2002 JUL 03 CC MINMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 2002 — 7:15 A.M. HILTON GARDEN INN, MARIPOSA MEETING ROOM - 2100 EAST MARIPOSA AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 7 :15 A.M. SESSION CALL TO ORDER Mayor Gordon at 8:15 A.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Council Member Gaines - Present Council Member McDowell - Present Council Member Wernick - Present arrived at 9:40 A.M. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. Brian Crowley, resident, questioned the Fire Station 2 location and asked if the planned soccer fields were in the budget A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — Status Reports from Staff on Current Approved Projects: City Manager's Office: 1. LAX Administrative Services: 1. Combination In- house /Contracted Risk Manager split 2. Recreation Park computer network infrastructure 3. Prepare budget summary 4. Organize current Fixed Asset information and begin to collect information on City Infrastructure in preparation for GASB 34 5. Continuing interactive development of the El Segundo website City Clerk: 1. Development of a Records Retention Schedule - three departments in conjunction with Document Imaging Phase I Community, Economic & Development Services: 1. Downtown Development Financial Analysis 2. LA AFB SAMS Project 3. LA AFB Reuse Specific Plan 4. EIR for LA AFB Specific Plan 5. BID Formation Services 6. Multi- Department Intern Program 7. Preliminary Design Study for parking garage 8. Downtown Parking Garage Design Fire Department: 1. Fire Station No. 2 2. Self- Assessment 3. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Program 4. Fire Prevention Bureau Cadet Program Library: 1. Innopac Network Upgrade - Phase II 2. Sunday Hours 1 -5p.m Police Department: 1. School Drug Abuse Prevention Education Program 2. Police Officer Recruitment/Promotional Program Public Works: 1. Maintenance Facility Exhaust System 2. Water Main Replacement 3. Sewer Structures Lining 4. PD Air Conditioning 5. PD Heating Replacement 6. Various Sidewalk Construction 7. Duley Road Reconstruction 8. Sepulveda Blvd. Landscaping 9. Sepulveda Blvd. Signal Modifications 10. Sewer PS 4 (Kansas & Holly), 5 (Center & Oak) & 6 (Palm & California) Rehab 11. PS 16 (Holly & Eucalyptus) 12. Sewer Main Repair 13. Acacia Park Irrigation System 14. Library HVAC Replacement 2 Recreation & Parks: 1. Recreation Park Electrical Upgrades — Phase 2 2. Skateboard Park 3. Community Center 4. Washington Park (Freedom & Independence Parks) 5. Camp Eucalyptus 6. Janitorial Service at Urho Saari Swim Stadium 7. Urho Saari Swim Stadium Extended Hours (Sunday) Il. Strategic Planning Session to discuss and prioritize the following projects: City Manager's Office: 1. RSI Construction Management Contract Support 2. LAX Administrative Services: 1. City Hall Elevator 2. Streaming Video of City Council Meetings 3. Appraisal /Implementation Services for GASB # 34 4. Risk Management Enhancement Program Contract Services 5. Information Systems Project Management Consulting Support 6. AB990 Sales & Use Tax Implementation and Training Program 7. City wide Telephone Customer Service Training 8. Tuberculosis and Hepatitis B testing and inoculations Non Department: 1. Intern Program City Clerk-: 1. Outsourcing — integration of scanned documents into imaging and records management system 2. Opto -Mark System for ballot counting Community, Economic & Development Services: 1. Circulation Element Update 2. Downtown Construction and Mitigation Information Program 3. Permit Issuance over the City Website Fire Department: 1. Self- Assessment process 2. Fire Station No. 2 Police Department: 1. Update of Radio Frequencies - Consulting Services 2. Consulting Services for Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management System (RMS) 3. 9 -1 -1 for Kids 4. Records Scanning & Retention 5. Motorola Radio Maintenance Contract Renewal Public Works: 1. Annual Water Main Replacement 2. Street Lights - Nash Street - Park Place 3. Maintenance Facility Roof Structure 4. New Sidewalks 5. Street Improvements - 500 Block East Sycamore Ave 6. Sewer Pump Station No. 9 (Kansas & El Segundo) 7. Sewer Pump Station No. 1 (Acacia Park) 8. Storm Water Pump Station No. 16 (Holly & Eucalyptus) 9. Sewer Pump Station No. 7 (Palm & Virginia) 10. Sewer Pump Station No. 8 (Center & Franklin) 11. Annual Sewer Main Repair 12. Trash Receptacle Maintenance 13. Maintenance E.O.C. Telephone Equipment 14. Annual Maintenance of circulation, filtration and heating system at Urho Sarri Plunge 15. Annual Maintenance of 5 building sprinklers 16. Engineering Consultant 17. Project Inspector Consulting Services 18. GIS /Auto -CAD Implementation Consulting Services 19. GID /Auto -CAD Implementation part-time assistance (GIS) 20. Maintenance roll -up doors and gates at Police, Fire and City Maintenance 21. Scanning Existing Maps for GIS input and preservation of original map data 22. Water/Wastewater Telemetry 23. Storm Drain 300 Block Virginia 24. Lakes Parking Lot Landscaping 25. Recreation Park Water /Sewer Line Replacement. Recreation & Parks: 1. Aquatic Master Plan 2. Community Center 3. Recreation Parks Playgrounds Library: 1. Library Meeting Rooms 2. Library Sign on Main & Mariposa 4 Projects Considered by CIPAC but Not Recommended: 1. City Hall Window Replacement 2. Council Chambers Restoration 3. Recreation Park Horseshoe /Shuffleboard 4. Recreation Park Parking Lot 5. Storm Drain — Alley North of Grand Avenue 6. Storm Drain — Alley North of Holly Avenue 7. Storm Drain — 400 Block of Holly Avenue 8. Standby Generator — New Community Center 9. Flashing Red Lights — Main Street/Maple Avenue Council discussed and rated the projects. ADJOURNMENT at 11:30 A.M. Cindy Mo esen, City Clerk STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 City Manager's Office RSI Construction COMPLE- COST/ Staff will complete transition D.H. C.C. Management Contract TION FUNDING of RSI program PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY City Manager's Office RSI Construction 09103 $50,000 Staff will complete transition Management Contract of RSI program 5 5 Support administration into City Manager's Office. FY 02103 budget includes funding for temporary contract construction management support for Program Coordinator. Staff anticipates that services will be required for one year The contract will be aimed primarily at providing training for Program Coordinator position in meeting construction management requirements of RSI program. LAX 9102 $800,000 Covers expenses related to 5 5 for FY 01 -02 City's opposition to expansion of LAX. Provides funding for Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger and Urban Dimensions' response to LAX Master Plan EIRIEIS and potential litigation against LAX. Also provides funding for LAX Master Plan Advisory Committee (LAXMAC) and other activities that may be assigned by City Council Establish updated priorities and appropriate funding levels for LAX consultant team of Urban Dimensions, Shute, Mihaly & YVeinber, er, Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Continents column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. Jgl \s \MasterFile FY2002- 2003 /Proposed Projects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 1 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 39 2002 Administrative Services City Hall Elevator TION FUNDING The M W W Ciroup an PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Administrative Services City Hall Elevator U2-03 $175, OUO The M W W Ciroup an General Fund Cassidy Associates. Administrative Services City Hall Elevator U2-03 $175, OUO CIPAC Recommended General Fund Currently planned phase 3 of City Hall Improvements Streaming Video of 2- 03 W42,3V0___ StaJJ has connected tot the City Council Meetings General Fund Community Cable audio and 2 S recorded the June 19, 2002 Council Meeting. This program is hardware and software necessary to complete the next phase. ppraisa mp ementa- PT U2-U3 Government ccounting tion Services for GASB ])$20,000 Standards Board mandated 4 4 #34 General program. This funding is for Liability an infrastructure appraisal Fund and professional service 2)$20,000 assistance in implementation. General Fund Risk anagemenf PT U2-0 , lase 2 of'risk management Enhancement General Fund function created in FY 2001- 4 Transfer Program Contract 2002. Funding for budget Services professional assistance in this year implementing specific risk management programs and audits. n ormation Systems PT 02-03 Assist Information Systems Project Management General Fund Division with implementation S 5 Consulting Support of specific technology projects. ity, wide Teleph077e I-'Y 02-03 $7V, UNT CitY-wide training of city Customer Service General Fund employees on best procedures 3 1 '- aining in handling telephone calls and dealing with the public. Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Continents column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. Jgl \s WasterFile FY2002 2003 /Proposed Piojects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 2 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 Tuberculosis an d TION FUNDING ity -wi e testing. PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Tuberculosis an d FY 02-U3 $5,000 ity -wi e testing. 4 Staff re- Hepatitis B testing and General Fund available to all departments. turn to inoculations. FY2002 -2003 budget allows demons - Non Department Intern Program FY 02-U3 --All-City —Citywide intern program 4 Staff re- integration of scanned General Fund available to all departments. turn to documents into FY2002 -2003 budget allows demons - imaging and records funding up to $1 S, 000 in trate benefit to management system CEDS, Administrative Citv on ,S' Services, Fire, and Public level Works. *Ccty to complete the integration of Manager files into Questys Document proposed Imaging System. $40,000 City Clerk utsourcing — FY 02-0 --All-City Council Minutes an integration of scanned General Fund Ordinances (from 1917 to documents into present) have been scanned imaging and records into TIFF format. $10,000 management system was budgeted in FY 01 -02 for archiving existing files. $10,000 is requested this FY to complete the integration of files into Questys Document Imaging System. pto- arc ystem or _- By 2004 the County of os ballot counting General Fund Angeles will be forced to *It presently convert from the punch style costs the City ballots to another approved $3, 000 per system. The County election to Registrar /Recorder has stated rent a ballot she anticipates using the counter/ Opto -Mark system for all operator from absentee ballots. It is our election important to maintain Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s V%Aastei File FY2002 -2003 /Proposed Projects (Final kily 3, 2002) Page 3 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 City Treasurer None Community, Economic & Development Services Circulation EZement Update TION FUNDING continuity oy ballot systems PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY City Treasurer None Community, Economic & Development Services Circulation EZement Update - supplier. In continuity oy ballot systems owntown Multi-Year addition, with County elections in order Construction and $4,200 is to create less confusion for Mitigation Information available in voters. Program the equipment construction. Permit Issuance over P'Y 02-03 replacement Executive Technolog.vReview the City Website budget for the Committee Project. (Allows purchase of a the public to obtain simple ballot building related permits). counter. City Treasurer None Community, Economic & Development Services Circulation EZement Update - General Fund Redo Circulation Element as directed by City Council. owntown Multi-Year funding roc ures, meetings, Construction and General Fund presentations, renderings, for Mitigation Information General Fund meeting on Downtown Program construction. Permit Issuance over P'Y 02-03 $40,0001 Executive Technolog.vReview the City Website General Fund Committee Project. (Allows the public to obtain simple building related permits). Fire Dept. e - ssessinent Ongoing Continued Continue working with the process funding Firefighter's Association and $10,000 other Departments on the General Fund Self- Assessment and Accreditation process which includes S year Strategic plan and a (RHAVE) risk hazard anrd value evaluation. Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s WasterFile F)'2002 -2003 /Proposed Projects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 4 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 ire Station No 2 TION FUNDING CIPAC Recomiriended PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY ire Station No 2 Unknown $250, OUO CIPAC Recomiriended Frequencies — General Fund CIPAChas an updated Consulting Services Forfeiture estimate of $4,100,000 with a Consulting Services 18 Months Fund total allocated through for Computer Aided Asset September 30, 2001 is Dispatch (CAD) and 2- Forfeiture $2, 091, 300. Police Dept. Update o a io - $30, UOU / Executive TechnologyReview Frequencies — Asset Committee Project Consulting Services Forfeiture 2000 -2001. Consulting Services 18 Months Fund Executive TechnologyReview for Computer Aided Asset Committee Project Dispatch (CAD) and 2- Forfeiture Recommendation cords Management Funds System (RMS) Gas Tax - 1 -1 Jor Kids - Recommendation 7 -)of Structure General Fund Records Scannina & FY 02-03 Retention otoro a a io 1,1'02-03 M, 000 Maintenance Contract Renewal Public Works Annual Water Main - U3 $30, UOU / Perjund balance policy Replacement Infrastructure adopted by Council in FY Replacement 2000 -2001. Fund $600, 000 total Street Lights — as z 2- Recommendation Street — Park Place General Fund Gas Tax aintenance Facilz ty - Recommendation 7 -)of Structure General Fund Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. Jgl \s Wasleffile FY2002 2003 /Proposed PioJects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 5 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 New Sidewalks TION FUNDING ecommen at>on PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY New Sidewalks FY 02-03 ecommen at>on Gas Tax Street Improvements — FY 02-03 ecommen atlon 500 Block East Gas Tax Sycamore Ave Sewer Pump Station FY 02-03 Recommendation No. 9 (Kansas & El 1. $30,0001 Segundo) General Fund 02 -03 IRF 2. $35,000 allocated to date 3. $605,000 future year wer Pump Station FY 02-03 Recommendation No. 1 (Acacia Park) 1.$30,0001 General Fund 02 -03 IRF 2. $35,000 allocated to date 3. $605,000 future year Storm Water Pump PT 02-0,5 Recommendation Station No. 16 (Holly Infrastructure & Eucalyptus) Replacement Fund Sewer Pump tataon FY 02-03 J, 000 CIPAC Recommendation No. 7 (Palm & Infrastructure Virginia) Replacement Fund Sewer Pump Station FY 02-03 _ , ecommen ation No 8 (Center & Infrastructure '-anklin) Replacement Fund Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. Jgl \s WasterFile F)'2002 -2003 /Proposed Piojects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 6 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s Wastei File FY2002 -2003 /Proposed Projects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 7 of 10 TION FUNDING PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s Wastei File FY2002 -2003 /Proposed Projects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 7 of 10 Annual ewer Main FY 02-03 Recommendation Repair Infrastructure Replacement Trash Receptacle Annual Maintenance General Fund Annually. One time donation for $70,000 purchase plus $30,000 for annual pick up cost. aintenance E. 0. C7— :lephone Equipment General Fund Annual Annual Maintenance Annual of circulation, General Fund filtration and heating Annually system at Urho Sarri Plunge Annual Maintenance nnua J of 5 building General Fund sprinklers Annually Engineering PT U2-UJ 3 Consultant General Fund Project Inspector FY 02-0 S 7 Consulting Services General Fund UlSlAuto-CAD 02-03 Implementation Through General Fund Consulting Services FY 04 -05 Annually for 3 Years uto- CAD 1-T 02-03 M, 0 U0__ lmpleMentatI071 part- General Fund time assistance (GIS) Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s Wastei File FY2002 -2003 /Proposed Projects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 7 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 Maintenance roll-up TION FUNDING econunen at>on PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY Maintenance roll-up Annual $1,500 econunen at>on 3 _ doors and gates at General Fund Funds to develop a Police, Fire and Cats Annually comprehensive plan to Maintenance address infrastructure issues Scanning Existing FY 02-03 at the Urho Saari Swim Maps for GIS input General Fund Stadium and develop and preservation of Annually community consensus on original map data uses for the Acacia and WaterlWastewater FY 02-03 Recommendation Telemetry FY02-03 General Fund CIPAC Recommendation � Storm Drain 300 FY 02-03 General Fund Recommendation Block Virginia General Fund Lakes Parking Lot FY 02-03 _ ecommen ation T andscapaiag General Fund Renovate irrigation and landscaping in the overflow parking lot (adjacent to Sepulveda) and the slope area along Sepulveda between the golf course fence and the sidelivalk. Recreation Park - ecommen ataon Water /Sewer Lane General Fund Replacement Recreation & Parks Aquatic Master Plan P'Y U2-UJ S212,JUO econunen at>on General Fund Funds to develop a comprehensive plan to address infrastructure issues at the Urho Saari Swim Stadium and develop community consensus on uses for the Acacia and Hilltop Park outdoor pools. �mmunaty enter FY02-03 CIPAC Recommendation � General Fund Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Continents column. Priority rard6ngs are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s Wastei File F)'2002 -2003 /Proposed Piojects (Final iuly 3, 2002) Page 8 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 .Recreation Parks TION FUNDING Recommendation. PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY .Recreation Parks e.- Recommendation. Playgrounds General Fund Requested more $ than this (Includes for replacement of the two $60,000 from playgrounds at Recreation Library Park after demo of the Developer Clubhouse. Library i raty eeting FY 02-03 ecommen claw on Rooms General Fund Phase I: Convert existing (Includes periodical storage area on $60,000 from north side of building (900 Library sgft.) into three (3) small Developer study /meeting rooms for Fees) students, adults, and staff. Phase H. Renovate staff office areas (600 sq ft.) on the west side of the main floor to create a functional shipping /receiving area and ease overcrowded conditions• a racy tgn on aan FY 02-03 S apita ut ay Request _ & Mariposa Public Current library sign does not Library Trust have high visibility or attract Fund potential visitors from traffic along Main St. A changeable sign with an attractive brick border placed on the northwest corner of Main & Mariposa would be visible to 4 -way traffic and have the capability to advertise library hours and programs to the community Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s WasterFile F)'2002 -2003 /Proposed Piojects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 9 of 10 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2002 -2003 JULY 3, 2002 The following projects were not recommended for funding from the General Fund /Gas Tax in 2002 -2003 by the Capital hnprovement Program Advisory Committee: City Halt Window TION FUNDING below the PRI- PRI- PROJECT DATE SOURCE COMMENTS ORITY ORITY The following projects were not recommended for funding from the General Fund /Gas Tax in 2002 -2003 by the Capital hnprovement Program Advisory Committee: City Halt Window Statf $132,000 below the Replacement recommend $70,000 million line. hold No prior allocation. Council iam ers Staff S188,000 CIPAC below the $1.5 of Restoration recommend No prior million line. ranked hold allocation. Recreation Park Staff below the of Horseshoe /Shuffleboard recommend No prior million line. ranked hold allocation. ecreation Park ar ing Staff CIPAC below the t recommend (current year) million line. hold No prior allocation. rain - ey to below the of North of Grand Avenue recommend (fitture years) million line. ranked hold No prior allocation. Storm Drain - ey to below the of North of Holly Avenue recommend (future years) million line. ranked hold No prior allocation. Stoma Drain - 400 Staff below the of Block of Holly Avenue recommend (future years) million line. ranked hold No prior allocation. Standby Generator - Staff below the of New Community Center recommend (future years) million line. ranked hold No prior allocation. Flashing Red Lights - Sta below the $1.5 of Main Street /Maple recommend Gas Tax million line. ranked ' -enue hold Newly Proposed Projects in Italics. Notation of CIPAC projects in Comments column. Priority rankings are from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest priority. jgl \s MasteiHe FY2002 <003 /Piopowd Projects (Final July 3, 2002) Page 10 of 10