10CITY OF EL SEGUNDO BUDGET CALENDAR FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 BUDGET gtaR pate Due Date Responsible Department Description of Task Presentation to City Council of midyear financial review pertaining to projected year -end expenditures and revenues Finance for FY 2010 -2011. Final Budget Calendar presented to City Council. 4/182011 SM 72011 8/92011 City Manager/ Finance City Council Strategic Planning Session 8192011 6232011 Department Heeds/ Budget Analyst Prepare rsubmission o a in increases as October 1, 2011 in accordance with City adnances, if applicable, 2) Completed expendture and revenue worksheets, 3) Completed personnel workshests, 4) Completed Capital Outlay Requests, 5) Completed Travel and Meetings, Professional and Technical Services, Dues and Subscriptions, Training and Education, 8) Completed New Program Requests, if applicable, and 7) Completed departmental and dvisional narratives updated on network ('U° Drive). City ManagerfFinanev Department Heads Department budget sessions with the City Manager and Director of Finance to discuss do pertrtrntal budgets. 5IM=1 6130(2011 Finance Department inputs and compiles estimated revenues and budget requests, and prepares Preliminary Budget 8(302011 7212011 Finance Distribute Draft Preliminary Budget to Department Heads and upload electronic copy to intranet and print limited 7212011 Finance number of preliminary budget books. 7252011 922011 City Manager/ Finance Finance Dept. revises budget for Department Heads suggested changes. &18/2011 Finance Submit FY 2011 -2012 Preliminary Budget to City Council for Review. City Council holds a public hearing on the FY 2011 -2012 annual operating budget and the FY 2011 -2012 through 2015 9/62011 All Departments 2016 CIP budget. 9202011 All Departments Budget Adoption. Departments present listing of all contracts >$25,01)0 to City Council. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 17, 2011 PAGE NO. 10