1998 MAY 30 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1998 - 9:00 A.M. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Gordon at 9:00 A.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember John Gaineti ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Councilmember Wernick - Present Councilmember Gaines - Present Councilmember McDowell - Pi esent PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) individuals addressed Council Mayor Gordon made reference to the "urban forest" article in a recent issue of the Dally Breeze and announced that because of the Issues and the potential concern in the community, the issue will not be considered. It was the consensus of Council not to review this recommendation at the present time. Council will not pro«de easernents to fly over El Segundo or use condenination ol' property for L-AX. Liz Garnolz discussed river about urban forest. Stated she was against H Segundo taking any monev from LAS. 2. Peggy Terrell, concurs with Ms. Garnliolz. 3. Mark Rener also concurs and expressed his desire to get on with the budget. 4. Dorothy Kent opposes any expansion of LAX. Suggests that tie surplus be spent to loan money to people to soundproof their homes. 5. Brian O'Rourke concurs with previous speakers. G. Loretta Frye also concerned about urban forest and the expense. 7. Terry O'Brien expressed her concern and opposition to FedEx. 8. Frank Wong voiced concerns about eminent domain, cancer risks and diesel exhaust from LAX and demonstrated iron oxide that he collected in town. 9. Tern, O'Brien spoke about the recent newspaper au ticle on diabetes. 1 10. Liz Garnholz questioned why Aerospace study was never performed. 11. Loretta Frye restated her concerns for surplus money to be spent on diabetes research and helping the elderly. 12. Mark Rener spoke about beautification program and would like an extra tree for his front yard. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - 1. Workshop Discussion of FY 98/99 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan. Discussions noted particularly the following departments: City Council - Only increase is meeting and travel to provide for meetings for the new members. City Treasurer - Part -time temporary position to be increased to permanent. Sewer Assessment District services contract fee from Treasurer's office should be transferred to the 202 Fund Account. City Clerk - Increase of one staff person to integrate contracts and insurance coverage. City Manager - No change. Economic Development - Increase of $62,000 in the media plan, including the interactive media, and the discontinuance of outdoor media. Time needs to be spent on working and deciding on expenses for the downtown revitalization. Need to make a decision on insuring integrity of the website. City Attorney - No changes. There was a request for a complete breakout of categories for the Liability Insurance and Worker's Compensation Funds. Human Resources - Proposes changes: (1) Reception to be 2 part -time persons with prorated benefits; (2) office specialist be increased to trill time; (3) increased costs in professional /technical and training and education. Finance - Based on recommendations of outside consultant, stalling levels to be increased by 3 Positions and includes part of the non - department budget regarding the information systems transfers. On non- departinental an error on page L-4 the item under Account 6405 of $62,500 to be deleted and the other numbers to be revised throughout the budget. 2 RECESS AT 11:25 a.m. RECONVENE AT 11 :50 a.m. ALL MEMBERS PRESENT Nondepartment - Some items transferred to Finance budget. ROAD includes $10,000 in non - departrnent and $10,000 in Asset Forfeiture. ROAD will be asked to make a presentation to Council about their programs and budget at the June 16th meeting. Councilmember Gaines expressed the observation that instead of a full time MIS position die City might be better off contracting out for the integration of the MIS system. He asked that a plan prior to the budget adoption be presented to Council. Councihnenhbers Gaines and McDowell were appointed as a Council subcommittee to look at the program for the information technology system with a look to the future. Council determined to extend die meeting 30 minutes and pick up 30 minutes on June 2, 1998 inasmuch as the meeting was running one hour behind schedule. Police (& Asset Forfeiture) - Requested an increase in civilian stalling for the communications center. Mayor Gordon feels that we should look to validate to the public our line police and lire services in marketing activities and suggested it might come through die City Manager or Economic Development departments. Fire - Councilmember Gaines expressed his personal concern in moving forward to having a new Fire Station 2. The City Manager expressed areas where funding sources will be available. Tile Mayor and Concilmeinber Gaines feel some of the surplus should be set aside for the remainder costs for Fire No. 2. Staff to prepare a plan on when the allocation and funding needs to be budgeted. It was the consensus of Council for Stall to move forward with preparation of a RFP to engage an architect for a preliminary plan. Recreation & Parks (+ Assoc. Rec. Activities & Props. A/C) - Mr. Fauk noted changes on page 0 -4 under Program Administrator to be changed to Administrative Analyst and salary to be part -time at $18,000. Page 0 -9 increase of $8,000 to do in -house irrigation replacement. Page 0 -14 includes the addition of a part-time Office Specialist and other part -time employees. Page 0 -17 includes a part -time afternoon pool manager and energy savings equipment replacement. 0 -27 consolidate Juvenile Diversion funds be transferred to the Teen Center under tie supervision of the Teen Center Supervisor. Cable T`' upgrade increases. Mr. Fauk suggested that Joslyn Center be opened on Thursday evenings. It requires part -time salary of $2,000. Prop. A, M�ACYX has a capital expenditure of $20,000 not previously in tie budget as the City's share for equipment update and replacement. Councilmember Gaines expressed desire that die High School Auditorium be a draw to die downtown revitalization as well as a joint use with die City and School District. The Recreation Department and Jim Fauk will start the public hearing on June 2, 1998. Mayor Gordon asked Mr. Fauk to look into addressing the issue of more field availability, expanded cable programming, the skateboard park for teenagers and repairs at Park Vista. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 1:40 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., JUNE 2, 1998 Marlene Baker, acting City Clerk 4