2011 JUN 08 CC MIN SPCSPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, June 8, 2011 El Segundo Public Library 111 W. Mariposa Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245 7:30 a.m. 7:30 A.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Busch at 7:30 a.m. ROLL CALL Mayor Busch - Present Mayor Pro Tern Fisher - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Fuentes - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to Citv Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Marsha Hansen, Chamber of Commerce; spoke regarding the Downtown Committee and their plans for inviting guests to explore the downtown area. Chris Thomason, President El Segundo Firefighters Association, spoke against any reduction in staffing in the Fire Department. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: Consideration and possible action regarding a strategic planning session which will guide staff in the preparation of the Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Preliminary Budget for all City expenditures and revenues. Staff will present a brief overview of the estimated General Fund Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 yearend projections, General Fund Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 budget assumptions, projected shortfall and options to balance the FY 2010 -2011 and FY 2011 -2012 General Fund Budgets. Staff will be presenting the following items for preliminary consideration: a. Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 Yearend projections b. Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Preliminary Budget Eliminate the projected structural deficit through: 1. Staffing Reductions a. Permanently eliminate vacant positions b. Early retirement options for all employees 2. Salary and Benefit Reductions 3. Reduce Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) funding through cost sharing c. Five -Year Forecast d. Economic Outlook — General Fund Revenues i. Business License ii. Sales Tax iii. Property Tax iv. TOT Tax v. Utility Tax Revenues vi. Investment Interest vii. New Development e. Revenue Growth i. Potential increase in Developer Fee Revenue Long -Term Policy Decisions: i. Capital Infrastructure Plan ii. Reduce General Fund unreserved /undesignated balance to best practice levels iii. Tiered benefit plans and employee cost - sharing iv. Modify funding levels for Equipment Replacement Fund 1. Fleet review and overhaul This planning session will guide staff in the preparation of the FY 2011 -12 Preliminary Budget, which will be presented at the August 16, 2011 City Council Meeting. Council may raise other revenue, expenditure, development, policy, capital project and potential budget reduction items for consideration as part of staff's preparation of the FY 2011 -12 Preliminary Budget. Continue the monetary support to the School District with the condition that the funds are used to support the Joint Use Agreement. Personnel Costs: Majority consensus to reduce costs as proposed by staff. Council Member Brann prefers using the reserves to bridge the gap until the election in April 2012. General Fund unreserved /undesignated balance to best practice levels: Council majority agreed to set the best practice level at 17 %, Council Member Jacobson prefers to maintain a goal of 20% with the understanding that occasionally it may go below that mark; Council Member Brann prefers to reduce it to 15 %. Consensus to review all fund balances and if the logic is there for a different balance, Council would like to review that also. Capital Infrastructure Plan: Modify funding levels for Equipment Replacement Fund; Determine projects and actual costs; Present cost estimates and how the projects can be funded for Council consideration. ADJOURNMENT at 9:15 a.m. Cindy M esen, City Clerk tegic Planning Session June 8,, 2011 � - is For Planning Session �TM 3. Review options for structurally balancing the FY 2011 -2012 General Fund budget. FY 2010 -2011 Year -end Update aund Revenue and Ex e ditures.... fisted) - FY 2010 -2011' GENERAL FUND enue Underrun Expenditures Underrun (0.2 %) Surplus/ (Deficit) Projected Year -End 10/11 (1,316,650) 155,815 $(1,160,835) a inatii£: the FY 2010-2011 nd Deficit FUND BALANCE AT 10!1110: $ 11,749,796 0111 ESTIMATED DEFICIT: 1. $ (1,160,835) 111 ESTIMATEDFUND BALANCE: 10,588,961 SS REQUIRED RESERVES AND = DESIGNATIONS: (100,000) UNRESERVED, UNDESIGNATED: $ 9,888,961 (This is what the City refers to as our 'Reserve') sed�Best Practice — nd Balance Reserve Policy to mitigate - current and future risks and to e a balanced budget our financial reserves provide us security nst unexpected emergencies and contingencies, cur policies for setting those target levels should be periodically reviewed to balance our community's level of risk tolerance against our operating expenditure needs. Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), recommends that general- purpose governments, regardless of size, should maintain at least two months of regular general fund operating expenditures (roughly 17 %). — Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's both recommend 10% as minimum reserves for AAA rating i W A SERVED, UNDESIGNATED: $ 9,888,961 s what the City refers to as our 'Reserve') L BUDGETED EXPEND 9!30!12: 51,144,000 RECOMMENDED FUND BALANCE RESERVE: 17% CALCULATED REQUIRED 'RESERVE': 8,524,000 OVER/(UNDER)RESERVE- $ 1,364,961 Proposed Best Practice d Balance Reserve Policy W-am ;a Beach - 15% of General Fund riations rson - 20% of annual operating budget F,PgaRedondo Beach - Approx. I month General Fund budgeted expenditures - 8.3% - Manhattan Beach - 20% of annual budget expenditures - Culver City - 30% General Fund Operating Expenditures. Preliminary Budget Preparation 10 GENERAL FUND es, net ers in tal Revenues Expenditures, net (unadjusted) Transfers out Total Expenditures Surplus/ (Deficit) Preliminary Budget 11/12 $ 49, 944, 000 1,200,000 $ 51,144, 000 56,660,000 301,000 $ 561 961, 000 $ (5,8171000y far 11/12 preliminary m'�i .. �t��n'� PrRevenues: ro ections for the tions for revenue p J assump mated 10/11 ;;inn are key:. t 3 million increase eck Fee - $1 850,000 increase #rom indexing Ing permit Fee - � `tress License Tax - X300,000 increase resulting oiler y Tax _ $277,000 increase 00 increase 250, togenerated Electric Tax04 increase 240, 75,000 Increase • Sales Tax In Lieu ny Tax (TOT) — . Transient Occup Interest on t Gas and Electric Utility Tax, growth • Sales and Use Tad' Protected flat g ro IInvestments, an Franchise Tax - im t o for 11/12 Preliminary x p enditures: ughs and other employee concessions expire 30 - $3.1 million ERS Pension Rate Increases - $1.1 million ealth Benefit Costs — Average 15% increase - $700,000 Salary Increases — 2% for the Supervisory /Professions Group - $80,300 • Vacant positions eliminated — total of 43 positions — approx. $4.9 million in total compensation 14 PERSONNEL SAVINGS n in Workforce: sions by Labor Groups: TOTAL PERSONNEL SAVINGS VALUE ($) VALUE ( '/-) $ !44.06B 1 8;11)10 $ 5,226.968 17.420/o a Wyee Concessions Expiring,,,,.,,�-, �/ 11 NIPLOYEE SIONS $5 .2 M OR 17% °gur Groups: ns by Labo VALUE VALUE ( %y $ 365,749 1.22% Eation mployees Associ 747,208 2.49% fighters Association 199,949 0.67% Police Management Association _7 843,705 2 81'%� Police Officers' Association Police Support Services Employees 68,117 0.23 " /" Association and Professional Association 219,016 0.73% Supervisory (unrepresented) 708,606 2.36"% Management/Confidential $ 3,152,350 10.51%, H experienced in 2008 -2009. decline in the portfolio as of June 30, 2009 . umin no increases in salaries, it is projected 9 at the increase in rates will cost the City - approximately $3,630,000 for the next three years. $2,620,000 for the Safety groups and $1,010,000 for the Miscellaneous employees. I tions for 11/12 Preliminary . .r et Expenditures: rnent Replacement Costs — Funded at 90% �- .70,000) ual OPEB Payment — Funded at 100% x,000,000) USD Funding - $250,000 cash payment & continue funding crossing guard contract 80 000 and in -kind contributions ($721,727 e sti mated for FY 11/12), which results in $1,051,727 of General Fund expenditures related to the ESUSD • No growth factored for nonpersonnel costs, except for contractual increases in long -term contracts 113 iiminafcng%-.the Projected FY 2011- �C+�reneral Fund StructuraF-Deficit` anently eliminate 43 vacant positions Citywide btsizing of departments ry and Benefit Reduction opportunities Early Retirements Options for Fire Safety and other Employee Groups Health Benefit Cost Sharing Employee Pickup of PERS member payments Tiered Benefit Plans • Fleet Savings • Centralize Shared Services N '{,y JV,uvu ent Elimination of Vacant Positions: Ptural Deficit: (5,816,725) Personnel Reductions: 4,527,358 Fleet Reductions and Other Structural Adjustments: 1,289,367 Adjusted Deficit: $ 20 dear Forecast 21 21M 32044 2014 -2015 2015 -2016 MT: FORE CAST kORLCAST IORLCASI fORFCASI 22 834 tUKEC:AST 21 7411 7 ": ,C�RDUP 20,300,080 21,111.033 �'1 95fi,5f;/ 18,892,47 "; ,829 1Li, T0,322 1'It`` =,T29 GROUPS 18,1`58,355 1(1 `22.032 12.6850+ 5 12.938.7F,t, 13, t y7.` 1? 11 461.492 13 710.72, L. . 51, 144, 000 52, 572. 882 54,046,581 55,566.644 57.134,673 ENTURES 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 F(_)RL( AS 2015 A116 FORECASI ,. REVENUES FORECAST FORECASI FORLCASI 'it 14. 1,00(} �< rat h ltt;U W K),`.14 —TOTAL REVENUES l i 12,02 1 ,244,1`, SFJOR I I ALL Effects of inflation, health benefit increases and PERS rate increases 21 al Infrastructure Plan ation Projects - Purchases - & Sidewalks - 77-'io'Buildings & Structures - TOTAL: $7,990,000 $1,100,000 $7,810,000 $2,225000 $ 19,125,000 7� Project Cost petition Pool rose Facility yurpose Unused dball Court 5. Renovate Tennis Courts Comments $4,800,000 Estimate based on feasibility report. tstirnate includes $1.2M contribution frorn the wo—oxom ; h....'t %sfund. $7,f�t}0,U00 Intimate hatted on fea.ibility report. $350,000 New locker rooms;, bleachers, etc.; rfepenric nt nn status of con,,truc ling a new pool- $10[),1)00 Convert to Rock climbing; wall. $140,000 Masonry, fence posh., court re' >urtacing. 23 Cost Comments Project _ rchase $1,10U,000 land is vacant now and owner is a I.acia Park potential seller. Would allow 'son of park and incorporation of new water features. Potential sale pending. -t Project Cost Comments $500,000 Removal of ficus trees and sidewalk /gutter treet reconstruction; new tree plantings. A drqOetOp 6. °,Create bike Lane if feasible. r "vd — Phase 2 Aviation) `street Resurfacing Io Blvd. to Imperial 11.:7ttand Ave. Resurfacing (sepulveda Blvd. to Maryland) 12. Ifornet Way 13. bollards on Main Street 14. Crosswalk Lighting on Main $2,850,000 Remove and replace top 6." Create bike lane if feasible. $8(x ?,000 Center Street is local and does not qualify for ,fate or federal funding. Minima) re,,urfacinf, would greatly expand the life of the ', treet $1,000,000 Grand Ave. Street is in need of moderate reurfacin" which would greatly expand the life r_if the street $50,000 Grind and cap only. $30,000 Install removahle /retractal le bollards at strategic locations for safety during event where streets ere closed. $80,000 Replaceriient of flush mounted crosswalk lights with wireless flashing puck,, Project Cost Nall upgrade. ambers, West t Construct a New n1 Station Kitchen Remodel I8. library Expansion N014" i Children's Rouen 15, Teen Center upgiddw, Total Estimated Costs $19,125,000 Comments $1010,00() Ataprt(xt$10(),1�3rnore dr�pendingtonrCourYal'ti AV desires and upgrades to Planning. $')00,wX) Althougta I SI w.as sr'i`.rurcally reltofilted in tho lall' 1`3Rf) the hudd,g cr,de hx, �rgrnh� aptly r hanf ;�d ��uu:r the Whrtiwi, Northnd,e and I oma Prwta ParthquaW. F S? Mild be upt ?raded in light of thr, new node, - a new t';] couid be t;onntructed as Part Of ,a larger Infr3structufe Pr ' cl ) i_'i.a. S/S,000 The l ire DepmvnmA kitchen ry outdAed, cabmpts are fall,, apart and surfaces worn. E xpand ;area itrr chrldrer�'n r nailing prcgranas and study factlitle, fol "W dents. $`,o,ow I i,,n reinter {s mri drawn anrt crxald W,(' fare lift, rri'w luf nil ure <and equiPrue'nt. ?(i anent Replacement ding Policy gently, the Equipment Replacement Fund ding funded at a 90% confidence level; 9/30/11, this amount will total $9 million; `* ana M ement's intent is to review the funding 9 level during the budget preparation process to assess for reasonableness 21 Decisions . �onnel Costs t General Fund un reserved/ undesignated lance to best practice levels 1117��Capital Infrastructure Plan �• Modify funding levels for Equipment Replacement Fund Fleet review and overhaul 28