6City Attorney, with the Los Angeles Community Development Commission and with all sub - recipients receiving CDBG funds. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. Consideration and possible action regarding the selection of Wyle Laboratories, Inc. for Design & Testing Services and Labor Compliance Services related to the Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program. (Fiscal Impact: None) James O'Neill, RSI Program Manager, gave a report. MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Busch to authorize staff to negotiate pricing of both contracts. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the proposal to install two City of El Segundo Athletic Fields monument signs located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue. (Fiscal Impact: None) Jeff Stewart, City Manager, gave a report. MOTION by Council Member Fisher to approve the sign with the City Seal centered on the bottom of the sign for the City of El Segundo Athletic Fields monument sign design and the location of the two proposed signs near the intersection of Nash. SUBSTITUTE MOTION by Council Member Boulgarides to approve the sign with the City Seal centered under the words "El Segundo" on the bottom of the sign for the City of El Segundo Athletic fields monument sign design and the location of the two proposed signs near the intersection of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue. MOTION WITHDRAWN RESTATED MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgarides to approve the sign with the City Seal centered on the bottom of the sign for the City of El Segundo Athletic Fields monument sign design and the location of the two proposed signs near the intersection of Nash Street and Mariposa Avenue. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 5. Consideration and possible action regarding the 2007 Annual Report and 2008 Budget by the Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board to City Council. Presentation to be made by Senior Citizen Housing Board representatives. Fiscal Impact: None) Carol Wingate gave the presentation. Council consensus to receive and file the 2007 Annual Report and approve the 2008 Budget from the Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board. E. CONSENT AGENDA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 18, 2007 PAGE NO. 5