2009 JULY 08 CC MIN SPCSPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday July 8, 2009 El Segundo Public Library 111 W. Mariposa Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245 8:00 a.m. 8:00 A.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 8:00 a.m. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Bob Tolich, Lieutenant, West Covina Police Department, spoke regarding the Communication System and mis- information about their software and lack of support and back up. He stated that they are still functioning at full speed and have up -to -date software and service. Michelle Blumenthal, spoke regarding the communication center and the possibility of outsourcing the 911 dispatch center. She spoke against the proposition. Liz Garnholz, Resident; presented a letter from a friend. She read a letter from Gifford Rodine, in which he commented about the city's current budget shortfall. George Hoops, Resident; spoke regarding the Beach Cities Transit and the poorly constructed map they published. He also spoke on the recent report on water quality sent to each home. Robin Funk, Vice - President of the El Segundo School Board, thanked Council for their previous support and spoke regarding both the city and school budget shortfalls. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 2009 PAGE NO. 1 MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Brann to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: Consideration and possible action regarding a strategic planning session which will guide staff in the preparation of the Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 Preliminary Budget. A brief overview of the estimated General Fund FY 2008 -2009 year -end projections, projected General Fund FY 2009 -2010 budget shortfall and options to balance the FY 2009 -2010 General Fund, and a follow -up on open items from the prior Strategic Planning Session will be provided. This planning session will guide staff in the preparation of the FY 2009 -10 Preliminary Budget, which will be presented at the August 18, 2009 City Council Meeting. Council may raise other development, policy, capital project and potential budget reduction items for consideration as part of staff's preparation of the FY 2009 -10 Preliminary Budget. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 2009 PAGE NO. 2 r.> ted Year -end Revenues and... iditures Fiscal Year 2008/09 f 111 M enues Expenditures Surplus/ (Deficit) Projected Year - Budget 08/09 End 08/09 $ 60,784,950 58,881,550 6017841950 59,045,800 $ - $ (164,250) I es in Year -end Revenue des in Year -end Expenditure ,,_,:�.. )tes — Midyear v. 3rd Quarter rease: $761,350 _ r�r onal Costs: sous vacant positions filled subsequent to . lidd ; 7. vertime has not been reduced as much as " - anticipated; Additional Savings: • Allocation of salaries to other funds; • Equipment Replacement Charges — Savings of $334,000 by not funding current year's charge for Communications Center ping efforts to minimize N, cted yearend deficit is reviewing all expenditures for cost ings ssible salary savings from vacant " ositions Reduction of consultant contracts • Possible overtime reductions a,. ,nary Revenue an P , nditures — fiscal Year 2009/10 Preliminary Budget 09/10 $ 56,945,900 62,918,200 $ (5,972,300) .ptions for 09/10 Preliminary,,,, et Expenditures: - ing on bargaining units; r mpensation — 24.4% increase in rates fits — 3.67% increase in rates on Contribution — 5.2% increase in rates Replacement Costs — Funded at 100% ti"5511000) • `Ahn'ual OPEB Payment — Funded at 100% ($2,000,000) ESUSD Funding - $250,000 cash ayment & continue funding crossing guard contract ($80,000 and in -kind contributions ($1,000,000 estimated for FY 09/10) • Capital Funding - $500,000 • ETRC — Fund $175,000 • Reclassifications — 3 positions proposed to move from Supervisory to Management; Fiscal Impact: $30,000 F 10 Revenue Assumptions" owing are key contributors of the $3.8 bowing ion in revenue decreases from FY 08/09 1 1 1 0 r opted Budget to FY 09/10 Preliminary Budget: opted _r6 jusiness License Tax - $650,000 decrease Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) —$550,000 decrease • Cogenerated Electric Tax - $850,000 decrease • Interest Income - $950,000 decrease pt-Balancing Methodology in Years: (aiinty r*4(tV^A210,04w2,01@T-the,,Economic Fund has been used to balance the t through the use of transfers: t C calYealr 04/05: "I $2,243,200 -fiscal Year 05/06: $ 2,556,603 'Fiscal Year 06/07: $2,700,000 Fiscal Year 07/08: $2,700,000 Fiscal Year 08/09: $2,571,900 Five-Year Total: $12,771,703 10 d PoAity — Unreserved, a gnated Amounts fiq tates.4baUhe,un reserved/ signated fund balance in the General d should be 20% of General Fund enditures; As of September 30, 2008, unreserved/ undesignated fund balance was at 22% of General Fund expenditures; • Appropriate excess of 20% for General Fund operations - $260,000 12 Dmic Uncertainty Fund 'j,ignat ",- thletia.Field-Naming Rights It ue from previous years and transfer to -al Fund to fund current year tions - $1f341,000 Undesignate Portion of Fire Station #2 Contingency - $500,000 Iq & Overtime Runs 000 annually. lic Safety — Total overtime projected 75 million Police overtime - $750,000 Majority used for court appearances and investigations Fire overtime — $2,000,000 14 ng ,Overtime Department n fighter /paramedic positions un short 1 position - $400,000 Run short 2 positions - $661,750 un Short Savings for up to 5 positions - - Run short 1 position per shift - $446,300 — Run short 2 positions per shift - $852,350 — Run short 3 positions per shift - $1,135,000 — Run short 4 positions per shift - $1,294,050 — Run short 5 positions per shift - $1,340,197 15 nnel — Fire inued) Department F inate 1 Firefighter position per shift; 3 total itions - $371,500 minate 1 3- Person Engine Company per shift; otal positions $1,421,600 • Contract for Fire Protection Services — Contract with Los Angeles County Fire Department for Fire Protection Services — total savings - $7,000,000 16 r Accumulated Funds for Communication Center -rent back to the General Fund - $810,130 [Wake the net amount of Accumulated Charges and °- transfer the excess funding based on a 90% confidence level - $1,094,620 • Fund FY 09/10 Replacement Charge at 90% confidence level - $155,000 TOTAL $2,790,350 ,:.e City's funding policy requires staff to fund the Worker's Compensation Fund at a 70% level. Funds have accumulated through the recent years due to changes in estimates of outstanding claims. 18 xal Liability Fund ..� sr.of;funding policy to: neral Fund - $750,000 pital Improvements Fund - $750,000 e City's funding policy requires staff to fund the General Liability Fund at a 70% level. Funds have accumulated through the recent years due to changes in estimates of outstanding claims. The transfer to the Capital Improvements Fund would also save the City it's annual funding of CIP Water & Sewer projects. i .Safety Communications er Ory /Overview -outh Bay Regional Communication Center { El Segundo Public Safety Communication M Center — South Bay Regional Public Communications Authority "SBRPCA" Impacts /Considerations • Proposal /Request for Direction 20 al Cost Saving Possibilities-,"""' ent Options Funding eduled Salary Increases 7`--'-'OPEB Annual Payment ions for Balancing Budget !e nue Generators ale of Fire Station #2 T O.T. Increase — 8% to 10% - Fiscal Impact MC, -i-�-!v50,000 if adopted & ratified by the end of the calendar year. — Increase in Utility Users' Tax — Trash Collection Fees - $670,000 — PLF Developer Fee & Park Fee Study 22 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SUMMARY OF BUDGET BALANCING OPTIONS FY 09/10 Shortfall: (5,972,342)$ E 1 3,075,120$ Transfers from ISF Subtotal: (2,897,222)$ 2 500,000$ Portion of Fire Station #2 Contingency Designation Subtotal: (2,397,222)$ 3 1$5,100$ Fund Equipment Replacement @ 90% Subtotal: (2,242,122)$ 5 260,000$ Appropriate excess of 20% - Currently have 22% in Unres., Undesig. Subtotal: (1,982,122)$ —Run short 1 position 4 Subtotal: (1,582,122)$ 6 1,200,000$ Athletic Field Naming Rights Designation Adjusted Shortfall: (382,122)$ Options: Transfers in from Internal Service Funds Approved 1 500,000$ Transfer from Worker's Compensation Fund Approved 1 750,000$ Transfer from General Liability Fund Approved 1 730,500$ Transfer Unallocated Funds from Equipment Replacement 810,130$ Transfer Accumulated Funds - Comm Ctr. Equipment Replacement Approved 1 1,094,620$ Adjust Funding Level to 90% and Transfer to the General Fund Undesignate Funds in Economic Uncertainty Fund Approved 6 1,200.000$ Athletic Field Naming Rights Designation Approved 2 500,000$ Portion of Fire Station #2 Contingency Designation Increase Charges 787,500$ T.O.T. Increase in Rate (prorated for 9 months) 670,000$ Trash Collection Fees - pass costs on to residents Reduce Current Non - Personnel Costs 500,000$ CIP Transfer Savings Approved 3 155;100$ Fund Equipment Replacement @ 90% Staffing Impacts - Fire Department Run Short Savings for up to 2 firefighter /paramedic positions Approved 4 — —Run short 1 position 661,700$ —Run short 2 positions Run Short Savings for up to 5 positions — 446,300$ —Run short 1 position per shift 852,300$ —Run short 2 positions per shift 1,135,000$ —Run short 3 positions per shift 1,294,050$ —Run short 4 positions per shift 1,340,200$ —Run short 5 positions per shift Staff Reductions 371,500$ — Eliminate 1 Firefighter position per shift; 3 total positions - 1,421,600$ — Eliminate 1 3- Person Engine Company per shift; 9 total positions Contract for Fire Protection Services 7,000,000$ — Contract with Los Angeles County Fire Department for Fire Protection Services (Total Savings) General Fund Unreserved, Undesignated Approved s 260,000$ Appropriate excess of 20% - Currently have 22% in Unres., Undesig. Personnel Cost Reductions 500,000$ Scheduled Salary Increases - 1% of Salaries & Benefits ? Reduce Staffing Levels through Attrition MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 2009 PAGE NO. 13 Council consensus to direct staff to prepare a report removing and /or adjusting the Business License fee from the Business License Tax, at minimum from Home Occupation businesses. Staff to ask City bargaining units if they would consider meeting and conferring with regard to potential salary and benefit cost reductions. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 2009 PAGE NO. 14 Directed staff to prepare informational reports to update the status of long term projects and open items from the last Strategic Planning Session. C. CONSENT AGENDA 2 Consideration and possible action to adopt a Resolution approving specifications for resurfacing Mariposa Avenue from Sepulveda Boulevard to Nash Street and Main Street from Mariposa Avenue to Imperial Highway; and Authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements accepting funds from Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Grant funding in the amount of $358,000. (Fiscal Impact: $358,000) MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch to adopt Resolution No. 4605 approving specifications and authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements, in a form approved by the City Attorney, he amount of $358,000!cMOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS 2009 (ARRA) Grant funding VOICE VOTE. 5/0 ADJOURNMENT 11:34 a.m. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 2009 PAGE NO. 15