2007 MAY 15 CC MINREGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007 - 5 00 P M 5 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 5 00 p m. ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Boulgandes - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so Identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 - NONE Mark Hensley, City Attorney, announced that Council would be meeting In closed session pursuant to Items Identified on the agenda and that the 54956 9(b) Item was a threat of litigation regarding the Abdelshife Claim CLOSED SESSION The City Council moved Into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, Including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) — 4 matters City of El Segundo v 2221 Park Place, LASC Case No BC319034 City of El Segundo v. City of Los Angeles, et al LASC No BS094279 Skipper v City of El Segundo, WCAB No LBO 0036740 Ingram v City of El Segundo, WCAB No MON 0301205 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -1- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) -0- matter DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) -0- matter MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15, 2007 PAGE NO 1 CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) -0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS, -0- matter Council recessed at 6 50 p m MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15, 2007 PAGE NO 2 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007 - 7.00 P M 7 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7 00 p m INVOCATION — Father Jim Anguiano, St Anthony's Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Councilmember Carl Jacobson PRESENTATIONS — (a) Mayor McDowell presented a Proclamation recognizing Betty Wilburn as the 2007 El Segundo Senior Citizen of the Year, proclaiming the month of May, 2007 as Older Americans Month, and inviting the community to the Elderfest Celebration on May 19, 2007 from 11:00am to200pm ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Boulgandes - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed - NONE Chris Powell, Chamber of Commerce, invited the Council and public to Dodger Night on Friday, July 20, 7 30 P M at Dodger Stadium A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE 5/0 B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15, 2007 PAGE NO 3 C UNFINISHED BUSINESS D REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Consideration and possible action on the recommendation by the Business Recruitment Task Force to authorize additional funding, amend the agreement with Shannon David, Inc and continue the business recruitment marketing program for the remainder of FY 2006/2007 (Fiscal Impact $55,000) Scott Reed of the Business Recruitment Task Force Introduced Shannon Earl, Shannon David, Inc , who gave a presentation Council consensus to receive and file presentation MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgarides to approve recommendation to continue business promotion and advertising program, authorize $55,000 In additional funding for community promotion and authorize a third amendment to Agreement No 3454 with Shannon David, Inc MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 E CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 2 Approved Warrant Numbers 2559384 to 2559643 on Register No 15 In the total amount of $3,106,895 33 and Wire Transfers from 4/20/2007 through 5/3/2007 In the total amount of $643,025 40 Authorized staff to release Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement, emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers 3 Approved regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2007 4 Authorized staff to Issue a Request for Proposals for seismic evaluation of the 3.1 Million Gallon Circular water reservoir located at 400 Lomita Street. Approved Capital Improvement Program RFP No 07 -04 Water project No 7103 -8227 (Fiscal Impact = $35,000 Water Enterprise Funds) 5 Approved plans and specifications and authorized staff to solicit bids for the installation of water mixers in El Segundo's three water reservoirs at 400 Lomita Street Approved Capital Improvement Program Project No PW 07 -05 Water Project No 7103 -8229. (Fiscal Impact = $150,000 Water Enterprise Funds) 6 Approved plans and specifications, rejected the low bid from LA Waste Collection as not responsive and awarded a Standard Public Works Contract No 3714 to Ardalan Construction Company, Inc for the El Segundo Library Children's Area Water Damage Restoration project Project No PW 07 -03 (Contract Amount = $59,000) Authorized the City Manager to execute the contract in a form approved by the City Attorney MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15, 2007 PAGE NO 4 7 Approved plans and specifications for the reconstruction of Virginia Street between Sycamore Avenue and Maple Avenue Project No PW 07 -04 (Estimated Cost = $125,000) Authorized staff to advertise the project for receipt of construction bids MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to approve Consent Agenda Items Number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA F NEW BUSINESS 8 Consideration and possible action regarding a resolution Indicating opposition to the Assembly Bill 640 changing groundwater replenishment assessments charged to water agencies pumping groundwater In the Central and West Basins (Fiscal Impact = possible reduction in value of water rights) Steve Finton, Public Works Director, gave a report MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to adopt Resolution No 4508 Indicating opposition to Assembly BIII 640. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER - NONE H REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE REPORTS — CITY CLERK - NONE REPORTS — CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher - NONE Council Member Jacobson — Spoke regarding the Increase In the graffiti in town Requested Staff look Into what could be done to stem the Increase and return to Council with a graffiti policy Council Member Boulgandes — NONE Mayor Pro Tern Busch — Spoke on the El Segundo Alumni Baseball Game and the honors given to El Segundo Baseball Coach John Stevenson Also commented on Public Safety Day and the Gasoline Alley car show MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15, 2007 PAGE NO 5 Mayor McDowell — Commented on the Relay for Life, which raised over $183,000. Announced the Book and Author Fair on June 3, 2007 12 45 p m to 4 30 p m at the Library He also announced that the Peace Corp would be recruiting new members at Its Regional Office, 2361 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 155, on Saturday, May 19, 2 00 p m to 4 00 p m 9 Consideration and possible action regarding the appointment of a member of the City Council to serve on the City's Disaster Council for a period of one year (Fiscal Impact — None) Council consensus to appoint Council Member Boulgandes to serve as a member of the Disaster Council for a period of one year 10 Consideration and possible action regarding an electrical power outage occurring within the residential area of El Segundo on May 10, 2007 (Fiscal Impact— None) Council consensus to receive and file a report from Mayor McDowell and direct staff to work with Southern California Edison to resolve current issues PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so Identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any Item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications Is closed MEMORIALS — Dale Atkeson, survived by his wife Wanda, sons, Troy and Eric and daughter Brand) CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 7 43 p m C/" LCA-,' Cindy MorWsen, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15, 2007 PAGE NO 6