WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1996 - 6:00 P.M.
CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobs at 6:05 p.m.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Weston
Mayor Jacobs -
Mayor ProTem Wemick -
Councilwoman Friedkin -
Councilman Weston -
Councilman Gordon -
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) - NONE
Workshop Discussion of FY 96/97 Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital
Improvement Plan.
Mayor Jacobs announced this was a workshop discussion of Fiscal Year 1996/1997
Preliminary Budget and Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan.
Discussion on the following department's budgets with the department head or
representatives giving a brief overview of their preliminary budget.
Human Resources:
Mayor ProTem Wemick asked if additional training costs for Disaster Training was included
under training and education; City Manager Morrison responded it was located in the Fire
Department's budget, and that the training was soft costs.
Councilman Weston questioned whether they were still doing a video with Community Cable;
Mr. Hyland responded they plan on having it completed by Labor Day.
Police (including Asset Forfeiture):
Mayor ProTem Wernick asked whether the Photo Officer position was replaced by the Crime
Scene position; Chief Grimmond responded it was.
Councilwoman Friedkin asked what process was followed in hiring police officers; Chief
Grimmond stated they recruit from the surrounding area, from the academy, and lateral police
City Council Minutes
May 20, 1996 6:00 pm
Recreation and Park (Including transit funded and ARA fund proarams):
Mayor ProTem Wemick stated when groups use the Middle School problems occur. She
asked if staff could arrange for someone to be there at that time to tum out the lights and
watch the facility; Mr. Fauk responded they would arrange for that.
RECESS at 8:06 p.m.
RECONVENED at 8:25 p.m.
ROLL CALL all City Councilmembers present.
Golf Course:
Mayor ProTem Wemick stated that the Southem Califomia Edison's right -of -way expenditure
was the highest she had ever seen; City Manager Morrison presented a report on the history
of the golf course project. She then asked whether the salary increases for the Golf Course
staff was included in the budget, and where it was located.
Mr. Schikler, Golf Course Management, presented a report on the expenditures and revenues
stating this year the profit would be $1.1 million. Also, the salary increases were located in
the budget under salaries which ranged from .15 to .75 cents and 8% to 12% increases.
Councilman Weston felt it would more fair to do both the Golf Course and City staffs salary
adjustments together in the future. He questioned the status of the Fichus trees which were
being donated; Mr. Fauk responded that staff found a problem with removing and planting the
trees due to the roots, and Mr. Schickler stated it would be nice to place the trees by the
fence by Sepulveda, but they were not looking at doing that due to the widening of Sepulveda.
He stated they would be looking at beautifying that location in the future, but not as a priority.
Public Works/Water Fund:
Councilman Weston questioned why the City was paying for its own water but not charging
the School District; City Clerk Mortesen responded that it was through a minute order a long
time ago. He requested a copy of the minutes from that meeting.
Equipment Replacement Fund, Liability and Workers Compensation, and Nondepartment:
Eunice Kramer briefly explained each of these items; Council had no questions.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) - NONE
ADJOURNED at 9:55 p.m. to June 4, 1996 at 5:00 p.m.
L ra Freeman,
Deputy City Clerk
2 City Council Minutes
May 20, 1996 6:00 pm