CC RESOLUTION 59+irk IL _¢ it RESOLUTION NO. 59 , A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUND09 CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS NO. 11 FOR AN ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM IN AND FOR SAID CITY. The Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That the following specifications, to be known and designated as Specifications N0. 11 , for an ornamental street lighting system in and for said City of E1 Segundo, California, be and the same are hereby adopted, to -wit: "SPECIFICATIONS FOR ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO* CALIFORNIA. 1. GENERAL. These specifications, together with the plans on file in the office of the City Engineer of E1 Segundo, California, which shall be considered a part of the gen- eral specifications, define the location, manner of con- struction and material to be used in the installation of an ornamental street lighting system. II. WORK TO BE DONE. 1. To furnish all material, including posts, f oundati-�ns, conduit, cable, lamps, globes, and all other suitable or necessary appliances, for the installation of the system. 2. To furnish all labor necessary, to lay 1. •? _c a1 conduits, install cable, erect and equip posts, and place the system in complete operating condition. 3. All the above in accordance with these specifications and plans on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, California. III. ORNAMERTAL LIGETING POSTS. The electroliers shall be single light stand- ards, made of concrete, reinforced with steel rods and manufactured by the centrifugal process, similar to the plans on file in the office of the City Engineer, and known as Marbelits Type #1100. Ili. CONCRETE FOMMATION AND PLACING OF POSTS. 1. The posts are to rest upon a concrete foundation twenty-four (24) inches square at the top, laid to sidewalk grade, thirty (30) inches square at bottom, with a thickness of twenty -four (24) inches. Four (4) three - quarter (3/4) inch bolts, twelve (12) inches long, with cast -iron washer three (3) inches in diameter, are to be embedded in the concrete, projecting two (2) inches above its surface and are to be held in place by a template of the holes in the bottom of the post. 2• Where the above described foundation cannot be constructed on account of basement or ob- struction, the contractor shall use some other effective method. If any obstruction can be avoided by moving the post or posts parallel to the street, the contractor may have this option except with corner posts, provided that the post so changed is not more than three (3) feet in either direction from the position shown upon the plans for the work. 2. 3. The concrete for the foundation shall be somposed of one (1) part by measure of Portland Cement, two (2) parts by measure of sand, or stone screenings, four (4) parts by measure of broken stone or screened gravel, which will pass trz ough a one and one -half (1J-) inch ring and be retained on a one- quarter (1/4) inch mesh screen. When unsoreened gravel Is used, five (5) sacks or one and one - quarter (1 1/4) barrels of Portland Cement shall be added to each yard of gravel. The unscreened gravel shall not contain rook larger than will pass through a two (2) inch ring. The cement used on the work shall be Portland Cement, passing the requirements for cement and cement tests of the American Society for Testing Materials. 4. The cement shall be thoroughly mixed and incorporated while dry so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingredients. Then the water shall be added in sufficient quantities so as to produce a uniformly and thoroughly wet mass. While being watered, the whole mass shall be turned at least twice more. The concrete thus prepared shall be immediately placed in the form and thoroughly tamped until water appears upon the surface. The top of the concrete base shall be flaated and troweled smooth. The foundation must be given at least seventy -two (72) hours to set before the post is placed thereon. The posts shall be set eighteen (18) inches from the curb face to center of post. They shall be plumb and in line, and of the same relative height above the curb. After plumbing the posts upon the foundation, the base must be given a uniform bearing by groating with a mixture of one (1) part Portland Cement and two 3. parts sand, the groat being thin enough to flow. V. CONDUIT. 1. The conduit and conduit bends furnished shall be sherardized or equivalent iron conduit approved by the underwriters, and shall be one and one - quarter (1 1/4) inch inside diameter, radius of bende to be not less than eight (8) inches. 2. 611 conduit threads are to be treated with graphite pipe paste before screwing together, and are to be put together absolutely watertightt Care must be taken to see that pipe connections are good electrically. 30 The ends of each length of pipe shall be reamed on the inside. Care must be taken to prevent any obstruction remaining in the pipe which would injure the cable when being pulled through. 4. 611 ends of conduit to be protected dur- ing construction to prevent moisture and foreign material from entering. Conduit ends terminating in each lamp post are to be equipped with pipe bushings, and extend up into the post as far as the bottom of the hand hole. No junction boxes of any kind shall be used underground. b. In parkways, all conduit shall be laid not less than twelve (12) inches below the top of curb, and at street intersections shall be laid not less than twenty -four (24) inches below the finished grade of the street, except when laid beneath a concrete gutter or permanent pavement, in which case the conduit shall be at least twelve (12) inches below the finished grade. Conduit shall be laid between the trees and curb, ex- cept in such oases where it is impossible ,ithout permanent injury to the trees, in which case and at such point it may be laid between the trees and sidewalk. 4. A u y 6. The conduit system is to be installed in a loop system from post to post. 7. At the feed -in points conduit shall be run from the posts at each end of the system to the service pole as shown on plans, and up the pde thirty - five (35) feet. Ends of conduit up pole to be equipped with pipe bushings. Conduit up pole to be covered with fiber and securely strapped to pole. S. Conduit terminating in each post shall be electrically oonneoted to each other, with a copper ground strip, equivalent in area to a #6 B. and S. gauge copper wire; the ends of conduit to be thoroughly cleaned before ground strip is put on. PI. CABLE. The cable used is to be that is known as varnished cambric lead - covered cable. All cable must conform to the following specifications: - 1. Conductors: The cable is to be single conductor Number Eight ( #8) B. and S. Gauge, simlid copper. 2. Conductivity: The conductivity of all conductors shall not be less than ninety -eight (98) per cent of that of pure copper. 3. Insulation: The insulation shall con- list of varnished cambric. It must be homogeneous in quality, free from holes and defects, and applied heliaeally, evenly and tightly to the conductor. There shall be three thirty - seconds (3/32) inch varnished cambric around the conductor. 4. Sheath: The sheath shall consist of lead and must be homogeneous in quality, fr--e from holes and defects. The sheath shall have an average thickness 5. of not less than one - sixteenth (116) inch and a minimum thickness of not less than ninety (90) per cent of the required average thickness. 50 Voltage Test: Cable shall withstand three thousand (3000) volts, alternating E.M.F. be- tween conductor and sheath for five 15) minutes. 6. Installation of Cable: (a) The cable is to be installed in the conduit in a loop system from post t o post. The ends of the cab le terminating in each post are to extend up into the post to the series socket terminals so that there will be no splices in the cable. (b) Cable ends terminating in each lamp post are to be equipped with pot - heads, and to be filled with insulating compound. The ends of all cable shall be sealed by soldering until pat -heads are installed to prevent moisture from entering cable. (c) Posts are to be conneoted up so as to form complete series circuits as shown on plans. (d) One cable shall be run from both end s of each underground system at feed points to service pole, and up the pole to a point twelve (12) inches above the end of the circuit. (e) The ends of all cables up poles shall be equipped with suitable outdoor type pot - heads. (f) The sheaths of all cables in the base of each post are to be connected together with a copper ground strip, and this strip bonded to the circuit. VII. POST WIRING. 1. The posts shall be wired for one circuit. 2. There shall be no fuses or cut -outs of any description installed in the base of posts. 6. VIII. SoCKETS, LAMPS, GLOBES AND STREET SIGNS. 1. Eaoh post shall be equipped with one(1) Mogul series film cutout socket and socket holder. 2. The contractor shall furnish and install on each post, one Type C -6.6 Amp. 250 C. P. Mazda Lamp. 3. Globes are to be "Monax" or equivalent, eight inches by sixteen inches by eighteen and one -half inches (8" x 16" x 181 "), fitted for eight (8) inch holder. 4. There shall be painted on the globe of each corner ornamental lighting post, the street names and block numbers. Said street names and block numbers to be neatly lettered with blaok enamel in Roman Capitals of approximate size. IB. EXCAVATION AND BACK FILLING. 1. The excavation required for the installa- tion of conduit, foundations for lamp posts, etc., shall be done in such a manner as to cause the least injury possible to the grass, trees, palms or flowers in the parkways. The dirt shall be piled in the gutter and not upon the parkway, unless the parkway is unimproved with grass, flowers, eta. 2. After the trench has been back - filled, it shall be flooded with water and thoroughly settled; any surplus dirt shall be removed, and the surface of the ground left smooth and level with the top of the curb. X. RESTORING STREET SURFACES AND CEMENT WORK, 1. Improved Streets: In all paved, macadamized, oiled or otherwise improved streets, the surface over the trenoh shall be finished by the contractor with the same roadway material that was removed in excavating the trench. 7. 2. Reconstruction Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks: The construction of cement curbs, drain spouts, gutters, pavements and sidewalks, which are of necessity broken by the installation of posts and conduits, shall be done by the contractor in conformity with the specifications of the City of El Segundo, and in accordance with the following additional requirements, namely, the curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be removed to the nest joint beyond the excavation required by the installation of said posts and conduits. II. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. All the work shall be, in every respect, executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City of E1 Segundo, or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or deficiency during the construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work before the final acceptance of the work. 2. The contractor shall assume all risk of variance of any computations or statements of accounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fu ly complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the street superintendent. 3. Bidders must examine and judge for them- selves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the excavations to be made, and the work to he done. j9 4. The contractor shall give twenty -four hours notice in writing when he shall require the ser- vices of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. 5. The contractor shall be required to remove, at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stnes, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making such improvements. No trees, palms or shrubbery to be removed without first procuring an order for such removal from the Street Superintendent. 6. No more than one cross street shad be closed at one time. 7. The contractor shall be required to observe all the city ordinances in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open the passageways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of work, and across the ends of the same, in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. 8. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the barriers from sunset until sunrise. 9. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper application by the contractor, be notified by the Street Siperintendent to move such property within a specified time, and the contractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. 10. The right is reserved to the City, and to the owners of public utilities or franchises, to enter 9. upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. 11. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, and the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, which will include a test of the system as to actual service of such dura- tion as may be necessary to show the efficiency of the system, and if the work is found in compliance with the plans and specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. 12. When, in the specifications, a maximum or minimum, either in size, percentage, or thickness, or relating to quality or character or other matter, is allowed or prescribed, the work shall be accepted as in compliance therewith, if within such maximum or minimum so allowed hereby. 13. Wherever the word "City" is used in these specifications, it refers to the City of E1 Segundo, California. Wherever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications, it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. 14. Wherever the words "City Engineer" or "Street Superintendent" are used in these specifications, they refer to the City Engineer or Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo, California, or their auth- orized agents or inspectors. " SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall cause 10. the same to be entered M the Book of Resolu and said City, end shall make a minute of the passage e proceedings of the Board of adoption thereof, in th Trustees in the minutes of the meeting at which the same was passed and ad opted. 4th day Passed, approved and adopted this — of September, A. D• 1923' (S3AL) President of the Boardiaf Trustees of the City of L1 Segundo, California. City 2;.Pkgr 11. , 3ix'ss, OF Ct.LZFORi�Id ) COU14TY OF LOS AEGELES ) CITY OF EL SEGUIMO ) SS. I, VICTOR D. MoCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of El Segundoo California, do hereby certify that t:e foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 59 was passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, approved and signed thereafter by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 4th day of September, g. D. 19239 an& that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: TRUSTEES Binder, Gerow, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. NOES: TRUSTEES Bone. ABSENT : TRUSTEES None. (SEAL) J City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, 12. California.