1998 MAY 05 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. Next Resolution # 4056 Next Ordinance # 1286 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Gordon at 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION - Linda Barentine, Elder, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Jacobs PRESENTATIONS - 1. Proclamation declaring Saturday, May 9, 1998 as "FIRE SERVICE DAY" in the City of El Segundo, encouraging all citizens to visit Fire Station #1 during its Open House between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on that day, and inviting all residents to participate in the Fire Station's Pancake Breakfast between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Councilmember McDowell presented the Proclamation to Eric Cadden, Fire Inspector. 2. Proclamation declaring the month of May "OLDER AMERICANS MONTH ", recognizing Donna McCarthy as the 1998 E1 Segundo Senior Citizen of the Year, and inviting all residents to participate in the Elderfest Celebration on May 16, 1998. Councilmember Wernick presented the Proclamation to Donna McCarthy Senior Citizen of the Year. ROLL CALL Mayor Gordon - Present Mayor ProTem Jacobs - Present Councilmember Wernick - Present Councilmember Gaines - Present Councilmember McDowell - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their, employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. Six (6) individuals addressed Council. 1 1. Bill Mason, President, Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber is joining with the City to oppose the changing of the 310 area code. 2. Liz Garnholtz, resident; requested to speak on item 11 on the consent agenda. 3. Loretta Frye, resident; spoke regarding Planning Commission meeting minutes and their availability. 4. Presentation by Sue Carter on behalf of Friends of the E1 Segundo Public Library and the El Segundo PTA Association with respect to their BUCKS FOR BOOKS fundraising program to secure sufficient books for all four public school libraries. Barbara Briney, representing PTA, supported the BUCK FOR BOOKS drive. 5. Presentation to City Council by President Elect Curtis Brown, Jr. of the California Parks and Recreation Society, of its 1997 Media Communications Award for the first place video entitled "E1 Segundo Teen Center, Investing in Tomorrow's Community Through Today's Youth ". Mr. Brown presented Mayor Gordon with the award and recognized Jeff Trujillo and the Cable Department. 6. Tom Ghast, Ralphs Grocery Company, announced the closing of the Ralphs store on Grand Avenue within the next 30 days. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS 1. Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOVED by Councilmember Wernick SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Jacobs to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - 1. Environmental Assessment 430 (EA -430) and Development Agreement 98 -1 (DA 98 -1) for the Grand Avenue Corporate Center. Address: 151 -555 North Nash Street. Applicant: MS Vicker II, LLC - (Mr. Greg Galusha for Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund, Inc.). E Mayor Gordon stated that this is the time and place hereto fixed for a continued Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment 430 (EA- 430) and Development Agreement 98 -1 (DA 98 -1) for the Grand Avenue Corporate Center. Address: 151 -555 North Nash Street. Applicant: MS Vicker II, LLC - (Mr. Greg Galusha for Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund, Inc.). He asked if proper notice was done and if any written communications had been received. Clerk Mortesen, stated that proper noticing was done and no written communication had been received. Potential Conflicts of Interest were announced by City Attorney Mark Hensley. Pursuant to the "Rule of Necessity" from the Political Reform Act Mr. Hensley had Mayor Gordon, Councilmembers Gaines, and Wernick draw straws to determine which Councilmember could participate in the public hearing. Mayor Gordon drew the long straw to participate. Councilmembers Wernick and Gaines left the dais at 7:40 P.M. Laurie Jester, Senior Planner gave a brief staff report. Nine (9) individuals addressed Council Consent Item No. 11 was pulled for discussion with this item. 1. Peggy Terill, Resident; stated her objection to alcohol being served in the ice rink area. 2. Liz Garnholtz, resident; stated her objections to the recreation facilities. 3. Mark Renner, resident; stated his objections to the recreation facilities. 4. Gert Vagley, resident; questioned if this project is in the interest of E1 Segundo. 5. Loretta Frye, resident; stated her objections to alcohol being served in the recreation facilities. Mark Hensley, City Attorney, stated that the Development Agreement is what is before the Council tonight. The CUP for the Sports Facilities was approved by the Planning Commission and is not before the Council tonight. The alcohol license issue, consent item number 11, is whether or not the Council will protest the issuance of an ABC License. 6. Frank Wong, resident; spoke regarding the issuance of an AUP for alcohol sales. 3 7. Greg Galousha, representing the Grand Avenue Development, stated the process and said he was available for questions. 8. Dave and Shane Sieminski, resident, spoke in favor of the project and stated that any recreation facilities would benefit our community. Council consensus to close the public hearing. City Attorney Mark Hensley read the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. DA 98 -1 FOR THE GRAND AVENUE CORPORATE CENTER AND ADOPTING FINDINS IN SUPPORT THEREOF Mayor Pro -Tem Jacobs introduced the Ordinance. PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA LATER IN THE MEETING 11. New Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses for on -site sale and consumption of alcohol for: A) Beer, wine, and liquor for a restaurant at a sports training /recreational facility; B) Beer, wine and liquor for two hotels and restaurants; and, C) Beer, wine and spirits for two hotels self - service in -room bars. MOVED by Councilmember McDowell SECONDED by Mayor Pro -Tem Jacobs, not to protest the issuance of the new ABC License. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS, AND COUNCILMEMBER MCDOWELL. NOES: NONE. NOT - PARTICIPATING: COUNCILMEMBERS WERNICK AND GAINES. 3/0/2 MOVED by Mayor Pro -Tem Jacobs SECONDED by Councilmember McDowell to schedule May 19, 1998 for the second reading and adoption of the Ordinance and Adoption of a Resolution for the Mitigated Negative Declaration. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS, AND COUNCILMEMBER MCDOWELL. NOES: NONE. NOT - PARTICIPATING: COUNCILMEMBERS WERNICK AND GAINES. 3/0/2 m C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE 4 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. Review of current status of recruitment for candidates for all committees /commissions /boards (GCB's). Council rescheduled the date of the interviews to June 9, 1998 at 6:00 P.M. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Numbers 246792 - 247040 on Demand Register Summary Number 22 in total amount of $278,019.76, Warrant Numbers 247068- 247109 on Demand Register Summary Number 23 in total amount of $256,577.45, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $183,394.73. 2. City Council meeting minutes of April 21 and April 28, 1998. 3. Request by All Yellow Taxi, Inc. to obtain a business permit to operate (pick -up fare) in the City of El Segundo. 4. Award of Contract No. 2600 for the Recodification of the Municipal Code (estimated cost = $18,600) to Sterling Codifiers. 5. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMEMBER WERNICK 7. Acceptance of the replacement of playground equipment in Sycamore Park - Project No. 97 -18 (final contract amount = $39,206.00). 8. Acceptance of the replacement of water lines, 1996 -97 at various locations - Specifications No. PW 96 -10 (final contract amount = $500,252.03). 9. Acceptance of the trench less rehabilitation of the 12" City sewer main in easement west of Main Street between Oak Avenue and Maple Avenue - Project No. PW 97 -19 (final contract amount = $75,218.75). 10. Proposed revisions to Park Maintenance Worker I /II and Park Maintenance Supervisor class specifications. 5 11. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION EARLIER IN THE MEETING MOVED by Councilmember McDowell SECONDED by Councilmember Gaines to approve consent items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 5. Report by the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce with respect to the dissolution of DESI and the transfer of leftover monies to the Chamber to be used to cover staff costs related to the administration of the DESI Program. Councilmember McDowell Not - Participating MOVED by Councilmember Wernick SECONDED by Mayor Pro -Tem Jacobs to receive and file. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS, COUNCILMEMBERS WERNICK AND GAINES. NOES: NONE. NOT - PARTICIPATING: COUNCILMEMBER MCDOWELL. 4/0/1 Councilmember Wernick requested that the Chamber provide reports on Downtown activities in the future. F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - 1. Presentation of Revised General Fund Long Range Forecast and General Budget Assumptions Used in Compiling Preliminary Budget for FY 98 -99. Eunice Kramer, Director of Finance, made the presentation. 2. Proposal to proceed with the Public Safety Communications Center project by selecting a site location and entering into a contract with WMM Associates for architectural services in the amount of $175,000 from Asset Forfeiture. Tim Grimmond, Chief of Police, gave a brief staff report. Steve Wiley, WMM stated that the park site would be completed in a shorter period of time. MOVED by Councilmember Gaines SECONDED by Councilmember McDowell to select the site location of the Civic Center, rear of the Police Station, and to approve Contract No. 2601 with WMM Associates for architectural services for the Public Safety Communications Center project, not to exceed $175,000 from Assets Forfeiture. MOTION PASSED BY UNANAIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/1 6 Councilmember Wernick stated she was in favor of contracting with the architects, and directing Staff to develop a parking plan for City Hall, Police Station and Fire Station. G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE J. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McDowell - NONE Councilmember Gaines - Spoke regarding the FAA meeting. - Councilmember Wernick - Spoke regarding the heavy equipment and trucks on City Streets. Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs - NONE Mayor Gordon - 1. Alternate Water Supply Options and Proposal for Preliminary Design Study - Well Number 13. Fiscal impact: $283,500.00. MOVED by Mayor Pro -Tem Jacobs SECONDED by Councilmember Gaines to approve Contract No. 2602 with Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates for preliminary design study, not to exceed $283,500.00. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 2. Council consideration to allow the public to request copies of legal bills for closed cases. City Attorney Hensley stated there would be situations where the Council would need to review the release of bill for particular cases. MOVED by Councilmember Gaines SECONDED by Councilmember McDowell to allow the public to request copies of legal bills for closed cases excepting disclosures of personnel information and information which would violate privacy rights. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: MAYOR GORDON, COUNCILMEMBERS WERNICK, GAINES AND MCDOWELL NOES: MAYOR PROTEM JACOBS. 4/1 MOVED by Councilmember McDowell SECONDED by Councilmember Gaines to approve the following appointments. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 7 3. Assignment to Boards, Commissions, Committees and subcommittees. Subcommittee Members Airport Business /City: Environmental Affairs: Golf Course: Revenue Enhancement: Mike Gordon, Sandy Jacobs Nancy Wernick All Councilmembers Nancy Wernick Mike Gordon John Gaines John Gaines Kelly McDowell School /City Affairs: Mike Gordon Sandy Jacobs Downtown Business Coordinator All Councilmembers El Segundo Safety and Noise Nancy Wernick Kelly McDowell Abatement Committee Hyperion Citizens Committee: Kelly Nancy Independent Cities Association ICRMA Kelly ICLFA Kelly (Staff Alternate: Finance Director McDowell Mike Gordon Wernick McDowell Nancy Wernick McDowell Nancy Wernick Eunice Kramer) Juvenile Diversion Project Nancy Wernick John Gaines League of California Cities and City Selection Committee LAX /DOA Advisory Committee Kelly McDowell Sandy Jacobs Kelly McDowell Nancy Wernick John Gaines Los Angeles County Sanitation District Board of Directors Mayor Gordon Sandy Jacobs MAX (Municipal Area Express) John Gaines Nancy Wernick ROAD Mike Gordon John Gaines 8 Santa Monica Bay Restoration Plan South Bay Cities Council of Governments South Bay Regional Public Communications Authority (SBRPCA)RCC Southern California Cities Joint Powers Consortium West Basin Water ASSN South Bay Econ. Devel. Park Vista FAA Task Force Nancy Wernick Sandy Jacobs Sandy Jacobs All Councilmembers Mike Gordon Sandy Jacobs John Gaines Mike Gordon Kelly McDowell Mike Gordon Sandy Jacobs Mike Gordon Mike Gordon John Gaines John Gaines Sandy Jacobs Agendize for the next meeting, Councilmember Wernick; Discussion of the Policy Book, annual General Plan revisions, posting of truck routes and weight limitations Mayor Gordon; trees and impact of sidewalks, postmaster to answer to mail complaints, the subsidy of water bills, traffic circulation. He also spoke regarding the FAA task force meeting. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. Liz Garnholtz, resident, addressed Airport matters. ADJOURNMENT at 10:20 P.M. to May 19, 1998, 5:00 P.M. Cindy �k,-4 esen, City Clerk