FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2005
348 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
730A.M — 1030AM
CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell at 7 35 a.m
Mayor McDowell -
Mayor Pro Tem Gaines -
Council Member Boulgarides -
Council Member Busch -
Council Member Jacobson -
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS —(Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City
Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify
themselves poor to addressing the City Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and
punishable by a fine of $250 While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow
Council to take action on any item not on the agenda The Council will respond to comments after
Public Communications is closed
Chris Powell, El Segundo School Board, spoke regarding School District funds Requested
Council consider reinstating the second School Resource Officer and either fund or take over the
School Crossing Guard Program
Council requested the School Board prioritize their requests.
Preliminary Strategic Planning Session regarding the City's Operating budget for Fiscal Year
A Introduction - Mayor Kelly McDowell, City Manager Mary Strenn and City Manager
Designee Jeff Stewart
B Background Budget Information - Administrative Services Director Bret Plumlee
Historical Graph of Major General Fund Revenue Sources FY 1986 -87 to FY 2005 -06
Budget Assumptions for FY 2005 -2006 - staff presentation.
Revenue Estimate
Estimate of Expenditure Increases and Offsets
Potential General Fund Shortfall Range $500,000 - $1 5 Million
Budget Balancing Policy Options - staff presentation
Council Direction — Preliminary Council discussion and direction regarding potential budget
shortfall or enhancements and means of addressing them, including program reductions in all City
departments, staff issues citywide, mterfund transfers, capital improvement project changes,
alternate funding of special projects for the budget year of 2005 -06, new and /or increased City
department fees and new revenue options. SEE EXHIBIT A
Douglas Street Gap Closure Funding —
Council directed staff to make every possible effort to fund the project without City funds and
prepare options with City funding.
Business Summit —
Staff to work with Chamber of Commerce to hold a Business Summit, within 10 -15 days, to discuss
and obtain comment from businesses
Next steps for budget preparation and adoption process - staff presentation
Presentation regarding bids received on Douglas Street Protect and preliminary discussion
regarding funding of Construction Project and Construction Schedule
ADJOURNMENT at 9 30 a m
Cindy Moftdsen, City Cletk
Exhibit A
Budget Balancing Policy Options
A Staff's Recommendation regarding a 2 -Year Budget Balancing Plan FY 2005 -2006 and FY 2006 -2007
FY 2005 -2006 Estimated Beginning General Fund budget shortfall of $723,600 (Range
likely to be between $500,000 and $1 5 million)
2 Fund Equipment Replacement shortfall of $1,438,100 over next 3 years at $479,400
each year
Action: Develop a priority list based on 3-year replacement.
Eliminate $500,000 transfer from General Fund to Infrastructure Replacement
Fund for next 2 years while Equipment Replacement Fund is being replenished
Action: Council deferred decision pending a list of items from staff showing balances
on these funds.
4. Pay back $795,000 reimbursement of loan from General Fund to Water fund over next 2
years at $397,500 in FY 2005 -2006 and $397,500 in FY 2006 -2007 based on payment
received in FY 2004 -2005
Action: Tentatively plan for one -year reimbursement strategy. Council to finalize
decision in July.
5 Use balance in Economic Uncertainty Fund in FY 2005 -2006 and deposit any excess FY
2006 -2007 General Fund savings back into the fund
Action: Approved
6. Replenish Liability Insurance fund back up to 70% Confidence Level for an
unspecified term at the rate of $200,000 annually
Action: Approved
7. If the Council approves the recommendations above, departments to prepare
contingency plan to cut $505,500 with contingency plans to cut up to $700,000
Action: Each department will submit a list of cuts in services in the order of
B. Items to consider for possible funding:
Consider replenishment of Equipment Replacement funding of $1.438 million
Action: Develop a priority list based on 3-year replenishment.
2 Consider funding up to $250,000 in Retiree health costs per GASB 45 requirement.
Action: Not funded
3 Consider funding up to $250,000 in additional Capital Improvement Projects
Action: Additional funding ($250, 000) not needed based on CIPAC recommendation.
4 Consider funding up to $50,000 in Executive Technology Review Committee
Action: Staff to provide list of any proposed technology projects.
C. Budget balancing options:
1 Additional departmental cuts across the board
Action: Council did not provide direction to seek across the board cuts.
2, Decrease annual transfer from General Fund to Facilities Maintenance
Fund up to $175,000
Action: Staff to prepare list of projects and their balances.
3 Transfer designation in Facilities Maintenance Fund up to $215,000 to the General
Action: Staff to prepare list of projects and their balances.
4 Consider paying back $795,000 reimbursement of loan from General Fund to the
Water fund based on payment received in FY 2004 -2005.
Action: Pay all back in FY '05-'06
5 Consider any new and /or increases in department recommended fees and
new revenue
Action: Recreation and Parks Director will bring back Rec & Park recommended fee
increases for consideration.
6. Consider implementation of Lighting and Landscaping District
Action: Not approved
7 Consider prefunding Calpers retirement obligation in FY 2005 -2006.
Action: Not approved
D. Unfinished Project Account Balances as of May 20, 2005:
1 Community Center $5,945,500
2, City Hall Improvements $819,900
3 Downtown Specific Plan $152,100
4 Aquatics Master Plan $675,750
5 Soccer fields $5,500,000
6 Fire Station # 2 $2,241,300
7 CIP Savings designated first toward Douglas $1,360,350
8 Developer Deposits in Fire, Police, Library $544,650
Doualas Street Project:
Continue to meet with the business community to discuss option /s in getting a commitment
for additional funding
Bring back to Council on June 21 or hold a special meeting, if necessary, to consider status
of project
Other Action Items:
1. Send Council a list of balances in developer deposits for Police, Fire and Library.
2. Send Council FY '05 -'06 proposed Equipment Replacement Schedule.
3. Send Council the balance in the Infrastructure Replacement Fund.
4. Email Strategic Planning Session PowerPoint presentation.
5. Send Council a list of funded and proposed new technology projects.
6. Send Council a recommendation on what the latest budget shortfall is based on their initial
direction and staff's recommendation.