2006 SEP 25 CC MIN ADJOURNEDADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 - 5 00 P M 5 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 5 00 p m PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Jim Boulgandes ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tem Busch - Present Council Member Boulgandes - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Fred Maples, resident and contractor, spoke regarding proposed R -1 changes Eva Klllingsworth, resident, spoke regarding the proposed R -1 changes John Stevenson, resident, spoke regarding the proposed R -1 changes A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 PAGE NO 1 B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action regarding the Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC") Chapters 15 -4A (the Single - Family Residential (R -1) Zone Site Development Standards), 15 -1 (Definitions), 15 -2 (Open Space Encroachments), and 15 -15 (Parking Standards to allow the Use of Vehicle Lifts in the Single - Family Residential (R -1) and Two - Family Residential (R -2) Zones) (Fiscal Impact None) Gary Chicots, Interim Planning and Building Safety Director, gave a report Council Member Fisher requested Council consider making the Ordinance effective 60 days after adoption and increase the FAR above the proposed 0 5125 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, noted minor corrections to the proposed ordinance on page 25, Section 19 and page 11, item 2 regarding Side Yard Council Member Boulgarides suggested no set back requirements for one story structures, allow up to 60% lot coverage on one story construction and raise the FAR to 0 53 Mayor Pro Tern Bush felt the FAR was too restrictive He suggested a 0 625 FAR, suggested exemption of modulation and FAR on lots less than 40 feet if FAR reduced to 5125 or 53 and make the ordinance effective 60 days after passage MOTION by Mayor McDowell to increase FAR to 0 55 MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF SECOND MOTION by Council Member Boulgarides to introduce the ordinance with a FAR of 0 53, SECONDED BY Council Member Fisher MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE AYES, COUNCIL MEMBERS BOULGARI DES, FISHER AND JACOBSON, NOES MAYOR MCDOWELL AND MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH 3/2 MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgarides to have setback and modulation requirements only apply to second -story additions in excess of 500 sq ft, make the floor area ratio applicable to lots 40 ft and greater in width in addition to lots exceeding 25 ft in width and revise lot coverage to 60% for single -story construction MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgarides to extend the effective date of the Ordinance to 60 days MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE AYES MAYOR MCDOWELL, MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH, COUNCIL MEMBERS BOULGARIDES AND FISHER, NOES COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON 4/1 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 PAGE NO 2 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title Including amendments by title only ORDINANCE NO 1401 AN ORDINACE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE ( "ESMC ") CHAPTERS 15 -4A (SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R -1) ZONE SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS), 15 -1 (DEFINITIONS), 15 -2 (OPEN SPACE ENCROACHMENTS), AND 15 -15 (PARKING STANDARDS) Council Member Boulgandes introduced the ordinance. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance scheduled for October 3, 2006 2 Discussion of Ordinance No 1400 to amend the Downtown Specific Plan regarding building height restrictions (Fiscal Impact None) Council Member Jacobson left the dais due to a potential conflict regarding the location of real property Gary Chicots, Interim Planning and Building Safety Director, gave a report Mike McDaniels, GIS, gave a presentation MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to revise the Ordinance to add a 25 -foot front setback for any portion of the building above 30 feet in height MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Council consensus to postpone this Item until later In the agenda In order to allow City Attorney to make proposed revisions to the Ordinance Council Member Jacobson returned to the dais F NEW BUSINESS G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER - NONE H REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE REPORTS — CITY CLERK - NONE J REPORTS — CITY TREASURER - NONE K REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher - NONE Council Member Jacobson —NONE MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 PAGE NO 3 Council Member Boulgandes — Reported on Aquatics Task Force subcommittee meeting Requested agendize Item for the next meeting regarding a City Council Resolution in support of State Proposition 84 Mayor Pro Tern Busch — Spoke regarding the success of the Richmond Street Fair Mayor McDowell — Spoke regarding the success of Richmond Street Fair Reported on the first formal event at the Air Force Base "Gordon Conference Center" Council recessed at 6 55 p m Council reconvened at 7 00 p m Council Member Jacobson left the dais Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read the proposed changes into the record Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only ORDINANCE NO 1400 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO 702 (EA -702), SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO 06 -1, AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO 06 -04 TO MODIFY BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Mayor Pro Tern Busch re- introduced the ordinance as amended Second reading and adoption scheduled for October 3, 2006 Council Member Jacobson returned to the dais PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed ADJOURNMENT at 7 05 p m Cathy D6rhann Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 PAGE NO 4