CC RESOLUTION 27RESOLU'TIOi: TdOw 27 A RESOLU1IOD OF 2HE BOAkD OF 1RUSTEES Oi' 'TEE CI`T'Y OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFa -u,IA, ADOP'TIiTG 62ECIFICATIO113 i,VIBER 4 FOR THE CW6TRU01JOiI Olt CONCxL4311E PAVr t" &,, TS. BE IT RESOLYED by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, that the following specifications, to be known as Specifications dumber 4 for the con- struction of concrete pavements within the City of El Segundo, oe and the same are hereby adopted. SECTION 1. GENERAL R121QUIR&LENTS: All work shall be executed in every respect in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The Contractor shall preserve all stakes set for the lines, levels or measurements of the work in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the City ingineer, and any expense incurred in replacing said stakes which the Contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the Contractor. Any overseer, superintendent, laoorer, or other person employed on the work by the Contractor, who shall perform his work in a manner contrary to these specifications, shall be discharged immediately and such person shall not again be em- ployed on the work. All loss or damage arising from any unfor- seen obstruction or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from any action of the elements, or from any act or omission, not authorized by these specifica- tions, on the part of the Contractor, or any agent or person employed by him, shall oe sustained by the Contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications -1- n� Y will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the city or Inspector connected with the work to point out said defects or deficiency during construction, and the Contractor shall correct any imperfect work, whenever discovered, before the final acceptance of the work. The Contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by this contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and materials, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations, and to the satisfaction of of the Superintendent of Streets. Bidders must examine and fudge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the exca- vation to be made, and the work to be done. The Contractor shall give twenty -four (24) hours' notice in writing when he will require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The Contractor shall not disturo any monuments or stakes found on the line of the improvements until ordered by the City Engineer, and he shall bear the expense of resetting any monuments or stakes which may be disturbed without orders. The Contractor shall remove at his own expense all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making the proposed improvements. No more than one cross street shall oe closed at any one time. The Contractor shall observe all the Ordinances of the City of El Segundo, in relation to the obstructions of -2- streets, keeping open passageways, and protecting the same where they are exposed and would be dangerous to public travel. He shall also erect and keep erected, by day and night, a fence or proper oarrier along the line of the work and across the ends of the same, in order to guard the dublic effectively from danger of falling into trenches, or from upsetting their vehicles against the earth thrown u2 during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the barriers, from sunset until sunrise, and a watchman employed as additional security whene-er the same may be needed. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper a_)plieation by the Contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the Contractor shall not inter- fere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes of their property that may become necessary by the work. The City shall also have the privilege of entering upon the street for the purpose of repairing sewers, or making house -drain connections there- with, or repairing culverts or storm drains. The Contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion, and before he mazes application for the acceptance of the work. The Contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the -3- latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the aoove specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the Contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these speci- fications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specefied. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent ", or "City Engineer ", are used in these specifications, they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent or the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, or their authorized agents or inspectors. When in the specifications a maximum and minimum, either of size, percentage or thickness, or relating to quality or Ohgracter, or other matter is allowed or prescribed, the work shall be accepted as in compliance therewith, if within such maximum or minimum so allowed hereby. The Contractor shall supply all materials of whatsoever nature necessary to complete and finish the work. SECTION 2. HATERIALS: Cement where specified, shall be Portland Cement, shall be received on the job in sacks filled at the cement factory and each containing not less than ninety -four (94) pounds net, of cement. Said sack of cement shall be deemed to have a volume of one (1) cubic foot. The City Engineer shall have authority to require any lot of cement to be held in storage until seven day tests can be completed, where the cement is of a brand not previously tested by him, or where previous samples of the same brand tested by him have fallen below the require- ments herein set forth. The 3oard of 2uolic Plorks shall nave the authority to require the reconstruction of work in which cement has oeen used which subsequent tests show to be -4- not in conformity with requirements. All cement shall meet the following requirements, and shall be tested therefor in accordance with Specifications C 9 -17 of the American Society for Testing :,Materials. (a) Fineness. The residue on a 200 -mesh screen shall not exceed twenty -two (22) per cent by weight. (b) Soundness. A pat of cement paste aoout three (3) inches in diameter and one -half (1`2) inch in thick- ness at the center, tapering to a thin edge, stored in moist air for twenty -four (24) hours, and then kept in an atmosphere of steam at ninety -eight (98) to one hundred (100) degrees Centigrade for five (5) hours, shall show no signs of distortion, cracking, checking or disiute ration. (c) Time of getting. The Cement shall not develop initial set in less than forty -five (45) minutes when tested with a 7icat needle, nor in less than sixty (60) minutes when tested with a Gilmore needle. Final set shall oe attained within ten (10) hours. (d) Tensile Strength. The average tensile strength in pounds per square inch of not less than three (3) mortar oriquettes, composed of one (1) part by weight, of Cement and three (3) parts, by weight, of Standard Ottawa sand, shall be not less than the following: iE Sam MMY Test Storage of 3riquettes Lbs. per Sq. In. 7 days, 1 day in moist air, 6 days in water 200 28 " , 1 day in moist air, 27 days in water 300 Me avera;e tensile strength in twenty - eight (26) days shall oe greater than the avera•e tensile sues tii in seven (7) days. C0!CKE2i d&zL: Sand for concrete work shall not contrain more than three (3) per cent oy wez nt of mica. -5- ­J The sand shall not lose more than five (5) per cent oy weight, when tested for clay and silt, in the manger provided for in these specifications. not less than ninety (90) percent, oy weight, shall pass a 1/4 inch screen; at least lefty (50) per cent, but not more than ei;hty -five (85) per cent, oy weight, shall oe retained on a 30 -mesh screen. An average of three (3) briquettes, one inch square in section, made of one (1) part Portland Cement, conformity to these specifications, and three (3) parts of concrete sand, shall attain a minimu: tensile strength In seven (7) days equal to ninety (90) per cent of the avera,;e tensile strength of three lice oriquettes of the same proportions, made with the same cen.ent and 3 tandard Ottawa band. CUSNIX S!jD: Nand for cushion under concrete on adooe and other swelling soils small contain less than ten (10) per cent, oy weiSht, of silt and shall all pass a 1/2 inch screen. ii..iMu e!LD x'03 jIll 02 C!"Y: `resting sand for silt or clay shall oe done in the followin;; >>ianner: One (1) kilogram of dry sand shall is placed in a sixteen (lei) inch standard gold pan, c3vered nearly to the rin with crater, stirred and agitated gently but thoroughly with the hand and allowed to settle for thirty (30) seconds. The water shall ten be poured off uniformly in fifteen (15) seconds. This washing process shall be repeated until immediately after stirring, standard six (6) point news print may be ea.i ly read through five (5) centimeters of water. The water small then be drained off, the sand dried and weighed, and the loss determined by the difference in the weight. -6- GROEL 0 _,� 3ROK> i' 620x1Z: Gravel or broken stone shall consist of clean, hard, water -worn peobles, crushed ooulders or both and shall all pass a two (2) inch mesh screen, i,ot less than thirty -five (35), nor more than fifty (50) per cent, by weight, shall pass a 1`4 inch mesh screen. The coarse agareoate shall range in size from 1/4 inch to two inches in greatest dimension and no intermediate sizes shall oe removed. It shall all consist of clean, hard, tough, durable rock of a quality satisfactory to the Street Superintendent. .1AT:R: All water used in mixing concrete shall be clean, free from oil, organic or other deleterious matter. When a mechanical mixer is used all water shall be measured with an accurate water measuring device. HEADLRS: Whenever the pavement does not terminate against a curb, gutter or other pavement, the Contractor shall provide and lay upon the line of said termination, a header of sound plank two (2) inches in thickness, and of a width not less than the thickness of the pavement. The top edge of the plank shall conform with the street cross section when finished. Said headers shall be con- sidered a necessary part of the pavement and shall re- main in place until replaced by permanent improvement, unless otherwise noted on the plans for the pavement. . .5011, 13 OR SID.& 312RIPS: The forias shall be of two (2) inch sound timber free from warp, the thickness of the pavement, one edge planed straight. They shall be set true to the required lines and grades, and held in place by stakes of such size and length and set at -7- such intervals as may be necessary to insure rigidity, The forms are not to be removed, but are to remain as part of the completed work. The forms shall be thoroughly wetted or oiled before any concrete is deposited against them. Whenever it is necessary to stop work, even at noontime, the work must be completed up to a form placed across the road bed. SECTION 3. ROUGH GRUING: Shall include all filling, the removal of all earth, stone or other material of whatever nature it may be, that may be encountered in preparing the street for the improve- ments to be made. Plowing or excavating sound material shall not be done to a depth greater than six (6) inches below pavement subgrade, or the finished grade where no pavement is to be constructed. Uot more than one -half (1/2) mile in length of the road - way of any street shall be plowed up in advance of pavement base, except where there are car tracks on the street, in which case one side shall be held intact until the construction of pavement base has begun on the other side. On any street where the improvement of the roadway is specified, the rough grading in any block shall be completed and the surface leveled up approximately to final subgrade or grade oefore the construction of any cement work is begun in such block. Excavated material, not required for fills, shall oe removed from the street as soon as excavated. FILLING: The space over which fills are to be made, shall first be cleared of all brush, timber -6- trash, or debris. 911 filling shall be done with good sound earth or gravel, and no oil cake or other lumpy material, or material of a perishalle, spongy or otherwise improper nature, shall be used in filling. No Pills shall be widened by dumping loose material over their slopes. :Fills shall be made in layers not exceeding one (1) foot in depth. Each layer, after being leveled off, shall be thoroughly dampened, and while still moist throughout, shall be rolled with a steam or gasoline roller weighing not less than four hun- dred (400) pounds per linear inch width of tire, until hard and unyielding. Any part of a fill which cannot be reached with a steam or gasoline roller and rolled as here - inbefore required, shall be placed in layers not exceeding (4) inches in thickness, dampened and then compacted with heavy iron tampers or with a hand roller weighing not less than twenty -five (25) pounds per linear inch width of tire; when the fill cannot be reached by the roller, and when no concrete is to be placed on the fill, the material may be brought up in two (2) foot layers and each layer flooded with six (6) inches depth of water. .dhen a fill is to be widened, the new material shall be bonded to the old by cutting steps into the existing slope and by bringing up the layers as specified above* tiVhen special flooding is required, the Con- tractor shall perform the same in accordance with the requirements as specified on the plans. 10D All!) 50rT EATERIAL: When mud, or other soft or spongy material is encountered, it shall be -9- t, removed and the space filled with gravel or good earth, which shall be placed in layers and rolled as hereinbefore set forth for fills, until the surface ceases to move or creep under the roller. The Contractor will not be required, in such cases, to excavate mud or other soft or spongy material to a depth greater than two (2) feet below grade. 'Whenever any area is too wet to permit of thorough rolling, the Contractor shall wait until the material has dried sufficiently and then complete the rolling. SUBGRADE: After rough grading has been com- pleted, the surface of the street shall be brought to the required grade and cross section and the sub- grade prepared as follows: After a block or section has been graded to approximate grade, the surface of the roadway shall be trimmed, drenched with water and, while moist, rolled with a steam or gasoline roller weighing not less than four hundred (400) pounds per linear inch width of tire, until the surface is unyielding. Depressions made by rolling and ruts made by trucks and wagons shall be leveled up with good earth and rolled with a steam or gasoline roller weighing not less than two hundred twenty -five (225) pounds per linear inch width of tire. Portions of the road- way which cannot be reached by rollers shall be tamped solid. Whenever a fill is made of sand of a quality commonly known as "blow sand ", the sand shall be confined lateraly, so that it cannot move out from under the edges of the pavement. -10- S.L41) CUSHIJid: When the concrete pavement is to be laid upon adobe, or other swelling soils, a layer of cushion sand _hall be placed upon the sub -grade before the concrete is laid. This sand cushion shall be of a thickness and in such location as shown upon the plans. SECTION 4. CONCRuTE: The materials for con- crete shall be proportioned as follows: One (1) sack of cement and two and one -half (2 -2-) cubic feet of sand or stone screenings and three and one -half (3=2) cubic feet of gravel or broken st.)ne and a maxirnum: of forty two (42) ;allons of water. L:EASURIiu x L AT.dHr1LS : For machine mixing, sand or stone screenings and gravel or broken stone, shall be measured in wheelbarrows which, when struck with a straight edge resting upon tre sides shall have the capacity necessary to accurately maint,An the above proportions. For hand mixing, the sand or stone screenings and gravel or broken stone shall be measured in boxes haven; the following dimensions: One (1) foot by three (3) feet by five (5) feet for sand or stone screenings in all concrete and one(1) foot by three (3) feet by seven (7) feet for gravel or broken stone. Every wheelbarrow load or box full of material used must be struck with a straight edge as above specified. Said material shall be measured loose, without shaking or compacting. -11- " '8 in Cement sacks as above specified shall be dumped directly into the mixer or upon the other material previously measured upon a mixing platform. The water necessary for every batch shall be accurately measured with an apparatus which will Positively prevent the use of more water than above Specified. 110 mixer shall be used which is not pro- vided with an accurate water measuring apparatus. LIIXING CO.uCIC&TL: Machine mixing shall oe done with batch mixers only. For Class B and for Class C concrete the mixer shall be charged with one (1) sack of cement and sufficient sand or stone screenings and gravel or broken stone to conform with the proportions herein - before stated. For Class A concrete, only, the mixer may be charged with either one (1) or two (2) sacks of cement and the specified amount of sand or stone screenings and gravel or broken stone. Sufficient water, not in excess of the quantity above specified, shall oe added to produce a plastic or quaking concrete which can be handled without causing a separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar. The mixer drum shall have a speed of not less than thirteen (13) revolutions per minute and every batch of concrete shall be mixed in the drum of the mixer not less than sixty (60) secons before any portion of the batch is discharged from the said drum. At least seventy -five (75) seconds must elapse between the placing of successive batches in the-mixer, FLaIID III?CING: ilhere concrete is mixed by hand one (1) box of gravel or broken stone shall be placed on a tight platform, not less than ten (10) feet wide and twelve (12) feet long. Upon the gravel or broken -12- stone shall be placed one (1) box of sand or stone screenings and upon this shall be placed the re- quired number of sacks of cement. The inspector shall be given the opportunity to check the number of sacks of cement on each batch before the sacks are opened. The mass shall be turned with shovels (2) tines dry and two (2) times wet, not including shoveling into wheelbarrows. During every turning the concrete shall be thoroughly and constantly raked. The specified amount of water shall be supplied in a spray during the wet turns. REt.IXIEG CONCRETE: No concrete shall be used which has partially set, and no concrete shall be retempered or remixed. SECTION 5. PLACING: The concrete shall be spread upon a thoroughly dampened subgrade prepared as above. The concrete shall be tamped and patted until the surface is covered with mortar. Such devices and methods shall then oe used as are necessary to bring the surface of the concrete to true and even grade and to the established cross section. FINISHING: The surface shall then be finished with a wooden float until smooth, uniform and dense. EXPAITSION JOIJTS shall be constructed where and as indicated on the plans. The pavement shall be provided with transverse expansion joints spaced not over twenty -five (25) feet apart, and running at right angles with the -13- center line of the road. The joint shall be formed by embedding in the pavement at the time it is laid, a "Carey" expansion joint or other expansion joint equally satisfactory, one - quarter (1/4) inch in thickness, to oe set in a vertical position. The asphaltic felt shall extend the full width and depth of the concrete pavement. The top of the asphaltic felt shall be left flush with the surface of the con- crete pavement. SSCTIJ.I 6. CURIius: Durin.- the first fourteen days (14) after placing, the concrete shall be kept covered with wet earth by impoundin., water within a series of earth dams and earth banks across the pavement and along the sides of the pavement, constructed at such locations and in such a manner as the Street Superintendent itiay direct. SEC'IHOJ 7. ClasUllT3 UP: jefore final inspection the Contractor shall remove all earth or debris from the pavement and from the street and leave the street in a condition satisfactory to the Street Superintendent. The City Clerz shall certify to the passage of this resol,tion and shall cause the same to us entered in the nook of Resolutions in the City of z;1 L�egundo, and shall maze a minute of the passa,;e thereof in the record of the meetin, at which the same is p ssed. -149 This resolution shall take effect 1ifl,ledlate- • Passed and approved this day of 1920. C-M" L E g President of the 3oaij of Trustees of the City of �`l Segundo, Calif. Attest: City Clerk. -15- 6T 2,1 0-' CdLI �'0 ti1Id ) COU.12Y JJ WC; call .'c.. -,�� s$• C12'. rr ) 11' if uL a.u"a` u 2j)u ) I. Victor D. 1.cCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El 6e;Tundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoin resolution, being resolution iio. 27 was passed by the 3oard of Trustees of the City of 111 6egundo, signed by the .resident of said Doara, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a re?ular n,eetin; of the said Board 'held on the day of 1920, and that the same was passed oy the follocvin,; vote: 6: 2-"'LT u JJ .Pi 1rUS2h La City Clerk of the I of �1 Segundo, Cal. -16-