2008 SEP 16 CC MINREGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 - 5:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Pro Tern Busch at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present — arrived at 5:05 p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: None The City Attorney Mark Hensley stated that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to items identified on the agenda and Government Code §54956.9(b) items were the Coleman Claim No. 07 -62 and DTS /BKK Landfill. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a) - -1- matter City of El Segundo vs. City of Los Angeles, et. al. LASC No. BS094279 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 1 Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b): -2- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(c): -1- matter. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957): - 0- matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957.6): - 4- matters City Negotiators: City Manager Jack Wayt; Human Resources Director Bob Hyland; Finance Director Deborah Cullen; Richard Kreisler. Employee Organizations: (1) Unrepresented management/confidential employees (City employees who are not members of bargaining units); (2) the El Segundo Police Officers' Association; (3) El Segundo Firefighter's Association; and (4) the El Segundo Police Manager's Association. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956.8): - 0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS: - 0- matter Council recessed at 6:50 p.m. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 2 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION — Justin Beck, Calvary Chapel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Carl Jacobson PRESENTATIONS a. Council Member Brann presented a Proclamation announcing the week of September 17th through 23rd, 2008 Constitution Week. b. Council Member Fisher presented a Proclamation to City Treasurer and Kiwanis Member Ralph Lanphere announcing the 32nd Annual Richmond Street Fair, to be held on September 27, 2008. C. Mayor McDowell presented a Proclamation to Fire Chief Kevin Smith to announce the week of October 5th through 11th, 2008 Fire Prevention Week. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Brann - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Dan Tron, resident and President of Oneway Paint & Design, offered to paint and restore the "Church Directory" sign in the median at Grand Avenue and Main Street. Vincent Parcel, resident and businessman, spoke regarding upcoming chiropractor fundraising raffle. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 3 A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (PUBLIC HEARING) Consideration and possible action (Continued Public Hearing) regarding the Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 Budget (including all City Revenues and Expenditures), Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan and Adoption of Resolutions approving Appropriation Limit, Preliminary Budget as amended, and Capital Improvement Plan as amended. (Copies of the Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 Preliminary Budget can be found in the Library, City Clerk's Office, and on the City's website.) (Fiscal Impact $109,801,250 in total appropriations; $103,200,200 in total estimated revenues and prior year designations of $6,601,050.) Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a continued public hearing regarding the Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 Budget (including all City Revenues and Expenditures), Five - Year Capital Improvement Plan and Adoption of Resolutions approving Appropriation Limit, Preliminary Budget as amended, and Capital Improvement Plan as amended. Clerk Domann stated that proper notice was completed and no written communication had been received by City Clerk's Office. Deborah Cullen, Finance Director, gave a presentation. Steve Shevlin, El Segundo High School Athletic Director and resident, spoke in support of construction of an additional aquatics facility. Geoff Yantz, El Segundo High School Superintendent, spoke in support of a new aquatics facility. Also spoke regarding the City and School District Joint Use Agreement and thanked the Council for their support. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to close the Public Hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 4565 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2008 -2009 FINAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND ADOPTING THE 2008 -2009 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to adopt Resolution No. 4565 adopting the 2008 -2009 Final Operating Budget for the City of El Segundo and Adopting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 4 the 2008 -2009 Capital Improvement Budget. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 4566 A RESOLUTION OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SETTING ITS APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 -2009 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION. MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson to adopt Resolution No. 4566 setting its Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 in accordance with Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 MOTION by Council Member Brann, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch to Incorporate "Exhibit A Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 Change List of Budget Revisions in all Funds" into the Adopted Budget and deposit any fiscal year 2008 -2009 General Fund savings into the Economic Uncertainty Fund in fiscal year 2008 -2009 once the fiscal year 2007 -2008 audit is complete; Approve $165,000 for lighting project at George Brett Field; Approve $150,000 in additional funding for El Segundo Unified School District; Approve $100,000 to assume the responsibilities from ESUSD to provide Crossing Guards services for local schools; Approve and adopt recommended fee increases resulting in additional revenues of $1,014,875. (New fees are scheduled for consideration and adoption on October 21, 2008. Approve $630,000 for City Hall Improvements (staff directed to move forward with Human Resources improvements and to send all other improvements back to CIPAC to be added to prioritization list); Approve transfer of $1,214,800 from Workers' Compensation Fund to General Fund; Approve to undesignate $900,000 in the Economic Uncertainty Fund for liability claims. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Consideration and possible action to introduce and waive first reading of an Ordinance amending the El Segundo Municipal Code's regulation of filming within the City of El Segundo. (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Pro Tern Busch left the dais and did not participate in this item due to a potential conflict regarding his employment. Mark Hensley, City Attorney, gave a report. Council received report from the Filming Ad Hoc Subcommittee. Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read the following changes into the record: 4 -11 -2 DEFINITIONS: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 5 "Filming" includes all activities attendant to staging or shooting commercial motion pictures, video shows, programs, or commercials and commercially prepared radio broadcasts." 4 -11 -17 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF FILMING DAYS ALLOWED: "No permit shall be issued if it will result in any address being located within an impact zone for more than 20 days in the preceding 12 month period. The administrator may increase this 20 day maximum to up to 24 days if consent is received from 100% of the property owners that have been within an impact zone for more than 20 days in the preceding 12 month period." Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 1424 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 4 -11 IN ITS ENTIRETY TO REGULATE MOTION PICTURE, RADIO AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION WITHIN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. Council Member Fisher introduced the ordinance with changes. Second reading and adoption of the Ordinance scheduled for October 7, 2008. Mayor Pro Tern Busch returned to the dais. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 3. Consideration and possible action regarding the Parking In -Lieu Subcommittee's status report and recommendations for developing an integrated approach to downtown parking usage and management in order to maximize current and future downtown parking resources to better meet the needs of businesses, shoppers, workers and residents. (Fiscal Impact: $20,000) Council Member Jacobson left the dais due to a potential conflict regarding real property on sub - items 1 — Receive a progress report from the Parking In -Lieu Subcommittee and 2 — Direct staff to prepare the necessary resolutions and ordinances to allow for (a) payment plan(s) for parking in- lieu fees; (b) businesses to establish temporary structures /uses (for example, outdoor dining) and lease parking spaces for purposes of meeting parking requirements for such temporary structures /uses; and (c) unrestricted parking in the downtown parking structure from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a 2 hour parking restriction for all other times. Mark Hensley, City Attorney, gave a report. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to prepare the necessary resolutions and ordinances to allow for (a) payment plan(s) for parking in -lieu fees; (b) businesses to establish temporary structure /uses (for example, out door dining) and lease parking spaces for purposes of meeting parking requirements for such temporary structures /uses; and (c) unrestricted parking in the downtown parking structure from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a 2 hour MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 6 parking restriction for all other times. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0. COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON NOT PARTICIPATING DUE TO HIS INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY. Council Member Jacobson returned to the dais. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to increase enforcement of downtown parking restrictions. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to study the feasibility of leasing the City -owned parking lot at the northeast corner of Franklin /Richmond Street to a private developer (so long as the current public parking spaces are maintained on the property) and report back to the Council. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: MAYOR MCDOWELL, MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH, COUNCIL MEMBERS BRANN AND FISER; NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON. 4/1 E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 4. Approved Warrant Numbers 2567584 to 2567814 on Register No. 23 in the total amount of $1,930,292.18 and Wire Transfers from 08/21/2008 through 9/04/2008 in the total amount of $624,551.47. Authorized staff to release. Ratified: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers. 5. Approved Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 2, 2008. 6. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1421 to amend, in its entirety, El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") Chapter 1 -7 regulating purchasing procedures; Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1422 to add a new Chapter 1 -7A to the ESMC establishing procedures for executing contracts; Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1423 to add a new Chapter 1 -76 to the ESMC regulating the disposition of surplus property. 7. Authorized the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with Baker & Taylor Information Services, for supplying books and other library materials and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $88,200; Authorized the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with OCLC Inc., for online cataloging services and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $15,000; Authorized the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with EBSCO Subscription Services, for supplying periodical materials and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $15,000; Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #2235J to Innovative Interfaces, Inc., for library computer system maintenance and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $27,000. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 7 8. Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with the West Covina Service Group for Computer Aided Dispatching /Records Management System, Mobile Data Computer maintenance and operations, not to exceed $76,000; Authorize the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with Motorola for two way radio repair and maintenance of the Communication Center's radio assets and infrastructure, not to exceed $75,000; Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles for animal sheltering services, not to exceed $27,000; Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with Enforcement Technology Inc. for processing of parking citations /collections, not to exceed $77,000. 9. Authorized the issuance of a purchase order (year 4 of 5) to Studio Printing for publication of the quarterly "Inside El Segundo /Recreation and Parks Brochure" for an amount not to exceed $39,700; Authorized the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Lane Donovan Partners, LLC (Contract #3399) for contract management services of The Lakes at El Segundo municipal golf course, for an amount not to exceed $108,000; Authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract for professional services with the South Bay Children's Health Center Association for the South Bay Youth Project for on -site counseling services at El Segundo School District facilities for an amount not to exceed $33,018; (4) Authorized the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Great Scott Tree Service (Contract #3476) for tree trimming services in the City of El Segundo, for an amount not to exceed $100,000; Authorized the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Bell Custodial Services (Contract #3413) for custodial services provided at several Recreation Park Department facilities for an amount not to exceed $78,400; Authorized the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Tru -Green (Contract #3421) for landscaping services provided throughout the City for an amount not to exceed $214,000. 10. Authorized the issuance of a purchase order for the purchase of an Oce color plotting and wide format scanning system from Source Graphics for use by all department. (Fiscal Impact: $27,230) 11. Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract and /or purchase order with Tyler Technologies for maintenance of the existing Eden finance system, as approved to form by the City Attorney, not to exceed $27,100; Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract and /or purchase order with Decision Management Company (DMC) for maintenance of the existing Questys document imaging system, as approved to form by the City Attorney, not to exceed $11,700; Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract and /or purchase order with Active.com for software licensing, maintenance /updates, and training, as approved to form by the City Attorney, not to exceed $13,500; Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract and /or purchase order with Progressive Solutions for Business License System maintenance, as approved to form by the City Attorney, not to exceed $20,000; Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract and /or purchase order with Granicus for providing streaming video services for Council meetings, as approved to form by the City Attorney, not to exceed $16,500; Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract and /or purchase order with Shannon David, Inc. for professional services with the City's business recruitment and marketing, program, as approved to form by the City Attorney, not to exceed $150,000. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 8 12. Authorized the City Manager to execute a standard Professional Services Agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney, with U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, for pre- employment physical examinations and related medical testing and protocols and issuance of a blanket purchase order (not to exceed $30,000), with a combined total not to exceed $45,000; Authorized the City Manager to execute a standard Professional Services Agreement, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with Westchester Medical Group /Center for Heart and Health for employees Fitness for Duty examinations (not to exceed $60,000) and Executive Physical examinations (not to exceed $10,000), with the combined total not to exceed $70,000; Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #3416, for ongoing service agreements, as approved by the City Attorney with Dr. Maureen Sassoon for providing Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Consulting Services and issuance of a blanket purchase order, not to exceed $25,000. 13. Adopted Resolution No. 4567 establishing Basic Monthly Salary Ranges for the job classifications of Application Specialist, Assistant Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Chief, Emergency Management Coordinator, Fire Prevention Specialist, Human Resources Specialist, Principal Civil Engineer, Principal Environmental Specialist, Project Specialist, Public Works Inspector, Records Technician, Recreation Coordinator, and Wellness Coordinator; Adopted Resolution No. 4568 establishing new Hourly Pay Rates for the City's unrepresented, Part-time, Temporary job classifications; Approved the proposed Class Specifications for the job classification of Application Specialist, Assistant Fire Marshal, Battalion Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Emergency Management Coordinator, Fire Prevention Specialist, Principal Civil Engineer, Principal Environmental Specialist, Project Specialist, Public Works Inspector, Records Technician, Recreation Coordinator and Wellness Coordinator; Approved the Examination Plans for the Application Specialist, Assistant Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Chief, Principal Environmental Specialist, Project Specialist, Public Works Inspector and Wellness Coordinator. 14. Authorized the El Segundo Fire Department to waive the bidding process per El Segundo Municipal Code §1 -7 -10 to purchase medical and pharmaceutical supplies, and piggyback on the City of Burbank's Bound Tree Medical, Inc. ( "Bound Tree ") Bid #PA1665 and #PA1698, and authorized issuance of a blanket purchase order to Bound Tree for FY 2008- 2009 for medical and pharmaceutical supplies; Authorized the issuance of a blanket purchase order for FY 08 -09 to UCLA Center for Pre - Hospital Care for continuing education, defibrillation training and AED program oversight. 15. Authorized the recording of the Notice of Completion and authorized the City Manager to accept completion of work for 23 homes related to the City's Residential Sound Insulation Program Group 12 (Project No. RSI 06 -12). (Preliminary Contract Amount: $1,246,534.35) Authorized the City Clerk to file the City's Planning and Building Safety Director's Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. Authorized the City Manager, or designee, to close out Project No. RSI 06 -12 as to any remaining invoices or claims. 16. Authorized the recording of the Notice of Completion and authorizing the City Manager to accept completion of work for 24 homes related to the City's Residential Sound Insulation Program Group 13 (Project No. RSI 06 -13). (Preliminary Contract Amount: $1,147,352.66) Authorized the City Clerk to file the City's Planning and Building Safety Director's Notices of MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 9 Completion in the County Recorder's Office. Authorized the City Manager, or designee, to close out Project No. RSI 06 -13 as to any remaining invoices or claims. 17. Approved Second Amendment No. 3707 to a Professional Services Agreement with John L. Hunter and Associates, Inc. for $50,000 to provide storm water plan check services and implementation support of the City's Standard Urban Water Mitigation Plan (SUSWMP) Ordinance No. 1329 for the Planning and Building Safety Department and to extend the term through September 30, 2009 for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009. (Fiscal Impact: $50,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Second Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement. 18. Approved the Fourth Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement No. 3688 with JAS Pacific, Inc. to provide building inspection and plan check consulting services for the Planning and Building Safety Department through September 30, 2009 for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009. (Fiscal Impact: $150,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Fourth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to increase the amount in the agreement and purchase order by $150,000 and to extend the term to expire on September 30, 2009. 19. Approved the First Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement No. 3790 with J Lee Engineering Inc. to provide building plan check consulting services for the Planning and Building Safety Department through September 30, 2009 for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009. (Fiscal Impact: $250,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to increase the amount in the agreement and purchase order by $250,000 and to extend the term to expire on September 30, 2009 for plan check consulting services. 20. Approved the Fourth Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement No. 3637 with MRH Structural Engineers, Inc. to provide building plan check consulting services for the Planning and Building Safety Department through September 30, 2009 for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009. (Fiscal Impact: $100,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Fourth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to increase the amount in the agreement and purchase order by $100,000 and to extend the term to expire on September 30, 2009 for plan check consulting services. 21. Approved the First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement Number 3769 to implement the Senior In -Home Care Project between the City of El Segundo and Always Right Home Care, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $16,000. Contract period: October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009 with an option to extend the Professional Services Agreement through September 30, 2010. (Fiscal Impact: $16,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute a First Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement with Always Right Home Care, Inc., in a form approved by the City Attorney. 22. Approved the First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement No. 3768, to implement the Home Delivered Meals Project between the City of El Segundo and St. Vincent's Meals on Wheels for an amount not to exceed $26,000. Contract period: October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009 with an option to extend the Professional Services Agreement through MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 10 September 30, 2010. (Fiscal Impact: $26,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute said First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with St. Vincent's Meals on Wheels in a form approved by the City Attorney. 23. Approved the Third Amendment to Professional Services Agreement No. 3602 to implement the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) General Administration Project between the City of El Segundo and Tina Gall, for an amount not to exceed $19,000 for the contract period from October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009. (Fiscal Impact: $19,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute a Third Amendment to Professional Services Agreement No. 3602 with Tina Gall in a form approved by the City Attorney. 24. Approved the First Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement No. 3780 with Tierra West Advisors for providing planning consulting services for a contract staff position for the Planning and Building Safety Department for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 and issuance of a purchase order in excess of $25,000 for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009. (Fiscal Impact: $197,600) Authorized the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to increase the amount in the agreement and purchase order by $197,600 and to extend the term to expire on September 30, 2009 for planning consulting services. 25. Approved the Fifth Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement No. 3571 with Willdan for providing planning consulting services for a contract staff position for the Planning and Building Safety Department for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 and issuance of a purchase order in excess of $25,000 for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009. (Fiscal Impact: $197,600) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Fifth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to increase the amount in the agreement and purchase order by $197,600 and to extend the term to expire on September 30, 2009 for planning consulting services. 26. Awarded a standard Public Works Contract No. 3856 to Doug Martin Contracting Company, Inc. for the slurry sealing of the streets in the area bounded by Mariposa Avenue, Sheldon Street, Imperial Avenue and the west City limit. Project No.: PW 08 -09. (Fiscal Impact: $225,209.20) Approved a transfer of $76,000 from undesignated Traffic Safety Fund. Authorized the City Manager to execute a Standard Public Works Contract in a form as approved by the City Attorney. 27. Accepted the work as complete for the project for the City Hall Roof at 350 Main Street. PW 08 -02 (Fiscal Impact: None) Authorized the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. 28. Adopted Resolution No. 4569 adjusting the income threshold required to qualify for lifeline assistance for City water and sewer services. (Fiscal Impact: $6,000.00) MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Brann to approve Consent Agenda Items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 11 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F. NEW BUSINESS G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — Introduced Dana Greenwood, new Public Works Director H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — Regarding the Coleman Claim, in closed session Council by 5/0 vote agreed to under a reservation of rights, accept the tender from the County of Los Angeles for defense and indemnity with respect to that claim pursuant to the 2005 General Services Agreement between the City of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles. REPORTS — CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Brann — NONE Council Member Fisher — Announced the Richmond Street Fair September 27tH Council Member Jacobson — NONE Mayor Pro Tern Busch — Announced California Coastal Clean -up Day. Mayor McDowell — Announced Saturday, September 20th, Community Shred Day at 15001 San Pedro Street, Gardena. Announced Saturday, October 11th, No Drugs Down the Drain Day. Also announced the South Bay Environmental Leadership Award given to South Bay Environmental Solutions Center. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Suzanne Fuentes, resident, thanked Council for their effort on the Film Permit Sub - Committee Dora Polk, resident, spoke regarding section 4 -11 -2 of the proposed Filming Ordinance and how the 300 foot radius was determined. MEMORIALS — Ruth LeBlanc CLOSED SESSION - NONE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 12 ADJOURNMENT at 8:55 p.m. 6-�4 — U 0-/ Cathy Doftfann, Deputy Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 PAGE NO. 13