NO. 7, 510_3 'iHE 001d3T3UCTION OP CEKENT CUnBS ,dITHIra
BE IT'_-tESOL ED by the Board of Trustees of
the City of El Se;-undo, California, that the iollow-
ing specifications, to be known as specifications
bio. 7, for the construction of cement curbs in the
City of E1 Segundo, California, be, and the same are
hereby adopted:
The worx herein provided or is to be done in
accordance ,,iith the plane, protzles ana cross - sections
on file in the office of the City Enineer of the City
o_ L1 Se -undo, and all work shall, during its progress
and on its completion, conrorm to the lines and levels
,7 ;�,ic'r_ may, from time to time, be given by said City
En inee-r.
'RADIInG r0U1.DA"IJ_�.
The foundation shall be brought to the proper
gr::de and all sort or spongy material shall be re-
moved to a depth of six (n) inches beloi.• said grade and
• replaced with ,gravel of a quality that will pack when
moistened. This -ravel shall then be moistened and the
• nees
foundation tamped or rolled until it is solid.
The material to be suoplied in ease of a fill
be good earth and the sill shall be built up in
Dntal layers not e ceeain, one foot eacn in thic!:-
each layer to be well pacxed oy rollin„ or tamping.
} t �
Before placing any curb upon a ill, the fill shall
be hooded with water in order to thorouzhly settle
In all cases where the soil upon which the
cement curb is to be load is adobe, it shall be re-
moved to the proper depth, as specified hereinafter,
below the sub - grade, and the space _filled to sub-
grade with the material described hereinafter, vrhich
shall be thorou >hly compacted by ramming or rolling.
When river gravel or sand is used for filling
to sub -grade the extra excavation in adobe shall be
not less than two (2) inches; when sandy shales or
other local non - swelling soils are used the extra ex-
cavation shall be not less than lour (4) inches.
Unless otherwise mown upon the plans, profiles
or cross sections, curbs shall be of two classes, to
be known as Class A Curb and Class B Curb, each of
which shall have dimensions as follows;
Class A Curb shall be six (6) inches wide on
top before iinishins, ten (10) inches wide on the
bottom, and eiThteen (18) inches deep, and shall have
a batter o_ three (3) inches on The front face and a
batter o_ one (1) inch on the rear iace.
Class B Curb shall be five (5) inches wide on
• too before finishinz, nine (9) inches wide on the
bottom, End fifteen (15) inches deep, and snall have
a batter of two and one -half (2 -1/2) inches on the
front face and one and one -half (1 -1/2) inches on the
rear face.
she radii of all curb returns shall be eight (8)
• feet at street intersections and three (3) feet at
alley intersections, unless otherwize shown on the
above mentioned plan:: or profiles.
• Cement curbs shall be constructed of a cement
concrete body and a cement mortar finishing coat.
Cement concrete shall be composed of:
One (1) part of Portland cement,
Three (3) parts of sand or stone screening,,,
Five (5) parts of screened gravel or broken
Cement mortar finishing coat shall be com?oeed
One (1) part of Portland cement,
One and one -half (1 -1/2) parts of coarse,
sharp, screened sand.
A sack of cement weighing not less than 94 pounds,
net weizht, shall be held to have a volume or one cubic
Cement: All cement used shall be Portland cement,
and must conform to the follo %-7ina requirements and be
subject to the following tests, which will be open to
the Contractor and will be made by the methods and under
• the conditions prescribed by the American Society for
testing materials in specifications - C 9 -17.
(a) Consistency: All cement for set tests, test
pats and neat briquettes will be mixed with sufficient
water to reduce the cement to normal consistency as pre -
scribed by the said American Society for testing mater-
ials. Neat briquettes rill be pressed into the molds
by hand, and the mortar briquettes will be compacted
by light tapping. Mortar briquettes shall be mixed
to a state of plasticity corresponding as nearly as
possible to normal consistency in neat briquettes.
(b) Fineness: The cement must be evenly around,
• and when tested with the following standard sieves,
must pass at least the followin; percentages by weight:
to. 100 sieve, having 100 meshes per lineal inch-
Teo. 200 sieve, having 200 meshes per lineal inch-
(c) Time of Setting: It shall develop initial
set in not less than thirty minutes, but must develop
hard set in not less than one hour nor more than ten
(d) Tensile Strength: Neat briquettes one (1)
inch square in section shall attain a minimum tensile
strength as follows:
At 24 hours in moist air . . . . . . . . . . . 175 lbs.
At 7 days ( 1 day in most air, 6 aays in
water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 lbs.
At 28 dale ( 1 day in moist air, 27 days in
water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 lbs.
Briquettes one (1) incn square in section, made
of one part of cement to three (3) parts of standard
testing sang, shall attain a minimum tensile strength
• as follows:
At 7 days ( 1 day in moist a1P, 6 days in water)...200 lbs.
At 28 days ( 1 day in moist air, 27 days in water)300 Abe.
The sand test must in all eases show an increase
in strength at 28 days over the 7 day tests.
(e) SOUNDNESS: Pats of neat cement, about three
• (3) inches in diameter, one -hall (1/2) inch thick at the
center, and tapering to a thin edge, will be ke,,at in
moist air for a period of twenty -four (24) hours.
A pat will then be kept in air at normal temper-
ature and observed at intervals for at least twenty-
eisht (2o) days.
Another pat will, after having been kept twenty-
four hours in moist air, be placed in water at normal
temperature. The water small then be heated to boil-
ing temperature and maintained there for three (3)
These pats, to satisfactorily pass the require-
ments, must remain iirm ana hard, and must show no
sizns of distortion, checking, cracking, blotching or
Samples of the cement proposed to be used upon any
piece of work shall, upon request, be furnished to the
City Engineer, for test, and any cement, the samples
of which do not come up to the required standard, shall
be i:.mediately removed lrom the work,Q+*+%��
A c.�o o h taro + rG
S dD: All sand must be free srom oil or organic
matter, and must not contain more than five (5) per
cent by wei >ht of clay or silt. Not less than ninety
(90) per cent by wei -ht of the sand shall pass a screen
having four (4) meshes to the lineal inch; at least
thirty -five (35) per cent, but not more than ei_�hty-
five (85) oer cent by wei�ht, shall be retained on a
screen having thirty (30) meshes to the lineal inch.
It shall be tested for organic impurities by the
colorimetric test as prescribed by the American
Society for testing materials.
SMETE SCRFENINxS: Stone ecreenin -2 shall be
such as are obtained in the crushing of clean, hard
and durable stone, and shall conform to the screening
sneciiications for sand.
GiiAVEL: Gravel shall be clean, hard, free from
more than five (5) per cent, by weisht, of sand, and
shall have sizes ranging from a quarter (1/4) inch
minimum up to such size as will pass a c -inen screen.
Not less than thirty (30) per cent of its volume shall
be material which will pass a three- quarter (3/4) inch
• screen.
All gravel shall be screened free of sand before
bean; brought uuon the work.
BtOKEN STO_dE: Broxen stone shall be the run of
the crusher, except, however, that not more than five
(5) per cent of its volume shall be material which will
pass through a quarter (1/4) inch mesh screen, and not
less than thirty (30) per cent o:: its volume shall be
material which will pass a three- quarter (3%4) inch
screen. It shall be clean, hard and durable in quality,
and shall range in size from the minimum noted above
up to that which will pass a 2 -inch screen.
Mixing: All proportions shall be obtained by
actual measurement in boxes, and no material shall be
used 7hich '-as not been thus measured.
All mixing shall be done in suitable boxes or
upon tizht plat-forms or in mixers. got more than one
cubic yard of concrete shall be mixed or wet at a time.
• In the process of mixin= the concrete, unless a
mixer is used, the broLen stone shall be spread in a
regular layer not over ten (10) inches in depth on the
platform; upon tnis stone s-"-.all be uniiormly spread the
required amount of sand and upon the sand shall be
uniiormly spread the required amount of cement. ne
• whole mass shall then be thoroughly mixed by turning at
least three (3) times dry. Water shall then be added
<> r
e3 i
• in a Fine spray and the mass turned twice wet, not
including shoveling into wheelbarrows, after which it
shall be immediately placed in position in layers not
exceeding six (6) inches in thickness and tamped and
rammed until it is thoroughly compacted and until
• free mortar appears on the surface.
If a continuous mixer is used, the sand and Gravel
or sand ana broken rock, must be measured and mixed by
turninz once upon the ground before bean; placed in the
mixer, unless eoecial and satisfactory provision is :Wade
in the mixer for obtaining the proper proportions oz the
dry materials.
If a baton mixer is used, the mixer shall be
ehar7ed in the same manner as the continuous miler or
by the use of wheelbarrows or other satisfactory measur-
imz devices.
Should a deficiency o' mortar exist, it shall be
remedied by varying the oroportio;.s of fine and coarse
^ravel or broken stone, and not by adding a greater
portion of sand.
A sinzle line of stones each of r- maximum szize
of i ou-r inones
the aounaation
be a minimum s
such stone ano
either face of
in zreatestdimensions
o1 the curb, proviaed
)ace of at leas lour
the next stone or two
the curb. '2. e use o�
mad be laid along
that there mall
inches between any
(2) inches to
old concrete or
other material inferior in hardness to the -ravel will
not be permitted.
ido concrete shall be used thct shows evidence o
having set, or that has become uniit !or --ood work from
standing too to ,iT, or from any other cause, ana no
remixi: of concrete will be allowed.
• the concrete body shall not be allowed to become
dry prior to placing the finishing coat. NO more
concrete body shall be placed at any one time than
is to be covered and completed at one practically
continuous operation in the same day.
The iinishin� coat shall be thoroushly mixed
by turning at least three times dry. It shall then
be wet, turned twice and immediately put in place
as hereinafter described. — -
After the concrete bogy of the curb has been
thoroughly rammed, the too of the curb, the face to
a depth of twelve inches (unless otnerl�,e shown on
the olans, gro_iles or cross Sections) ana the back to
a. aepth of approximately two inches shall receive a
inishin' coat of the 10110',71 nz thickness; On the top
not less than one -half (1/2) inch, and on the face and
back not less th-n one - quarter (1/4) inch.. The ainish-
in_r coat shall be well floated and thorou-nly troweled
into the body of the concrete, so as to ?orm one com-
pact mass, free from voids or loose spaces, and shall
then be smoothly polished and marked olf with vertical
jiints into blocns o. uni -orm lenztn not leas than two
and one -halt (2 -1/2) nor more then 'i font
4 Xiztf)
() feet in len-til, The finished curb must show
a true straight face and top o uni orm width, free
from hums, says, or other inequali ies. .hen a strai -_ht
ed e five (5) feet long is laid upon the face or top
of the c.Arb, the surface, except at grade chan es or
curves, shall at no plsce vary more than one - quarter
(1/4) inch from the true edlge o the straight ed?e.
3 (i
Planks used as forms for the curb shall be of a
width equal to the full depth of the curb, they must
be held rigidly in place, and the finished curb must
present true lines.
Curb plank shall not be stripped from the body of
• the curb in less than one -hall hour after the concrete
body is tamped into place, and the rear curb plank shall
be maintained in place until the face of the curb has
been plastered.
At all returns an expansion joint shall be placed
at the end of curb returns and twenty (20) feet therefrom,
or along other lines shown on the plan. This joint shall
consist of three eighths (318) inch composition board
made O. two (2) layerz Oi felt or paper and a filler
of asphalt, shaped to the cross section of the curb and
placed at ri;ht angles to the curb grade. ohere curb
is built over a new kill more than three (3) zeet in
depth, joints 01 similar composition board not less than
one - ourth (1/4) inch in thickness, shaped to the cross
section of the curie, shall be set at every third block
marking, at r1Rht angles to the curb grade.
The Contractor shall stamp his name on all work
done by r_im at intervals of not more than one hundred
feet on continuous work, and not less than once on each
job of less than one hundred feet in length. The letters
shall not be smaller than three - quarters (3/4) of an inch
• in height, and Of proportional width. They must be sunken
and of a dept2 of not less than one- quarter (1/4) of an
The curb must be protected -rom the aun, wind and
from frost, and shall be thoroughly waterea for ten days
after completion.
• The Contractor shall repair at his own expense any
damage to curbs, Putters or cross -walks caused by him
in the in the performance of the work.
40RK: The Contractor shall, for the price bid,
furnish all the materials and per orm all the labor
necessary to execute the work in every respect in a
• thorouxh, workmanlike manner, in accordance Pith the
clans and specifications and to the satisfaction of
the Street Superintendent.
LIATERIxLS AND SALM S: All materials must be
of the soeeified quality and iully equal to samples
when samples are required. The Contractor shall fur-
nish to the City hnaineer for test, whenever called
for and free of char_te, samples of all the materials
proposed to be used in the work. Rejected material
must be immediately removed from the work by the Con -
LABOR: Any overseer, superintendent, laborer,
or other person employed on the work by the Contrac-
tor, who shall perform his work in a mann ,_r contrary
to these specifications -hall be discharged immediate-
ly, ana such person shall not gain be employed on the
^�'iIi'.�TIOIS OF aROUIZD: Bidders must examine and
judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed
work, the nature of the excavation to be made and the
• work to be done.
SE'TIi; STAKES: The Contractor shall give twenty -
four (24) hours' notice in writin7 when he ,,ill require
the service of the City ingineer for laying out any
portion oi the work.
He shall dig all stake holes necessary to dive
. lines ana levels. T:e contractor mall preserve all
stakes set ;or the lines, levels or measurements of the
work in their proper places until authorized to remove
them by the City En?ineer, and any expense incurred in
replacing said stakes which the Contractor or his sub-
ordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne
by the Contractor.
PLAIT xLiT') SPECI_ICATI01IS: The Contractor shall
keep upon the work a copy of the plans and speci ica-
tions, and access thereto shall at all times be accord-
ed the En- sneer.
IIIS2,3CTJRS: The Contractor shall prosecute work
only in the presence of an engineer or an inspector
appointed by the Street Superintendent and any work done
in the absence of said engineer or inspector shall be
subject to rejection. The Contractor shall furnish the
engineers and inspectors reasonable facilities or ob-
tainin such information as may be necessary to give
them `ull information at all times respectin the pro -
e-resz and manner of the zrork and the character oi the
PRESERVATION 0� EODUKEETS: The Contractor shall
not disturb any monuments or staxes sound on the line
of the improvements until ordered by the City La;sineer,
and he shall bear the exoense of re,ettin> any monuments
or stakes -:hick may be disturbed without orders.
OBSERVIN13 CITI ORDINdiTCES: Tne Contractor shall
observe all the ordin -noes o_ the City, of E1 Se -undo in
relation to the obstruction of streets, xeepin; open
passageways 4.nd protectincr the same where they are ex-
posed or dan -,erous to travel, end suc.i other ordinances
as relate to the comfort and convenience o_ the public.
BARRIERS, LICRTS, ETC.: The Contractor shall
take all necessary measures to protect the work ana pre-
vent accidents during construction. I3e shall provide
and maintain all necessary barriers, guards, temporary
bridges, watchmen and lights.
CROSS MEETS: No more than one cross street
shall be closed at any one time.
ABLIC UTILITIES: In case it should be necessary
to move the property of any owner of a public utility
• or i'ranchise, such owner will, upon proper application
by toe Contractor, be notiA ed by the Street Superin-
teadent to move such property within a specified reason-
able time, and the Contractor shall not interfere with
said property until aster the expiration of the time
The right is reserved to the owners of public
utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for
the purpose of making repairs or changes of their
property that may be made necessary by the work. The
Oity shall also have the ,privilege of enterine upon the
street for the purpose of reoairina sewers and water
pipes, or making rouse connections therewith, or re-
Dairia, culverts or storm drains.
LOSS OR DARiaCF,: ill lose or dama3e arisen, from
any uniorseen obstruction or di ficulties which may be
encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from any
action of the elements, prior to final acceptance of the
worx, or Irom any act or omission not authorized by these
s)eciiicatlons, on the part of the Contractor or any
agent or oerson employed by him, wall be sustained by
• the Contractor.
DEPECTI& , 0z&: to work which may be delec live
in its construction, or deficient in any o the require-
ments of these specliicationz, will be considered as
accented in consequence o� the failure oi any ofsicer
of the City or inspector connected with the work to point
• out said detects or deficiency durin> construction, and
the Contractor shall correct any imperfect work, when-
ever discovered, before the final acceptance of the work.
for shall care for all work until linal completion and
acceptance. -Te shall remove all surplus material and
rubbish from the work after its completion and before
he makes application for the acceptance of the work.
HITAL I1322ECTITi:: The Contractor shall notify
the Street Superintendent when he desires a final
inspection of the work, when the latter will, &s soon
as possible make the necessary examination, and if the
work is found in compliance with these specifications,
the Street Superintendent will furnish the Contractor
with a certificate to that effect.
ALLOJABI, E J LiLITIOIT: 4dhen in the specifications
a maximum or minimum, either in size, percentage or
thickness, or relating to quality or character or otner
matter, is allowed or prescriLed, the work shall be
accented as in comoliance therewith a within such
maximum or minimum so allowed hereby.
DEI'I!4=0,dS: dhenever the word "City" is used
in these soecii'ications it refers to the City of El
Segundo, California.
,' ,'hen the o--d "Contractor" is used in these
sneci ications, it
refers to the
party or parties
the second part in
the asreement
for the construction
of the work herein
Whenever the
worde "Street
"City En;ineer" are
ueea in these
refer resoectively
Io the Street
Superintendent or
City En?lneer o: tr:e
City Of El Segundo,
or tneir
authorized aaents or
The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and
adoption of this resolution and shall cause the same to
be entered into the Book of Resolutions of said City,
and he shall make a minute of the passage thereof, in
the records of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees
of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the
same is passed and adopted.
Passed, approved and adopted this 26th day of
January, A.D., 1921.
President of the Board o-
Trustees of the City of E1
Segundo, Calirornia.
City rk.
COUNTY 01' LOS A i"=ES ) SS.
I, Victor D. LcCarthy, City Clerk o the City of
E1 Segundo, Cali ornia, do hereby certisy that the fore -
zoing ; esolution, being Resolution No. 32 was passed
and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of
11 Segundo, Calil-ornia, sired by the President of said
Board and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular
• meetin of the said Hoard held_ on the 26th day of
January, A.D., 1921, and that the same was passed and
adopted by the following vote, to -grit:
AYES, irli° tees: Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley & Ruege3
liOES, Trustees: None.
ABSERT',Truetees: None.
• 15 o
City Clers of of
(SLj i,l Segundo, Cali