cr�_9LL -BL I. S;;ED TO aEPP,F.`u11'7 TH2, CO °T 4 ' iE F.
The Board of Trustees of the Oity of El :e ,-undo do
resolve, declare and determine as follows:
:section 1. That the public interest and conven-
lence require, and that it is the intention of the Board
of Truetees of the City of El Segundo, to order the
following work to be done and improvement to be made
within said City, to -wit:
That the roan -way of .zichmond Street from the north
property line of El Segundo Avenue to the south property
line of Grand Avenue, including the intersection of said
street with iranklin ,.venue, be graded and paved to the
official o-rade ',:ithi a .,illite pavement four inches thick
laid in tyro courses, namely: ,dillite Plastic Composition
Base h•_ving a thickness of two inches, and dillite ear-
ing °urface having a thickness of inches, in accor-
dance ;iith 'pecifications number 6 for dillite Pavement
heretofore adopted by this Board of Trustees and on file
in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and in
accordance with plan and profile number 20, and cross
- 1 -
3 21
sections number 20, for said -,ork on file in the office
of the Cityn�inee-r of said City;
That the existing cement curb anr: cement sidewalk
on the rEtt side of zichmond Street between the north
oroperty line of Ell Sezundo . .venue ana a line 128 feet
northerly from and parallel :ith the said north proper-
ty line of ?1 Segundo .:venue be removed, and that a
cement curb be constructed along the , -rest curb /of said
Richmond �7trect to the official Dr�de bet ^reen the last
mentioned limits and tI-at a cement having a
: ;kith of rive (5) feet zie,terly from the inner ed,Te of
ccid curb be constructed to the official grade be-- ;,Teen
the said limits; said cement curb and sice.ialk ;_all be
constructed at the places, , ong the lines and in the
nner indicated ana shown on plan and pro ile of :.ich-
°7ond Street _rom -1 Sezunao revenue to 'rand :venue and
cross sections of .Ziahmond �.traet from yl erund_o
i aue and 3r, ;� r.venue being nwnbered plan and profile num-
ber 20, and cross- section number 20, on rile in the
oifiee of the Jity ln:2�ineer o_ said Jity of ,l Segundo,
to -:rich )lan, profile and cross-_,ections reference is
hereby made for more particular description of said work;
said curbs --hall also be in accordance aith
tione nurriber 7 f),^ -,he con : t -ruct on of ce,7ent curbs and
said sidewalk shall be in accordance with specifications
:umber 8 for the construction of cement sidewalk, both of
,.iich specifications hsve heretofore been adooted by this
Board of Trustees and are on file in the office of the
City clerk of said City and are hereby referred to for
further particulars;
hat the exietinz cement curbs and cement sidewalks
on the east side of dichmond street between the north
- 2 -
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0 property line of E1 Segundo (,venue and a line 143 feet
northerly from and parallel with the ,aid north property
line of :11 Segundo ,venue be removed, and that a cement
curb be constructed along the ea-t curb line of said Rich-
mond Street to the official grade between the last men-
tioned limits and that a cement sidewalk having a cridth
of five (5) feet easterly from the inner edge of said curb
be constructed to the official grade between the said
limits; said cement curb a d sidewalk shall be constructed
at the places, along the lines and in the manner indicated
and shown on plan and profile of ;ichmond Street from E1
Segundo =venue to Brand Avenue and cross - sections of Rich-
mond Street from El Segundo .venue to Grand avenue, being
numbered plan and profile number 20, and cross- section
number 20, on file in the office of the City engineer of
said City of El Segundo, tow hich plan, profile and cross -
sections reference is hereby made for more particular de-
scri rtion of said ,,rork; said curbs shall also be in accord-
ance -,rith Specifications number 7 for the construction of
cement curbs -nd said sidewalk shall be in ,.ccordanee ,,rith
Specifications number 8 for the construction of the cement
sidewalk, both of which Specifications have heretofore
been adopted by this Board of Trustees _ _,nd are on file in
the office of the Cite Clerk of said City and hereby
referred to for further particulars;
he plans, 3rofiles, cross - sections z,nd S�ecifi-
cations hereinabove mentioned are referred to for a more
particular description of said Mork and are made � Bart
Section 2. ''hat the aforesaid t °ork or imorove-
ment in the opinion of said Board of Trustees is of more
than local or ordinary public benefit and said Board of
• Trus sea hereby declares that the district in said City of
E1 Segundo benefited by said work or improvement and to be
assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, is all that
V -
certain )Ortion of said City included within the follow-
ing exts-rior boundary line, to -wit: Be iining at the
southiesterly corner of Lot 12 of Block 12 of E1 Segundo,
as per hap recorded in hap -Book 18, Page 69 of leaps,
eecorde of Los Angeles County, California, on file in
the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence
northerly along the easterly line of the alley extending
northerly through said Block 12 and Block 21 of said E1
Segundo, and the projection of said east line of said
alley across Franklin Street to the northwesterly corner
of Lot 21 of Block 21 of the aforesaid I ,se; undo, as
shown upon the said map on file hereinbefore mentioned;
said point being on the southerly line of wand Avenue;
thence easterly along the southerly line of said Grand
Avenue and the projection of said southerly line of said
1rond Avenue across Richmond btreet to the northe,sterly
corner of Lot 1 Block 22 of the hereinbefore mentioned
.El kenundo; thence southerly along the westerly line of
the alley extending southerly through Blocks 22 and 11
of said E1 Segundo, una the projection of said westerly
line of said alley across 1ranklin Avenue, to the south -
easterly corner of Lot 20 of Block 11 of the hereinbefore
described El ieTundo, said point being on the northerly
line of El Segundo Avenue; thence westerly along the
northerly line of E,1 Segundo avenue and its projection
across Richmond Street to the point of bezianing. she
boundary line of the aforesaid district is shown on a
Map entitled:`Map of the district to be assessed for the
improvement of a portion of Richmond `mot." approved and
adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Seyundo
on the 2nd day of February, 1921, and on file in the
office of the City Engineer on hich Map the extent of
srid assessment ni:triet is indicated by a colored boundary
- 4 -
line and to z:nich said Iviap reference is hereby made for
a more complete and detailed description of said district,
hick Ilap shall govern for said description; there is
eviceoted from said district all portions of all public
streets or alleys included within the hereinbefore men-
tioned exterior boundary line;
Section 3. That serial bonds bearing interest
at the rate of Seven Per Cent (7V) per annum shall be
issued to represent each assessment of Twenty -five Dollars
(sy25.00) or more, remaining unpaid for thirty (30) days
after the date of the warrant, or five (5) days after the
decision of said Board of Trustees u)on an appeal to re-
present the expensee of said work and improvement; that
said serial bonds shall extend over a period ending nine
(9) years from and after the second day of January next
succeeding the date of said bonds and that an even annual
proportion of the principal sum thereof shall be payable,
by couoon, on the second day of January every year after
their date until the whole is paid; and that the interest
shall be payable semi - annually, by coupon, on the second
days of January and July, respectively, of each year, at
the rate of seven Per Cent (7`1D) per annum, on all sums
unpaid, until the whole of said principal and interest is
:add bonds shall be issued in acco-raance with the
provisions of an act of the ie,islature of the ,'tt_te of
• California entitled: "ten Act to provide a system of street
improvement bonds to represent certain assessments for the
cost of street work and improvement within municipalities,
wrd also for tha payment of such bonds" approved February
27, 1893, and of all acts amondetory thereof;
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Section 4. That the proceedings for the aforesaid
improvement shall be had and taken under an act of 'Uhe
Legislature of the State of California entitled: TMAn :pct
to provide for work upon streets�lanee, alleys, courts,
places and sidewalks, and for the construction of sewere
;ithin municipalities" approved Pdarch 18, 1885, (commonly
known as the Vrooman Act), and under all acts amendatory
Attention is called to the California aillite Road
Construction Company's Plastic Composition License Mixture
Agreement, dated January 26, 1921, on file in the office of
the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California;
;section 5. ''he street Superintendent shall post
notices of thie work as required by law, and shall cause
said notice to be published by one insertion in the El Segundo
'ferald, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said
City of E1 Segundo, which is hereby designated for said pur-
pose; and in said notice he shall call attention to the License
Agreement of the California ',villite Road Construction Company,
hereinabove referred to;
section 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adop-
tion of Resolution of Intention, and shall cause the
same to be published by tyro intertione in the E1 Segundo
Herald, hereinbefore mentioned znich iQ hereby designated
for said purpose. He shall also r,ost comes of such notice
and shall mail post cards as required by law.
Passed, aporoved and adopted this 2nd day of
iebraary, A.D., 1921.
-'E T:
• �6� C
- 6 -
Presiden of e Boar o
Trustees of the City of E
Segundo, California.
S�2 T_E OT`s OrWI.O:71dIA
COUI�^_Y OF LOc _�ii,sELES ) SS.
I, Victor D. 11cCarthy, City Clerk of the city
• of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution of Inten-
tion Teo. 34 was passed and adopted by the Board of
Trustees of the City of 21 Segundo, California, sign-
ed by the President of said Board and attested by the
City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of the said Bo&,rd
held on the 2nd day of February, A.D., 1921, and that
'he same was passed and adopted by the iolloaing vote,
to- ' %'it:
AY,S, Trustees: Binder, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
dOES, Trustees: Prone.
AB "EU T,Trustees: Bryson.
City ty Cler he C' y of
E1 Segun , California.
40 7
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