2003 APR 01 CC MINREGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2003 — 5:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Gordon at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Gaines - Absent Council Member McDowell- Present Council Member Wernick - Present City Attorney Mark Hensley announced that the City Council would not be meeting with respect to the Labor Negotiator Item on the Closed Session Agenda. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et se q.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and /or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation; and /or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and /or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Gov't Code §54956.9(a)) — 3 matters. Schwartz v. City of El Segundo, LASC No. YC044253 Bressi v. City of El Segundo, LASC BC288292 Bressi v. City of El Segundo, LASC BC288293 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b): -0- potential case (no further public statement is required at this time); Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(c): -0- matter. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS (Gov't Code §54957) — None. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957.6) — 1 matter: Process and timetable for negotiations with Police Officers' Association and Firefighters' Association. SPECIAL MATTERS — None. Council moved to open session at 6:55 p.m. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 2003 PAGE NO 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2003 — 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Gordon at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION — Reverend Steve Preston of Grace Assembly PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Jacobs PRESENTATIONS — (a) Mayor ProTem Jacobs presented Commendations to El Segundo Middle School Teacher, Cathie Haynes and her two 7th grade students, Christian Elder and Matthew Kubeck, for taking 2nd and 3rd places, with their award - winning 2003 Space Walk Awards essays, hosted by the General Bernard A. Schriever - Chapter 147 of the Air Force Association. (b) Council Member McDowell presented a Proclamation to members of the Tree Musketeers, proclaiming April 12, 2003 as National Youth Service Day to recognize the remarkable contributions that young people make to the betterment of their communities. (c) Council Member Wernick presented a Proclamation to Sue Carter, Friends of the Library, proclaiming April 6 -12, 2003 as National Library Week. (d) Presentation of Certificates of Completion and Vests by the City Council and Fire Chief to 28 Residential Graduates of the 2003 Winter CERT Program in conjunction with the swearing in and administering of the Loyalty Oath, pursuant to Government Code Section 3102, by the City Clerk to the graduates as Disaster Service Worker Volunteers. ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Gaines - Absent Council Member McDowell - Present Council Member Wernick - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 2003 PAGE NO. 2 Joe Brandin, resident, spoke regarding item C 1, appropriation of $30,000 for assistance with the Planning review process regarding the Air Force Base. Jim McLees, Boy Scout Troup 267, announced that the troop was here tonight to observe the meeting. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by Title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0. COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES ABSENT. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Consideration and possible action for appropriating $30,000 for temporary planning support staff for the City of Hawthorne to assist their Planning Department review /processing of entitlements related to the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) Land Conveyance, Construction and Development Project. The project developer, SAMS Venture, LLC, would reimburse the City for the funds. Mary Strenn, City Manager, gave a report. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to appropriate $30,000 for temporary planning support staff for the City of Hawthorne to assist their Planning Department review /processing of entitlements related to the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) Land Conveyance, Construction and Development Project. The statement was also made that the project developer would not reimburse the City for the funds. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBS, COUNCIL MEMBERS MCDOWELL AND WERNICK. 4/0. COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES ABSENT. D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 2. Approved Warrant Numbers 2532220 to 2532531 on Register No. 12 in the total amount of $1,262,128.93 and Wire Transfers from 3/8/2003 through 3/21/2003 in the total amount of $1,055,127.25. Authorized staff to release. Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments; and wire transfers. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 2003 PAGE NO. 3 3. Approved City Council Meeting Minutes of March 18, 2003. 4. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK 5. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1358 adding Chapter 6B to Title 5 of the El Segundo Municipal Code ( "ESMC ") regulating tobacco retailers within the City of El Segundo. 6. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY THE MAYOR BY REQUEST OF THE PUBLIC 7. Approved amendment to Agreement Number 2999 with Gary V. Bufkin Consulting (GVBCC) to develop Web based integration that will allow simple City permits to be issued through the City website. Contract amendment not to exceed $15,000. Currently budgeted item. Authorized the City Manager to sign the amendment. 8. Authorized the City Manager to execute Agreement No. 3144 with HealthComp, as approved to form by the City Attorney, to administer the City's Flexible Benefits Plan. 9. Authorized the City Manager to execute a two -year renewal Agreement No. 3145 with PMI Dental Plan as approved to form by the City Attorney. 10. Authorized the City Manager to execute Agreement No. 3146 with AON Consulting, as approved to form by the City Attorney, for actuarial services. 11. Approved Tract Map No. 51109 at 1415 East Grand Avenue. 12. Adopted Resolution No. 4304 of the City Council of the City of El Segundo authorizing the City Manager to bid and award contracts for the equipment, supplies and services for the FY 2002/2003 revolving Equipment and Supplies Account, which had previously been approved in the 2002 -2003 Council budget. (Fiscal Impact $372,500) City Attorney announced that Council Member McDowell has a potential Conflict of Interest due to his consulting with Southern California Edison. 13. Approved License Agreement No. 3147 between Southern California Edison Company and the City of El Segundo to provide a pedestrian access walkway from Douglas Street to the Metro Green Line Station — Approved Capital Improvement Program. (Estimated Cost $11,616 for two (2) years). Authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City in a form approved by the City Attorney. Approved payment of 11,616 to Southern California Edison Company. 14. Approved First Amendment to Agreement No. 3095 with JCM Facilities Planning and Management for professional architectural services for the remodeling of Fire Station No. 1 — Approved Capital Improvement Program. (Fiscal Impact $18,000). Authorized the City Manager to sign the amendment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 2003 PAGE NO 4 15. Approved SPCA Contract No. 3148 for animal sheltering services. (Fiscal Impact $26,400). Authorized the City Manager to execute. 16. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCIL MEMBER WERNICK 17. Accepted a contribution totaling $500 from the 4th Annual Shelly McCarroll Miller Memorial Golf Tournament donated to the El Segundo Fire Department to assist with the refurbishment of the newly acquired Parade Rig. Authorized the City Manager to transfer the monies into the Fire Department's donations account. MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to approve consent agenda items 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17. 4/0. COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES ABSENT. COUNCIL MEMBER MCDOWELL ABSTAINING ON ITEM 13 DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce letter dated December 19, 2002, requesting that the City plan and implement the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting program. MOVED by Council Member Wernick, Seconded by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to approve the request of the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce for the City to plan and implement the City's Annual Holiday Tree Lighting program. Staff to return with the costs of obtaining a living tree. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0. COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES ABSENT. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a construction management services consultant as related to the Community Center project. Amount not to exceed $230,000. Currently within project budget, no additional appropriations required. MOVED by Council Member McDowell, SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to authorize staff to solicit proposals from qualified consultants to provide construction management services as related to the Community Center project. Amount not to exceed $230,000. Currently within project budget, no additional appropriations required. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: GORDON, JACOBS, MCDOWELL; NOES: WERNICK 311. COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES ABSENT 16. Consideration and possible action to accept in -kind cash contributions totaling $1,750 from Chevron Products Company ($1,000) and DirecTV ($750) donated to the El Segundo Fire Department in support of Super CPR Saturday, to be held June 7, 2003 for supplies, equipment, and other resources. Fiscal Impact - none MOVED by Council Member Wernick, SECONDED by Council Member McDowell to accept donation and authorize the City Manager to transfer the monies into the CPR General Fund account in -kind cash contributions totaling $1,750 from Chevron Products Company ($1,000) and DirecTV MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 2003 PAGE NO. 5 ($750) donated to the El Segundo Fire Department in support of Super CPR Saturday, to be held June 7, 2003 for supplies, equipment, and other resources. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0. COUNCIL MEMBER GAINES ABSENT F. NEW BUSINESS — G. REPORTS — CITY MANAGER — NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — NONE REPORTS — CITY CLERK J. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — NONE K. REPORTS — CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell — Spoke regarding Library programs and ROTC event. Council Member Wernick — Requested staff investigate the possibility of placing a yellow ribbon or bunting on the dias to show support of our troops. Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs — NONE Mayor Gordon — Requested the community show support for the men and women from our community who are serving in Iraq by becoming pen pals. He also spoke about El Segundo Night at the Staples Center. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have receive value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Joe Brandin, resident, spoke about the manner in which Council and Staff conduct business. MEMORIALS — Richard Owen Kellum and Jerry Walter, long time El Segundo Residents. CLOSED SESSION - None ADJOURNMENT at 8:00 P.M. Ci y Mo s n, C y Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 2003 PAGE NO 6