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SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2004 —12:30 P.M. MANHATTAN ROOM MEETING ROOM, DOUBLETREE HOTEL 1985 EAST GRAND AVENUE, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 12:30 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor McDowell ROLL CALL Mayor McDowell - Present Mayor Pro Tern Gaines - Present Council Member Boulgarides - Present Council Member Busch - Present Council Member Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Jo -Ann Edlefsen and Robin Funk, from ROAD, gave a short presentation and requested continued City support for the Reach Out Against Drugs R.O.A.D. program. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Welcome Address by Mayor Kelly McDowell and Introduction of Facilitator, Don Maruska II. Making Great Decisions Together. The Facilitator opened discussion of the budgetary processes and methods of working together effectively. III. City of El Segundo Council Members' individual priority principles /policies and issues for the City of El Segundo. See attached list of potential specific Council items discussed. (Attachment A) Council recessed at 2:55 p.m. Council reconvened at 3:10 p.m. All Council Members present. IV. Status Report of Fiscal Year '03 -04 Projects. The Department Heads discussed accomplishments and status of projects approved by Council in Fiscal Year '03 -04 (see Attachment B). MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 2004 PAGE NO. 1 Council requested a status report at tomorrow's Special Meeting of funds already spent and funds still available for the FY 03/04 projects. Also requested that a status report on Radio Frequencies and RCC be agendized for a future Council meeting. V. Bret Plumlee, Director of Administrative Services, gave a report regarding Fiscal Year '03 -04 and Fiscal Year '04 -05 Budget status. He also gave a brief presentation on the budget process and timetable as well as current revenue and expense projections. Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a status report regarding State budget impacts on El Segundo. She also spoke regarding Sheriff Baca's police services tax measure. Council Member Gaines suggested getting a public policy expert to pursue the issue of Power Plants in California. Stated there was a need, for near term planning purposes, to get a status of Power Plant contracts in general, and to consider a possible joint study with other cities in the same situation. Council requested a breakdown by department on postponed equipment replacement. Council requested that a detailed report on sewer and water rates be sent to them before the release of the agenda packet in order to allow adequate review time. IV. Closed Session: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 the City Council moved to closed session regarding the following matter at 4:30 p.m. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISMISSAL AND APPOINTMENT TITLE: CITY ATTORNEY The Council by 5 -0 vote decided to continue the appointment of City Attorney Mark Hensley when he terminates his employment relationship with Burke, Williams & Sorensen on August 31, 2004 and commences an employment relationship with Jenkins & Hogin on September 1, 2004. There was no approval or discussion of contract terms during the closed session meeting and it is anticipated that a proposed contract will be placed on the August 3, 2004 Council Meeting for consideration. Council moved to open session at 4:58 p.m. ADJOURNMENT at 5:00 p.m. Cathy Domann, Deputy City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 2004 PAGE NO. 2 Attachment A City of El Segundo Council Members' individual priority principles /policies and issues for the City of El Segundo 1. Discussion about expenditure policies ➢ Fully fund capital improvement projects in advance of design and construction to the extent possible. ➢ Support school district when funding is available. 2. Discussion about revenue policies ➢ Discuss philosophy of whether to use one -time funds for one -time projects 3. Discussion about budget guidance ➢ Maintain a balanced budget. ➢ Adhere to previously adopted fund balance policy. ➢ Maintain a pay -as -you go philosophy with the objective of keeping total debt very low. 4. Discussion about community expectations ➢ Maintain service levels. ➢ Maintain Public Safety as a core service. ➢ Keep City's infrastructure well maintained. ➢ Try at all levels in the organization to be leaders in the region. ➢ Develop natural resources and provide recreational /open space. ➢ Evaluate if desired City wide service levels can best be accomplished through in -house staff or contractual services 5. Discussion about fund balances ➢ Maintain self- sustaining Enterprise funds ➢ Review fund balances in all funds. 6. Return of Economic Development function from the Community, Economic and Development Services Department to the City Managers' Office 7. Discuss the possibility of facilitating joint meeting between the chairs of all of the City's boards, committees and commissions and the City Council. 8. Discussion about the possibility of implementing a City Council Code of Ethics. S 7 1*7%, N a uq CAD 3 _o �con (Z� 0 o C7 m o _ CD �-a 3 CD m CD o Q v ° w -n w oo Q. C!) c �o O o c =3 O0 e ' a0.. m cn cp ti Z- o o o ° a coo d CP ti coo a uq CAD 3 � � � � � � CD � � � � � CD « � 0 � §. § � 0 R. o �3� CD �_ w o CD - S_ CD c � m sS. ® (�q \ ) 44. � � � � � � CD � � � � � CD « 0 wj A� CD NA CD f%) b F Q �O b �9 O O O co (D 0 om cn 3 M Q o a CD � C7 ccn o CD VI O A 1 i`b (`�y�.��( zt wj A� CD NA CD f%) CD 0 1 O• O (D n � N 'O CD C O N 'T1 a_ ch CD cQ ZZ QCOD`�oMO °� C'n° co� C A o o z . o Q tj k cn cn o co� C-n dQ co� ` N olq O CD FEZ CD 0 CAD i117 o A O. 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