CC RESOLUTION 39r� REVOLUTION NO. 39. A REVOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEE: OF THE CITY 01' hL SEGUNDO, AUTHORIZING AND EMPO'1&, ?ING CLYD WOODWORTH, CITY ATTORNEY OF SAID CITY, TO ENTER INTO A STIPULATION IN THE CAUSE NOYV PENDING BEFORE TIM SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATI, OF CAL- IFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGI'.I,ES, ENTITLED COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, PLAINTIFF, vs. THE CITIES OF ALHAM-3RA, ET AL„ DEFEM)ANTS, NO. B- 97828. 4711EREAS, the City of E1 Segundo is named as a defendant in the action entitled County of Los Angeles, Plaintiff, vs. The Cities of Alhambra, et al., Defendants, No. B- 97828; and WHERh]A`.'', it is deemed advisr.ble that the s-id city join the stipulation hereinafter referred to: NOW, THSRL+FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Clyde Woodworth, City Attorney of the City of E1 Segundo be, -nd he is hereby authorized and empowered on behalf of said city to sign and enter into the stiuplation hereto attached and file the sane in the atove entitled action in the said Superior Court. Adopted and approved this 19th day of October, 1921. AT7iEST: president of t e I d of rustees. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Los Angeles.) „S I, Victor D. I%Carthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, do dertify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of saio city and signed by the Pre.ident of said Board, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of October, 1921. Cit C1 rk. i