BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the City
of E1 Segundo, California, that the following specifications,
to be known as Specifications Number One, for the grading,
surfacing and improving of public streets in the said City
of E1 Segundo, be and the same are hereby adopted,
SECTION 1. The work herein provided for is to be
done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-
sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of
the City of E1 Segundo, and all work shall during its pro-
% gross and on its completion conform to the lines and levels
which may from time to time be given by said City Engineer.
SECTION 2. GRADING: Grading will include the
construction of all embankments and excavations irrespeot-
ive of the nature of the material encountered, required for
the construction of any roadway, sidewalks, ourbs, gutters,
waterways and ditches, borrow -pits, road and driveway in-
tersections, foundation pits for culverts and other struct-
ures, changing of streams and highways, and all other
grading incidental to the construction of the finished im-
provement. All grading shall be true to the lines and
grades given and in conformity with the plans, profiles
and cross- seotione therefor.
I () • k
All soft or unsuitable material shall be removed
and the space re- filled with good earth or gravel. The
Contractor, however, will not be required, in such oases,
to excavate the mud, sand or other soft material to a
greater depth than two (2) feet below sub- grade.
All suitable material from cute shall be deposited
in embankments, as specified by the Engineer. Where the
amount of material excavated from the roadway is insuf-
fioient to make the embankments to required crose - section,
the extra material required shall be furnished by the Con-
tractor from borrow -pits. If the borrow -pits are located
within the street lines, their location, orose- seotion
and grades shall be as approved by the Street Superintend-
ent. No borrowing shall be allowed below gutter grades
except by written specification of the Street Superin-
Where the quantity of excavation exceeds that re-
quired to make embankments to required crose - section, the
surplus shall be used to widen the embankments uniformly,
any part of it to be wasted only upon written specifica-
tion of the City Engineer. No wasting of material above
crown grade shall be allowed except by written specifica-
tion of the City Engineer. Waste material shall be dis-
tributed so as to present a neat appearance and not in-
terfere with future improvements.
The space over which fills are to be made shall
first be cleared of all timber, brush and weeds; then
thoroughly plowed and broken up to allow new and old
material to unite and bond together.
Embankments shall be formed of suitable material
and shall be carried up full width in layers not to ex-
x; 1
teed one (1) foot each in thickness, and the teams made
to travel as evenly as possible over the whole surface of
each layer, both coming and going. The formation of well-
defined ruts is specially prohibited. All clods or hard
lumps of earth larger than six (6) inches in greatest
dimension shall be broken up before being placed in em-
Embankments shall be carried to such height above
grade and to such increased width as may be necessary to
provide for shrinkage and compression, and they must be
maintained by the Contractor at their proper height, di-
mension and slope until the work is finally accepted.
All fills exceeding one (1) foot in depth and all
places excavated below sub -grade and re- filled, and all
pipe trenches or other deep excavations re- filled, shall
be flooded with water and no portion of the maoadam shall
be laid thereon until they will bear the weight of the
In embankments over or about masonry or other
structures, the material shall be deposited in a manner
so as not to unduly strain these structures. The Con-
tractor shall make good, at his own expense, all damage
caused by his failure to properly place material.
At no time shall the roadway be plowed or broken
up for a greater distance than one -half (1/2) mile ahead
of the broken stone deposited on the sub - grade, it being
the intent of these specifications not to interfere with
the public travel any more than absolutely necessary.
Broken Stone is spread, where the nature of the soil per-
mite, the entire width of the to -be- improved roadway shall
� s �
be plowed to a depth of six (6) inches and thoroughly
cultivated with a disc harrow, or some other suitable
instrument* It shall then be alternately watered and
cultivated until the water has penetrated all particles
of earth to a depth of six (6) inches. It shall then be
brought to a true oross - section, conforming to the estab-
lished grades, allowance being made for compression, and
in conformity with the required oross- section. The sub-
_ grade shall then be thoroughly rolled. All depressions
below the required grade shall be scarified, to allow
good bond, and brought to grade with fresh material and
again watered and rolled and the watering and rolling
continued until the surface is uniform and no further
compression is possible,
Should the soil be light or sandy, or of such
nature that it is impossible to consolidate as above de-
scribed, the surface shall be drenched with water and
the sub -grade rolled until the utmost compaction possible
is obtained. Depressions made by the rolling shall be
leveled up with good material and again rolled. Sho��ld
sand be encountered which is in the opinion of the City
Engineer of such a nature that it would be impossible to
prepare a suitable sub -grade by the hereinbefore specified
methods, the unsuitable material shall be excavated to
a depth not to exceed 2 feet below sub -grade and re-
filled with good earth or gravel as hereinbefore specif-
ied. Such portions of the roadway as cannot be reached
by the roller shall be tamped solid.
r -
No broken stone shall be placed until the sub-
grade has been tested for grade, cross - section and con-
dition and is acceptable to the City Engineer.
SECTION 4. BROKEN STONE: The broken stone shall
be of a uniform quality, clean, hard, durable rock, of
a quality satisfactory to the City Engineer. It shall
be screened to the following sizes:
To pass through Not to pass through
ring of ring of
No. 1 stone 3 -1/2 " diameter 1 *" diameter.
No. 2 stone 1 -1/2 " diameter 3/4" diameter.
Not 3 stone 3/4" diameter 1/4" diameter.
No. 4 stone 1/4" diameter and under and free from dust.
No. 12 stone shall be No. 1 and 2, as above, com-
bined in equal parts of each.
It may be crushed from quarry or ledge rock or
from hard uniform boulders not less than five (5) inches
in diameter, but in no case shall the crushed product
contain more than five (5) per cent of smooth, rounded
or water -worn surfaces. It shall contain no full round or
half -round surfaces.
sub -grade prepared as above specified, a layer of Broken
Stone, known as No. 12 stone, shall be uniformly spread to
such a depth that after being thoroughly watered and
rolled, the surface shall be one fourth (1/4) inch be-
low the surface of the finished pavement. All depress-
ions shall be filled with stoke as described above and
re- rolled. The sprinkling and rolling shall be continued
until the stone ceased to sink under the roller, or
creep in front of it and until the stone is firmly
locked together and of such strength that a hervily
loaded motor truck or wagon may be driven over the
surface without cutting it up. The surface must be
uniformly smooth and conform to the required cross -
section and grade.
Immediately before each application of asphaltum
the contractor shall, if required, thoroughly sweep
the surface of the macadam with rotary street brooms,
of a type and in a manner satisfactory to the City
Engineer. The purpose being to remove all loose part-
icles of stone, screenings, dust, or foreign matter,
After the stone, prepared as above specified,
has dried to a depth of at least one (1) inch, asphalt-
um , as hereinafter specified, shall be applied at the
rate of eight tenths (.8) of a gallon per square yard
of surface covered.
Immediately after the application of said asphaltum
a layer of "No. 3" stone as hereinbefore described shall
be evenly spread upon the roadway and brought to a uni-
form surface with a road grader in such thickness that
after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled, the surface
shall be to the grade of the finished pavement.
Then a second coating of asphaltum shall be appli-
ed at the rate of four tenths (.9) of a gallon per square
yard of surface and immediately covered with a light coat
of rook screenings, hereinbefore described as "No, 4"
stone, in such quantities as to combine with and absorb
all of the asphaltum and produce a uniform surface
of pavement. It shall be watered and thoroughly
rolled until it becomes hard and smooth, true to grade
and cross- section and free from all hollows and irreg-
If the temperature of the stone or the air is
such that the asphaltum, stone, and screenings cannot
be thoroughly combined and bonded together by the
methods of watering and rolling hereinbefore specified,
so as to produce satisfactory results, either or both
of the asphaltum coats, after being covered with stone
or screenings shall be thoroughly rolled with a hot
roller of a type, and in a manner satisfactory to the
City Engineer. The intent of the hot rolling being to
thoroughly spread the asphaltum and bring it up through
the material. All portions showing a tendency to be-
come rich in asphaltum shall be re- covered and re-
rolled and any dry or ravelled spots must be treated
with asphaltum, covered and re- rolled. All broken
stone and screenings shall be shoveled into place
from a dumping platform or from the wagon, or spread
by a self spreading wagon, or distributed by a bottom
dump wagon, according to the speoifications of the
City Engineer.
Broken stone shall not be deposited upon the
sub -grade for a greater distance than one - fourth
(1/4) mile ahead of the first application of asphalt-
um; it being the intent of these specifications to
keep the work finished as close as possible and not
unduly expose the loose rock to damage from travel,
dust, ate.
SECTION 6. ASPHALTUM: It shall be a natural
asphaltum that has been refined or one made by distill-
ation of petroleum having an asphalt base. It must be
free from free carbon and suspended insoluble matter.
Not less than ninety -nine per cent (99%) shall
be soluble in carbon bisulphide.
Not less than ninety -eight and five tenths per
cent (98.5 %) shall be soluble in carbon - tetrachloride.
Not less than eighty per cent (80 %) nor more than
ninety -four (94 %) shall be soluble in 860 Beaume gasoline.
Penetration according to the District of Columbia
Standard, with a No. 2 needle using 100 grammes for five
seconds at 770 Fahrenheit shall bebetween 1250 and 150 0
It shall contain not more than twenty per cent (20%)
nor less than seven per cent (70) fixed carbon.
A briquette of one square centimeter cross- section,
being elongated at the rate of one centimeter per minute,
shall at 77° Fahrenheit show a ductility of at least one
hundred centimeters.
It shall not lose more than two per cent (2 %) when
20 grammes are heated for five (5) hours at a temperature
of 3250 Fahrenheit in a tin box 2 1/2 inches in diameter,
nor shall the penetration at 77° Fahrenheit, after such
heating be less t)aan one half of the original penetra-
shall be applied by a pressure spraying machine which
will spread the asphaltum uniformly over the surface of
the road in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer,
� v 1
using the specified amount per square yard of sur-
face. It shall be applied at a temperature of not
less than three hundred fifty (350) degrees Fahrenheit,
nor more than four hundred fifty (450) degrees Fahren-
heit. -
,R'J.r -Fi '4a /-
/X If necessary to re -heat the asphaltum to comply
with above requirements, it shall be done al the ex-
pense of the Contractor. In no case shall live steam
or water be injected into or allowed to enter the as-
phaltum after it has been received by the Contractor.
In the process of applying, care must be taken
not to soil the curbs or walks.
No asphaltum shall be applied until the sur-
face which is to receive it is satisfactory to the
City Engineer. Before any tank of asphaltum is ap-
plied it must be inspected by said City Engineer to
determine its quantity and temperature.
All truck tanks used for the distribution of
asphaltum shall first be submitted to the City Engin-
eer, who will gauge and mark the capacity in gallons
of said tanks and determine whether they are suitable
for the proper distribution of asphaltum.
Contractor shall exercise due precaution to prevent
damage to the Improvement in its various stages dur-
ing construction and until accepted. He shall, wher-
ever necessary, construct fences or barriers to pre -
- vent the public from injuring the improvement. Any
dust, mud, earth or other foreign material of any
nature, carried or deposited upon the course of stone,
or upon an asphalt surface before the final applica-
tion of material, shall be removed by the Contractor
at his own proper expense, and the surface thoroughly
cleaned before further work progresses.
SECTION 9. ROLLING: All rolling herein
specified, except hot rolling, shall be done with a
power roller of the three wheel macadam type, weighing
not lose than twelve (12) tons, exclusive of fuel and
water and having a compression of not less than four
hundred (400) pounds per inch width of tire,
All rolling shall begin at the sides of the
road and gradually work towards the center, and under
no circumstances shall the center be rolled first.
In all cases the rolling shall be continued
until there is no more compression possible.
SECTION 10. TWATERING: The Contractor shall
provide all water required, and apply a sufficient
quantity in each case to thoroughly wet the material,
under the supervision of the City Engineer.
(a) Cement: All cement shall be "Portland"
cement and shall conform with the standard speoifioa-
tions for cement adopted in August, 1909, by the Am-
erican Society for Testing Materials,
The cement shall be suitably protected from
the weather and piled so as to permit of access for
tally, inspection and identification of each ship-
ment. It shall be delivered in the original pack-
age with the brand and the name of the manufacturer
plainly marked thereon.
All cement, the samples of which do not test
up to the required standard, shall be immediately
removed from the work and shall not be egain brought
upon the work.
(b) Other materials: The concrete shall
be composed of broken stone or screened gravel,
and sand, all of which shall be clean, hard, durable,
well graded and satisfactory to the City Ingineer -
"Portland" cement and fresh clean water.
The sand shall be of such size that all of
it will pass a screen having four (4) meshes per
lineal inch, and at least forty (40), but nor more
than eighty -five (85) per cent by weight will be
retained on a sieve having thirty (30) meshes per
lineal inch. Not more than seven (7) per cent by
weight shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100)
meshes per lineal inch.
The broken stone or gravel stones shall vary
in dimension from one - quarter (1/4) to two and one-
half (2 -1 /2)
inches in greatest dimension.
Composition: All concrete, unless
otherwise specified, shall be composed as follows:
One (1) cubit foot (94 pounds) of cement,
two (2) cubic feet of sand, and four (4) cubic feet
of broken stone or screened gravel, and water, which
shall be added in such proportions as the City En-
gineer may, from time to time, determine, said com-
position to be known as Class A Concrete.
Cement Mortar finishing coat shall, unless
otherwise specified, be composed of one (1) part of
Portland Cement and two (2) parts of coarse sharp
screened sand.
The finishing coat shall be thoroughly
mixed by turning at least three times dry, It
shall then be wet, turned twice and immediately
put in place as hereinafter specified.
(d) Mixing and Placing: If the concrete
is mixed mechanically, a mixer shall be used, in-
to which the material, including the water, can be
precisely and regularly proportioned,
Hand -mixed concrete shall be mixed on a water
tight level platform as follows:
The cement and sand shall first be thoroughly
mixed dry, in the proportions specified, in proper
boxes. Clean water shall then be added and the
materials thoroughly mixed and deposited on the broken
stone or screened gravel, which has been previously
drenched with water. The ingredients shall then be
thoroughly mingled and turned over until each stone
is covered with mortar. The batch shall than be
carefully deposited without delay and thoroughly
rammed in layers not more than six (6) inches in
thickness until the water flushes to the surface
and all the voids are filled,
The concrete shall not be allowed to fall
from any considerable height,
Should voids be discovered when the forme are
taken down, the defective work is to be removed and
3 ,
the space re- filled with one to one cement mortar.
i_ On exposed surfaces all form marks and imperfect-
ions shall be removed and the finished surface left
smooth and uniform.
Centers and forms, satisfactory to the City
Engineer, shall be provided by the Contractor. They
shall be made of planed lumber and shall fit the
curves and shapes of the work. The sheathing shall
be laid tight and shall be made clean before using.
Forme shall be true to line and grade, satis-
faotorily supported and firmly secured. They shall
remain in place as long and shall be removed when
and in such order as the City Engineer may specify,
and shall be replaced by new ones when they lose
their proper dimensions or shape.
In connecting new concrete with concrete
already set, the surface shall be cleaned, rough-
ened and mopped with a mortar composed of one (1)
part cement and one (1) part sand.
All newly built concrete shall be kept
shaded from the sun and well sprinkled with water
for at least ten (10) days.
In laying concrete under water, the con-
Crete shall not fall from any considerable height,
but be deposited in the allotted place in a com-
pact mass. The concrete must not be rammed, but
leveled with a rake or other suitable tool im-
mediately after being deposited. No concrete shall
be laid in running water.
No back - filling or loading whatever shall be
placed on or against the concrete masonry until
specified by the City Engineer.
Reinforcing rods shall be placed where
shown on the drawings, substantially wired to in-
tersecting rods before any concrete is run into
the forms, and held firmly in position until em-
bedded. Rods may be splioed by lapping their ends
forty times the diameter of the rod.
SECTION 12. STBEL: All steel used under
these specifications shall be of the best quality,
tough and ductile. All steel shall be made by the
open hearth process. Re- rolled material will not
be accepted, but all bare are to be rolled from new
The finished bare must be free from injurious
seams, flaws, cracks or other defects, and have a
smooth, uniform and workmanlike finish.
Materials which, subsequent to the tests pre-
scribed below and its acceptance, develop weak spots,
brittleness, cracks or other imperfections, or are
found to have injurious defects, will be replaced by
the Contractor at his own cost.
The steel shall conform to the requirements
of the Standard Specifications for concrete rein-
forcing bare of the American Society for Testing
Materials adopted August, 1913, for the Structural
Steel grade.
Bending tests may be made by pressure or by
blows. Bare shall be tested in their finished form,
All reinforcing bars shall be free from loose
scales, excessive rust, oil, grease, paint or other
coating of any character which would reduce or des-
troy the bond.
All reinforcing bare shall be deformed bare
having their corrugations at right angles to their
length, or other bare which are equally satisfactory.
pipe shall be of first quality, straight and true to
form and thoroughly galvanized with not less than two
ounces of zinc spelter per square foot before being
corrugated. it shall be free from imperfections of
any kind and shall show no signs of cracking or blis-
tering. The corrugations shall not be less than two
and one -half (2 -1/2) inches, nor more than two and
three - quarterz (2 -3/4) inches in width, and not less
than one -half (1/2) inch in depth.
The metal composing the pipe and rivets shall
contain at least ninety -nine and eighty -four hundredths
(99.84) per cent. pure iron.
All rivets shall be thoroughly galvanized and
shall have ample structural round, or cone heads.
All rivets shall be at least five - sixteenths
(5/16) inches in diameter and shall be of sufficient
length to allow of an upset of the same size as the
head of the rivet.
Galvanizing on rivets shall be left as nearly
intact as possible during manufacture, and shall be
free from scare or indentations of tools or machines
used in riveting.
All pipe shall be riveted at longitudinal
joints as follows: --
On all pipe of a diameter under thirty (30)
inches there shall be one rivet in each oorruga-
on all pipe thirty (30) inches in diameter
and over there shall be two (2) rivets in each cor-
in circumferential joints of pipe of all
diameters, rivets shall be placed not more than
eight (8) inches apart from center to center.
For pipe twenty -four (24) inches in diameter
and less, the metal shall be sixteen (16) gauge
U. S. Standard; for pipe over twenty -four (24)
inches in diameter, and not over forty -two (42)
inches in diameter, the metal shall be fourteen
(14) gauge U. S. Standard; for pipe fortyeight
(48) inches in diameter and over, the metal shall
be twelve (12) gauge U. S. Standard.
The exposed ends of all pipes shall be pro-
teoted by means of a rod not less than one -half (1/2)
inch in diameter folded in edge of sheet forming end
section of pipe, or by means of galvanized angle
iron 1 -1/2" x 1-1/2"x 1/4 ", to be attached to ends
of pipe by means of rivets placed not more than
eight (8) inches apart from center to center.
The bottom of the excavation for the culvert
shall be true to grade and thoroughly compacted, the
pipe carefully placed in position with the intake end
K) I It
headed up stream, and with seams on sides.
If pipe sections are built of two sheets,
the seams shall be placed quartering, fine gravel,
sand or good earth shall then be filled around the
pipe up to the center and thoroughly tamped with a
thin tamping bar. The excavation shall then be
filled in layers not to edceed six (6) inches in
thickness, each layer being thoroughly tamped.
All pipe shall be delivered at proper lo-
cation fourteen (14) days prior to installation,
in order to give sufficient time for chemical an-
alysis of the metal.
SECTION 14. CEMENT CURBS: Cement curbs
shall be constructed in the locations and to the
dimensions and sizes shown upon the plans, profiles
and cross- sections on file in the office of the
City Engineer.
The top and bottom surfaces shall be level.
The radius of curb returns shall be as shown
on the plans.
Excavation for ourbing shall be made to such
width as to allow of ease of setting forms in proper
positions. The foundation ground shall be tamped
hard and solid and brought to true grade of the
bottom of the curb, as shown on the plans and cross-
- section.
Unless otherwise provided for, all soft or
spongy material shall be removed to a depth of
three (3) inches below sub- grade, and the space
filled with good earth or gravel of a quality that
will pack when moistened. This eab -grade shall be
moistened and the whole foundation tamped or rolled
until it is solid. The surface of the sub -grade
shall be thoroughly moistened immediately prior to
placing the concrete. If the soil upon which the
cement curb is to be laid is adobe, it shall be
brought to a surface two (2) inches below the sub -
grade hereinbefore described, and the space filled
with a layer of sand or gravel and thoroughly com-
pacted by tamping or rolling.
Forms for the curbs shall be of a width equal
to the full depth of the curb and must be free from
warp and imperfections, and held rigidly in place,
true to lines and established grade. In order to
insure a uniform thickness of the finishing coat
upon the face of the curb to the required depth
below the gutter line, the form against which the
face of the body of the curb is tamped shall be con-
structed as shown upon the plans.
Expansion joints of a type and thickness satis-
factory to the City Lugineer shall be placed at curb
returns and at intervals along the curb of not more
than twenty (20) feet.
The intersections of the top and sides of the
r curb faces shall be on a curve of not over one -half
{1/z) inch radius.
In constructing the cement curb the Contractor
shall provide entrance for Private driveways where
designated by the City Engineer, which shall not
be more than ten (10) feet in length and of a
depth below the top of the curb as shown on the
Upon the sub- grade, prepared as hereinbe-
fore specified, shall be laid the concrete base
which shall be thoroughly tamped until free mortar
appears on the surface, and the surfaoe is free
from all dust or foreign matter. Upon this con-
crete base shall be placed a finishing coat one -
half (1 /2) inch in thickness; the composition of
the concrete body and the finishing coat shall be
as herelnbefore described under the heading of
"concrete ".
The lapse of time between the laying of the
concrete base and the application of the finishing
coat shall be not more than two (2) hours.
The top of the curb shall receive a coat
one -half (1/2) inch thick. The back face from the
top down to a distance of two (2) inches and the
front face of the ourb from the top to one (1 ")
inch below the gutter line shall receive a coat
of one -half (1/2 ") inch in thiokness each. The
finishing coat shall be well floated and trow-
elled into the body of the concrete so as to form
one compact mass, free from voids. It shall then
be smoothly polished and marked off vertically
into blocks of uniform length not less than two
and one -half (2 -1/2) nor more than three and one-
half (3 -1/2) feet in length, a marking being placed
at every point where an expansion joint, previously
described, was introduced; the marking to be done
with a tool which will leave the corners rounded
and insure free movement of the concrete at the
The completed curb shall be protected from
damage by accident, traffic or otherwise, and must
be thoroughly watered and kept wet for ten (10) days
after completion. After curing, back - filling must
be made to the elevation of the top of the curb, and
tamped firm,
The finished curb must show a true, straight
face and top of uniform width, free from humps, sags,
or other irregularities. When a straight edge five
(5) feet long is laid on the face or top of curb, ex-
cept at grade changes or ourves, the surface shall,
at no place, vary more than one - quarter (1/411) inch
from the edge of the straight edge.
Curb plank must be maintained on rear of
curb till finishing coat is placed on the face of
the curb, and no curb plank shall be stripped in
less than one -half (1/2) hour after the concrete
has been tamped into place.
ation for the full width of the gutter shall be
brought to the proper sub -grade at the bottom sur-
face of the finished gutter, as shown upon the plane.
Unless otherwise provided for in the plans, all soft
or spongy material shall be removed to a depth of
three (3 ") inches below said sub -grade and replaced
with gravel or good earth of a quality that will pack
when moistened. This sub -grade shall be moistened and
the whole foundation tamped or rolled until it is solid.
The surface of the sub -grade shall be thoroughly moist-
ened immediately prior to placing the concrete.
If the soil upon which the concrete gutter is
to be laid is adobe, it shall be brought to a surface
two (2 ") inches below the sub -grade with sand or gravel
- which shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping or roll-
The excavation and preparation for the gutter
shall be done at the same time as that for the curb-
The concrete gutter shall be of such width and
thickness as shown on the plans.
Before the concrete for the gutter is laid,
forms of two (211) inch plank shall be firmly placed
1, for the outside, or street edge of the gutter, ex-
tending the full depth of the gutter, the top of the
form being flush with the top of the finished our-
Upon the sub- grade, prepared as hereinbefore
specified, the concrete body of the gutter shall be
placed to its full depth, in one filling, and tamped
till water flushes to the surface and all voids are
Expansion points of a type and thickness sat-
isfactory to the City Engineer shall be placed across
the gutter at intervals of not more than twenty (20)
feet. Except where curb already exists and is to be
left in place, the joints shall be placed at the
same points and intervals along the gutter as noted
for the curbing.
The gutter shall be trowelled smooth along
the curb for a space of two (2 ") inches from the
intersection of the curbing; also, a two (211) inch
strip each side of the marking lines, said marking
lines to be continuous with thos4 ou the curb, and
running across the full face of the gutter. A two
(211) inch strip along the outside edge of the gutter
shall be trowelled smooth with a tool that will
round the edge to a radius of not less than one -half
(1/2 ") inch. The balance of the surface of the gutter
shall be given a granolithic finish.
The completed gutter shall be protected from
damage by accident, traffic or otherwise and must be
thoroughly watered and kept wet for fourteen (14)
days after completion.
(a) Labor: any overseer, superintendent, labor-
er or other person employed on the work by the Contract-
or, who shall perform his work in a manner contrary to
these specifications, shall be discharged immediately,
and such person shall not again be employed on the work.
(b) Examination of Ground: Bidders must exam -
ine and judge for themselves as to the location of the
proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made,
and the work to be done.
(c) Setting Stakes:
The Contractor shall
give twenty -four (24) hours notice in writing when
he will require the services of the City Engineer for
laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig
all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels.
The Contractor shall preserve all stakes set
for the lines, levels or measurements of the work in
their proper places until authorized to remove them
by the City Engineer, and any expense incurred in
replacing said stakes which the Contractor or his
subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be
borne by the Contractor.
(d) Plans and Specifioations: The Contract-
or shall keep upon the work a copy of the plans and
specifications, and access thereto shall, at all
times, be accorded to the City Engineer and Street
(e) Inspection: The Contractor shall prose-
` cute work only in the presendte of the City Engineer
or the Street Superintendent, and any work done in
the absence of said City Engineer or Street Super-
intendent will be subject to rejection. The Con-
tractor shall furnish the City Engineer and the
Street Superintendent reasonable facilities for ob-
taining such information as may be necessary to give
them full information at all times respecting the
progress and manner of the work and the character
of the materials.
{P VPhenever a test of materials is re-
quired it will be made by the City, but the expense
t� g
thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the Con-
tractor, as are other incidentals of the proceed-
(g) Removing Obstructions: The Contractor
shall remove all trees, stones, debris, and other
obstructions that may be encountered in making said
(h) Barriers, Lights, etc. The Contractor
will be required to keep open passageways across his
work at cross streets, and shall protect same when
they are exposed or dangerous to travel. He shall
take all necessary measures to protect the work
and shall erect and maintain barriers along the
work in order to guard the public effectively from
danger during the progress of the work. He shall
post all proper notices and signals to the public
of the state of the street during construction.
(i) Maintaining Traffic: All traffic shall
be barred from that portion of the width of roadway
which is being paved. The Contractor, however, must
arrange to take care of the existing traffic so as
to inconvenience the general public as little as
possible. Convenient access to driveways, houses
and buildings along the line of work must be main-
tained and temporary approaches to crossings or
intersecting highways shall be provided and kept
in /condition. The cost of any necessary temporary
roadways shall be borne by the Contractor, and the
Contractor shall be responsible for any damage re-
sulting from their use due to his negligence.
(j) Public Utilities: In case it should
be necessary to move the property of any owner of
a public utility or franchise, such owner will,
upon proper application by the Contractor, be
notified by the Street Superintendent to move such
property within a specified reasonable time, and
the Contractor shall not interfere with said property
until after the expiration of the time specified.
The right is reserved to the owners of pub-
lie utilities and franchises to enter upon the high-
way for the purpose of making repairs or changes of
their property that may be made necessary by the
(k) Lose or Damage: All loss or damage
arising from any unforseen obstruction, or dif-
ficulties which may be encountered in the press-
cution of the work, or from any action of the sle-
meats, or from any act or omission not authorized
by these specifications on the part of the Con-
tractor, or any agent or persoh employed by him,
shall be sustained by the Contractor.
(1) Defective Work: No work which may be
defective in its construction or deficient in any
of the requirements of these specifications, will
be considered as accepted in consequence of the
failure of any official, engineer or superintend -
ent to point out said defects or deficiency dur-
ing construction, and the Contractor shall cor-
reot any imperfect work whenever discovered, be-
fore its final acceptance.
(m) CLEANING UP: The Contractor shall
remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work
on or before its completion and leave the grounds in
a neat and orderly condition. No piles of earth,
stone or gravel shall be left in the bed of streams
or upon public streets or highways except at the
points and in the manner specified by the Street
(n) General Requirements: The Contractor
assumes all risk or variance in any computation
or statement of amounts of quantities necessary
to complete the work required by the contract, and
agrees, for the price bid, to furnish all neces-
sary labor and material and to fully complete said
work in accordance with the plans and specifications,
and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Tbeentire work contemplated by these speolfi-
cations shall present a finished and workmanlike ap-
pearance at the time application is made for its ac-
(o) Definitions: Whenever the words
"Street Superintendent" and "City Engineer" are used
in these specifications, they refer respectively to
the Street Superintendent and City Ehgineer of the
City of E1 Segundo, or their authorised deputies,
agents or inspectors.
Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in
these specifications, it refers to the party or
parties of the second part in the agreement for the
construction of the work herein specified.
Whenever the word "plans" is used in these
specifications, it refere to the plans, profiles
and cross - sections pertaining to the work herein
specified, on file in the office of the City En-
to the passage
the same to be
in the City of
of the passage
ing at which t:
17. The City Clerk shall certify
of this resolution and shall cause
entered in the book of resolutions
E1 Segundo, and shall make a minute
thereof in the record of the meet -
ie same is passed.
This resolution shall take effect immediate-
Passed and approved this u67 of
President of the Board oY
Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo.
City Clerk.
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the
City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify
that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution
No. —f- -, was passed by the Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, signed by the President
of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk, all
at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the
%W day of C�-� , 1917, and that
the same was passed by thw fnllnwino vnta-
NOES: Trustees:
ABSENT: Trustees
i 6 1_
City Clerk of the City of
E1 Segundo.