13ook 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, Records
of said County, on file as aforesaid; thence southerly
along the said northerly prolongation of said Lot 3 of said
Block 96, and the westerly line of said Lot 3 of said
Block 96, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 3 of said
Block 96, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said Map last
hereinabove referred to; thence westerly along the
northerly lines of Lots 9 and 8 of said Block 96, E1
Segundo Sheet No. 3, to th=. northwesterly corner of said
Lot 8, Block 96, L1 Segur-Lo Sheet No. 3, all as per sand
I,tap last hereinabove referred to; thence westerly along
the northerly line of Lot 6, Tract No. 2365, as per 11ap
recorded in Book 22, Page 183 of Maps, records of said
Los Angeles County, on file in the office of the County
Recorder of said County, to the northwesterly corner of said
Lot 6, of said Tract, as per said I,iap last hereinabove
mentioned; thence westerly in a straight line across
Bonita Vista Avenue to the northeasterly corner of Lot 16
of Block 9, of Tract No. 1685, as per Map recorded in Book
21, at Page 98 of idaps, Records of said Los Angeles County,
on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the northerly
lines of Lots 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 and 9 of said Block
9, of said Tract 1685, to the northwesterly corner of said
Lot 9 of said Block 9, Tract No. 1685, all as per said Map
last hereinabove mentioned; thence westerly in a straight
line across Hillorest Avenue, as shown upon said last men-
tioned map, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 13 of Block
8, of said Tract 1685, as shown upon said Map last above
referred to; thence westerly along the northerly lines
of Lots 13, and 12 of said Block 6, of sale Tract No. 1685,
to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 12 of said Block 8,
in mid Tract No. 16 85 , as per said Map of said Tract last
hereinabove referred to; thence southerly along the
westerly line of said Lot 12, of said Block 8, of Tract
No. 1685, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 12 of said
Block 8, of said Tract No. 1685, as per said I..ap last here-
inabove referred to; thence southeasterly in a straight
line across Palm Avenue, to the northwesterly corner of
:mot 6, Block 7 of said Tract No. 1685, as per said Idap last
hereinabove mentioned; thence southerly along the westerly
lines of Lots 6 and 10 of said Bloch 7, said Tract Ito. 1685
'q a",
to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 10, in said Block
7, of said Tract 1685, all as per said Map last herein -
above referred to; thence southerly in a straight line
to the northwesterly corner of Lot 5, Block 4, of said
Tract No. 1685, as per said last mentioned map; thence
southerly along the westerly line of said Lot 5, of said
Block. 4, of said Tract 1685, to the southwesterly corner
of said Lot 5 of said Block 4, of said Tract No. 1685, as
per said Yap last hereinabove mentioned; thence easterly
along the southerly lines of Lots 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, of said
Block. 4 of said Tract 1665, to the southeasterly corner of
said Lot 1 of said Block 4, of said Tract No. 1685, all as
said last mentioned Map;
thence easterly in
a straight
across Hillcrest Avenue,
as the same is shown
upon said
last mentioned map, to the southwesterly corner of Lot 5,
Block 5, of said Tract 1685, as per said Map last herein -
above mentioned; thence easterly along the southerly
lines of Lots 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, of said Block 5, of the
said Tract No. 1685, to the southeasterly corner of said
Lot 1 of said Block 5, of said Tract 1685, as per said Map
last hereinabove referred to; thence northerly along the
easterly line of said Lot 1 of said Block 5, of said Tract
1685, and along the northerly prolongation of said easterly
line of said Lot 1, of said Block 5 of said Tract 1685, as
per said Map last hereinabove mentioned, to the point where
said northerly prolongation of said easterly line of said
Zbt 1, Block 5, Tract 1685, as per said slap last hereinabove
mentioned, intersects the westerly prolongation of the south-
erly line of Lot 9, Block 81, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as
per Map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, Re-
cords of said County, on file as aforesaid; thence east-
erly in a straight line to the southwesterly corner of said
Lot 9 of said Block, 81, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said
Map last hereinabove referred to; thence easterly along
"D t
the southerly line of said Lot 9 of said Block 81, El
Segundo Sheet No. 3, to the southeasterly corner of said
Lot 9 of said Block 81, BI Segundo Sheet No. 3, all as
per said dap last hereinabove referred to; thence
southerly along the westerly lines of Lots 19, 18 and 17
of said Block 81, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per said Idap
last hereinabove referred to, to the northwesterly corner
of Tract No. 567, as per Map recorded in Book 22, Page 23
of Naps, Records of said Los Angeles County, on file in
the office of the County Recorder thereof; thence south-
erly along the westerly line of said Tract No. 567, end
along the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of
said Tract No. 567, to the point where the said southerly
prolongation of said westerly line of the said Tract No.
567 intersects the center line of Aiariposa Avenue, all as
per said Map of said Tract last hereinabove mentioned;
thence easterly along the center line of said Mariposa
Avenue, as the same is shown upon a Llap of F1 Segundo Sheet
No. 2, as per Map recorded in Book 18, Page 145 of Maps,
Records of said Los kngeles County, on file in the office
of the County Recorder thereof, to the intersection of the
said center line of 1,Iariposa _.venue, with the northerly
prolongation of the center line of that certain public
alley running northerly and southerly through Block. 78 of
El Segundo Sheet No. 2, as per said Map last hereinabove
referred to; thence southerly along the said northerly
prolongation of said center line of said last mentioned
alley, and the center line of said last mentioned alley,
to its intersection with tic- westerly prolon gution of the
southerly line of Lot 18, of said Block 78, E1 Segundo
Sheet No. 2, as per said Map last hereinabove referred to;
thence easterly along the said westerly prolongation of
said southerly line of said Lot 18 of said Block 78, the
southerly line of said Lot 18 of said Block 78, and the
56; �
easterly prolongation of the said southerly line of
said Lot 18, of said Block_ 78, to the intersection of
the said easterly prolongation of said southerly line
of said lot 18, of said Block 78, with the center line
of Virginia Street, all as per said Map of 'El Segundo
Sheet No. 2, recorded in Book 18, at Page 145 of Maps,
Records of said County, on file as aforesaid; thence
southerly along the center line of said Virginia Street,
as shovzi upon said Map last hereinaoove mentioned to
its intersection with the center line of Pine -venue, as
shown upon said last mentioned Yap; thence easterly
along the center line of said Pine Avenue, as shown upon
said ISap to the point of beginning.
There is excepted from said district all portions
of public streets or alleys included �tiithin the herein-
before mentioned exterior boundary line.
A map or plat of the said assessment district
delineating the same, entitled, "Map of District to be
assessed for the improvement of a portion of Bonita Vista
:venue, Virginia Street, 9hising Street, I.ariposa Avenue,
Palm Avenue and L:aple avenue, City of :1 Segundo ", approved
and adopted by the Bolt:rd of Trustees of said City on the
7th day of November , 1924, and designated as Plat
Pao. M249050, is on file in the office of the City Engineer
of said City and open to public inspe etion., on which map
the extent of the said assessment district is indicated by
a colored boundary line shorn thereon, and to which map
reference is hereby made for a more complete and detriled
description of said assessment district. Said map shall gov-
ern for said descri -tion.
r SECTION 3. Notice is hereby given that serial
bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest
at the rate of seven per cent per annum, will be issued
hereunder in tha manner provided by the "Improvement Bond
Act of 191511, the last instalment of which bonds shall
16 -
5P6 f
mature nine years from the second day of July next
succeeding ten months from their date.
SECTION 4. That except as hereinbefore stated,
all of the proceedings for the aforesaid aaork or improve-
ment shall be had and taken under that certain act of
the Legislature of the State of California, approved
April 7, 1911, commonly referred to, designated and known
as the "Improvement Act of 1911 ", and under all acts
amendatory thereof.
Si:CTION 5. That the Ntreet Superintendent shall
cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said
contemplated work or improvement, and on all streets, alleys
and highways within the district above described, notices
of the passage of this resolution of intention, in the
time, form and manner required by law.
SECTION 6. That notice is hereby given that on
2riday, the 5th day oiDecember, 1924, beginning at the
hour of 7 :15 otclock P. L. of said day, in the Council
Chamber oi' the said Board of Trustees of said City, at the
City Hill in said Uity of L1 Segmido, Califomia, any and
all persons having any objections to the proposed work or
improvement may appear before the said Board of Trustees
and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be
carried out in accordance with this resolution.
SECTION 7. That the City 'Engineer of said City
is hereby directed to male a diagram of the property af-
fected or benefited by the proposed work or improvement,
as described in this resolution of intention, and to be
assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof. Such dia-
gram shall show each separate lot, piece or parcel of land,
the area in square feet of each of said lots, pieces or
parcels of land and the relative location of the same to
the work proposed to be done, all within the limits of the
said assessment district.
SECTION 8. That the City Clerk shall certify
to the passage and adoption of this resolution of intention,
aril he shall cause the same to be published twice in The
Ll Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper, printed, published
and circulated within the said City of 'r:l Segundo, Cali-
fornia, and which is hereby designated for that purpose;
but said Board of Trustees does not deem it advisable to
direct the Clerk of said City to mail copies of said notice
to the owners or reputed owners whose names and addresses
are known t o him.
Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of
November , ,,, i . , 1924.
Fresilett of 'Fe Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, California.
S`1`A2I1, OF CA T ?01_ -MIA
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole
number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said City
is five; that the foregoing resolution of intention, being
Resolution of Intention No. 79 , was passed and adopted
by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the
President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of
said City, all at a regular meeting of said Board held on
the 7th day of November , 1924, and that the same was
so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: TRUST -i'ES :.nderson, r naen, Gercm, Love -zid .cinder. ;