6 (2)`64r CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 6. Consideration and possible action regarding: 1) the approval of a change order for additional painting at the Park Vista Senior Apartments, and 2) acceptance of all public works activities under Project No. PW 07 -12, which includes painting at the Park Vista Senior Apartments (615 E. Holly Avenue), the Lakes Golf Course (400 S. Sepulveda Boulevard) and the El Segundo Police Department (348 Main Street). (Fiscal Impact: $14,300.00) MOTION by Mayor McDowell, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Busch to approve Change Order No. 2 for additional painting at the Park Vista Senior Apartments, and accepted as complete all public works activities under Project No. PW 07 -12, which includes painting at the Park Vista Senior Apartments (615 E. Holly Avenue), the Lakes Golf Course (400 S. Sepulveda Boulevard) and the El Segundo Police Department (348 Main Street). (Fiscal Impact: $14,300.00) Authorized the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 7. Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and approve a contract with Tyler Technologies for the purchase of Eden Utility Billing software and related support services for the Water Division of Public Works (Fiscal Impact: $69,095) Mayor ProTem Busch requested that Staff return with a report on the possibility of doing electronic billing with this system. 1�kw MOTION by Mayor ProTem Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher, pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Section 1 -7 -10 waive the formal bidding process based on a sole source vendor and approve Contract No. 3829 with Tyler Technologies for the purchase of Eden Utility Billing software and related support services for the Water Division of Public Works. (Fiscal Impact: $69,095) Authorized the City Manager to execute a contract as approved by the City Attorney, MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 09 F. NEW BUSINESS G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS — CITY CLERK 12. Consideration and possible action regarding cancellation of the July 1, 2008 City Council Meeting. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Mayor McDowell to approve cancellation of the July 1, 2008 City Council Meeting. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: MCDOWELL, BUSCH, FISHER AND BRANN. NOES: JACOBSON. 4/1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 4, 2008 PAGE NO.6