CC RESOLUTION 17a =� .r IU THE BOARD OF TRTJST233 OF THE CITY OF EL SEGU17DO STATE OF CALIFORNIA. RE30LUTIOPI TTO. 17 JH::I?EAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of 1 Segundo, California, did or. the 26th day of Yarch, 1919, receive a written petition asking that the boundaries cf said City be altered and certain new uninhabited territory annexed thereto and be included in said corporation, tend which said board of trustees found upon examination was signed by not less than one —tenth (1 /10) in number of the qualified electors of said City computed upon the number of votes cast at the last general municipal election held therein, a copy of said petition being annexed hereto and made a part hereof, now therefore IT IS HE&?EBY RE30LVED that the following notice be sent to the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles Courty, California, informint them of the fact of the filin of said petition, said notice beinr, in words and figures as follows, to -wit: OTICE TO THE BOARD OF aIPi�RVISO?iS CF LOS ATdCiLES CCU-TTY, CALI ^0RTTIa. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, State of California. You are hereby notified that on '7ednesday T7arch 26th, 1919, the Board of Trustees of the City of 1 Segundo, received a written petition askinp that the boundaries of said City be altered and certain new uninhabited territory annexed thereto, incorporated and included therein, which petition contained a description of said ree;v uninhabited territory asked to be included therein and was sinned by not less than one -tenth (110) in number of the qualified electors of said City, computed upon the number of votes cast at the last general municipal election held therein, a copy of said petition being annexed 'hereto and made a part hereof. By Order of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Respectfully, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of said ity. f PETITIOIT ?OR THE A "RTLYliTIOIT CF UMHABITED TERRITORv. TO THE ?OITORABLE, The Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo. ''le, the undersigned qualified electors of the City of U Segundo, hereby petition your honorable body to take the necessary steps and proceedings for the annexation to said City of -1 Segundo, of certain new uninhabited territory which vie ask to be included in said City of `51 Segundo, which said territory is particularly described as fcllows, to -vn t; All of lot 1 of Tract 7o. 3303 as per map, recorded in Book 36, Page 14 of Yaps, ?ecords of Los Angeles County, California, on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County, more particularly bounded and described as fol- lows; Beginnin1v at the southeast corner of Lot 2 of Tract ITo, 1314 as per Map recorded in Book 20, Page 161 of raps, records of Los Angeles County, California, on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence westerly alone the southerly line of said Lot 2, the same being a portion of the present southerly boundary of the City of 1:1 Segundo, a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy -four and i'ifty- six one hundredths (1774.56) feet to a point; thence south Twenty -two degrees (220) ;Ieven minutes (111) east a distance of Three Thousand Three : Iundred and Seventy -three and Thirty -one one hundredths (3373.31) feet to a point in the notherly line of Rosecrans Lvenue as shown upon said map of Tract "To. 3303; thence north 3ighty- nine degrees (890) Forty -seven minutes (471) east along said northerly line of Posecrans Avenue , a distance of Five Hundred (500) feet to the south- west corner of Lot 3 of said Tract T'o. 1314; thence north no degrees (00) One minute (1') east along the westerly line of said Lot 3, the same being a portion of the present westerly boundary of the City of El Segundo, a distance of Three Thousand One Fundred and Twenty -one and Seventy -three one - hundredths (3121.73) feet to the point of be- inning. See nap attached horeto. 2 - " *a ne James ,. "o ^eil Ol�renca r;. ^rA�•nell 7dori e A . "oT -+,gyre A'£ttthi :3 :a. 'e och Henry H. Heaton _'red P. Tuch�;r P�. ;mili e P.uep er rt�ur -. Yertin Sidney `T. Mill_Lrrt(lr, 7uth t.enna .Yda ,;p�artzbru��, ,'rGnl ;.°arvin 7hcmas Levi 2ucr_ Ctucrt . Fztz,�eruld I'ilired ^. Bertch iilli -m 7. Tincent „u;, ?amts r rthur .. M &', ee I'rs. :ell . . E13U Thom£,8 111ii, nalph I:. "oneerse **ictor '). i:cCarViy arthur C_ rx- Cacil Beard Fred H. Stanton ?Ierbert J. Richmond 'Pecidence Streat " ,'c. ''_,tires and Fine Sts. 4C3 �Ti rt ini St. °treet 3ellons ?�•a. 732 iTl rQ'i n: £. 9t. Ballona Ave. Loma 7ista ; Pine its. 131 ':ucelyptiis ')rive VarC,lm c St. vir3iznF St. ;ucal-p',.s ')rive 35": `firplria Street :'115 "talnut Ave. 227 ^cncord ;t. 40; 73rgini� ;t. 1;,2 ,'ople ave. 119 r. Palm aucalvptos 'rive "irkilma, 3t. 339 'Ti rej na£ ^t. icrmond St. :t. VireimE St. 37.; ;cncord 3t. 219 Fine Prinkl? r. .,ve Standard St. l,utlnp St. Date T "ar. 21 l: i9 Yar. 21 1 "19 --�',r. 21 1 "J 11) :'ar. 21 1919 _ er. 21 1J19 _. °r. 21 191+ :,arch 21t;t, 1x19 I:ar. 21 1919 "ar 21 I,. -'r 21 1919 7:&rch 21 1119 I °.arch 21 1 )19 21 1319 Afar. 21 1,19 r. 21 1:1119 :,.ar. 21 1,19 Larch 21 1' "s1J ;'arch �l 1s15 :,arch 21 1,19 March 21 -19 parch 21 I3 rch 21 - 19 "Fr. ;larch 21 %1'J Larch 21 1919 march 21 1`:19 Llarch 21 1919 Igareh 21 1919 Larch 21 1313 Ceorpe T. Concord St. ".'arch 21 - 19 o esi aerie e' Street 9 *,To. ell 727 Sheldon ';t. b 3•enneth ramp 311 r,oncordSt. Claud A. TTanson .,illerest Bennett ruori : p3 ..Thi tinF 3taile5 john ' 513 hndreav �riaerson ;�llon :�v. puben .n• jsiaTiSpn 3h el don St. Ave It* Charles :�. 221a Yalta A a Tyillard � 5t. *;arsitall _• 437 ""hitinr, Sohn °. Coarard 3G3 �!ir�lnla 5t• i Tau p� ahe rd 222 7Tain ;;t . C1arTc 5. ;reen 223 "lion 7t. 3r3'sen Charles - • "ialnut ive. Arthur �z. Green rencOra. It n Stanton r Olt. 3enda'nan �hatin,' _, uudsan � vn St. r' arles - '330 d - 'artr' die T aY mOnd • "falnl7t 4 California St' "illla��m 3. ^,,,Fer ;heldon St. Tloyd rliema9er ran�lir, r � Peterson verriBesa Otto gene Concord St. llerman genre' •T• 319 Concord- St. e r t1dP15 palm kve. �° es . a Charlie -�n Bonita t•1st as T. dale vista fir' ylli Bor -1 to gussell 1, �yet2 ar arena gt, Otto ,'ndOr'3on Lometa St. garrY gander,,ort �ir�1nia St. 30seph sexton '.. T:arch 21 119 yFCh 21 f 19 Tlarch ul .. 13 arc'° a v 1`J nl 19 yiar. u y,arch 2l 1919 "18Lr0h =1 /13 y;arah "13t, 1919 �,iarch ':1. 1319 h =1 1 "19 „are ,larch ?1 +19 S:arcTi ul 1910 y.a,rc% arch 21 113 �l lnl`J 9:a r n T:.arch � 1st 1" T't� -rcY' `.ls�13 yrarch Sts± 19 1 19 ,'srer Nl 17-9 �1 1,19 y�arc � 17arch T.arch 119 19 liar . yyar. rl "esidence Tame. Itreet 1^ 7o. Date. 4rthur !�. Gunn 308 "rhitinr ;t. Zar. 21 - 19 ?rank Dunbar `hD .irr `1t. Mar. 21 - 19 John '. Black Main Street :.:arch 21 - 19 ^hristian .). Meday Virginia 9t. ?'arch 21 - 19 Louis < ". Borden Concord St. March 21 - 19 "icholes .. Manton ' ichmond St. -arc', 2:) - 19 ^redcricc Duley brizorE Drive i 'aroh 2'- 1'319 :rnst P. 3rif"E'3 1, a in St. March 25 1919 John ". Powers 7irei.nia Narch 25, 1919 Dallas ',. ?aynor Talley Ave. "arch S5 1919 Vern "'arr, Palm Ave. T ,'arch 25, 1919 lobert % C. Peabody -hi tirF St. D''areh 25 191111 i jo CLRTSFICATE nF 377 ICISNCY STn`Tid CF CZTPORITlil, ) COUNTY C" LO" AIGUES, ) SS, CITY CF .L I. the undersiSned, Clerk of the City of El 5ee-undo and ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Trclateas of the City of _'1 egundo, hereby certify that the foregoinE written petition was received bar the 'Bosrd of Trustees of the City OF o° ',l Segundo, on ,,adnesOv tha 2Gtr -do-,- cf t'srch 1919, end ::ftar di?e examinatior, tnd investimation, was found by said borrd r.nd the clerk there- of to be si�,red by no'; less thor, cne -tenth (1 %10) in number of the naalixied electors cf said Cats, com,uted Anon the number o-' votes cast ft the 'Pst renerrl numoipal �lecticn relc therein, tc —it, by 68 r,�f.liPied alao Vors tl.ereof. ITT %xiu &C", I have here? -z -to --et m-- hand and affixed the cf °ieial se8l ^f paid Cit- of '?1 ;erardo this 2nd dr,- cf 1919. victor D. T.Worthv pity Cler crr'l es- c_±icio ^,lei of the �zc_ rd cf Trastees of sr.id City. !T k k%x I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, at a regular meeting, held on Wednesday, April 9, 1919, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, TRUs'TEES: Bryson, Ward, Work, Smiley & Martin. NOES, n None. ABSENT, ^ Bone. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 9th day of April, 1919. (SFAL ) City Cler . 22