CC RESOLUTION 1r RESOLUTION NO. 1 A RFSO JITION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTETPS OF T117 CITY OF 7L SEGUNDO PROVIDING FOR T117 APPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN STANDING COiNMIa'TEES OF SAID BOARD. Br IT RFSOLVFD by the F,oard of _Trustees of the City of 71 Segundo, as follows: Section 1. APPOINTMENT: At the beginning of each term the President of the Board of T mittees: (1) The Committee of Finance and Fecords, (3) (4) The Committee of Public except the President, shall and shall be a member of at rustees shall appoint the following com- of Public Safety, (2) The Committee The Committee of Public Service, and Works. Each Trustee of said City, be chairman of at least one committee, least one other committee. 7ach com- mittee shall consist of at least two members beside the President of the Board, who shall be Ex- officio a meirber of all committees. Section 2. DUTI'=S. ^ach committee shall have general oversight of the work of all officers in its departments, arid shall keep in touch with the needs of all activities under its jurisdiction. 7ach committee shall from time to time report to the Board of Trustees, giving information as to the progress in their departments and rec- ommendations for future action. Fach Committee shall have power to make rulings to govern its departments and to take steps to meet emergency needs as they may arise, but all such actions shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. Fach committee shall carefully consider and promptly report upon all matters re- ferred to it by a vote of the Board. Section 3. JURISDICTION: (1) The Committee of Public, Safety shall have jurisdiction over ratters pertaining to fire protection, police protection, court trials, stray animals and public health. Under this department shalt be the fire chief and firemen, the marshal and deputies, the recorder and the health officer. e (2) TI-3 Committee of Finance and Records shall have juris- diction over matters pertaining to as.;essing, tax collecting, accountirg, auditing anal disbursing of city funds, and over matters pertaining t) the keeping of city records and the print - inm of ordinances. Under this department shall be the city clerk, the treasurer, the assessor and the tax collector. (3) The Committee of Public Service shall have jurisdiction over public service in water, gas, electricity and railways; fran- chiees, lieenses, permits and building regulations; over street lights; over public recreations; and over legal advice. Under this department shall be the building, plumbing and electrical inspectors and the city attorney. (4) The Committee of Public "forks shall have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to streets, sidewalks, parks, repairs, construction tools and machinery, public buildings and city lands. Under this department shall be the city engineer and the superin- tendent of streets and his assistants. lection 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this resolution and shall cause the same to be entered in the Rook of Fesolutions of the City of "1 Segvtndo, and shall make a minute of the adoption thereof in the minutes of the meeting at which the same was adopted. President of the Roard of T ustees of the City of "1 Segundo ATTEST: �ry Clerk. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Los Angeles ) ss. City of �l Segundo ) I, Victor D. 'McCarthy, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No.l, was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, signed by the President of said Board and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Board held on the � " day of 1917, and tnat the same was adopted by the following te. AYE;': Trustees NOES: Tnxatees mi ABSENT: Trustees - -- — City Clerk i ty of F.1 Segundo. t