.::. 3E�.2, the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo,
Oa- ifernia, did, by Ordinance i;c. 54 of said Cit7, call and
order to be held In said city, a special election on the seco d
day of fentemrer, 1319, for the purpose of subraittin.- to the
qualified voters thereof, a certain proposition to incu:,s,,
bonded indebtedness by c id city in the sum of Twenty t, ,.ous«nd
dollars (,p20,000.00) for a municipal improvement, namely, a
public building, to -wit: a _'ub]ic assembly Tiall, and
.HE2EaS, said Bosrd of Trustees di,j, by Ordin�zice iao.
5' of said City, call and order to be held in said city on the
said second day of September, 1919, a special election for the
ourooce of submitting to the oualified voters of said city, a
certain proposition for the annexation of that certain territory
he einafter described, to said City of rl Segundo, and
'"WHEREAS, under the provisions of said Ordinance Teo. 54,
said special elections hereinabove referred to were duly and
regularly consolidated in the manner provided by la;,,, and
,VHEREAS said Ordinances, and each of them, calling and
ordering said special elections so consolidated ae afore.—Ad,
k,ere published in form, time and manner as required by law, ,n)
posted as required in said Ordinances, as appears from
affidavits on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city,
;I3iyZAS, it ar)pears that said special consolidated
elect on was duly held in accordance with l.iw and said call, ar.d
that the ooils for said election were kept open duric tire tine
required by law, to- wit: from six o'clock a. i,i. until seven
o'clock ', it:. of said second day of Se Member, 1919, and th -t
said. special election was held and the votes thereat rec -ived,
canvassed, and the returns thereof detercdned and declared in
tLTMe, form and manner as required by the laws of the State of
California, and the ordinances of said city, and
„z ?E.tEAS, on dednesday, the third day of Septejrber,
1919, the Board of Trustees of said City of El Se;nu_do, alet
at their regulGr olace of meeting, bein- the first regular
meetinU of said Board after the holding of said election, Lnd
the receiving of said returns, and proceeded to, and did can-
vass the returns of said election as required by law, .ahere-
u)en the results of said election hiving; been found to be e
hereinafter stated, it is hereby,
2:,SOL`VL ), Dt:TE RI:IIdED and DECLiLIED as follows:
(1) That the propositions which were seo"ratell
voted upon at said special consolidated election iere the pro-
positions hereinafter set forth: The first propoaitlorn was
stated ae follows:
"SHALL TH,, CITY OF ".0 `iGUhDO, Cn Ii Oi;1�Itl,
I- OUS._ND DOLL.,3.`_ (ti�20,X00.CO) i'O.i THE n2,-
The second proposition aaas stated ,ie follows:
TH T .0 T,,a T v S T r
Ln_:i L31:1 i1 l ._,IiOi.. _I U..tED IL THE
IN BOOK 36, PAGE 11 J 2 BIA1'S, jjECO_vDS OF
AV- ,
HE03.0'LR 02 B�.ID 010'J ITY,
EGIIWDO, C�,LIF03iiIr, ?"
2) That there was one election
C :LIi'0 ?S:Id,
�L S�.V1vLALD 1J
1ITY 02 LL
precinct xithin said
City of El Se?zundo, for the purp,)se of holding sa2.d special
election, to -wit: Special !',unieipel Election ?recinct ISO. 1,
consisting of the entire City of Ll Seeundo, lying within the
corporate boundaries thereof, as the same existed at the time
of holding said election.
(3) That the totalnumber of ballots cast at said Special
Consolidated i.uniciool Electioa on all propositions, was
Throe hundred seventeen (317) ballots.
(4) That the total number of votes east at said Soeci-:1
Coasolidr_ted Municipal Election on the fir.t proposition herein-
above referred to, to -:vit: The proposition for incurring a
bonded indebtedness by said city, eras Two iuun,dred ninety three
(29:7) votes.
(�) That the total number of votes c-iet thereat in f)vor
of said proposition ryas One hundred seventy two (17?) vpte
That the total number of votes cast thereat ,gain:t s�ia
proposition was One hundred twenty. one (1211 votes.
(6) That the total number of votes cast ,t said S�eci�l
Consolidated Lunicipal Election on the second proposition
hereinabove referred to, to- ^it: the proposition for the
annexation to said City of the property hereinabove described
',as Two hundred eighty tao (262) votes.
(7) That the total number of votes cast thereat in f_.vor
of said oroposition was i,vo .undred fifty one (251) votes.
That the total number of votes east thereat against
proposition was Thirty one (31) v,,tetz.
P t
The ballots marked "For Annexatinn" bein7 counted in favor
of such annexation, and the ballots marked '!against ..nnex,,tikln"
bung counted against said annexation.
33Rd1'03E, it is further resolved and deci: red, that
two- thirds of all the voters voting at said Special Cons)lidated
11unieipal :.leetion in sai3 City on said first proposition herel,i-
above referred to, to -wit: The proposition of iaQiirring a
bonded i debtedness by said City, having failed to vote in favo
of said proposition, the said proposition is hereby declared
to have been rejected by the sail voters of scid city, and no
bonds shall be issued under said proceedin }e.
And it is further resolved and declared that more
than a majority of the whole number of votes cast at said Ppec! 1
Cons�lid,°ted Munieip.,l Election on said second proposition
hereinabove referred to, to -wit: the proposition for the �ntiex-
ation of said territory hereinabove described, to said City ;f
E1 Segundo, were cast in favor of said annexation, and the seii
proposition for the annexation of said territory to salu' City
is hereby declared to have been rr_rried.
And be it further resolved that the City Clerk shall
enter this Resolution containing the cenvass, statement and
report of said election by this Board, in full in the :,mutes
of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted, and
shall make and c.rtify, under the seal of said city, 4 full,
true and correct copy of this Resolution, statement and report,
canvassing said returns, so entered upon said E:inutes, and
forthwith transmit the same to the Secretary of °torte of the
_ State of California, and a similar copy to the Board of Super-
visors of the County of Los ..n ,7eles, State of California, %11 i,,
the manner provided by l -w.
_nd be it further resolved that from and after the
date of Vie filing of said certified copy of the 2esolution,
statement, canvasE, and report of said election in the office
of the said Secretary of State of the State of California, the
annexation of the said territory so oroposed to be annexed, shall
be d emed and shall be complete, and that thence forth such
annexed territory shall be a part of such municipal coruoretior,
for all intents and purposes, except only that no part of such
annexed territory shall ever be taxed to pay any portion of any
indebtedness or liability of said City of E1 Segundo, contracted
prior to or existing at the time of such anr_exat,on.
Said property so annexed and hereinabove referred
to, is situated in the County of Los Angeles, State of
California, is uninhabited, is < .,djacent to the said City of hl
Seo-undo, and is fully and completely described .s follows:
All of Lot Jne (1) of Tract ,JJ. 330.3 as per map
recorded in Book 36, page 14 of Maps, ,"records of Los 2,noeles
County, California, on lile in the office )f the Cou.ay Recorder
of said County, more particularly bounded and described ae
follol ✓s:
of Traot !1o. 1.114 as
Maps, records of Los
office of the County
at the Southeast (SE) corner of :.ot 2,
per I.ap recorded in Book 20, page 161 of
:,ngeles County, California, on file in the
itecord( -r of said County; thence west:rl;;-
along the southerly line of said Lot 2, the same being a
portion of the )rese,t southerly boundary of the "it, of El
Seanndo, a distance of seventeen hundred -:event., four and fifty
six one - hundredths (1774.56) feet to a point; thence south
twenty two degrees (220) eleven minutes (111) east a distance
of three th)usand, three hundred and seventh- three and thirt.,
one one- hundredt' ,is (3373.31) feet to a ojint in the northerly
line of Hosecrans Avenue as -'hown upon said map of Tract ido. 303;
* a4 PO
thence north eighty nine degrees (890) forty seven minutes
(471) east, along said northerly line of Rosecrans hvenue,
a distance of five hundred feet to the southwest corner c
hot 3 of said Tract PIo. 1314; thence north no degrees (00) one
minute (11) east along the westerly line of said Lot 3, the
same being a portion of the present westerly boundary of the
City of E1 Se,--zndo, a distance of Three thousand one hundred
and twenty one and seventy three one - hundredths (31 -21.73) feet
to the point of beginning.
: UN'IY 02 LOS .uFGEL_S )
I, Victor D. µ.cCarthy, the duly elected, qualified
and acting City 01erk of the Oity of ;:1 Se• =undo, California, do
hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ziesolution is
a full, true and correct cop;; of N,esolution ldo. Yi% con-
taining the canvass, statement and report of the Board of Tr:c. tee_
of the City of 31 S gundo, County of Los .in8eles, State of
California, of the Special Consolidated Lunicipal Blection held
in the said city on the second day of September, 1919; that t ?_e
said resolution, of which the above is a true copy, is now
record-d on pages / %� /2 / of the YLnute Boo's of
the records of the pcoceedinc�s of said bo,,�,rd o,, Trustees; that
the said resolution t,as pa.sed at a regular meeting, of the
said Board held on the third 1;,y of September, 1919, and that the
sa -e was passed and adopted by the follotivinz vote:
AYES: Trustees
i Tru et eeS
(°_ AL'
L' 1fg 7-er oT i'c: e
3l Segundo.