CC RESOLUTION 18Zap _, ESOLUTION NO. 18. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD 02 TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF EL FEGUNDO, C:u I dO,Z 'IA, Dil_ :_d1L11IIN G THAT THE PUBLIC INTEL EST AND TIECESSITY DMIAND AND :`QUIRE THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND CO1,`2ZETION OF A CERTAIN 1NUJICIPAL I10HOV12,:ENT, NAMELY: A PUBLIC BUILDING, TO -WIT: A ?UBLIC A:SEMBLY HALL, INCLUDING THE ACQLISITION Or` FURNITURE, EQUI2MENT, AND OTHER PROP%HTY, NECE°P.RY muERF.FOR, AT AN Ec1TI1,iATED COST OF TJ'EIITY THOUS[aDTD DOLL,RS; THAT SAID IiUDICIPAL I1.12ROVE1,1ENT IS NECESSARY AND COTIV:TIIEIIT TO CARRY 'JUT THE OBJECTS, °UR. 1-1 A:ID ?0'. EHS Or Q ID CITY OF 31, SEGUITDO; THAT THE COST THEcMF IS AND ,BILL BE TOO G.i_y'.T TO BF. ?AID OUI Or THE OHDIIIARY AIINU1.L INCJ1,1E A1%D --iEIENUE OF SAIIi CITY. BE IT RESOLVED AND DETE2LINED, by the 13oard of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, as follows: Section 1. That the public interest and nece°sity demand the acquisition, construction and completion, by said City of hl Segundo, of a certain municipal improvement, namely: oublic building, ti --wit: a public assembly hall,including the acquisition of furniture, equipment and other property necessary therefor. Section 2. Said municipal improvement is necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, ourpoees and powers of said City of El Se'undo. Section 3. The estimated cost of said proposed municipal improvement is the sum of Twenty thousand dollars (420,000.00), and that such cost is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city. Section 4. The City Olerk shall attest this resolution; shall certify to the passage and adoption thereof by a vote of two- thirds of all of the members of the board of Trustees of said City of El Segundo; shall cause the same together with his said certificate to be entered in the book of resolutions of said city and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the Yinutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, do hereby certify that the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo is composed of five trustees, said five trustees being all of the members of the Legislative Branch of the government of the Cit, of El Segundo, and that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the vote of two thirds of all of the members of said Board of Trustees at its meeting of July 1919; by the following vote: Ayes: No' s Trustees - ' __ Trustees "o, -,. Absent: Trustees - - Eo-L Voting: Trustees w