IiI T ? L J rTD _ 1 m l�tU S y .::'.S 0 Tt OI 1 Oi' id SI U
ST: >TE Oil C_,LIs'On_:Ih.
Trustee `- ''� rG' _ '�' a _ introduced the iollo-;a na
resolution and moved its adoption:
I E S, the 2oard of Trustees of the Cit;F of El Se -Und -o
did, by Ordinance :o. 21 of said toard of Trustees, call and
order to be held in said city, a s ecial election o- -onday,
the first day of October, 1917, for the purpose of submitti:,�-,
to the qualified voters thereof the follo,a.ig p-ro)ositions:
2ropoeition to incur a bonded debt by the City
of E1 uegundo to the amount of ,120,000.00, gold coin
of the United States, for ti.e acquisition, co.istruc-
t:on and completion of a city hall and fire station
in -.nd for said cite, includin;, the furnishin0 of the
s�n1e, such debt to bear interest at a rate or not to
e: ceed six per centum pce a.:.ium, ),,y-able se,q - annually.
'r000sition to incur a bonded debt by t'-,e 'Ity of
1 °egunao to the �riount of %,5,000.00, -old coin of
the united States, for the acquisition of fire a r�ara-
tns for said city, such debt to beer interest at a rate
of not to exceed six ,-)eT centum oer annvm, )ayable serli-
'roDosltion to iacur a bonded debt by the "Its of
El Se,ndo to the amount of ,.29,000.00, gold coin of
the United 0,tatea for the constructi -)n of a racadan,
pavement on Balloaa Avenue arom the easterly city lim-
its to t'r_e ,:,este-rly line of 7irZinia btreet c_nd on : -ain
Str_et from the northerly 1i-,1e of _allona �Lvenue to the
ortherl;, line of t1l Se-undo ..venue, in surd �,t such
debt to bear interest at a rate o_' nit to e._ceed� six
oe-r oentam _�e'r aiinun,
said Ordinance _do. 21 cal 1:: 'i_^ and ordcrni ; lu
s,ecial election .ra r,fchs:.ed ir_ tine aid ).ian..er as re-
— Chired 1]7i 1a,1, ad .- �Jeu rs 1r0' L__e °= Lldav]t OL ,
on file L,, t:-e office of t'x_e eit, clerk; ,