2006 SEP 19 CC MINREGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 - 5 00 P M 5 00 P M SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 5 00 p m ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Boulgandes - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 CLOSED SESSION The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq ) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation, and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel), and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators, as follows Mark Hensley, City Attorney, announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to items identified on the agenda and that the 54956 9(b) item was a threat of litigation regarding the Payne Claim No. 06 -04 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956 9(a)) — 4 matters City of El Segundo v 2221 Park Place, LASC Case No BC319034 City of El Segundo v CTF2, Alaska, LASC Case No BC319033 City of El Segundo vs City of Los Angeles, et al LASC No BS094279 Gilbreath v El Segundo, LASC Case No YCO53692 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(b) -1- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time), Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956 9(c) -0- matter DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — 0 matter MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 1 CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957 6) -0- matter CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54956 8) -0- matter SPECIAL MATTERS - Council moved to open session at approximately 6 00 p m Interview of candidates and potential appointment to one position each on the Library Boarc of Trustees, Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board, El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee, Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee, Economic Development Advisory Council and Los Angeles International Airport ( "LAX ") Area Advisory Committee Council consensus to appoint Martha Sherwood to the Library Board of Trustees for a full term to expire 06/30/09, reappoint Paula Rotolo to the Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board for a full term expiring 06/30/10, reappoint Brian Mitchell to the El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee for a full term expiring 10/31/10, appoint Crista Binder to the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee for a full term expiring 11/30/10, appoint Bob Gray and Katherine Hatzikian to the Economic Development Advisory Council, no term expiration and appoint Richard Croxall to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Area Advisory Committee, no term expiration Council recessed at 6 55 p m MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 2 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 - 7 00 P.M 7 00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7 00 p m INVOCATION — Chaplain, Captain Brad Kimble of the Los Angeles Air Force Base PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tern Eric Busch PRESENTATIONS — a Council presented a Proclamation to Lee Ostendorf and Ralph Lanphere of the 30th Annual Richmond Street Fair organized by the El Segundo Kiwanis Club to be held on Saturday, September 23, 2006 ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Busch - Present Council Member Boulgarides - Present Council Member Fisher - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed - NONE A PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgarides to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 3 B SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Consideration and possible action (continued Public Hearing) regarding the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Budget (including all City Revenues and Expenditures) Five -Year Capital Improvements Plan and adoption of Resolutions approving Appropriation Limit, Preliminary Budget as amended, and Capital Improvement Plan as amended (Copies of the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Preliminary Budget can be found in the Library, City Clerk's office, and on the City's website ) (Fiscal Impact $127,937,350 in total appropriations, $88,692,950 in total estimated revenues and prior year designations of $39,244,400) Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a continued public hearing regarding the FY 2006 -2007 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvements Plan including discussion and possible direction regarding all City revenues and expenditures Deputy Clerk Domann stated that proper notice was completed and no written communications had been received in the City Clerk's Office Bret Plumlee, Administrative Services Director, gave a report MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED Council Member Jacobson by to close the Public Hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only RESOLUTION NO 4480 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN OPERATING BUDGET AND FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 RESOLUTION NO 4481 A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SETTING ITS APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Busch to adopt Resolution No 4480 approving and adopting the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Operating Budget and the five -year Capital Improvement Budget and Resolution No 4481 setting its Appropriations Limit for Fiscal year 2006 -2007 in accordance with Article XIIIB of the California Constitution , Incorporate "Exhibit A, Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Change List of Budget Revisions in all Funds" into the Adopted Budget and deposit any Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 General Fund savings into the Economic Uncertainty Fund in Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 once the Fiscal Year 2005 -2006 audit is complete MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 4 2 Consideration and possible action (Public Hearing) regarding the Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the El Segundo Municipal Code with regard to Chapter 15 -4A, the Single - Family Residential (R -1) Zone Site Development Standards, Chapter 15 -1 regarding Definitions, Chapter 15 -2 Open Space Encroachments, and Chapter 15 -15 Parking Standards to allow the use of Vehicle Lifts in the Single- Family Residential (R -1) and Two - Family Residential (R -2) Zones (Fiscal Impact None) Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing regarding the introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the El Segundo Municipal Code with regard to Chapter 15 -4A, the Single - Family Residential (R -1) Zone Site Development Standards, Chapter 15 -1 regarding Definitions, Chapter 15 -2 Open Space Encroachments, and Chapter 15 -15 Parking Standards to allow the use of Vehicle Lifts in the Single - Family Residential (R -1) and Two - Family Residential (R -2) Zones Deputy Clerk Domann stated that proper notice was completed and no written communications had been received in the City Clerk's Office Gary Chicots, Interim Planning and Building Safety Director, gave a report Arthur Stevens, resident, gave a power point presentation Requested Council consider removing shower restrictions on accessory buildings Gregory Lee, resident, spoke regarding the proposed R -1 changes Requested Council consider smaller structures Fred Maples, resident and contractor, spoke regarding proposed R -1 changes and second story modulation MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to close the Public Hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Council consensus to have the Planning Commission consider and make recommendations back to the City Council regarding the accessory structure shower Issue Council directed the following revisions be made to the draft Ordinance • Modifying the proposed height limit for two -story accessory structures to allow accessory structures to be the same height as for the primary dwelling For new primary dwellings (on lots greater than 25' In width) the maximum height would be 26' and accessory dwellings would there fore have the same height limitation For existing, legal nonconforming buildings that exceed 26', a new accessory building could be built to the same height as the existing primary building • Lots 25 feet wide or less are exempt from new development standards • Lots that are 40 feet wide or less are exempt from modulation requirements • Exemption to required maximum side yard setback if the requirement is greater than five feet for single -story additions or two -story additions to dwellings not exceeding 500 square feet • Eliminate the proposed requirement to have 3 individual garage doors for 3 -car garages Would allow for two garage doors MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 5 • Outdoor accessory showers may have a shower door in addition to walls on three sides • Reducing proposed FAR to 5125 • Limit the use of vehicle lifts to a) parking that is in excess of the minimum number of spaces required in the R -1 Zone and the R -2 Zone, and b) parking that is required in the R- 2 Zone in addition to a fully enclosed two -car garage (3`d and 41h parking spaces) A conditional use permit is required for such vehicle lifts • Completed applications submitted within 30 days after the Ordinance is adopted to be exempt from new regulations MOTION by Council Member Boulgandes, SECONDED by Mayor McDowell to direct the City Attorney to draft modifications as proposed and return to Council for consideration at the Adjourned Regular Meeting on Monday, September 25, 2006 at 5 00 p m MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE AYES MAYOR MCDOWELL, COUNCIL MEMBERS BOULGARI DES, FISHER AND JACOBSON; NOES MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH Consideration and possible action (Public Hearing) regarding the introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the Downtown Specific Plan regarding building height restrictions (Fiscal Impact: None) Council Member Jacobson not participating in the item and left the dais due to a potential conflict with regard to his interest in real property Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing regarding the introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the Downtown Specific Plan regarding building height restrictions Deputy Clerk Domann stated that proper notice was completed and no written communications had been received in the City Clerk's Office Gary Chicots, Interim Planning and Building Safety Director, gave a report Robert Stevenson, resident, spoke regarding building height versus building design Jack Purcell, Northwest corner of Main and Grand building owner, spoke regarding building height versus building design MOTION by Council Member Boulgarides, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch to close the Public Hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON NOT PARTICIPATING DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to have staff prepare renderings of Main Street in order to determine whether the 3 -story, 45 foot height limit is appropriate for the downtown area and to continue discussions at the adjourned regular meeting on Monday, September 25, 2006 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0 COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON NOT PARTICIPATING DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 6 ORDINANCE NO 1400 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO 702 (EA- 702), SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO, 06 -1, AND ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT NO 06 -04 TO MODIFY BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Mayor McDowell Introduced the Ordinance Council consensus to agendized this Item for discussion at the September 25, 2006, 5 00 p m Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting Council consensus to schedule second reading and adoption of Ordinance for October 3, 2006 Council Member Jacobson returned to the dais 4 Consideration and possible action (Public Hearing) regarding the introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the El Segundo Municipal Code as It relates to non- conforming buildings and uses In the Heavy Industrial (M -2) Zone. (Fiscal Impact None) Mayor McDowell stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing the Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the El Segundo Municipal Code as It relates to non- conforming buildings and uses in the Heavy Industrial (M -2) Zone Deputy Clerk Domann stated that proper notice was completed and no written communications had been received In the City Clerk's Office Gary Chicots, Interim Planning and Building Safety Director, gave a report MOTION by Council Member Jacobson, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to close the Public Hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only ORDINANCE NO 1398 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 -21 -6 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE ( "ESMC ") AND ADD A NEW 15 -21 -8 TO THE ESMC TO REGULATE NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES WITHIN THE HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (M -2) ZONE Mayor Pro Tern Busch introduced the Ordinance Second reading and adoption of Ordinance scheduled for October 3, 2006 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 7 C UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5 Consideration and possible action regarding reimbursement to property owners from Groups 2, 3 and 4 of the Residential Sound Insulation Program for financial contributions made as part of participation (Fiscal Impact $210,133 58) Jeff Stewart, City Manager, gave a report MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Fisher to authorize staff to contact qualifying homeowners with the amount for which they qualify as stated on the attached grant spreadsheet, Reject three claims submitted which were determined by staff to be ineligible under the grant guidelines, Appropriate $210,133 58 for the disbursement, Disburse the grants to homeowners upon execution of a grant agreement with the City in a form approved by the City Attorney MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 D REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 6 Consideration and possible action regarding the announcement of the appointment of a candidate to the one vacancy on the Library Board of Trustees, Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board, El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee, Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee, Economic Development Advisory Council and Los Angeles International Airport ( "LAX ") Area Advisory Committee Mayor McDowell announced the appointment of Martha Sherwood to the Library Board of Trustees for a full term to expire 06/30109, reappointment of Paula Rotolo to the Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board for a full term expiring 06/30/10, reappointment of Brian Mitchell to the El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee for a full term expiring 10/31/10, appointment of Crista Binder to the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee for a full term expiring 11/30110, appointment of Bob Gray and Katherine Hatzinkian to the Economic Development Advisory Council, no term expiration and appointment of Richard Croxall to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Area Advisory Committee, no term expiration E CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business 7 Approved Warrant Numbers 2555186 to 2555381 on Register No 23 in the total amount of $696,361 50 and Wire Transfers from 8/25/2006 through 9/7/2006 in the total amount of $500,821 65 Authorized staff to release. Ratified. Payroll and Employee Benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments, and wire transfers 8 Approved City Council Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2006 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 8 9 Approved ongoing service agreements, amendments and issuance of blanket purchase orders for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 in excess of $10,000 for the Administrative Services Department (Fiscal Impact Fiscal Year 2006 -2007, $442,150) Authorize the City Manager to amend /extend contract #3378 for ongoing service agreements, as approved to form by the City Attorney, for Geographic Information System /Global Positioning System (GIS /GPS) consulting with Michael McDaniel (sole proprietor) and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $37,000, Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #3478, for ongoing service agreements, as approved to form by the City Attorney with Prosum, Inc for Information Systems consulting services and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $40,000, Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #3243, for ongoing service agreements, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with Vertex Communications, Inc for telephone system services and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $11,000, Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #2774 for ongoing service agreements, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with Progressive Solutions for Business License System maintenance /updates and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $20,000 Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #3416, for ongoing service agreements, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with Maureen Sassoon for providing Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety Consulting Services and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $15,000, Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #3451, for ongoing service agreements, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with CBIZ for temporary professional accounting services to assist in various assignments such as additional support for Eden upgrade, internal control reviews for cash management and process improvement, if needed in Fiscal Year 2006- 2007 and issuance of blanket purchase order, for an amount not to exceed $35,000, Authorized the issuance of a purchase order to Granicus for providing streaming video services for Council meetings, for an amount not to exceed $16,500, Authorized the issuance of a purchase order to Active com (formerly Class Software Solutions, LTD.) for software licensing, maintenance /updates, and training, not to exceed $13,500; Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend contract #3290 for a two -year period for professional services, as approved to form by the City Attorney with Southern California Risk Management Associates, Inc (SCRMA) to serve as the City's Workers' Compensation Program Third Party Administrator and issuance of a blanket purchase order, for an amount not to exceed $139,150, Authorized the City Manager to execute a standard Professional Services Agreement, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with U S Healthworks Medical Group, Prof Corp for pre- employment physical examinations and related medical testing and protocols and issuance of blanket purchase order (not to exceed $15,000) and occupational injury and illness treatment (not to exceed $30,000), with a combined total not to exceed $45,000, Authorized the City Manager to execute a standard Professional Services Agreement No 3648, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with Westchester Medical Group for employee fitness for duty examinations (not to exceed $60,000) and executive physical examinations (not to exceed $10,000), with a combined total not to exceed $70,000 10 Approved the annual renewal of the Library Department's blanket purchase orders over $10,000 Those include four vendors- Baker & Taylor Information Services, Online MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 9 Computer Library Center, Inc (OCLC), Ebsco Subscription Services and Innovative Interfaces, Inc (Fiscal Impact $141,700) Authorized the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with Baker & Taylor Information Services, for supplying books and other library materials and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $88,700, Authorized the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with OCLC Inc , for online cataloging services and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $15,000, Authorized the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with EBSCO Subscription Services, for supplying periodical materials and issuance of blanket purchase order not to exceed $14,000, Authorized the City Manager to amend /extend Contract #2235 1 to Innovative Interfaces, Inc for library computer system maintenance and issuance of blanket purchase order, not to exceed $24,000 11 Approved annual ongoing service agreements, individual contractor instructor agreements and issuance of blanket purchase orders for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 in excess of $10,000 for the Recreation and Parks Department (Fiscal Impact $469,200) Authorized the City Manager to execute standard individual contract instructor agreements and issuance of blanket purchase orders to instructors, Authorized the issuance of a purchase order (year 2 of 5) to Studio Printing for publication of the quarterly "Inside El Segundo /Recreation and Parks Brochure ", not to exceed $39,700 for FY 2006 -2007 (subsequent years are subject to negotiation with regards to material /paper costs only), Authorized the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Lane Donovan Partners, LLC (Contract #3399) for management services of The Lakes at EI Segundo municipal golf course, for an amount not to exceed $108,000,) Authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract for ongoing services, as approved to form by the City Attorney, with South Bay Youth Project for on -site counseling services at El Segundo High School, not to exceed $33,500, Authorized the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Great Scott Tree Service (Contract #3476) for tree trimming services in the City of El Segundo, for an amount not to exceed $100,000 12 Authorized the El Segundo Fire Department to piggyback on the City of Monrovia's Bound Tree Medical, Inc ( "Bound Tree ") Bid #PA05 -002 and authorize issuance of a blanket purchase order to Bound Tree for FY 2006 -2007 for medical and pharmaceutical supplies, Authorized the Issuance of a blanket purchase order for FY 2006 -2007 to UCLA Center for Pre - Hospital Care for continuing education, defibrillation training and AED program oversight 13 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH 14 Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with the West Covina Service Group for Computer Aided Dispatching /Records Management System, Mobile Data Computer maintenance and operations, not to exceed $72,500, Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with NICE Systems, Inc for maintenance for the systems used by the Communications Center to record all telephone and public safety radio transmissions, not to exceed $11,500, Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with Motorola for two -way radio repair and maintenance of the Communication Center's radio assets and infrastructure, not to exceed $75,000, Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with Oce for copier /printer services, not to exceed $14,004, Authorized the City Manager to extend the existing standard Professional Services MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 10 Agreement with Reach Out Against Drugs (R O.A.D ) to help fund the R O A D. program, not to exceed $10,000, Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles for animal sheltering services, not to exceed $27,000, Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with Enforcement Technology, Inc for processing of parking citations /collections, not to exceed $55,000, Authorized the City Manager to execute a one -year contract with Wellness Solutions, Inc for a physical trainer to provide direction in the areas of fitness, nutrition and prevention of work - related Injuries and rehabilitation, not to exceed $100,000 15 Approved a three year Memorandum of Understanding Agreement No 3642 between the City of El Segundo and the California Teamsters Public, Professional and Medical Employees' Union, Local 911 (Supervisory and Professional Employees' Bargaining Unit) (Fiscal Impact $380,150 over 3 years) Adopted Resolution No 4482 approving Memorandum of Understanding 16 Approved Professional Services Agreement No 3643 with Wllldan for providing an interim Senior Planner to continue to replace the vacancy of the Senior Planner position (Fiscal Impact $45,720 —funding for the services are included in the 2005 -2006 budget No additional appropriations are necessary) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Professional Services Agreement as to form approved by the City Attorney 17 Awarded Contract No 3644 to the lowest responsible bidder Industrial Maintenance Service for the replacement of the automated engine control panel for the emergency natural gas water pump for the City of El Segundo Water Distribution System located at 400 Lomita Street (Contract Amount = $15,511 19) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Public Works contract on behalf of the City 18 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER JACOBSON 19 Approved Tract Map No 53570, a 40 10 -acre, 26 lot subdivision property bounded by Atwood Way, Nash Street, Douglas Street and Mariposa Avenue (Fiscal Impact None) Authorized the City Engineer and City Clerk to sign and record said Map 20 Authorized Police Department to purchase 26 tactical entry body armor vests and accessories from Aardvark Tactical, Inc , funding source to be from the equipment replacement fund (Fiscal Impact $35,427 19) Pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Sec 1 -7 -10, waived the bidding process and utilize an existing Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department contract 21 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BUSCH 22 Authorized City Manager or his designee to initiate and conclude contract negotiations for the sale of radio frequency rights to the Burbank - Glendale- Pasadena Airport Authority Authorized the City Attorney to draft an appropriate sales agreement Directed the City Manager to return to City Council for final approval of sale Directed that any funds derived from the sale of radio frequency rights shall be returned to the Police Department's asset forfeiture account MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 11 23 Authorized the transfer of accumulated developer fees currently held in General Fund Account 001 - 252 - 0000 -1252 to Operating Budget Expenditure Account 001 -400 -3201 -6215 for repairs, maintenance, and Improvements to Fire Station 1 (Fiscal Impact $70,050) MOTION by Council Member Boulgarides SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Busch to approve Consent Agenda Items 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22 and 23 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Regarding Consent Item 19, Approval of Tract Map No 53570, a 40.10 -acre, 26 lot subdivision property bounded by Atwood Way, Nash Street, Douglas Street and Mariposa Avenue, Council Member Jacobson noted the net useable acreage for the athletic fields was less than five acres and the net useable acreage for the fire station lot was less than one acre Council requested that any future purchases or sales information also Include acreage required for utility, road and pipeline or any other easement CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 13 Consideration and possible action regarding approval of ongoing service agreements and blanket purchase orders for FY 2006 -2007 in excess of $10,000 and possible action to waive the formal bidding process and authorize the continued purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel for City vehicles and equipment through the use of spot market purchasing for the Public Works Department (Fiscal Impact $463,600) Mayor Pro Tern Busch requested staff Investigate the use of and spot market purchasing of blo- diesel fuel MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgarides to authorize staff to purchase gasoline and diesel fuel for City vehicles and equipment through the use of spot market purchasing in an amount not to exceed $230,000, authorize the Public Works Department to piggyback onto the City of Manhattan Beach, RFP No 678 -06 with Napa Auto Parts, and issuance of a blanket purchase order for purchase of automotive, after - market parts for vehicle and equipment maintenance, not to exceed $25,000, Authorize the Public Works Department to piggyback onto the State of California, Western States Contracting Alliance Master Agreement #7066, and issuance of a blanket purchase order to W W Grainger, Inc for purchase of industrial supplies, materials and equipment needed for maintenance and repair of City facilities such as plumbing supplies, electrical materials and paint, not to exceed $25,000, Authorize the Public Works Department to piggyback onto the Long Beach Water Department, Agreement No Wd -2664 with S & J Supply Company, Inc for the purchase of waterworks supplies for the City's water system, and issuance of a blanket purchase order in the amount of $30,000, Authorize the issuance of blanket purchase order to Metron Farmer in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for the purchase of single het water meters for the City's water system, Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement No 3645, in a form as approved by the City Attorney, with American Business Software for software support and custom programming for the utility billing system for water and wastewater services in an amount not to exceed $13,600, Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement No 3646, in a form as approved by the City Attorney, with Dataprose for utility billing processing services for water and MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 12 wastewater services in an amount not to exceed $30,000 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 18 Consideration and possible action to award a three year contract to ACCO Engineered Systems for a three -year Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 100% coverage maintenance contract at City Buildings, an upgrade of HVAC systems at the Maintenance Facility, and additional services as required IFB No 06 -08 (Contract Amount Year 1 = $95,926, Year 2 = $53, 788, Year 3 = $56,548 MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Busch, SECONDED by Mayor McDowell to approve three year Contract No 3647 to ACCO Engineered Systems for a three -year Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 100% coverage maintenance contract at City Buildings, an upgrade of HVAC systems at the Maintenance Facility, and additional services as required IFB No 06 -08 MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 21 Consideration and possible action to waive the formal bidding process on the purchase of two PIPS Technology, Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition System (ALPR) for the El Segundo Police Department patrol division (Fiscal Impact not to exceed %60,000 in COPS grant funds) MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Busch, SECONDED by Council Member Jacobson, pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Sec 1 -7 -10 waive the formal bidding process and utilize an existing City of Roseville RFQ on the purchase of two PIPS Technology, Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition System (ALPR) for the El Segundo Police Department Patrol Division (Fiscal Impact Not to exceed $60,000 in COPS grant funds) MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 F NEW BUSINESS 24 Consideration and possible action regarding adoption of a Resolution and introduction of an Ordinance for 1) the implementation of fob classification and salary range changes in the 2006 -07 Fiscal Year operating budget, and 2) amending the El Segundo Municipal Code to revise the title of the Department and the Department Head to Library Services Department and Director of Library Services (Fiscal Impact $42,310) Jeff Stewart, City Manager, gave a report MOTION by Council Member Fisher, SECONDED by Council Member Boulgandes to approve Resolution No 4483 establishing basic monthly salary ranges for the fob classifications of Administrative Technical Specialist (Public Works), Assistant City Engineer, Assistant City Manager, Equipment Maintenance Supervisor, Fire Marshal, Librarian I, Librarian II, Director of Library Services and Network Assistant, adopt the proposed class specifications of Administrative Technical Specialist (Public Works), Assistant City Engineer, Assistant City Manager, Equipment Maintenance Supervisor, Fire Marshal, General Services Manager, Librarian I, Librarian Il, Director of Library Services and Network Assistant, and approve the examination plans for Network Assistant, General Services Manager, Equipment Maintenance Supervisor and Assistant City Engineer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 13 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only ORDINANCE NO 1399 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE §§ 1 -6 -3 AND 1 -6 -5 REGARDING CITY DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS Council Member Boulgarides introduced the ordinance Second reading and adoption of Ordinance scheduled for October 3, 2006 G REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — NONE H REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — NONE REPORTS — CITY CLERK REPORTS — CITY TREASURER K REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Fisher — Announced Richmond Street Fair this Saturday, September 23, 2006, 900am to500pm Council Member Jacobson — NONE Council Member Boulgarides — Commended the Police Department and Fire Department for their excellent work Spoke regarding the recent City Volunteer event and the 9 -11 Memorial Event Mayor Pro Tern Busch — Urged the community to attend the Richmond Street Fair Mayor McDowell — Spoke regarding the 9 -11 Memorial Event and the recent Surfrider Foundation Event. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed Suzanne Fuentes, resident, spoke regarding proposed pools at the High School MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 PAGE NO 14 MEMORIALS — Sandi Walker, wife of former Torrance Mayor Dan Walker, Ofelia Borges de Abreu, mother of Council's Executive Assistant, Julia Abreu- Mason, Dolly Mendibles, aunt of City employee Naomi Rows CELEBRATIONS — Cooper James Mcllroy, born on September 6`h to parents Nathan, El Segundo Firefighter, and Kati Mcllroy Cooper James is the first grandchild of proud Grandparents, Susie, Library Administration and her husband Don Mcllroy Andrew David Berger, born September 13th to parents Megan and Erik Berger, of North Olmstead, Ohio and grandson of City employee Linda Muche CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNED at 10 05 p m to MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2006, 5 00 P M , City Council Chamber l� Cathy Doma Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19,2006 PAGE NO 15