RESOLVED, that sealed bids for the purchase of
the Improvement Bonds of the City of E1 Segundo to the am-
ount of $54,000 be received up to the hour of 8 o'clock
P. M., on Wednesday, the 31st day of October, 1917.
Bids shall be addressed to the City Clerk, endors-
ed "Proposal for the Purchase of Bonds," and each proposal
shall be accompanied by a certified check to the amount
of $500.00, conditioned that the purchaser will take and
pay for any and all bonds that maybe sold and awarded to
him, or otherwise be forfeited to and become the property
of the City of E1 Segundo; provided, however, that no cer-
tified check shall be required of the State of California.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish for
one week a notice of such sale in the 0111 Segundo Herald",
a newspaper of general circulation published in said city.
Said notice shall give a general description of the bonds
and information that they were authorized at a special
election held in said city, Ootober,l, 1917, and that five
of said bonds will mature on November 1st of each year
thereafter for a period of twelve years; then six of said
bonds on the same day of each year thereafter for a period
of eight years; that they bear interest at the rate of
five per centum per annum, payable semi - annually; also a
statement that the right to reject any and all bids are
reserved by the Board of Trustees. The city clerk will
send a copy of said notice to the State Board of Control
at Sacramento.
I, Victor D. McCarthy, Clerk of the City
of E1 Segundo, hereby certify that the foregoing Re-
solution was duly and regularly introduced and passed
at the ,r� Q,�� meeting of the Board of
Trustees of said City, held on the 4 day of Oot-
ober, 1917, by the following vote:
Clerk of the City of El Segundo