CC RESOLUTION 49.,.. • f i • . 7 • AND GIVING NOTICE OF n MICIPAL ZIRC- TION TO BE a° e• IN SAID CITY ON • W u:r SUBMITTING MY OF MARCH, A.D. 1923, FOR THE PURPOSE OF • TIM qUALIFIRD VOTERS Of SLID CITY, A CERTAIN PROPOSITION RESPECTING TER MICE TO BE PAID FOR EXISTING WATER W SYSTE113 WITHIN THE SAID C3!PY IN THE EVENT THE SAID BOAR BEALL SHE PIT TO ACqUI99 TER WARREAS, at an election heretofore duly and regularly oalled and held in the City of E1 Segundo, California, certain municipal improvement bonds were authorized to be issued for the purpose of acquiring and aonstructing a municipal water works system for said city; AND WHUZAS, the Board of Trustees of said city, be- fore the said election and before the authorising of said bonds, announced that no portion of the proceeds of such bonds would be expended for all or any part of the plant or equipment of any existing public utility furnishing water to the said city or its inhabitants, unless the question of the amount of the purchase price to be paid therefor was first submitted to the voters of said city at an election to be called for that purpose and the approval of a majority of such voters obtained thereto; AND WHEREAS, the said board has now ascertained the figures at which the respective plants of the El Segundo Water Company and the Sausal Redondo Water Company (oorparationsfurnish- ing water to said city and its inhabitants) may be acquired; HOW THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the City of 1- El Segundo, California to resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That a special municipal election shall be, and the same is hereby called and ordered to be, held in the said City of E1 Segundo on Monday, the 12th day of March, A.D., 1923, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city the question hereinafter stated, v&ioh said question is, and the same shall appear on the ballots to be used at said election as follows, to -wit: Shall the City of El .. :Segundo, California, acquire , :tba existing plants ani water , :distributing systems of the , :El Segaa4o water Company and :of the Sausal Redondo Water , :Company, as set forth in the Yes :report of Messrs Olmsted and :Gillelen, engineers, dated the , :the 6th doW of November, 1922, :(now on file in the office of :the City Clerk in the City Hall :of said city, and open to pub - :lic inspection) including all :additions and betterments made , :since the date of said report, : &-xd also including the real :estate described at the bottom : :of thia ballgt , for the sum of , :not to exceed $71,000 total, No :being not to exceed $62,000 for . :the plant, land and equipment :of the El Segundo Water Company, :and not to exceed $9,000 for the , :plant, land and equipment of the :Sausal Redondo Water Company? The land of the El Segundo Water Compmy, above referred to is located in said City of E1 Segundo, and is described as follows: Lots 21, 22 and 23, Block 10, sheet 1, E1 Se- gundo, as recorded in Map Book 18, page 69, Records of Los Angeles County. Lots 3, 4 aznl 5, Block 34, sheet R, El Segundo, as recorded in Map Book 229 pages 54 and 559 Re- cords of Los Angeles County. A portion of rat 3, Block 95, sheet 3, E1 Se- gundo, as recorded in Map Book 20, pages 22 and 23, Records of Los Angeles County. 2- The lend of the Sausal Redondo Water Company above referred to, is located in said City of E1 Segundo and is described as follows:- lot 10, Block 3, Tract 1685 That certain parcel of real - estate located in Section 11, Township 3, South, Range 15, West, S.B. B & M beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 3 of Tract 1685; thence South 89 degrees, 58 Minutes, 10 Seconds West, along the South line of Pine Avenue and the westerly prolongation thereof 254.28 feet; thence South 0 degrees, 1 Minute, 50 Seconds, East, 73.40 feet to the point of beginning; thence from said point of beginning South, 0 Degrees, 1 Minute, 50 Seconds, East, 42 feet; thence South 89 Degrees, 58 Minutes, 10 Seconds, West, 62 feet. thence North 0 Degrees, 1 Minute, 50 Seconds, West, 42 feet; thence North 89 Degrees, 58 Minutes, 10 Seconds, East, 62 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. That the ballot to be used at said election shall be both as to form and as to matter contained therein, such as mW be required by law to be used thereat. SECTION 3. That for the purpose of holding said special municipal election, there shall be two voting pre - oincts within the said City, consisting oC a consolidation of the regular voting precincts established for holding general state and county elections as follows: - Voting Precinct "A" shall be ]mown as such and shall include all of the territory in the City of El Segundo, Cali - fornis, vdthin the exterior boundaries of El Segundo Precinct No. 1, as the same were fixed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, California., on the 29th day of December, 19 a, and now being of record in Book 78 -A of the minutes of the said Board of Supervisors, reference to the same being hereby expressly made for a more particular description of said precinct, and the said exterior boundaries forming the exterior boundaries of the territory included within said El Segundo Precinct No. 1 shall be and constitute, and same are hereby designated as the exterior boundaries of said Voting Precinct "A ". That the polling place in said Voting Precinct "A" shall be in the basement of'the Methodist Church, on the north- east oorner of Mariposa Avenue and Main Street, within the said City, and the Board of Election to conduct the said election in said Voting Precinct "A" shall be, and the same is hereby appoint- ed as follows: Inspector: Thomas Levi Tuck Judge: Frederick M. Daley Clerks: Mrs. Norma H. Stephens, Mrs. Viola Thurston. Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" skull be knom as such and shall include all of the territory in the City of E1 Segundo, California, within the exterior boundaries of E1 Segundo City Prinoinot No. 2 and El Segundo City Precinct No. 3, as the some were fired by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angelas, California, on the 29th day of December, 1921, an& now being of record in Book 78 -A of the minutes of the said Board of Supervisors, reference to the same being hereby expressly made for a more particular description of said preoinetv,aad the said exterior boundaries forming the exterior boundaries of the territory included within said E1 Segundo City Precincts Nos 2 and 3 shall be and constitute, and the same are hereby designated as the exterior boundaries of said Consolidated Voting Precinct "B ", said E1 Segundo City Precincts Nos. 2 and 3 being hereby consolidated for the purpose of holding said election. That the pow ing place in said Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" shall be in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of E1 Segundo, California, at the northwest corner of Franklin Avenue and Richmond Street, within said City, and the Board of Election to oonduot the election in said Consoli- dated Voting Precinct "B" shall be, and the same is hereby ap- pointed as follows: Inspector: William H. Lennon Judge: John Fitzgerald Clerks: Mrs. Effie R. Magee and Mrs. Ethel Palmer. All of the persons hereinbefore naned are hereby ap- pointed as such officers respectively, an& their compensation is hereby fixed at the sum of Bight Dollars ($8.00) each for said election. SECTION 4. That at said special municipal election the polls shall be opened at 6:00 o*olock A. M. of the day of said election and sh&3.1 be Impt open until 7:00 otclook P.1a, of the said day shem the polls shall be closed, except as provided in Section 3,164 of the Political Code of the State of Californis. SECTION 5: Said proposition shall appear on the ballots to be used at said election in the words and figures as the same is set forth in Section 1 of this Resolution and in addition to other matters required to be stated in said ballots, there shall appear thereon the folloidng: "INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote on a question or proposition, stamp a arose (%) in the voting square after the word "YES" or after the worst "NO"; all marks, except the arose (a), are forbidden. An distinguish- ing marks or erasurea are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspec- tor of election and obtain another." SECTION 6: If an elector shall stamp a cross (%) after the printed work "YES", his vote shall be counted in favor of the said question or proposition, and as consenting to the payment for said existing systems of a sum of money not exceeding the amount specified in said proposition or question. If he shall stamp a cross (Z) in the voting square after the printed ward "NO ", his vote shalt be counted against arrvd the adoption of the said proposition or question,^as not con- senting to the payment for said existing systems of a sum up to the amount specified in said proposition or question. If a majority of the qualified electors voting on said proposition or question shah, vote in favor thereof, such proposition or question shall be deemed to have carried, and said Board of Trustees will thereby be authorized to pay a sum of money out of the proceeds of said improvement bonds above referred to up to bat not exceeding said sum of $71,000 for said existing water plants and eVatems. SECTION 7: That in all other respects except as herein specified, the said special municipal election shall be oonducted in the manner required by the resolutions and ordinances of the said City of E1 Segundo, relating to elec- tions and the laws of the State of Cali Fcrnia, relating thereto, as far as the sago® mq7 be applicable. SECTION 8: The City Clerk obs:ll oertiiyr to the passage and adoption of thi s Resolution; shall enter the same in the Book of Resolutions of the City of El Segundo; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the Board of Trustees of said City in the minutes of the meeting at vhioh the as= is so passed and adopted; shall cause the Resolution to be publiEhed by two consecutive insertions before the date of said election in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published arYd circulated within the said City, which is hereby designated for that purpose; and he shall conspicuously post a printed copy of said Resolution at least one week next preceding the date of said election in three public places within the said 9ity, to -wit, one copy thereof on the bulletin board near the main entrance to the City Hall in said City; one copy thereof on the bulletin board at the United States Post Office in said City; and one copy thereof on the bulletin board at the main entrance to the refinery of the Standard Oil Company in said City. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Passed, appxvved and adopted this 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1923. r� rres enf pro em or the Board of Trustees of the City of El (VAZ) Segundo, California. ATTEST: " GIZ7 STATE OF CAMPORNIA ) COUNTY OF LAS A1gMUM � 33 CITY OF EL SEGUNM ))) I, VICTOR D. MOCL=j City Clerk of this City of El 3eguado, California, do bereby oertify that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution Bo. 49 was passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, CaliSsrnia, signed by the President of saia Board, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of the said Board, held on the 20th day of ?0ruArT,A.D., 1923, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the follovdng vote: A733: TRMTEFS Binder, 3ueger and imilev NMS- TRUSTEES None ABSENT: MMTEES Trustees 3rvson and Davis