8F. NEW BUSINESS — 22. Ordinance No. 1320, which established storm water and urban runoff pollution prevention controls, requires modification to meet the recently approved Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) requirements. (No fiscal impact). City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1329 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDOM CALIFORNIA, IMPLEMENTING THE STANDARD URBAN STORM WATER MITIGATION PLAN OF THE CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD FOR THE LOS ANGELES REGION BY AMENDING THE EL SEGUNO MUNICIPAL CODE TO REPEAL CHAPTER 6.28 AND ENACT A NEW CHAPTER 6/28, "STANDARD URBAN STORM WATER MITIGATION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ". Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs introduced the Ordinance. G. REPORTS - CITY MANAGER - NONE H. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY - NONE I. REPORTS - CITY CLERK - NONE J. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER - NONE K. REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member McDowell - Wished everyone a happy holiday. Council Member Gaines - Reported on electrical power situation. Council Member Wernick - Reported on LAX Advisory Committee meeting. Mayor Pro Tern Jacobs - Wished everyone in the community a very happy holiday season. - Mayor Gordon - 23. Request for variances from the Municipal Code. a) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and waiver of regulations in ESMC Section 20.74.040; MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 19, 2000 PAGE NO 7