CC RESOLUTION 35, ` 4- RESOLUTION No. 35. A R'E'SOLUTION OF THAT 301 ,?D OF TRUSTBr,S OF THE CITY Of EL SEGUNDO, AITMORIZI'TG UTD &dPO14MING CLYDE WOOD (ORT H, CITY ATT MITEY OF SAID CITY, TO ENTER IN`T'O A STIPULATION IN THE CAUSE 11011 2ENDI,1G BEFORE THE SUP MI OR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALI:a'ORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES' , ENTI'TL-�D COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, PLAINTIFF, vs. THE CITIES OF ALHAIb.BRA, ET AL. , DEFEI:DANTS, No. B- 89802. WHEREA:i, the City of El Segundo is named as a defendant in the action entitled, County of Los Angeles, Plaintiff, vs. The Cities of Alhambra, et al., defendants, No. B-89802; and 14HEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the said city join the stipulation hereinafter referred to; N0Wt i'HERLh'ORE BE IT RySOLVAD, that Clyde Woodworth, City Attorney of the City of E1 Segundo be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered on behalf of said city to sign and enter into the stipulation hereto attached and file the same in the above entitled action in the said Superior Court. Adopted and approved this 2nd day of February, 1921. - resi en , Boarc o rus ees. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS UIGEL&S) SS I, Victor D. 11cCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, do herzify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo and signed by the President of the sAid Board, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of February, 1921. „/ _ - _ �J ,� I ///J/ /" // _ , City _he'rk of the CitJ of Ll Segundo.