I t .,>>eure -_ dtl
:n €zcco-Cd�rice ith a r sold c�7 � 1, __d to L i;l_e ,,oils _or
said election Mere ke it oho i duri„ the time re,_,,ired f,y lati:, to- -,-it:
from 6 a. ^1. to 7 o.m. of said dad, a,,d the t ot,id special electio 1
`as : eld _L_ id co ducted, _ -. J;, ^e vote, t7:erea.t received . nd caiti-
vas-ed ,-^d_ t:_e ti!ereof ascertal,�ed, _,d de-
elc'red, a.: ti �e, foria :,id :._anfor a; re ulred L t,,e lass of t'ce
Witte of Jal iornia and the Ord city,
.Lj1D d17LzLEkas, On �> the did' of Jcluber, 1917, the
Dojrd of I'=stees of s-id city ,.,et ...t 'Ui_elr a 2u`1 )1ace of :_leet-
in7 -nd 9roceed�d to -ml '__id cane -ass tae ret-.'rns ,af said soecial
electij,s as regihired by la;�, ."rhere-L,Jon the result of -aid c�livass
been ound to be e s hereinafter stated,
IT IS .:_: OLVEOD, D, TT11 EIIT1D ..ID DLCla3 D as follows:
I.--' 'oat tike )ro ,)ositso -j, voted upon cit said special elec-
tion were those hereinbefore set forth.
2. - -That there .:as but one eleeticn fprecihiet within said city
ibr the our)ose of noldila said s)eclal elects n, con8l.tino of
tce consolidal ion of the t•.ro re -ula.r election precincts, :hich
.ryas desil-nated "Special Election Precinct -To. 1 ", the boiuldz,,ries
oP --ihieh acre the coroorate boundaries o_' t, e :31ty o 1-1 Segundo,
as orovided b said ordinance.
3.- -2h,.t the total munber o- votes cast at said sueclu.l
election -ra
_a-.t t; _e comber of votes cast thereatt in favor of the oro-
)Ositi,n first hereinbefore stated was �(!7 "nd th_e nu:rber
of votes cost thereat a Li,lst s,-,id ;proposition ;gas v� ;
4h,t the number of votes cyst thereat ,n favor of the second
�roo .1ti n ho-reinbefore stated was �eCi u.nd the number of
votes cast ti:ereat agwanst saad pro )oritlo n tiaau C7
`.hat the nizaber of votes cast thereat in favor of t',:e t "iird