CC RESOLUTION 33313 RESOLUTION NO. 33 A, .- .ESOLUTIOP OF THE BOnRD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF EL SE-aUNDO, Ct1LIF'0: '.Ia, ADOPTIidC SPBCI ICATIOIIS b, FUR THE CONSTRUCTION Or' CENT &dT SIDEdA KS WITHIN Tla SAID CITY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of ti-,e City of El Sezunxo, Caliiornia, that the ollow- ing snecitications, to be known as s�ecitications i,o. b, _or the construction of cement sidewalks in tie City of El Segundo, Cali ornia, be, and the same are hereby adopted: SLC `iI Oia 0111, -1- The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance •.-,pith tine pl -ane, pro iles ano cross- sections on lile in the oyfice o, the City En -lineer of the City or Ll Segundo, and all ,ork s,h &ll, aorin- its proareez and on its completion, conform io the lines aria levels fznich may, from time to time, be -liven by said City En_ineer. -2- Cr�iDIldi �OUIaD�siIO.u. ,oundation -or the full 'vridth o tf.e cement sidirvalk shall be brou>ht to the proper sub - grade, three and one -half inches below the surface o_ the finis'r.ed sidewalk, and all so-t or spon;y material shall be removed to a depth of at least six (6) inches below said sub -Sraae and replaced with gravel of a quality that will pact: rf ;roi: tf ir_i. .ravel shall then be moistened and t _e *-;hole = roundation tamped or rolled until it is �olid. ^ie materiel to be supplied in case oa fill -1- In all cases :where the soil upon which the cement walk is to be laid is adobe, it shall be re- moved to the proper depth, as specified hereinafter, below the sub- grade, and the space filled to sub - grade with the material described hereinafter, which shall be thoroughly compacted by ramminT or rolling. ,Then river ;ravel or sand is used for filling to sub -erade the extra excavation in adobe snall be E not less than two (2) inc,.,es; vahen sandy shales or other local non - swelling soils are used the extra excavation shall be not less than lour (4) inches. A gauge, with its ends restinx upon the side stripe, shall be used in the determination of sub - grade. SH 2E. Cement sidewalks --hall be three and one -half inches thick. In all street intersection., wrnere there are cement or 7ranite curb returns, the cement side•rralk 1� shall be laid so as to cover the entire surface included within the prolongation of the side lines of the inter- sectins streets and the curb returns, if not shown other - ;vise on the plans. , 4_ ,,,;t;,�I COi,S'_HIICTION. rte Cement sidewalks shall be construcied of a cement h� i 4 4 f shall be good earth and the fill shall be built up in horizontal layers not exceeding one foot each in thickness, each layer to be well packed by rollinP or tamninz. The sill shall be flooded with water in order to thoroughly settle it, and the whole foundation • stall be well vet down before any concrete is laid r thereon. In all cases :where the soil upon which the cement walk is to be laid is adobe, it shall be re- moved to the proper depth, as specified hereinafter, below the sub- grade, and the space filled to sub - grade with the material described hereinafter, which shall be thoroughly compacted by ramminT or rolling. ,Then river ;ravel or sand is used for filling to sub -erade the extra excavation in adobe snall be E not less than two (2) inc,.,es; vahen sandy shales or other local non - swelling soils are used the extra excavation shall be not less than lour (4) inches. A gauge, with its ends restinx upon the side stripe, shall be used in the determination of sub - grade. SH 2E. Cement sidewalks --hall be three and one -half inches thick. In all street intersection., wrnere there are cement or 7ranite curb returns, the cement side•rralk 1� shall be laid so as to cover the entire surface included within the prolongation of the side lines of the inter- sectins streets and the curb returns, if not shown other - ;vise on the plans. , 4_ ,,,;t;,�I COi,S'_HIICTION. rte Cement sidewalks shall be construcied of a cement h� i w3 ",a sl concrete body, which shall not be less than three inches in thickness after being thoroughly compacted, and a cement mortar finishing coat which shall be not less than one -hali inch in thickness, except on the front face of the walk, where, if said coat is called or, it shall be not less than one - quarter inch in thickness. Cement concrete shall be composed of: One (1) part of Portland cement, Three (3) parts of sand or stone screeninPs, Five (5) parts screened gravel or broken stone. Cement mortar i'inishing coat shall be composed of: One (1) part of Portland cement, One rnd one -hal (1 -1/2) parts coarse, sharp, screened sand. All proportions shall be obtained by actual meas- urement in boxes and no material shall be used which has not been thus measured. All mixing shall be done in boxes or upon ti=-ht platiorms, or in mixers. h sacs o_ cem nt wei hins not less than 94 pounds net wei>ht shall be held to have a volume of one cubic foot. - 5- COiMIETE 141AlhriInLS. CIXIEWT: All cement used shall be Portland cement, and must conform to the iollowina reauirements and be sub- ject to the follo,'rin�, tests, which will be open to the Contractor and will be made by the methods ana unaer the conditions prescribea by the american Society for testing materials in soeciiic«tions C 9 - 17. ( a ) COZi_ISTEIICY: All cement for set tests, test pats and neat briquettes will be mixed with sufficient water to reduce the cement to normal consistency as prescribed by ti-.e said American Society _or testin-7 materials. Beat -3- • briquettes will be pressed into the molds by hand, and the mortar briquettes will be compacted ly li -ht tappin -. Kor- tar briquettes shall be nixed to a state of plasticity corresoondina as nearly as oossible to normal consistency in neat briquettes. (b) the cement must be evenly ground, and when tested with the tollo,Iing standard sieves, must naes at least the iollowina percentages by weisht: !To. 100 sieve, haven; 100 meshes per lineal inch 92;b No. 200 sieve, having 200 meshes per lineal inch . . . . . . . . . 75;7o (e) TIP,4E 0_ SE'iIT1 >: It wall develop initial set in not less than thirty minutes, but must aevelop hard set in not less than one hour nor more than ten hours. (d) TLi�SILE 5�dE1i3lrl: ijeat briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall attain a minimum tensile strength as follows- At 24 hours in moist, air. . . . . . .170 lbs. At 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in 'eater) . . . . . .600 lbs. At 26 days ( 1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) . . . . 6--,u lbs. Briquettes one (1) inch square in section, made of one part of cement to three (3) ports of etaadara test- ing sand, shall attain a minimum tensile etren-�th as follows: iit 7 daye ( 1 day in moist air, 6 da�� in ����ter) . . . . . 200 lbs. it 2d days ( 1 day in Moist air, 27 cb ,je in vrater) . . . 300 lbs. • _he sand test must in all cases snow an increase WE • in stren?t! at 2b days over the 7 day tests. (e) SM._Di +:ASS: Pats of neat cement, about three (5) incies in diameter, one -hall (1/2) inch thick at the center, and taDerin- to a thin edge, - -ill be kept in moist air for a period of tvienty -dour (24) hours. A pat :`ill then i_e kept in air at normal tempera- ture and observea at intervals for at least t,;enty -ei ht (28) days. another gat ,ill, after having peen ke,)t twenty- four hours in moist air, be placed in cater at normal tem- perature, .'he water shall then be heated to boiling temperature and maintained there nor three (3) hours. These parts, to eatis actorliy pass the require- ments, must remain Firm and 'hard, and must show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking, blotching or disin- tegratinr -. Samples of the cement proposed to be used upon any piece of work shall, upon request, be furnished to the City Engineer for test, and any cement, the samples of which do not come up to the required standara, shall be immediat =lg removed from the wor'_c and shall not Pe again brou ^nt uoon the work. Shi»D: All sand must be free from oil or organic matter, and must not contain more than five (5) per cent by volume of clay or silt, 1dot less than ninety (90) per cent by volume or the sand shall pass a screen having • four (4) meshes to the lineal inch; at least thirty -wive (35) per cent, but not more tnaa ei­hty -five (85) per cent by volume, sill be retained on a screen having thirty (50) meshes to the lineal. It shall oe testea ior organic impurities by the colorimetric test as prescribed by the American Society or t�,stln- matorials. STOl_ lEi SC_HLIM'I: 3S: Stone screenln �s i:all be such _Q_ as are obtained in the crushing o_ clean, hard ana durable stone, end shall be that portion has passed throuzh a quarter (1/4) inch mesh screen. xl"AIEZ 32avel shall re clean, :_ara, sree from more than Live (5) per cent, by volume, of sang, and shall . hGve sizes ranrin; from a quarter (1/4) inch minimum up to three (3) inc,:ez in ;reatest dimension maximum. iiot less than thirty (30) per cent o: its volume shall be material wi.ich will pass a three- quarter (3/4) inch screen. All erevel shall be screenea to rseet the above mentioned reouirements before being brou-ht upon the work. Bs?O= SIO,RE: Broken stone shall be the run of the crusher, except, however, the -t not more than live (5) per cent of its volume --:Hall be ,nateri�.l which will bass throe-i. a quarter (1/4) inch mesh se,•een, ana not less than thirty (30) per cent of its volume shall be material which will oars a three - quarter (3/4) inch screen. It shall be clean, hard and durable in quality, and shall ran,e in size from the minimum noted above up to three (3) inches in Treatest dimension maximum. -6- LI:iI149 'L D YiaCTlo3 COidCREiE. ItIIiI C: All pr000rtlons shall be obtained by actual measurement in boxes, and no material shall be used which has not been thus measured. F_ ] L a� upon this stone shall be uni ormly spread the -required amount —6— All mixinz shall be done in suitable boxes or upon • tight platforms or in mixers. Dot more than one cubic yard of concrete shall -el-- be,,wet at a time. In the orocess of mixin, the concrete, unless a mixer he used, the broken stone shall oe spread in a regular layer not over ten (10) inches in depth on the platiorm; F_ ] L a� upon this stone shall be uni ormly spread the -required amount —6— 31 ) • of sand and upon the sand shall be uniformly spread the reouired amount of cement. The whole mass shall then be thorou,hly mixed by turninz at least three (3) times dry. ,Dater shall then be added in a _ine soray and the mass turned twice wet, not including enovel- • ing into wheelbarrows, after which it shall be imzie- diately placed in position and tamped and rammed until it is thorou-rhly compacted and until free mortar appears on the surface. If a continuous mixer is used, the sand and gravel, or sand and broken rock, must be measured and mixed dry by turning once upon the ground before being placed in the mixer unless special and satislacto y provision is made in the mixer for obtaining the proper proper - tions of the dry materials. If a batch mixer is used, the mixer shall be charged in the same manner as the continuous mixer or by use of wheelbarrows or other satisractory meae- urinz devices. Should a dellcioncy of mortar exist, it shall be remedied by varying tine or000rtions of line and coarse Travel or broken stone, and not by adding a greater portion of sand. Zo concrete shall be used that shows evidence of haviniz set, or that has become untit for zooa work rrom standin; too lonz, or from any other cause, and • no remixing of concrete will be allowed. The concrete body shall not ne allowea to become dry prior to placing the _inishins coat. D'o more concrete boat' shall be placed at a:ny one time then is To be covered ana completea as one prac- icr-lly contin- uous operation in the same day. • A small amount o-' neat cement must be sprinkled -7- 0 :1 over the concrete body before the finishing coat is put on. The finishing coat shall be thoroughly mixed by tarnin�r at leant three times dry, it shall then be wet, turnea twice, and immediately put in place upon • the surface of the concrete bony, and, whenever the sidewalk does not abut upon a curb or another sidewalk, down the ront Lace to a thickness oT not less than one - quarter of an inch. The surface of the finishin- coat shall be well iloatea and thoroughly and smoothly troweled into the body of the concrete so as to corm one comoact mass, free from voids or loose spaces and shall then be smoothly polished and marxed oss into squares. The finished walk must snow an even, true surface tree from sa *s, humps, pits or other defects. when a straight edge five (5) feet in length is laic upon the surface at any point, except at -rade chanees, the surface shall at no point vary more than one - quarter o' an inch rom the true ed?e o'i the strairht eaxe. the Contractor shall stamp his name on all ..,Orir done by him, at intervals oi not more than one hundred feet on continuous walk and not less than once on each job of less than one hundred feet in fen th. the letters shill not be smaller than three- quarters of an inch in height and of proportional width. lihey must be sunken • and of a depth o_ not less than one- cuarter ol an inch. Cement sidewalks must be protected from the sun, :sine and frost and thoroughly w= ,tered -ox- ten uays after completion. Jherevor the walk Ze l�ia upon a zraae of rive (b) per cent or more it shall be jiai:ned - ^ith a floated • surface. Strips used as iorms at the sides of the walk -8- ry n ) 094 , • shall be not less than two (2) inches in width nor leas than three and one -half (3 -1/2) inches in depth. Ef_Eective expansion ana s:rinkaae joints must be provided in all sidewalks at intervals oi approxi- mately twenty (20) feet throughout the entire len °th • of the sidewalk. At returns the expansion joints ;hall be placed on the produced property lines unless otherwise speci.- =ied. The expansion points at returns shall consist of three eichths (3/8) inch composition board made of two (2) layers o; felt or paper and a filler of asphalt. Except as otherwise s3eciiied above, the points shall be open joints made by settin7 one !ourth (1/4) inch steel plates and withdrawing alter concrete nas been tamped into place. ,inerever the cement walk constructed under this soecificatlon does not cover the entire siaewclx space, such uncovered portion shall be brouzht to grade and left in a Linished condition. -7- :Ehi 3AL ItEq I_nEILEZTS. '.YORK: The Contractor shall, ior the price bid, furnish ali the materials ana per-orm all the labor necessary to execute tre work in every respect in a thoron -h, workmanlike manner, in accordance .with the plans ana s)eci icotions and to tree satisraction of • the Street Suoerintent_ent. Iu.a ^33IAL5 liiiD SAIdPLES: nll materials must be of the specified quality and gully equal to samples when samples _re required. The Contractor shall furnish to the City 'In -sneer for test, whenever called 2or and free of charxe, samples of all the materials proposeCL to be • used in the work. Rejected material must be lmmediatdy removed from the work by the Contractor�'"Q� A& x4y_ -r ' -g- LABOR: Any overseer, superintendent, laborer, or other -pe-rson employed on the work by the Contractor, who shall perform his rJork in a manner contrary to these specifications shall be aischar�ed immediately, and such person shall not main be employed on the work. • Et,. ,.IIIATION OZ 3ROUND: Bidders must examine and Jude for themselves as to the location of the proposed Worx, the nature of the excavation to be made and the work to be done. SEITIidr STAKES: The Contractor shall >ive twenty - four (24) hours' notice in writing -,-.-hen he ,:ill require the service o_ the City En -sneer ior layin7 out any portion of the work. He shall dir all stake holes necessary to ;ive lines end levels. The Contractor shall preserve X11 stakes set for the lines, levels or measurements of the work in their proper placed until authorized to remove them by the City Ensineer, and any expense incurred in renlacina said stakes ,hick the Contractor or his sub- ordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the Contractor. PLANS y10 82ECI2ICATIOi1S: Tne Contractor shall keep upon the work a copy o the plans and speci;ications, and access thereto shall at all tiLaes be accorded the Ensineer. II:`21',CTOhS: The Contractor shall prosecute work • only in the presence of an enzineer or an inspector appointed by the Street Superintendent, and any •.:o-rk done in the absence of said en- 4ineer or inspector snail be subject to rejection. sae Contractor shall - urnish the enzineere and ineoectors reasonable facilities for obtainin; such information as may be necessary to ^ive them .ull information at all times respecting the pro- -10 0;,r, i � ff t�t'th�`s`t�4L 11 1 • 0 • D 11 Press and manner of the work and the character of the materials. PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS: The Contractor snall not disturb any monuments or stakes found on the line of the improvements until ordered by the City Engineer, and re shall bear the expense of resetting any monu- merits or stakes which may be disturbed without orders. ORSI;RVII]; CITY Oi0INLdiCLS: Tne Contractor shall observe all the ordinances o the City of L1 Se;unao in relation to the obstruction of streets, ,peeping open passazevaays and protectin� the same .:here they are ex- posed or dan= rerous to travel, and such other ordinances as relate to the comfort and convenience oi the public. BARRIER ?S, LIGHTS, ,Er_'O -: TLe Contractor shall take all necessary measures to protuect the work and prevent accidents aurinm construction. 3e shall provide and raintain all necessary barriers, guaras, temporary bridges, watc men and lights. CROSS `T =uE1S: No more than one cross street mall be closed at any one time. 2UBLIC UTILITIES: In case it shoul« be necessary to move the property oi any owner o-- a public utility or _`ranchise, = - -uch owner r irl, upon proper application by the Contractor be noti_�ied by the Street Superperin- dent to move such property .. iteir. a specifieu reaso cable tire, and the Contractor snall not lnteriere •..'ith said pro ) ert -- until after the expiration of the time specified. The ri_ht is reserved to the owners or public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street or the purpose of making repairs or chances of their property thwt may be made necessary by the ;rork. 2,rie City shall aleo Gave the orivilere o1 entering upon the street -.or the pu ^;pose o_ repairin_> se *mere ana water pipes, or making -11- • 34), house connections therewith, or repairin; culverts or storm .drains . LOSS OR DAIG,' =E: All loss or da.maoe arising from any unforeseen obstruction or di_�liculties ^rhien may be encountered in the prosecution o- the work, or from • any action of the elements, prior to sinal acceptance of the work, or from any act or omission not authorized by tneee specilications, on the part of the Contractor or any agent or person employed by him, shall be sustained b, the Contractor. ARPECTIVE JOr'?,i` : No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accented in consequence of the failure of any officer o._ the City or inspector connected with the work to point out said defects or deficiency during construction, and the Con- tractor shall correct any imperleet zrork, whenever dis- covered, before the final acceptance of the work. PROTECTIOIJ OF WO.tK AND CL;,BENG UP: 1'he Contractor s:.all care for all ,-cork until final completion and acceptance. Re -.hall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. FETAL INS2LCTIOi,: T1le Contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent .Then he desires a final in- soection of the work, when the latter ziill, as soon • as possible, make the necessary examination, ana ii the work is sound in compliance with these specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the Contractor with a certificate to that effect. ALLOUFABLF. VARIATIO!': ,'hen in the specifications • a maximum or minimum, eithrr in size, percentage or _12- • thickness, or relatin-z to quality or character or other ;iattrr, is allowed or prescribed, the work shall be accented as in compliance therewith ii *within such maximum or minimum so allowed_ hereby. DLFIRITIOidS. �`rheneve-r the vrora "City" is used in these specifications it re ers to the City of E1 Segundo, California. ,then the -cord "Contractor" is used in these soeci- Lications, it refers to the jarty or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. rdhenever Lhe wvoras "Street Suoerintendent" or "City Enzzineer" are used in t,.ese specifications, they refer reeoectively to the Street Superintendent or the Cit,"r En -,sneer of the City of El Sesundo, or their authorized agents or insoectors. SEC'TIOTI 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adontion of this resolution and shall cause the same to be entered into the hook of Resolution of said City, and he shall make a minute of the paeEage thereof in the records of the proceedin32 of the Board oi 'rustees of said City, in the minutes oL the meetlnz at vrnich the same is gassed and adoptea. 'assed, approved anu adopted this 26th day of Ja=- ry, n.D., 1921. AT'iI'S i® �/ _ �.. -13- - .i 4. . �i`�1.�.!!.0. IN President o_ the Board Xf � rustees of the i,ity oz El Se undo, California. 32 S'IATE O! CALI, JR,'la 1 ) COUNTY OF LOS AN)i1LES ) SS. 1 CITY OP LL SEGUNDO 3 I, Victor D. 1.cCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Se7um o, California, do hereby certify that the iore- aoin-- .esolution, being 3esolution I,o. ,3 ;as passed and adopted by the Board of irusiees of the City oS El Se¢undo, Cali ornia, signed by the 2reeident of said Board and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 26th day of Janu ?ry, A.D., 19`,1, and that the same was oaseed and adopted by the follo,�ing vote, to-wit: ( SLU ) AY'ES, :rustees:Binder, Bryson, Davis,Smiley& Ruegger. NOES, .ructees: None. .ABSENT,frustees: None. -14- City Clew of he `ity of El Segundo, Cali orn�a.